๐€ ๐๐„๐– ๐ƒ๐„๐’๐ˆ๐‘๐„ - Eddi...

De endlesssonder

9.4K 195 50

You are ๐˜/๐ง ๐‡๐ž๐ง๐๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ๐จ๐ง. You are the sister of Dustin Henderson. You have been living in little old... Mai multe

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1K 24 8
De endlesssonder


         Arriving at the school, we carefully walked through the halls. I made sure that no one from the game would take a note of me being there and tell Chrissy. So I kept a low profile.

"Mike!" Dustin called and the tall, black haired boy came into view. Mike came up to us and he nervously met my face and looked back to Dustin.

"You think he'll be satisfied?" Mike asked Dustin, which made me scoff. "He better be" I pushed past them and started to head my way to this club. The boys scurried behind me.

Before I opened the door. I stood in front of it, looking at it head on. Imagining what Eddie might have to say. I took a deep breath and reached for the doorknob. I twisted it and it made a creak as I pushed it open.

At first glance, it was a sight to see. Behold a long table covered in D&D accessories sat in front of me. Candles were placed all around. It was dark and mystical. Cards and dice were laid out. Spotlights shone onto the boys of Hellfire.

Of course the trash they left was scattered everywhere. There was a small border at the end of the table. A sheet of some kind was folded, as a barrier. The club members surrounded the end of the table.

And at the one and only throne, was the head of Hellfire itself. Eddie Munson.

My mouth dangled open slightly, I had to tell myself to shut it. Dustin and Mike hid behind my shoulders. Eddie sat back in his chair and he stroked his chin with his finger. Like he was considering the thought of me being a sub.

"Interesting choice" Eddie muttered as he looked at me up and down. Dustin slowly exhaled, but not from relief. "You see boys" he referred to Dustin and Mike. "I just don't know what your putting me up against"

I stood in place, frozen, trying to keep a straight face.
"This is Y/n Henderson, I don't know what to expect" He dryly laughed and with a sudden jolt he stood up and slammed his hands on the table. I stepped back at the eruption.

"Look Eddie, she knows what she's doing. I promise"
Eddie slowly blinked up at me and when Dustin spoke up, his eyes flickered over to him. Eddie's tongue slightly stuck out as he thought.

Raising one eyebrow and scrunching his lips together, he dragged his feet closer to me. "I want to hear it from her" His voice deepened and I shuddered a bit. Goosebumps covered my body. Thank god I had long layers.

"I'm good enough for one meeting." I blankly stared back at him, hoping for him to give up with the pestering.

He clicked the inside of his mouth with his tongue. His face was dimmed due to the dark lighting, but I could clearly see the glisten in his eyes. His big, brown eyes.

"Shouldn't you be at the game? I'm sure you would much rather be there than here." Eddie wondered, except not in a curious way. A pushy way.

"Yeah this is a serious D&D club. Don't expect us to allow to start dancing on the table like one of your games" One of the Hellfire members snickered. The other members laughed along with him.

Eddie only gave them a slow look but a small, tightened smile was plastered on his face. "You think it'll be too much?"

Mike scowled behind me, "Eddie, dude you can not be doing this righ-" I stopped him by looking over my shoulder. "I've got this" I mouthed.

He looked hesitant and his grip on his shirt tightened. But he nodded. I smiled and turned my focus onto Eddie.

"Look." I started. "What can I say, it's a privilege to be here especially to be in the room with the one and only dungeon master" I pretended to swoon rocking back and forth.

"Oh I absolutely love being here! It's s real pleasure Munson" I gushed, giving him my best puppy dog eyes. He kept quiet and observed my odd behavior.

"My my, what a dream" I sighed. Then, I stared right into the depths of his soul. I wanted to make him uncomfortable till he breaks away. Because he never breaks away. I'm always the one to look away.

"But it's a little complicated, because all you goons keep on complaining like little boys. At this point I expect you to go shove a crayon up your nose. I may not want to be here. But I am."

