~ Cat Meet Up ~

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~ Cat IidaTodo ~

     Todo couldn't see much from his small carrier, all he knew was that his stupid owner woke him from his wonderful nap and set him inside the thing before getting in the car. He desperately hoped it wasn't another trip to the vet and mewled in protest.

"Don't worry Todo, we're not going to the vet!" said Ochako as if knowing what Todo's concern was, "We're going to spend the night at Deku's place."

Todo knew who Deku was, the short green-haired man with green eyes who smelled of flowers and tripped over things all the time. Honestly, He wasn't sure what Ochako saw in a friend like that, there had to be better friends out there. Yet, Deku was very kind, and He was willing to sit in his lap when he wasn't being kissed by that blonde guy. Only because He didn't want to hear that obnoxious sound.

Suddenly the car stopped, "We're here!" Ochako said, and the brown-haired woman got out of the car before opening the door on Todo's side and picking up his carrier, "Hope you're excited! You'll get to have a new friend to play with."

Todo's ear twitched. New friend? Deku wasn't a new friend. Unless he was talking about someone else....but who else was there?

Ochako knocked on the door.

"Coming! Just a-!" a loud crash sounded, "OUCH! Oh shit...sorry kacchan...um hang on...." The door opened with Deku leaning against it looking slightly dishevelled but as soon as he saw the brown-haired woman his face lit up, "Uraraka! You're here!" he then noticed the carrier, "And you brought him too!" he leaned his face near the carrier, "Good to see you, handsome boy."

Todo let out a small meow in greeting as he was acknowledged.

"Is it safe to go inside?" Ochako asked.

"Of course it's safe! I just tripped over Tenya and ran into Kacchan that's all....he's probably sitting on the couch or in the bed somewhere, but he'll come out when he hears about Todo."

'Who's Tenya ?' Todo wondered as he and Ochako went into the house where his carrier was set down and the door was opened. Slowly, the red and white tabby cat walked out of his carrier and sniffed the air around him. The smell of flowers brought a sense of familiarity to the place since Ochako always smelt like sakura as well. She and Deku went further into his place, probably to talk or something like that....Todo wasn't going to intrude unless necessary.

He didn't know what to think of his new surroundings and kept sniffing the air when suddenly a delicious smell filled his nostrils, 'Food!' he thought happily and followed the scent in what appeared to be the kitchen. He saw a small white bowl laid out next to a water dish and licked his lips. 'Well if no one else is going to eat this I suppose I will.' He thought as he slowly walked over to the food bowl, but before he could get a bite a soft meow reached his ears.

"You shouldn't steal food that isn't yours."

Todo was startled and looked up to see a bluish-black cat with red eyes sitting on the counter.

Todo slowly blinked at the other cat, "I don't see your name on it."

The blue cat jumped down from the counter and landed in front of him, guarding his food and Todo let out a small growl as he sniffed him, "You smell a lot like the woman my owner spends time with."

"Get back!" Todo hissed sticking his paw out, claws ready to tear this blue cat to pieces.

"Oh, looks like you found Tenya," a voice said and the two cats looked up at the short green-haired man. The blue cat strode over to Deku and rubbed against his leg. Deku gave a small smile, "What do you think Tenya? This is Uraraka's cat Todo, he's going to be staying with us so you have to get along with him, okay?"

With that Deku grabbed something from the pantry and strode into the hallway before a loud crash sounded followed by an 'I'm okay!'

"At least he didn't trip over me this time." Todo heard the blue cat mutter softly before lifting his paw to clean it.

Todo gave a small snort in response and strode past the blue cat, if this was the 'new friend' that Ochako spoke of he wasn't impressed. He'd rather entertain a dog...like that golden retriever Kirishima had that lived next door, always barking at him to come outside and play while he was taking a nap.

He made his way over to Ochako and Deku and jumped up on Ochako's lap, making himself comfortable.

Ochako didn't seem to mind as she stroked Todo's coloured fur making the male cat purr happily. Suddenly a new presence made itself known on the couch and Todo opened his eyes only to see Tenya sitting on the arm of the couch next to Ochako and rubbing his face against her arm.

"Hey ! Watch it ! She's not your owner !"

Tenya glanced at Todo and appeared to be smirking, "Oh ? But I've done this multiple times. She's practically my owner too."

"Since when?!"

Tenya blinked at him, "Months now...and you've  marked Deku with your scent multiple times." His whiskers twitched, "I just didn't expect that scent would come from such a pretty looking prince*."

Todo nearly fell out of Ochako's lap and unconsciously wormed his way into Deku's lap while Tenya slipped into Ochako's, red eyes facing her brown ones.

"Don't act as if you know so much about me." Todo meowed, keeping her claws out.

Tenya seemed unfazed by this and only leaned forward, butting his head against hers, "Regardless of the situation, let's at least try to get along for their sake. Do we have a deal, Todo ya?"

Todo slowly blinked his eyes, "...Alright, for their sake."

"I think he likes him," Deku said with a chuckle, giving Todo a small scratch behind the ear.

Ochako raised an eyebrow and looked at Tenya with a smirk, "Well...he's a lot more tolerable than Kiri's golden retriever."

Todo and Tenya spent the rest of the evening by their owners, refusing to budge.     


~ A/N ~ : This is a cute fluff chapter I like the cat AU it's cute !

~ Thanks for reading and as always have a great week ~

~ adios ! ~

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