The Long Way Home (Dean Winch...

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After a fight with her brother the reader finds herself hitchhiking during a thunderstorm to get home. When t... Daha Fazla

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Part 3

492 21 34
winchester-girl67 tarafından

You anxiously tugged at Dean's purple flannel, wrapping it tightly  around your waist as you opened the front door to your brother's house.  It smelt like Dean or at least his detergent and you found that calming.  You were kicking yourself now for letting him go so easily, you  should've insisted on getting his phone number at the very least, but  you didn't want to force something if he wasn't feeling it. Although, it  was a little hard to believe he didn't by the way he kissed you  goodbye. Maybe you could make a day trip up to Lebanon in a week or two;  it was a pretty small town so you figured someone would have to know  where the Winchesters lived.

"What are you doing here?" Snapped your brother, Simon, from the other room when you walked into the foyer.

"I-I'm staying with you, r-remember?" You stammered nervously, meeting him in the kitchen.

"The hell you are, get out of here." He demanded, glaring at you from where he leaned up against the counter.


"I'm not going to tell you again, brat. Get out!" He yelled and you'd finally had enough.

"You  can be such an ass sometimes. So what, I think you made a mistake  breaking up with June, since when do you even care what I think?" You  scowled, it wasn't like your brother to hold a grudge against you for  this long for something so trivial. But then again it wasn't like him to  leave you behind across state lines with no way home either. "I get it,  you're mad. I just don't understand why, did she cheat on you or  something?"

"Last warning, Y/N." He said, oddly extremely calm.

"You  know what, if anyone has the right to be pissed, it's me. Do you even  care what I've been through or how I got home... You left me in the middle  of nowhere with a fucking tornado on my ass and a dead cell phone and  no money. I had to hitch a ride and spend the night with two guys in a  very ominous looking muscle car because my brother is a complete and  total jerk. Luckily, they turned out to be really great but things  could've gone a lot worse if Dean didn't come along." You rambled, you  were missing him already.

"Winchesters, of course." Simon groaned to himself and rolled his eyes, "where are they now?"

"They left," you shrugged and shook your head. "Wait, how do you know their name?"

"Should've  known they wouldn't leave a poor, helpless, defenceless little girl on  the side of the road." He sneered, his brown eyes turning to pure  obsidian with a blink of his eyes.

You thought you were imagining it for a moment and your knees locked in fear as you continued to stare. It  couldn't be- It had to be the way the sunlight hit his face, it was  casting a shadow under his brows making them look black. That made  sense, right? Yeah, that had to be it. You were desperately trying to convince yourself that you weren't crazy.

Your  brother watched you with a sinister smirk and volcanic glass eyes,  waiting for a reaction from you. One that wouldn't come as you stood  frozen in place.

And after what felt like minutes which was  probably a matter of a seconds, he grew impatient and his face twisted  into an expression of displeasure. He expected something more along the  lines of running and screaming, that's what he wanted and that's what he  was going to get.

He made his way over to the knife block on the  kitchen counter, pulling the largest one from its place and feeling the  weight of it in his hand as he slowly made his way over to you.


"Simon's not home right now but you can leave a message after the beep." He snickered. Whatever the hell that meant. "He's still hanging around up here," he said, tapping his temple with an index finger, "-somewhere. View-only though."

"You're  hilarious, Simon. Now cut it out, you're scaring me." You said,  stepping backwards as he approached you until your back bumped into the  wall.

"Oh, I'm gonna do a lot more than that, brat, and your  brother is going to have a front row seat to the show." He smirked at  you, leaning on his free hand against the wall next to you, the other  still holding the knife that you kept glancing down at.

"It's  really creepy how you keep talking in third person. You know only psycho  killers do that, right?" You stated, frowning when he dragged the knife  up to your stomach.

You didn't think your brother would ever hurt you, but now you were starting to doubt that theory.

"What's  more plausible, goody toe-shoes Simon suddenly snapped. Or someone, or  rather something is possessing him. Like it's not even him." He laughed,  waving the knife in front of your face for emphasis.

"S-stop, I'll scream."

"Timid little thing like you, bet your voice doesn't even go that high." He cackled and you felt your fear morph into anger.

"Fuck you!" You shouted.

"There we go, that's more like it, Y/N!" He shouted back in your face twice as loud, following it up with another dark chuckle.

You'd  had enough and grabbed his hand with the knife trying to steal it away.  He may have been taller than you but he was skinny and lacking in the  muscle department so you usually weren't too unevenly matched.

Except  the grip he had on your arm bruised instantly and he ripped the knife  away from you effortlessly, grazing your palm in the process and slicing  the skin.

