Devil in a slime world (Kamen...

Per Mr_264_The_Boi

10K 130 28

kamen riders and super sentai have won the hero war, both worlds are safe, but it cost one rider, a rider nam... Més

The devil in my heart
A passing through Witch Hunter
The first hopper arrives in the walls
going from a climax to the end
Complete, Secrets revealed, betrayal of family love
Hear it, See it, My roar to the ninja way, The Live Stream
Critical Drumming
The Great Sengoku royale
The end of a story arc part 1: a battle beyond time
The end of a story arc part 2: a sense of pride and justice
embrace who you are, the muteki rider
Beyond Generations
return, the riot of vail
a new phase, gifftarians
devil in a murder mystery feat. lil vice, dj kagerou, and love dogg
Spinoff: Kamen Rider Century: Birth of Chimera
Thank you Hiromi
From Tamaki
Going to War
vice and vail
Holy Shit
a chance to bloom
Fox and the Devil
setting up
A Thunderiffic Burst
A Shrill Breeze
ReVice Legacy: Demons
My Dream
Mirage Mirror
Spin-off, Hyper Battle: battle of toei ip, which is better
We Are ReVice
One Final Attack
-battle familia prologue- Kamen Rider Century: Raid of Daimon
Battle Familia
Announcement: Something Fun

Birth, the freezing destruction of the deadmans

137 2 0
Per Mr_264_The_Boi

vice: it's been 3 days since y/n was taken by the deadmans

sakura:...I was too weak

daiji: no, I should have been there

vice: no, I should have been a better partner


luz:...I-....this is all my fault

anne: it's not your fault, it's not anyone's fault, we just need to go save him

george:....yes, yes yes, data is transferring well, HAHAHAHAHAHAH! GREAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT!!! IT'S ALMOST DO-

compute: error

george:....WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hiromi: what happen karizaka-san

george: the rex stamped won't go past 99% before an error...WHY?!

hiromi: why is it like that, y/n used that stamp the most


hiromi: I see, I think I figured it out, it's guilt, y/n said he trusted vice, but vice feels like he is the cause for y/n getting captured.....

vice: what a partner I am,....I really am a demon

location - ??? deadmans base

???; giff-sama....oh giff-sama

y/n: ugg.....5 more minuets.....

???: giff-sama wake up

y/n: ugg...huh? EH? W-WHERE AM I?

aguilera; your home giff-sama, I was worried about you

wakayabashi: hehe

julio: giff-sama, today is your special day, it is both your wedding and rebirth

y/n: huh?

olteca: yes, you see, kudo here brought you back

kudo: now then, let us begin the wed-

aguilera: WAIT! I want to wear my special dress

kudo:......ding....alright then....

aguilera runs off to change outfits

olteca: so giff-sama, are you ready to embrace your true self again

y/n: heh, sorry olteca, but I am my true self

wakayabashi: no, you are not, we will evolve to gifftex as you become giff-sama, takeshi

y/n: heh, this is nothing.....I'll escape and make it through

back at the fenix hq


hiromi: alright, the spider trooper stamp has been we need the location and we will start a raid

sakura:....wait, why don't we ask kagerou?

daiji: what? no no no, why him?

sakura: well, didn't he work with them?

vice; thats a good idea

george: no need

sakura: eh?

george: I had placed a tracker on y/n before he was taken, speaking of which, daiji, Karate Girl, here, new stamps

daiji: this is nii-chan's jackal stamp

george: yes, but this one is based on another rider who looks like ex-aid, kamen rider genm

daiji:...I can feel the god complex from this stamp

sakura: what stamp is this?

george: that is the kujaku vistamp, based on Kamen Rider ZX, the tenth showa rider

sakura: o-oh

george: now then, FENIX! MO-

hiromi: FENIX! MOVE OUT!

back at the deadmans base

olteca: are you ready aguilera

aguilera walks out, wearing a red wedding gown

aguilera; yes, I'm ready

olteca: so, who will be the priest for this

julio: I will

kudo: make it quick julio

julio: ahem, open the room

the windows to the room open to show the whole cult watching along

julio: ahem, friends, members, giff-sama, we gather here today to celebrate the wedding of aguilera-sama and giff-sama, we have waited a long time for this day to come, and now it's finally here, so, with that said, aguilera, do you take giff to be one one and only loving husband

aguilera: I do

julio: and giff-sama, do you ta-.....yes you do, now, with the power invested in me, I declare you too as one family, and now, we will commence aguilera's ascension to being an equal of giff-sama, now then aguilera, chose your stamp

aguilera: I'm...the queen now, oh giff-sama, it's a beautiful day for us

aguilera gives y/n a forced kiss on the lips

y/n: I wasn't even asked anything

julio: we have a few stamps for you to chose, elephant, koala, queen bee, hammerhead, and cheetah

aguilera: I'll take the queen bee stamp

julio: alright, while we're at it, we will ascend kudo, haitami, and wakayabashi to gifftex as well

aguilera: lets do this

vistamp: QUEEN BEE!