Still looking into Eddie's eyes, "If I have to waste my evening, getting thrown around. I will go ballistic. or I may just leave. That's up to you. That sub you were looking for? Gone. This final, may I add, very important meeting? Postponed"

I curled my lip in a sad way. "Then you poor little babies won't get your meeting" I tensed up.
"You can all cry and get angry, maybe, I don't know throw some things. But I won't be disrespected"

"Now. are we going to play or do I have to stand here and watch you all go cry to your mommies about it"
I took focus on Eddie again.

He looked different. He looked surprised. But I needed to let it out.
"While you're at it, have your diaper changed because you are full of shit!" I pointed to his chest and tapped it with every word.

It was silent for a moment. Eddie's smile started to peek through. A slow laugh bubbled from him. We just kept staring into each other's eyes. My arms were crossed and at this point I had been tapping my foot impatiently.

At last, He looked away and broke free of the what felt like forever gaze. He smirked and stuck his hand out. "Welcome to Hellfire"

I pushed my sleeve up a bit and then clasped it to his. One shake. That's it.

He started clapping. "Alright everyone! Take your places. It's show time baby." He violently twitched his head and smiled creepily. His gaze sweeping upon everybody. I could feel the excitement fill the room as I took my place. I sat next to Dustin who gave me a thumbs up. Switching from Dustin to Eddie, I watched him sit down at his throne, admiring the table in front of him.

I noticed he treated Hellfire like a family. Which was, adorable. Every person he had took in and led. I guess that's why they admire him so much. Eddie caught me staring at him and he smirked. I quickly glanced away. It's time to play.


Eddie made a funky narrator. From flinging himself, gesturing dramatically, to practically climbing on the table. The Hellfire Boys loved it.

They joined in on the role play, acting in character, feeling the tension Eddie provides. The way they get wild when Eddie hisses out damage.

"That's a miss" he laughs. "Fuck!" Dustin slams his hand on the table, the other groan in misery.

"Get it together everyone" Immediately everyone hushed and strained to hear what the dungeon masters next situation is.

"You have all come back from a luxurious battle. Everything went just as planned, things are smooth. The town is happy." Eddie turns swiftly at each remark.

"You are my heroes! Thank you for protecting us" Eddie stand up and cradles himself, mimicking a kid.

Dustin laughs, "Of course kid. It's what I do best" Eddie grins up at him.

"The town decides to reward you with a meal. A huge tasty meal" He rubs his stomach.

We all pretend to feast and drink. Eddie swirls his necklace around his finger.

"Lady Cupid" He directed towards me. That's the name I chose. A name for a rogue.

"That is me" I worriedly smile.

"As you, Lady Cupid, enjoy your feast. You suddenly feel a loud vibration" He lifted his hands and started snarling. "Along with snarls and retching"

"Nobody else seems to hear. They continue eating peacefully." Staring me down to the core he says.

"What do you do?"

I think for a moment and then call in everyone.
"I don't know if anyone else heard that but there is something going on just outside of town so I thought I might let you know"

Dustin clicks his tongue, "I hear it too!" Mike widens his eyes. "Same over here"

I was actually enjoying the game, I felt like I belonged. It seemed that I was doing okay. I hadn't truly messed anything up. The boys were having their usual campaign go as planned.


"The hooded cultists chant, "Hail Lord Vecna"
"Hail Lord Vecna"
Eddie tell us, his face slanted downwards in a creepy way.

"They turn to you, remove their hoods. You recognize most of them from Makbar." He continues,"But there is one you do not recognize, his skin shriveled, desiccated. And something else"

The boy leaned forward. "He is not only missing his left arm, he is missing his left eye!" Eddie reveals with a cackle. He covers up his left eye and scowls.

The group groaned and protested. "No!No!"

"Vecnas dead. He was killed by Kas!"

Eddie licks his lips briskly and leans back onto his throne. "So it was thought, my friends. So it was thought."

"Do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or do you stand your ground and fight?"

We all sat and looked at each other. Wondering who would take the risk. "I say we fight." Dustin finally spoke out.

"To the death." I didn't know how serious this matter was, but if Dustin thought so, so did I.

