IidaTodo One-shots

By AnastasiaWasTaken

11.8K 109 59

Hey, This is more of a fluffy book. I'm not sure if there will be smut I am not good at writing stuff like th... More

~ May I have this Dance ? ~
~ Living Together ~
~ Christmas At Last ~
~ Cat Meet Up ~
~ Need Assitance ? ~
~ A/N ~
~ Happy 4th !~
~ Holding on for you ~
~ Kiss Me More ~
~ Again ? ~
~ A/N ~
~ A/N ~

~ Photo ~

672 7 3
By AnastasiaWasTaken

~ IidaTodo ~

"So you wanna get a dog?"

Todo nodded politely to the old shelter owner from where he stood in front of the worn counter, raking fingers through his red and white hair. "Yes, sir. I figured that it's about time I had another living thing in my home." He joked half-heartedly and the old man sniggered, revealing fewer teeth than a person should have, before leading Todo to the back room.

As soon as the door was opened, his senses were assaulted. The stench of wet fur and faeces was strong enough to make his eyes water and the barks and howls of various pitches melted together into one big, obnoxious noise. He walked down the aisle, passing cages with dogs of every size, colour, and age with barely a glance, before halting.

"I'll take this one." The dog he'd chosen was large and very furry, clearly a beautiful breed. He wasn't anything spectacular to look at, but he wasn't barking like the others either, merely staring with large, round, green eyes. Todo liked that better.

"You sure? Ol' Snatchet ain't nothing but a mutt." The man warned, but Todo's decision was set.

A name change and a bath later, Todo was happily walking HIS dog, now lovingly named Rocket, down the aisles of the pet supply store near his house.

Bath time had been a disaster, leading to a soaked bathroom floor and a necessary change of clothes by a sopping Todo, but Rocket's thick grey fur had come out a snow-white color and much neater after a brush and the cutting out of several mats. Rocket seemed to be enjoying the fresh look as he snooped around the tiled floors of the store.

"Y'know, you don't say much." Todo mused aloud as Rocket sniffed curiously at a squeaky red ball. Todo reached down and squeezed it once, grinning as Rocket's ears perked up before tossing it into the cart along with a new leash, collar, food bowl, treats, and a large back of Kibbles N' Bits. "I like it." He finished his thought with a soft pat on Rocket's head.

The dog enjoyed the warm summer air, Todo quickly discovered, prompting the man to switch his intended route after they had checked out from his house to the park he seldom visited, usually in an attempt to avoid human interaction; he was more of an introvert, hence the need of a dog for companionship in his early twenties. Brushing the thought away, he whistled once and Rocket ambled out of the passenger's seat, remaining surprisingly still as the leash was hooked onto a clean new red collar that matched the red side of his owner's almost exactly.

They spent a while playing fetch with a fresh stick before the wood became riddled with saliva and bite marks and Todo decided it'd be best for his hygiene if they walked the trail instead. "Y'know, you're really slobbery." He noted, laughing when Rocket wagged his tail happily at him, tongue lolling out goofily. "And I talk to a dog. So I guess we're even."

And thus it happened so that he was prattling off the history of the park to the clueless dog as they strolled around the worn path when a sharp glint caught his attention. He squinted in the direction of the offender and was surprised by what he saw.

Under an oak tree sat a young man, the camera hooked around his neck and held in front of his eye as he focused the lens. Only his profile was visible and Todo could see from his distance on the path that he had lovely blue hair that looked purposely mussed at that moment and matching stubble on lightly tanned skin; his long nose and slender, handsome features suggested Japanese ( Obviously ) descent and he was smiling at whatever he saw on the small camera screen, revealing the smallest hint of perfectly white teeth.

Todo watched almost starstruck as the man, likely in his mid-twenties, snapped a few scenic photos before bouncing to his feet, nearly tripping, and jogging to a different vantage point. Todo snorted to himself as the young man stumbled over his own feet as he stood and attempted to pass it off as a small skip. Rocket bumped his nose against Todo's leg at the noise, bringing him back to reality. "Sorry." He murmured, more to himself, as he continued their walk in the opposite direction rather hesitantly.


Todo returned to the park the next day, walking Rocket around the trail as he had before. The photographer was there once again, as Todo supposed he'd secretly been hoping when he came back, and he was knelt down on one knee, snapping pictures of a young couple sitting on a wooden park bench and holding hands timidly.

"Alright, I'm gonna need you to help me out here buddy," Todo whispered to his dog before scratching his scruffy ears and tossing the small red squeaky ball Rocket had designated as his favorite toy in the direction of the now-standing photographer. Rocket took off after it, long ears flopping about as he chased gracelessly after it. The young man turned to watch the dog, throwing his head back with laughter as Rocket's tongue lolled out before he took the toy between his teeth and turned to bring the prize back to his owner. The photographer's eyes followed the dog's path, red irises locking onto Todo's duo coloured for a breathtaking moment.

