Akaza of U.A High (BNHA X MAL...

By Kyoblazing27

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(Y/N) is the son of the former number 4 hero hakuji akaza or better known as the martial arts hero skirmisher... More

(Y/N) Bio
Chapter 1 : Late
Chapter 2 : Explosive shockwaves
chapter 3: Nice to see you too
chapter 4: class rep
chapter 5: The real deal
Chapter 6 : The Symbol of peace
Chapter 7 : Declaration
chapter 8 : The first Years
chapter 9 : calvary
Chapter 10 : Round 1 Fight!
Chapter 11 : Battle of rivals
Chapter 12 : Try your best
Chapter 13 : Double date ?
Chapter 14 : Hero names
Chapter 15: snacks thought me
Chapter 16 : It just would be you
Chapter 17: Creative Shockwaves
🎥 Chapter 18 : Two heroes part 1 🎥
🎥 Chapter 19 : Two heroes part 2 🎥
Chapter 21: Aizawa's Boot camp
Chapter 22: Vanguard's Assault
Chapter 23: Rescue
Chapter 24: Dorms
Chapter 25: New moves
Chapter 26: Challenge from the swordsman
Chapter 27: New gear and new battles
Chapter 28: Waiting
Chapter 29: Waiting for a whale
Chapter 30: Going all out
Chapter 31: Little birdie
Chapter 32 : disturbance
Chapter 33: The third years
Chapter 34: Your kidding right ?
Chapter 35: New Faces
Chapter 36: Battle royal
Chapter 37: Team exercise
Chapter 38: Ready up
Chapter 39: The new enemy
Chapter 40 : Reason for going
Chapter 41: Battle on
Chapter 42: Promise
Chapter 43: Reunion
Chapter 44: I'm no Shakespeare
Chapter 45: Well that's not good
Chapter 46: Here comes the festival
Chapter 47: Something dark is coming
Chapter 48: All for some rope
Chapter 49: A Determined Criminal
Chapter 50: The past always catches up
Chapter 51: Festivities
Chapter 52: Hero Ranking
Chapter 53: If only i had wings
Chapter 54: His start
Chapter 55: 🎥 Heroes Rising part 1 🎥
Chapter 56: 🎥 Heroes Rising Part 2 🎥
Chapter 56: 🎥 Heroes Rising Part 3 🎥
Chapter: 57 🎥 Heroes Rising Part 4 🎥
Chapter 58: 🎥 Heroes Rising Part 5 🎥
Chapter 59: 🎥 Heroes Rising Part 6 🎥
Chapter 60: Back To School
Chapter 61: Regnite
Chapter 62 : Windy Shockwaves
Chapter 63 : Fight On
Chapter 64 : Battle Rages On
Chapter 65: Jealousy
Chapter 66: Visitors
Chapter 67: Hawk's Nest

Chapter 20: Not some holiday

1.4K 30 7
By Kyoblazing27

With the first semester over the heroes in training have summer vacation but with a training camp in the woods coming up it leaves them with no time for relaxation

In he's bed lays a sleeping (Y/N)

Beep beep

(Y/N): mmm

A sleepy (Y/N) sits up and rubs he's eye trying to get rid of the sleepiness he looks at he's phone to see a message from Midoriya

(Y/N): hmph endurance training well it's either that or having the old man make me wash windows

With he's decision made he heads off to UA when he arrives at the pool he greets everyone that was there

A few moments after he arrived kaminari and mineta came rushing out

Ida: There you are slow pokes

The two go sliding past Ida face first to the ground

Mineta: No no what are you guys doing here

(Y/N): What do you mean what are we doing here ? Midoriya sent us all the same message

Midoriya: Yeah since we're doing endurance training at the pool I messaged everyone to see if they wanted to come with us

Kaminari and mineta begin to speak in a whisper

They look to the girls and are disappointed that they aren't in bikinis

Ida: kaminari, mineta I'm proud of you for suggesting more training your an asset to our class

