Pokémon the Blue Blurr: Robot...

By SDFan12435

902 11 8

Sonic is ready to settle down in Green Hills while Tom and Maddie are away on vacation to Rachel's wedding, b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Robotnik is back!
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12: Final Battle Part 1: "Sonic Heroes"
Chapter 13: Final Battle Part 2
Chapter 14: Final battle Part 3: Super Sonic vs Dr. Robotnik

Chapter 11

54 0 1
By SDFan12435


Robotnik grabbed the Master Emerald which caused a huge surge of energy that knocked back Knuckles and Sonic multiple feet.

"CHAOS! IS! POWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Robotnik shouts as the emerald began filling him with all sorts of powerful energy

Then, with a bright flash of light, Robotnik was gone and the temple began crumbling and filling with water.

"Let's get out of here!!!" Sonic shouts

Before he could go anywhere, though, Knuckles began getting crushed by rubble, jsut barely keeping it from hurting him with brute strength and water began filling the temple more and more.

"KNUCKLES!!!!" Sonic shouts before seeing the water rising. "Water, again?!?!?!??? COME ON!!!"

Sonic then dove under and began trying to help Knuckles out from under the water, inhaling an air bubble to keep himself breathing. When Knuckles opened his eyes, Sonic gave hand gestures as a signal for when they both need to shove. When Knuckles got out, he began swimming for the surface. And when Sonic tried to, he remembered something. He can't swim!!

Then, he began slowly falling to the temple floor, drowning slowly. However, he woke up, coughing out water on the small secluded island, Knuckles being the one to save him.

"You saved me....." Sonic comments

"Don't talk to me." Knuckles responds, sitting down. "I'm not in the mood."

Sonic then hurled a couple mud balls at the Sandslash

"How DARE you attack me in my hour of sorrow-??!??" knuckles starts before another mud ball was hurled at him

"Why did you save me??" Sonic asks before getting a mound of mud hurled at him

"Because YOU saved ME first which clearly gave you a tactical advantage I do not understand!" Knuckles responds

"it wasn't a tactic." Sonic responds. "I couldn't just let you die."

"Why though?" Knuckles asks. "I've been trying to destroy you ever since we met."

"Because...being a hero isn't about taking care of yourself, it's about taking responsibility for other people." Sonic responded

Knuckles sat down and responds, "Wise words. An ancient Earth proverb?"

"No sir, that's a Wachowski family special." Sonic responded. "I got it from a guy in a rowboat. Someone who means a lot to me."

Then, the sound of a plane could be heard.

"Wait a second, what's that sound?" Sonic questioned, looking around

Then, he saw a plane up in the sky, piloted by Tails.

"Only Sonic the Hedgehog would need saving this much." Tails comments

"That sly little Vulpix!" Sonic comments before looking at Knuckles. "Come on, Knucklehead. We aren't beat yet."

Knuckles sighed.

"On the mountain, you told me you lost a lot. The way I did." Knuckles said. "But you seem so hopeful. And free. How did you move forward despite many failures?"

"Because I didn't do it all alone. I found a new family. New friends. And you can too." Sonic says, holding a hand out. "You don't have to be alone, anymore."

Knuckles grabbed Sonic's hand to pull himself up to his feet.

"Owowowowowow!! Are you KIDDING me with that handshake?!?!???" Sonic yelped, Knuckles not realizing how much force he put into his grasp

Back in Green Hills, Wade had Agent Stone cuffed to a chair

"i'm done playing games, pal. You're gonna tell me what I wanna know. And i'm only gonna ask this...one more time..." Wade comments, holding up a butter knife and a bagel. "What would you like on your BAGEL??!?"

"I'm not telling you anything. AND that? It's a DISPLAY bagel." Stone comments

"I don't get it with you-" Wade starts trying to bite from the display bagel and discovering Stone was right. "Wow, that is a display bagel."

Then, the lights flickered before turning green and in the middle of the room there was a bright flash of light, Wade covering his eyes. After the light faded, standing there, giving off steam and small bits of green electrici9ty was Dr. Robotnik, effected by the Master Emerald.

"Doctor! You're here!" Stone comments

"Yes....i'm here....and yet i'm.....not all there....." Robotnik responds in an altered voice

Wade held up the butterknife in defense and Stone rose an eyebrow.

"Sir, are you feeling okay?" Stone asks

"I'm MOOOORREE than okayyy." Robotnik responds. "I'm upGRAADDEEDD!!! Sinster 3.0: My game is next levellllllLlllLLLlllllll!"

Robotnik then teleported behind Stone and said, "Hi!"

Stone jumped a little as Robotnik grabbed his chin.