"To the death" I repeated flashing him a comforting smile saying that I agreed with him.

"To the death" Mike added on.

One by one, we all started chanting, "To the death! To the death!" The Hellfire boys started to bang on the table.

While chanting, I looked over at Eddie. His face gleamed with happiness. He laughed along looking at everyone with pride. My heart melted and I smiled at his joy. He flopped back onto his throne. Throwing his head back, and then rolling it back to meet my face.

He raised his eyebrows and cocked his head. He had the cheekiest grin I had ever seen in my life. I laughed and fiddled with my sleeve nervously. Dustin started to shake next to me, roaring "To the death!"

As we played against Vecna, we kept on getting closer but one by one. We died off, leaving us with slim chances and Vecna still being alive.

"Time out! Time out!" A club member shouted,
We all huddled together and our head bumped into each other's.

"Guys, I hate to say this. But we've got to flee." Gareth sighed. "I concur" One of the boys agreed.

"Didn't we just agree, "To the death?" I asked.

"That wasn't literal" Gareth fought back.

"Vecna just decimated us. We can't kill him with two players." A member argued.

"You too? He only has 15 hit points left. Don't be pussies" Dustin growled.

"Pussies?" Gareth exclaimed, a bizarre look on his face, " Cause we're not delusional?"

"Delusional? How about not cowards?" I stepped to Dustin side.

"Hey!" Eddie snapped. Causing us to tear out of huddle and face him. "If I may interject, gentlemen, Lady Cupid." He shifted out of his throne. "Whilst I respect the passion, you'd be wise to take Gareth the Greats concern to heart." Pause. "There is no shame in running."

Eddie shrugged at us, his lip curling downwards, a hint of a smile peaked through. "Don't try to be heroes, not today. Kay?"

"One sec" Dustin put on finger up and he huddled once more.

"How many points do you and y/n have" Mike asked

"Twelve" we responded flatly.

"It's risky as hell, but you're the ones on the battlefield, so it's your call."

I glimpsed at Dustin. He glanced back. "What do you say Lady Cupid?"

"You really have to ask?"

Dustin thought about for a moment, "Screw it"

"Let's kill the son of a bitch"

Dustin turned to face the dungeon master. The feeling of confidence overtaking him. "The odds of success are 20-1" A member cried out. Dustin kept his eyes on Eddie and just shook his head. "Never tell me the odds."

"Give me the D20" He finally decided. Flatly laying his hand out. Eddie grabbed the dice that Dustin had requested and threw it over to him. His slyness remained.

We all stood by his side and watched him shake around our remaining hopes of winning in his clamped fists. I took a deep breath in and squeezed his shoulder. Dustin shook some more and then finally released. The dice scattered onto the table rolling in Eddie's direction.

We all crossed our finger and waited for Eddie to determine the number. Eddie glanced at it and then started to shake his head up and down.

"That's a miss!" His eyes were wide open, his hair flew around.

"No!" I stood back as the group protested. Dustin angrily swept a paper off the table.

The Hellfire boys looked towards me. I knew that it was my time. Their hope was fading. My heart started to pump out of my chest. I felt as though my every move was being watched. I stood in place of Dustin. Who shook my shoulder and whispered. "You got this"

"Lady Cupid. Last one standing." Eddie beamed. Picking up the dice that Dustin had rolled, he threw it back to me. I caught it and took a good-long look at it. "Let's see what you got"

I shuddered and shook my shoulders out. I clamped both of my hands and looked up as I shook. The boys  were just about breathing all over me. Eddie was deep in curiosity, pondering about what number I would roll.

I finally decided to let go and the dice went flying. It seemed to go in slow-motion as it tumbled. I had to refrain from covering my eyes in fear. I could hear the loud, "come on" and the even louder begging. God why was this so stressful. My breathing got heavier, my forehead started to beat and I could feel the heat rush in my head.

Then, it came to a stop. the words slipped out of my mouth. "Crit hit" I gasped. The boy cheered and hollered. "Yeah!" Everyone celebrated from the long-awaited victory.