(Y/N): Wait they suggested it

(Y/N) then looks in the direction they were facing and sees the girls

(Y/N): Yeah training that's definitely why they suggested it

Ida then drags the two back to the rest of the boys while the girls begin to play volleyball in the pool

After training for a bit Ida suggested the boys take a 15 minute break he also handed out some orange juice to everyone

Everyone then follows Ida's instructions and they all sit down and begin speaking to one another

Midoriya tells Ida that he'll be working harder from now on and after he said that we'll a certain someone had something to say

Bakugo: You better the next time I bet you I want you to be at you strongest you danm nerd !

He says marching towards midoriya until (Y/N) walks in between them

Bakugo: Out the way half faced basketball !

(Y/N): Okay but only after you answer my question

Bakugo: Ugh

(Y/N) inhales and gets ready to ask he's question

(Y/N): Why do you never challenge me  ? I mean I thought we were bros katsuki

He says in a despair as he begins to tear up

Bakugo: Uh what the hell is wrong with you !

Ida: Actually why don't we make this training a contest

He then raises he's hand to get everyone's attention

Ida: Hey everyone why don't we see which one of the boys can swim 15 metres the fastest a friendly race

Kaminari: Yeah

Sero: That sounds fun

Sato: Let's do it

Momo: Ida why don't you let us help you out with this

Ida: Yes please

Ojiro: And quirks ? Can we use them ?

Ida: were at school so there shouldn't be a problem with that

Bakugo goes on to say he's going to destroy Midoriya and Icyhot he then turns to (Y/N)

Bakugo: And you too half faced basketball

(Y/N): *smirks* wow Bakugo it feels like we've grown closer dare I say best buds

Bakugo: Shut up or I'll kill you  !

The first group to go was






Momo: All right now everyone on your marks ...get set

She then blows the whistle everyone in the group besides (Y/N) and Bakugo dive in the pool

Bakugo used he's explosions while (Y/N) had used he's shock waves to try and long jump over the pool when he was half way across and him and he was just inches ahead of bakugo

Bakugo: Like hell I'm going to lose !

Bakugo then releases a large explosion which caused (Y/N) to lose focus and fall in the pool

When he resurfaces he as a scowl on he's face

(Y/N): Oh c'mon that's gotta be cheating !

Unfortunately for him momo was the ref and pretend as if she had not seen anything

Todoroki had won the next race and Midoriya had won the one after that

With that the final race would be between Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki

Although as soon as they were about to start Aizawa erased their quirks and told them their time was up

(Y/N) had left with Bakugo and kirishima while walking bakugo kicked a pebble in frustration

Bakugo: Danmmit I can't believe he stopped the race like that

(Y/N): Relax dude it was just for fun

Kirishima: Yeah man it was just a friendly competition amongst friends

Bakugo: Shut up the both of you I don't care if there my classmates or not I won't let them get ahead of me isn't that what it means to be number 1 to be the best I have to be stronger then all might it's only a matter of time

(Y/N) and kirishima just simply smile

(Y/N): Your never short of determination I'll give you that

Time skip

It was the morning of the training camp Aizawa told the students that this wasn't a holiday but training to help them become heroes

Aizawa: At this camp will push you to go past your limits. Your aiming to become plus ultra

Class: Yes sir !

While waiting everyone began to start up conversations with One another

Momo: Soap ?

(Y/N): Yeah

Momo: Towel ?

(Y/N): Do you seriously have to do a check up list on me ?  I mea...

Before he could finish he was interrupted bey the one and only

Monoma: I hear some of class A is taking extra courses ! Does that mean they actually failed the final exam !?

Monoma then gasps

Monoma: That would be so embarrassing especially since your supposed to be so much better than my class all of you must be.....

He's cut off by a double chop from kendo and kyojuro

Kendo: *waves* Don't mind him

She says as she begins to drag him by the collar

Kyojuro: We'll try to keep him behaved

Kyojuro then notices momo and (Y/N)

Kyojuro: Ah I...