olteca: me and julio will pull his giff power out

vistamp: DAIOUIKA!

julio: yeah, we will transfer it over

vistamp: WOLF!

wakayabashi: I see, well then, I welcome this power

vistamp: CHAMELEON!

kudo:.....heh, I will use this power and use it well

vistamp: SABERTIGER!

haitani: I will get my payback

vistamp: PLANARIAN!

they all stamp themselves with their proto-stamps and are transformed into their deadmans state, they are all forced to become one with y/n as he screams in pain


they all come out, now gifftexs

julio: how do you feel now

wakayabashi: I feel the power

kudo: this power...I can do anything

haitami: now then, wait...where is aguilera-sama

olteca: give her time

inside y/n

aguilera is walking around the manifestation of y/n's body

aguilera: it's beautiful here....and this is his power, his heart....oh giff-sama....we're finally together

???: oi, why are you here

aguilera: eh? w-who are you

a red mist starts attacking aguilera

???: my name is vail, and I am the demon that haunts y/n and his family, and you are not allowed here

aguilera: V-VAIL?

vail: now, LEAVE, or else when I return to my host, you will die

aguilera powers out of vail's grasp

aguilera: well will not keep me away from my giff-sama....but I will leave now

aguilera hops out of y/n's body and returns to the real world

outside of y/n's body

julio: here she comes

Joy! Shout! Beautiful end! Gracias! Queen Bee!

aguilera:....this is...the proof of my bond with giff-sama

olteca; then, let us revive giff-sama

y/n: hang on....did you guys....actually go inside me?

kudo: are all kinds of weird



vice: this is it?

george: yes, this is it, hiromi, shall we?

sakura: yes

hiromi:...let's do this

vistamp: Spider! Bat! Cobra!

hiromi, sakura, and daiji: HENSHIN!

demon:s driver: Decide Up! Deep (Fukaku). Drop (Ochiru). Danger (Kiki). (Kamen) Rider. Demons!

TwoSiDriver: Versus Up! Precious! Trust us! Justice! Bat! Kamen Rider Live!

LiBera Driver: Liberal Up! Ah! Going my way! Kamen Rider! Ja! Ja! Ja! Jeanne!

live:...lets go

demons: yeah


demons stamps the ground and a bunch of demon troopers rise from the ground

vice;....kari-chan, I have to give y/n this stamp?

george: this is our only chance, risk it all and hope it works


jeanne: WE'RE COMIGN! Y/N-NII!!!!


demons kicks the door to the cult open and the troopers start to raid in and attack any cultist

olteca: how the hell?

wakayabashi: we have to hurry

olteca:....hehehehehehe, HEHEHAHAHAHAHHAHAA! 

olteca grabs the giff stamp

olteca; I have a better plan

olteca stamps y/n with the giff stamp

y/n: AHHHHHHH!!!!


olteca; look at him aguilera-sama, he doesn't deserve to be giff, I'm taking his power for myself

vice kicks into the meeting room


vice tackles olteca and the stamp goes flying up

y/n: VICE!


aguilera attacks vice

live: stop right there!

live starts hitting aguilera with a barrage of blasts from his gun

kudo: lets get somewhere more open

kudo, wakayabashi, and haitami use their new giff power to push everyone out of the base

y/n: ugg, wait...I'm free?

aguilera: no, giff-sama is mine, we won't let you take him back!


vice punches aguilera across the face and sends her flying

aguilera: ugg

jeanne: your opponent is me

lovekov: LOVE LOVE!

aguilera: KYA! WHAT IS THAT

jeanne: what, your scared of a demon?

lovekov: love love! boo!


jeanne: alright george, let's use your new stamp

vistamp: KUJAKU!

LiBera Driver: Restyle! Weapon Ponpon! Ponpon! Weapon Ponpon! Ponpon! Weapon Ponpon! Ponpon! Rebuddy Up! Ah! Kujaku! Dadadadan!

jeanne: woah, lovekov sugoi!

aguilera; GRRR!!! HONEY BLAST!

jeanne: honey blast? really?

aguilera fires a barrage of energy projectiles that looked like honey, jeanne used the lovekov fans to slice through the blast

LiBera Driver: Kujaku! Stamping Smash!

jeanne throws the fans at aguilera and they slice her up and cause her to turn back into her human form

with demons

wakayabashi: so you survived this long

demons: because of you, I'm the commander now

wakayabashi: to be honest hiromi, I liked you, why don't you become a spider deadman and joined me

demons: I rather die to olteca then join you

demons driver: ADD!

vistamp: CONDOR!

demons driver: Dominate Up! Condor Genomix

demons flies to the sky and starts attacking wakayabashi from the sky

wakayabashi: hehe

wakayabashi uses his chameleon powers to become revi condor genome and starts flying and the two start fighting in the air

demons: TAKE THIS!