Todo felt his face flush as he waved awkwardly, the gesture more of a reflex than something he had planned out; the man smiled and returned the greeting before the couple stole his attention once more, likely asking for the photo. Todo leaned down and tousled Mop's head.

"Well," he sighed, watching the photographer follow the couple somewhere unknown with a disappointed sigh, "It was a valiant attempt, Rocket."


Human interaction was hard, Todo surmised. And he also might be the biggest idiot he knew, he added in his mind.

On the third day of returning to the park, Todon started to think maybe he was coming off a bit creepy. "I mean, I'd like to believe I'm only going to the park because you like it." He explained to Rocket as they walked the same path as before. "But I think we both know I'd be lying at this point, right?" The dog looked up at him and blinked once. "I'll take that as a yes. I don't know what's wrong with me. Talking is hard, I guess. Not to you, of course, but you can't really talk back. I flub my words otherwise and look like a dumbass. Who knows? Maybe I'll just be a weird dog guy for the rest of my life."

"Talking to your dog is a good way to get there." A smooth, soft voice said and Todo flipped around wildly, only to see nobody there.

"Um, hello?" He muttered cautiously, and heard a chirp-like giggle from above him. Looking up he saw, to his horror, the photographer. He was perched haphazardly in the tree they had just walked under, camera swinging dangerously around his neck and one arm clutching to the branch above him for dear life.

"Hi." The man waved with his free hand, swinging his legs around the thick branch he sat on. "Hold on a minute. Let me come down." He moved his arm and panic set in within Todo; he had absolutely no idea what to say to this stranger, this man he'd come back to the park for again and again in hopes of finally speaking to him, and now he was drawing a blank.

And now this man was halfway down the tree.

And now this man had heard him talking to his dog.

And now this man was going to talk to him and probably call him crazy.

"Um, actually, I'm in a hurry."

And now Todo was running. Running with Rocket galloping beside him excitedly and obliviously as his owner fled like a coward, leaving that handsome stranger clinging to a tree in a park and totally confused.

He finally stopped on the other side of the park, dropping to sit at a picnic table shaded under a willow. His head fell into his hands and he groaned, low and loud. "God I'm so dumb! Why is this so hard? People meet people every day and I run away from guys in trees at the park!" Rocket crawled up beside him and pressed his warm side comfortingly against Todo's shoulder, making the man chuckle sadly. "Thanks, buddy. Maybe being a dog man won't be so bad."

"I like dogs." Todo startled again at the familiar voice and tensed in fear as he hesitantly looked up to see the gorgeous face he'd expected. "And, uh, sorry I startled you."

"It's fine !" Todo shouted a bit too loud, face flushing. "I mean I just... I don't know. I'm sorry I ran away. That was probably really weird..."

"I'm sure seeing a man in a tree startled you anyways." The photographer laughed, kicking at the grass nervously. "My name's Tenya Iida, by the way."

"Shoto Todoroki." The younger man replied. A quiet 'boof' beside him made him snort and he pointed at the dog. "And Rocket."

Iida chuckled, giving the dog a playful bow. "A pleasure and honour to properly meet the subjects of my favourite picture. Which is actually why I wanted to speak to you!" He rummaged in the bag strung across his shoulder and pulled out a folder, producing from it what appeared to be a photograph. "I wanted to give you this." He held it out to Todo, slim fingers holding it securely. Todo took it in his hands, greatly contrasting the photographer's, and examined it.

It was definitely a photograph, and one of him, he realized. His small arm was outstretched, tossing a stick that Rocket was already in the process of running after. He was smiling, cheeks dimpling slightly, and his duo hair was slightly windswept.

"I...I took it a couple of days ago and kept it to make a copy for my portfolio. I hope you don't mind." He hesitated, grinning sheepishly, and Todo placed the picture on the table carefully.

"It's really lovely. You're very skilled."

"Hah, thanks." There was an awkward silence before Iida went to open his mouth again, presumably to say goodbye. Todo felt Rocket nudge him and he furrowed his brow, interrupting him quickly.

"I was wondewing!" He exclaimed, blushing when he realized he had messed up on his words. "Wondering. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go to lunch or something. With me. And Rocket, too." He added, patting the dog.

Iida smiled brightly, the smile that had caught Todo's interest from the first moment.

"I'd love that. But I'm bringing my dog, Blu."

~ A/N ~ : Ahhhh I stayed up so late last night but I woke up at 7 : 30.


~ Thanks for reading and have a great week ~

~ Wiedersehen ~ (Goodbye in german)

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