You retreated and glanced down at your palm, watching  the blood seep into the wound until you felt light-headed and dizzy. You  looked back up at your brother to see his eyes still pitch black down  to the whites, then the next thing you remember was the hardwood floor  quickly rising up to meet you.


It could've been  seconds, minutes, hours; you didn't know. You blacked out and when you  came to, you were bound to a chair in your brother's kitchen. There was  something wrong with him, something not natural. He was soaked in that  smell from the car, the rotting eggs and his eyes... Or was that your imagination? You  still didn't know. And that was another thing, your brother was never  that strong but it felt as though his fingers had bluntly bruised your  wrist down to the bone. How was that possible? And did you really  just pass out because of a little blood? You tugged at the tape on your  wrists but it didn't budge and you groaned, attracting your brother's  attention.

"It's about time you woke up. I was getting impatient  but we wouldn't want to start the fun without you present and accounted  for, right?" Simon said, you weren't sure if he was addressing you or  himself. He pulled up a chair in front of yours and sat on it backwards  facing you with the biggest knife in the kitchen held in his hand. His  eyes back to their natural colour. "I'm not gonna hurt you just yet, as  long as you're a good little girl and do what I say. Got it?"

"Simon.  What happened to you?" You asked, unconvinced by what you suspected was  your mind playing tricks on you. "Why are you doing this?"

Simon  mocked you in a degrading tone and you glared at him hard. His eyes  flashing from their regular brown to pure black with a blink, a grin  spreading across his face as you swallowed thickly. He was toying with  you.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" You breathed, the question coming out of your mouth before you could stop it.

He looked like a monster. You couldn't still be hallucinating or imagining things, could you? But Simon was your brother and he was human just like everyone else, right? What else could he be?

"Aww, did your little boyfriend not tell you? I'm a demon, Y/N." He said. Was he talking about Dean?

"What  the hell are you talking about? Demons aren't real." You scrunched up  your face. You were getting irritable yourself and your shoulders were  starting to ache from being tied behind the backrest of the chair. The  supernatural was a fantasy like magic and fairy-tales, you didn't  understand why he was trying to convince you otherwise. "You're my  brother, Simon, I know you. You've always protected me even when you're  mad at me. You wouldn't touch a hair on my head and I'd bet my life on  that."

"No?" He reached over, plucked a strand of hair from your head and tore it in two. "You were saying?"

"Just  cut it out already, huh? This isn't funny anymore," your eyes welled  with tears that you managed to blink away. All the emotions you'd felt  simmering in your veins for the past twenty-four hours were finally  bubbling to the surface. "Don't you think you've put me through enough  already, leaving me on the side of the road like that."

"Funny, that actually was  Simon." He snickered to himself mostly, "it's hard to break the bond  between siblings, he managed to take control of his meat suit just long  enough to save his baby sister. And yet, here you are whining about it.  See he knew you were just a loose end for me... Although, now you might  actually have some worth. Maybe I should keep you alive... for now." You  didn't want to know what he had in mind for you.

"Cut the crap, S-Simon-"

You were starting to have second thoughts on whether he was telling the truth or not. Maybe there was something to this demon thing.

"I.  Am. Not. Simon." He snapped, harshly poking a finger to your forehead  with every word. "Get that through your thick skull, little girl."

"You're  freaking me out," you breathed, this time the tears fell from your  eyes. You believed him, he wasn't Simon, not anymore. Whether he be an  actual demon or not.

"You, you, you. It's always about you, isn't it?" He ranted, plunging the knife into the seat between your legs.

You  let out a nervous breath when it just barely sliced through the jeans  on your thigh. You felt a slight sting but ignored the pain as you  watched him intently. He left the knife there lodged in the wood and you  looked up at him teary eyed.

"At least, that's what your brother thinks."

"Untie me. Now!"

"More orders," he chuckled. "Where would be the fun in that, baby sister?"

"You are such an asshole." You hissed through gritted teeth.

"Demon,  actually. Tell me, do you really think this is Simon speaking." He  grabbed the knife again, wrenching it from the seat of the chair and  brought it up to your cheek. A drop of blood running free when he nicked  the skin over your cheekbone. "Simon slicing through your flesh. Maybe  Simon just snapped, is that what you think?"

You flinched at the  sound of his fingers snapping in your ear and he backed off to see the  fear in your eyes before he continued.

"I suppose after what you  put him through the past five years it's not entirely unlikely. You do  know that he still blames you for your parents' death. Thinks about it  everyday, every time he looks at you. You just had to have them at your  college graduation, otherwise they never would've been on that  particular highway, on that particular day. You're the reason he can't  be happy, you're the reason why he'll never get married to that pretty  little blonde, June. And remember that promotion he said he didn't get,  he lied because he promised your parents' he'd always look after his  baby sister. It would've taken him out of town too often and you needed  him."

