[BxB] Friendzoned

By unspok3nrule5

1.3K 49 9

Choi Minho is hopelessly in love with Kwon Yuri. Too bad she didn't feel the same way. So now, Lee Taemin is... More

Cut the Sad Music
Little Pretty
Jerks Have A Thing For Me
Soccer Freaks
Can't I Ever Have A Normal Day
Maybe He's Not So Bad
Let Me

Am I Interrupting Something?

135 5 1
By unspok3nrule5

To be honest, Chanyeol might have intentionally hit the blonde boy with the soccer ball. Because in reality, he just needed an excuse to talk to the pretty boy. Now, he's not so sure if it was a good idea. Well, it seemed good enough when he was imagining the scenario in his head; leaning over the boy's face, taking in his features, and... yeah, you get the idea. What he did not expect was for the boy to suddenly get up and for Minho to come and fuss over the fallen boy.  Really such a shame. The boy, whom he later on learned was named Taemin, seemed interesting enough and he didn't miss the way the boy looked at him earlier with an impressed gaze.

Silently, he followed Taemin and Minho towards the school clinic. The two were busy bickering like some old couple, but Chanyeol could sense the smile in Taemin's voice. Clearly, they had forgotten about him. Chanyeol cleared his throat. Minho turned towards him and smiled apologetically.

"How's your forehead?"

 "Its fine, I guess." Chanyeol shrugged, "Can't say the same for the squirt though."

He hid a smirk when he heard the blonde boy curse and mumble something about iron-headed, freakishly tall weirdo. The boy looked up and narrowed his eyes at Chanyeol. "Don't call me that."

"Whatever you say, squirt."

Minho laughed out loud and patted the blonde's head, "Its okay, Taem. We all know about your height complex."

"You ass." Taemin hissed, punching the boy's shoulder, "For your information, I am not that short. I'm still taller than Jonghyun, thank you very much."

Chanyeol snorted as Minho chuckled.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Taem."

"Stupid freakishly tall soccer freaks."

The clinic had been empty when they arrived. It wasn't really surprising considering the fact that the nurse was on break. But nonetheless, the three boys helped themselves inside the empty room. Minho stood awkwardly, looking around the room.

"You are an idiot." Taemin scoffed, to which Minho pouted, "You don't even know what to do, don't you?"

"Well, it's usually your job to take care of me..." The boy smiled sheepishly as the blonde one started looking for ice packs, "plus you kinda are the girl in this relationship."

Needless to say, it was funny to watch Taemin trip and choke on air as Minho uttered those words, making Chanyeol raise a brow. "You guys are in a relationship?"

"Yup." Minho nodded confidently, "We're in a relationship called friendship."

Taemin wanted to choke the ignorant idiot so badly. But he restrained himself. Well, not before throwing an empty ice pack which hit Minho square on the face. Damn idiot.

"Dude!" Minho whined.

"Be thankful it didn't have any ice." Taemin glared, "Now find us some ice."

Minho sighed and rolled his eyes before darting out, muttering, "Moody bitch."

"I heard that."

A pout. "Sorry."

Awkward wasn't exactly the word Chanyeol would use describe their current situation. Taemin was just lazing around on one of the beds while Chanyeol sat across him, watching his movements, and cursing the little minx.

Taemin was a tease, Chanyeol concluded; a tease that would be the death of him. The little bastard was seducing him, albeit unconsciously. Chanyeol's hungry eyes would follow his every movement. When the boy stretched, his shirt rode up, showing off milky white expanse of skin. Then the boy would slide his hand down his body, gently pressing into the exposed skin before turning to lie face down. Chanyeol's eyes darted towards the boy's hips, where his jeans hung low. He developed a sudden urge to touch the boy's skin, to feel for himself if it was as soft as it looked. He could imagines pressing his lips against his skin, hands exploring the boy's body as Taemin moaned his name—

"What's taking that idiot so long?"

Chanyeol was snapped out of his fantasy by the boy's complaint. He shrugged in response. Then, his mind wandered. He began to think how Taemin would sound, screaming in ecstasy.

He was, by no means a pervert. But just like any teenage boy, Chanyeol had needs. It just so turned out that his new object of lust was an unintended minx.

As if in a trance, Chanyeol headed over to the bed the boy occupied and sat on the edge. Taemin turned to face him in time and raised a brow when he saw the boy sit beside him. "What?"

Instead of answering, Chanyeol took his hands and pinned them to the bed, beside his head, ignoring Taemin's shocked Yah! as he climbed over the shocked boy. Taemin wiggled and struggled underneath him, trying to break free, but the boy was just too strong. But his resistance faded when Chanyeol leaned closer to him, their face barely centimeters apart.

"You're pretty." The boy whispered, smirking, "And feisty. I like feisty."

"Get off, you jerk!"

Chanyeol only shook his head, "No."

"Why don't you do as he says?" A new voice interrupted, making Chanyeol and Taemin turn towards the door.

There, in all his glory, stood Kris. Taemin couldn't be more relieved to see the flirtatious male.

"Who are you?" Chanyeol asked.

"Just get off the pretty boy and I might tell you."

"And if I don't want to?"

"Then, we're gonna have a problem." Kris smirked.

Taemin turned his gaze back and forth the two males, suddenly feeling inferior yet annoyed at the same time. Can't they just get it over with? Chanyeol was heavy, after all.

Kris strode over to them and pried the other boy off Taemin before gathering the smaller boy into his arms, "You see, he's mine."

Taemin stilled, "Excuse me?!"

Chanyeol raised a brow, "I didn't know you were taken."

"Neither did I." Taemin spoke numbly.

Kris chuckled in response, affectionately stroking the boy cheek, "You're my little pretty."


"I don't believe you." Chanyeol deadpanned before going over and taking hold of the boy's arm, "I'll be the one to make him mine."

"Tough luck." Kris smirked, holding on the boy's other arm, "I don't give up easily."

One particular hard pull sent Taemin off balance. He tumbled in front of Kris, grasping the boy's thighs to keep from falling face-first into the boy's crotch. Chanyeol, whom Taemin accidentally pulled with him, ended up falling to his knees behind the boy.

Taemin became vaguely aware of their position. It also didn't help that Kris was smirking. His face heated when he realized just how close he was to the boy's crotch. The hands on his waist only made it worse. Taemin only hoped no one would enter and misinterpret their position.

The blonde boy made a move to stand, but Kris wouldn't allow him. "I kinda like this position, little pretty.

Taemin glared, about to give the boy an earful, but was interrupted.

 "Am I interrupting something?" Minho just had to choose to come back during that time, apparently.


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