(Y/N): No

He says while pointing at kyojuro

Kyojuro: But I haven't even said...

(Y/N): I said No

Midoriya: oh so class be is here too

Tokage: Nice to see you outside of the sports festival I guess now we're not technically rivals

She then looks at kyojuro and (Y/N) still beckering

Tokage: Well besides for those too

Kendo: Time to get on the bus

She says as she drags Monoma

Ida: Attention Class A our bus is here everyone line up in seating order

(Y/N) looks at Ida who's doing robot arms and then back at Kyojuro

(Y/N): Guess your butt kicking is gonna have to wait

Kyojuro: Ah I'm afraid it's your butt that shall be kicked

(Y/N): Oh yeah say that again

Momo:*sigh* See you later Kyojuro

She says as she drags (Y/N) with her as he simply glares and growls at kyojuro

(Y/N) Yeah see you at the camp kyojuro

Kyojuro is the last one to get on 1-b's bus he then walks to Kendo's seat

Kyojuro: I wouldn't suppose this seat is taken

Kendo then pats the seat with her hand

Kendo: *smiles* of course not sit down

Kyojuro then takes a seat besides kendo as she lets out a slight giggle which leads to kyojuro looking at her curiously

Kyojuro: What's so funny ?

Kendo: You and (Y/N) it's like you two try to get on one another's nerves

Kyojuro: *smiles* I suppose so

As the bus begins driving kendo presses the side of arm and shoulder against kyojuro's

He looks down at her and sees she's looking outside the window while trying to hide a faint blush which makes him simply smiles and face the front of the bus

On class 1-A's bus Aizawa try's to explain something to the group but sees that there all distracted

Ida: (Y/N) you shouldn't be standing that is a safety hazerd please stay seated !

(Y/N): Your standing too !

Aizawa then decides to rather give up then waste energy

Ida: (Y/N) do not open that window

(Y/N): Or what the bus is gonna blow

Sero: Actually with Bakugo that's a possibility

Bakugo: What you say !!

After a while the bus comes to a stop and everyone exits to stretch their legs

Kaminari: Finally I needed off that bus

Mineta: Let me get through I gotta pee

Mineta starts darting around looking for a toilet

Kirishima: This isn't much of a rest area

Jiro: I know and Where's class b ?

(Y/N): I don't know but all their doing is delaying Kyojuro's butt kicking

Momo: *sigh* Try to contain the Battle hound in you for just a little while

Aizawa: You didn't really think we stilled so you could stretch your legs ?

Mineta: Please sir where's the toilet ?

Suddenly a car that was parked there doors open causing everyone to look at the car

???: Hey ya eraser

Aizawa: *bows* long time no see

Two females dressed as cats one in red and the other in blue then exit the car and stand Infront of eraser head

Red cat: Your feline fantasy's are here see meow

She says as she strikes a pose

Blue cat: purrefectly cute and cat like girls

She says as she also strikes a pose

Red and blue cat: You can call us Wild Wild Pussycats !

They strike another pose as a small boy with a red cap stands alongside them

The class then looks at the group dumbstruck

(Y/N): The who ?

Midoriya: There a four person hero team that specializes in rescue they were founded when we were kids like forever ago

He says fanboying

Midoriya: This marks their twelve year...

Before he could finish the blue one shoves her  paw shaped glove in he's face

Blue cat: I'm pretty sure your math must be off I'm 18 at heart

(Y/N), kirishima amd kaminari: That's so sad

Aizawa: Everyone say hello

Class: Hello nice to meet you

Red cat: We own this whole stretch of land here everything you can see the camp you'll be staying at is at the base of the mountain

She says while pointing to the distance

Class: That's far

Uraraka: Uh..then why did we stop all the way up here

Tsu: I'm afraid we both know the answer to that

Everyone in the class gains sweet drops

Sato: That can't be right

(Y/N): I should probably go close that window

Sero: Yeah let me help you bus windows can be such a pain

Red cat: The current time is nine thirty in the morning if your fast about it you might make it back by noon

Everyone's jaw almost drops at her words

Kirishima: No way guys !