demons starts spinning in a circle and forms a tornado, he rides the tornado to launch himself and tackles wakayabashi down, he lands down and takes another stamp out

vistamp: SCOPRION!


demons: HAAAAAA!!!!

demons uses his scorpion tail to attack wakayabashi

wakayabashi: hiromi, strike me down, kill me in cold blood if you really hate me now



with one powerful stab, demons impales wakayabashi

wakayabashi:....coward, you missed the vital organs

wakayabashi turns to dust and vanishes

with kudo

kudo: so, your my opponent

live: I'm not gonna forgive you for hurting nii-chan

vistamp: JACKAL! KAMI DA!

a/n: for the note, there is no difference, it's just a jackal vistamp, not even the color is different

TwoSiDriver: Versus Up! Over Drive! Power Dive! Kamen Rider Live! Jackal!

live:.....I'm going to end this quick

TwoSiDriver: Hissatsu Shonin! Jackal! Justice Finish!


live runs around kudo and fires a barrage of blast from all over kudo, kudo then falls down to his knees

kudo:....b-but I had his power

with y/n and vice

y/n: so, you came in the end after all

vice: well, we are partners


the camera flies over

vice: I had the camera prepared by the way

y/n: missed my wedding


y/n: yeah

y/n's heart stopped for a second

y/n: AH!

vice: y/n!

y/n: I'm good, I'm good.....

y/n stamps vice with the giff stamp and his heart starts beating normal again

vice: what did you do?

y/n; I nullified my giff cells, now, I'm ok again, and now you have some of my powers

vice: so your saying

y/n: we're true partners now

vice: hehehe, oh yeah, kari-chan wanted me to give this to you


olteca: your power is mine

haitani: we're not done

y/n:....the barid rex vistamp

y/n grips hard on the stamp


the barid rex vistamp glows bright as it cracks open


vistamp: BARID REX!

y/n stamps the rex stamp ontop of the barid rex stamp

barid rex: BARI BARI! Baribari! Come on! Barid Rex! Baribari! Come on! Barid Rex! Baribari! Come on! Barid Rex!

y/n and vice: HENSHIN!

ReVice Driver: Baribari Up! My name is! Kamen Rider! Reva! Va! Va! Vi! Revi! Revi! Reva! Va! Va! Vi! Revi!


vice:....wait, nothing about me changed?


vice: wait, kari-chan, why didn't I get a new suit

george: your ego wouldn't fit in the egg

vice: I sense rage.....Hang on revi, I have an idea

vice takes out some mega glue and starts gluing the stamp shell together

vice: kansen, barid shield, ready

revi: it


revi:...IKKI IKUZE!

revi and vice charge at julio, olteca, and haitani, haitani tries to attack revi, but vice uses the shield to block the attack

vice: check it

revi kicks haitani to a wall, causing him to turn to dust on impact

ReVice; Ba! Ba! Bari! Ba! Bari! Bari! Bari! Bari! Ba! Ba! Bari! Ba! Bari! Bari! Bari! Bari! 


vice: heh, y/n, this is allyours

ReVice Driver: Barid Rex! Finifini Finish!

with one riderkick, revi takes out julio and olteca

vice; y/n that was awesome!

revi:...we're not done yet

ReVice driver: Ba! Ba! Bari! Ba! Bari! Bari! Bari! Bari! 

revi takes out 10 vistamps and starts stamping them ontop of the barid rex vistamp

Barid Rex: RekuReku! GuruGuru! MosuMosu! MegaMega! PutePute! RaiRai! JakaJaka! KonKon! KamaKama! OhOh!MAX!

revi: 10 CHO KICK!

ReVice Driver: Reborn! Everybody! Max! Baribari Stamp Fever!

revi jumps up and the remix forms of the 10 stamps revi scanned starts attacking the deadmans base before merging with revi for one powerful kick, which has an energy version of the 10 vistamps, the impact of the kick causes the whole base to impload on itself

revi:....we did it


george: welcome back y/n

sakura: y/n-nii, you had us scared

y/n: sorry....but it looks like I'm married....aparently....but that won't change anything

polly: YOUR BACK!

anne: dude, how much footage did you get these last days

y/n: alot, but hey, we have are almost at our final location

rimuru: actually, we're here

y/n: huh?

rimuru; the goblin village, it's here

y/n:...w-we made it....perfect

suddenly, y/n, sakura, daiji, and hiromi vanishes

george: HAUH?

george then vanishes as well

anne: what the?

luz: where did they go?

to be continued in....


y/n: where are we?

in a battle against time itselt

aruto: GRAAA!!!!

three riders must work together

touma: y/n! aruto! lets do this!

a battle to save time....against one devil they will have a tough time fighting

???: my diabolo

???2: Century

Kamen Rider...Beyond Generations....coming sooner then expected

to be continued

Continua llegint

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