Eddie stood up and curled his arms together. "What? What!" He said in a funny voice, ending off with a clap. "That's why we play!" I laughed, it just poured out. I felt really happy. I finally caught the attention from Eddie that I was craving. He looked at me and started to bow down. His arms weaving across the table, getting farther and farther apart from each other. I could practically feel my smile getting wider and wider. The boys in the background faded out. I could only see him.

My little moment had ended when Dustin hugged me from behind. I rotated to see Dustin clinging onto me. His hat just barely covering his face, but I could still see the huge grin. "What did I tell you" He scoffed. Slowly my arms slithered around him and I squeezed tightly. "You owe me dork"

Dustin pulled away, his demeanor quickly changed. I sent him off by flicking his hat upwards with my finger. Mike beckoned him over, he happily broke out into a small dance move before hopping over to Mike.

He always left me giggling, watching him go parade to his friends was always a happy sight to see.

"I congratulate you Lady Cupid." The one and only muttered behind me. I turned to see Eddie hovering over me. He still looked hypnotized by the intense game. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and shuffled forward. I was close enough to smell the hint of weed and cheap gas station cologne.

"Thank you Eddie" His name rolled off my tongue. The few times I had said it out loud were satisfying. "I have to say that I'm impressed and a bit threatened" he admitted, slightly rolling his eyes to the side.

"Threatened? Me?" I kicked my heel with my foot. Eddie practically twinkled. "Oh yeah, totally"

"I came for Dustin. I learned from him." I explained, I was a bit shocked to see him holding the most extreme eye contact with me. Why did he always have to do this. He stood silent, as if waiting for more. As if he knew that I would hesitate and blurt out something.

"Well, technically observed." Still silent. Becoming a bit more flustered, I felt less confident with each sentence. Trying to avoid this absolute awkward staring contest. "This is actually my first game."

"Oh?" He finally mumbled, his tongue was pushing against the inside of his cheek. He reached out a grabbed a figurine on the edge of the table. He seemed to stay very still, not flinching at any of my movements. I felt that if I reached out and I grabbed he would have no reaction.

"I'd say that it was a pretty lucky game. I didn't except it to go so...well" It wasn't an awkward conversation, it just was filled with comfortable silence. It felt like he was truly listening, truly digging deep.

"It went very well I suppose. Well enough for a beginner like you" Pulling himself closer, I felt my heart started to race. My stomach churned, but I didn't let it show. I stood my ground and met him with the same tension that he had provided. It was always a game to him, he never stopped driving me crazy.

"But." He snapped his fingers right at the tip of my nose and backed away. "You aren't ready for the real deal." The brunette studied his rings, stretching his hands obnoxiously in front of me. His hip slightly bending out, it was clear he shifted his weight from one hip to the other.

"So that wasn't a real game?" I furrowed my eyebrows with confusion, mouth slightly dangling open. Eddie merely shrugged, a mischievous look on his face cut the confusion. It was just plain old Eddie messing with me.

"Don't be foolish. There are still some tricks to learn young rogue" He switches to his narrator voice. Having a genuine conversation with him made me a tad nervous to be honest so I just drifted to the figure he was throwing in the air and catching.

"Of course, I could teach you them. How about tonight? My trailer." Eddie finally confessed. I almost choked when he offered. Clearing my throat, I weakly beamed. "Oh! Tonight?"

Eddie raised an eyebrow and sat back onto the table, "problem?" Strike two. Almost choked again. I kept my cool and just adjusted my zipper briefly. I had probably searched for every little thing to fidget with.

"Problem? Pfft. No." I explain, he still looks slightly confused but a smirk slowly was shining through. At last I ended the offering.

"Sure, I'll be there" Eddie's eyes twinkled with delight.

"Great! I guess I should start heading home and start cleaning up the dungeon" He joked, a little snort came out at the end. I rolled my eyes. Pathetic.

I noticed that everyone else had left. It was just me and him. Him and me. Eddie and Y/n. Y/n and Eddie. Alone. And we were getting closer by the second.

Continuฤƒ lectura

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