"You're lying." You whimpered, tears easily escaping and wetting your cheeks.

"You  wish but being a demon gives me certain abilities. Being able to read  your brother's mind while I wear him as a suit is one of them." The  smile he gave you sent a chill down your spine and you sunk back into  the chair, trying to create more space between you. "Things that go bump  in the night are very real, Y/N. And if good old Dean really cared  about you, he would've warned you. He should've stayed with you, seen  you to the door at the very least. But instead you walked right back  into the grasp of your demon big brother." What the hell did Dean have to do with any of this? "You've always been a meek little thing, shy, and lacking determination, confidence, passion-"

"Screw  you." You snapped, a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins  and you spat in his face when he leaned in. "How's that for meek? You  black-eyed bas-" 

"You bitch," he snarled, slapping you across  the face and you tasted copper when the inside of your lip split. Heat  and pain radiating and numbing the skin of your cheek. "Come on, Y/N/N.  You've seen it in his eyes. The way he looks at you especially around  this time of year."

You couldn't deny the irrefutable truth any  longer, the man sitting in front of you was not your brother. Sure, he  looked the same and sounded the same, but it wasn't him. It couldn't be  him. You'd gotten into fights before with Simon as kids and if he ever  did hurt you, which was only ever by accident, he would stop immediately  to make sure you were okay.

This man didn't give a shit about  you and you refused to believe that that was still your brother.  Besides, the lack of an explanation for the way his eyes unnaturally  flipped to solid black at a moment's notice was really starting to  trouble you. Not to mention his new found strength and his entirely  alternate personality. Demon made the most sense out of all other  possibilities.

"I don't believe you," you said, although if you  were being honest with yourself, you had seen that look in your  brother's eyes before. Even if you didn't think he actually blamed you  for what happened, you'd seen it cross his mind; hell, it even crossed  yours from time to time. "Say I believe you, you're a demon wearing my  brother's body as some sort of costume?"

"About time! Welcome to  the party, Y/N." He snickered, tapping your cheek with the side of the  knife so it slapped against your skin but didn't cut. "I prefer to think  of it as a meat suit but the implication's the same."

"And my brother is he-?"

"Oh,  sweetheart-" you never thought you'd cringe at that endearment, but  here you were. "-your brother is just fine, for the time being but test  me and that will change. Now, tell me how well do you know the  Winchesters? Did you get all comfy-cozy with Dean on your sleepover?"  The demon questioned, back on the topic of Dean.

Sure the guy was  good looking, kind, sweet, and the best kisser you'd ever had the  pleasure of knowing but the demon's interest in him bordered on  obsession, minus the undertone of jealousy. It confused and annoyed you. 

"What the hell is your obsession with the Winchesters?" You asked, scrunching up your face.

"You  really have no idea what you've stumbled into; do you, darling? The  Winchesters are famous and no, not like movie star famous... more like  infamous. At least in my line of work and if I could bring even one of  their heads back to hell on a platter- oh, the praise I would get.  Everyone would know and fear me and you see, baby sister, that's every  demon's dream. So, what d'you say, wanna help a demon out?" He  explained, you still didn't understand but you weren't about to do  anything to hurt Dean or Sam.

"No thanks, I'm good." You grinned sarcastically, tugging at your wrists again and managing to stretch the tape slightly.

"Wasn't really a question, Y/N." He growled, gripping your hair and forcing you to look him in the eye.

"I  don't really care." You insisted, loving how easy it was to get on the  demon's nerves. Sure, you were still scared as fuck but adrenaline does  something to you in a situation like that.

"Oh my, you are a hard  headed one, aren't you? Maybe you'll care if I hurt your precious big  brother," the demon said, redirecting the knife to your brother's throat  playfully.

"Okay, okay. Just fucking stop." You bit out but he  just smiled back at you. He looked twisted, like he was an entirely  different person; which technically, you supposed he was. "What do you  want me to do?"

"All in due time, Y/N." He grinned from ear to  ear, satisfied that he'd finally broken you; found your weak spot, your  brother. "Do you hear that? Lover boy's back. Time to shine, baby  sister."

You didn't know what the hell he was talking about, you  didn't hear anything, but you weren't about to question it when he stood  up and circled around you, cutting your wrists free. It was almost like  he wanted you to run, you weren't sure if it was a thrill-of-the-chase  type of deal but you couldn't not take the opportunity.

You made a  break for the front door, tripping on the carpet along the way and  scrambling to your feet as fast as you could. You ripped the door open  and jumped down the steps sprinting down the path and glancing back to  see if your brother was chasing after you. But you didn't see him and  ran straight into a solid body that grabbed onto your waist tightly.

You were about to scream when you saw who it was...

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