"I can smell the electricity in your brain." Robotnik said before looking at Wade. "YOU smell like a snack plate."

"Yeah, no, that's fair." Wade says. "I had a bunch today."

Robotnik then teleports over to Wade and grabbed the display bagel.

"Sit down." Robotnik says as Wade crouched down. "In the chair."

The cuffs popped off of Agent Stone's hands and Wade went and sat in it, Stone cuffing him before walking over to Robotnik after he inhaled and ate the display bagel.

"Sir, we have a problem." Stone comments

Stone opens up the blinds and outside, a whole fleet of G.U.N agents surrounding the coffee shop.

"Incorecctus, my trusty barnacle." Robotnik states. "After all these years, what I finally got.....is a solution."

Outside the Green Hills town hall, a chopper lowers down and Commander Walters, Tom, Maddie, Ash, Clemont, Serena, Pikachu, and Bonnie got out, a soldier walking over to Walters, decked out in G.U.N equipment and uniform.

"Agent, status report." Ironwood ordered

"Robotnik is in the Mean Bean Coffee Co. coffee shop with Stone and a hostage, possibly local P.D." Harriet states. "And i'm not saying they're dumb for going in there on their own, in fact, they're actually a little brave for doing it. But if it is local P.D, this town's in a looot of trouble."

As they headed to the coffee shop, Tom and Maddie looked at each other and already knew who the 'hostage' was.

"Wade." They comment

When they got there, the doors opened, fog poured out, and Robotnik floats out.

"Um...okay." Maddie comments

"Rocking that new spring collection, I see." Tom says, noticing Robotnik's new look

"Well, if it isn't, the Pastry King...." Robotnik comments

"It's the Doughnut Lord!" Jaune corrects. "You know, a REAL genius would remember the name of a guy who helped kicked his ass off this planet and i'll do it again if you mess with Green Hills!"

"Congratulations on your oh-so-temproary sense of superiority!" Robotnik responds

"You're finished, Robotnik!!" Walters shouts. "We've taken everything! Your lab, your drones, your FUNDING! Let's see how big a man you are without your silly little robots."

"I don't think taunting him like that is a very good idea, sir!" Clemont comments

"Would you like to see how....BIG A MAN I can be???" Robotnik comments, shooting green lightning out of his fingers and all sorts of metal things began coming apart and going into the air

As wind began picking up, everyone looked around.

"Welcome....to the new norm!" Robotnik announced as he lifts into the air, wind spiraling into a tornado around him and pulling in metal chunks of all sorts of things around him

All the G.U.N soldiers in the vehicles getting pulled apart had to hurringly jump out as Robotnik lifts further and further into the air.

"DOCTOR!!! TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!" Stone shouts as he ran out after having returned Houndoom to it's Pokeball

Robotnik lifts Stone into the air with green electricity as Robotnik began taking more and more things apart, even a random train going by and everything was going into a massive green sparking tornado.

"He's taking everything apart." Ash points out

"He's building something." Serena adds

Up in the air heading towards Green Hills in a plane through a ring portal, Miles, Sonic, and Knuckles saw the tornado.

"That can mean only one thing." Tails says

"The fearsome power of the emerald." Knuckles states

"If that thing really does turn thoughts into power, we are in BIIG trouble." Sonic comments. "Robotnik has a lot of bad thoughts."

"Hey Sonic, are you sure it was a good idea bringing 'youknowwho' aboard?" Tails whispered to his speedy blue buddy

Sonic looks back at Tails and says, "knuckles isn't really a bad guy, he's just a little mixed up."

"I am NOT mixed up!" Knuckles responds. "I have steeley focus and i'm complex. And that's a lot for some people."

In whatever was being built in the tornado, Robotnik descends into a large open area before giving a massive stroke of the air and lighting up the area and his electricity was touching every aspect of the room except one area. The small section Agent Stone was stationed in which opens up.

"Sir! You're magnificent!" Stone compliments

"Thank you, sycophant." Robotnik responds. "Your admiration is inevitable."

The tornado soon faded, revealing what the robot was. The robot was some massive Registeel. Or at least that's what the robot was made to look like. Almost Gigantamax size, too. Everyone stood in shock, astoundment, and a little fear.

"I knew it! Just like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man!" Wade says

IN the robot, Robotnik puts a finger to his chin.

"World domination playlist." Robotnik comments

Robotnik began strumming his leg like an air guitar and Stone began playing air drums to the beat of some music. Specifically, 'Walk' by the band Pantera. Then, Robotnik began making a walking motion which started making the robot itself walk, causing everyone down on the street to back away. Some even booking it to get out of town safely.

"Fall back! FALL BACK!!!" Walters shouts. "QUICK!! RETREAT!!!!"

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