Mina: Holy crap

They all try to rush back to the bus

Red cat: Kitties who don't make it by twelve thirty won't get any lunch

Aizawa: You should of guessed students the training camp

While trying to run back to the bus the  pussycat in blue jumps Infront of the class and touches the ground with her paw

Aizawa: Has already begun

She then uses her quirk to manipulate the earth and throw class 1-A down

Uraraka: What the heck !

Midoriya: She must be controlling the ground !

(Y/N): You figure that out by yourself !

He shouts at Midoriya while everyone in the class plummets to the ground screaming

Red cat: Good news since this is private land you can use your quirk you got 3 full hours to make it to the facility that is if you can make it through the beasts forest

Everyone then turns to the forest

Kirishima: Well I guess there's no use complaining

He says as him and (Y/N) dust themselves off

(Y/N): There better be something to smash now

Mineta then dashes past them all into the forest looking for a spot to relieve himself

But instead he found  a beast like thing glaring at him

Everyone is looks at the beast

Kaminari and sero: Were all gonna die !

Mineta had ended up releaving himself right where he was standing

The beast then starts raising one of it's arms

(Y/N) then uses he's shock waves to jump at the beast and kick it in the head he lets off a shock wave as soon as he kicks it making it stumble back

Class: Of course it would be him

The part of the beats face that (Y/N) had kicked crumbles off and falls on the floor

(Y/N): So your some kinda earth monster huh well guess that means we don't have to hold back

But before (Y/N) does anything else Todoroki freezes it in place with he's ice while Ida uses he's Recipro Burst to destroy one of it's legs Bakugo then uses an explosion on its head while Midoriya used a smash on its chest  destroying it completely

(Y/N): Hey that one was mine go find your own dirt monster !

Bakugo: Shut up we're not done

Everyone looks in the direction Bakugo is starting and sees another earth monster forming

Kaminari: Don't you think this is a little unfair ?

Mina: What now do we run ?

Momo: We have no choice but to cut through the woods using the shortest route

Everyone nods at momo

(Y/N): I think put simply your plan means (Y/N)  smash all the dirt monsters you see so count me in

Ida: Alright let's go class A

Class: Yeah !

Shoji and jiro begin using their quirks to locate the earth monsters and inform everyone where there coming from

A dragon like one is the first to appear sero uses he's tape to tie it's wings together causing it to crash into the ground

Sero: Sato, Kirishima !

Sato then eats some sugar cubes to activate he's quirk and kirishima activates he's hardening as they starts attacking the monster

Tokoyami,ojiro and Aoyama teamed up to take down an ogre looking Earth monster

Mineta uses he's pop offs to trap another one while kaminari uses he's quirk to fry it

Hagakure was leading one into a trap which Mina used her acid on two monsters legs while momo created a cannon to fire at them

Mina: That was amazing momo

(Y/N): Jeez remind me not to tick you off in a fight

Momo: just go  smash them already why won't you

(Y/N): As the princess commands

He says as he starts running to one of the approaching monsters he then uses he's shock waves to launch himself at it's head

(Y/N): Get out of the way because class 1-A is coming through

He shouts as he hits the monster with a Mach punch in the face destroying it

Uraraka had used her quirk to make one of the other monsters float while Tsu used her tongue to swing it in the air and bring it crashing down

But as the class keeps taking them down the more appear

Kirishima: They just keep coming

Momo: Who's the one who said he wanted to smash something

(Y/N): I regret nothing !

End of Not some holiday

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter I'm sure you noticed the small kendo and kyojuro moment for their ship I hope you guys are okay with it don't worry thou the story main focus is still of course (Y/N) and Momo we'll anyways catch you in the next chapter

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