The Kingdom of MAE | George W...

By diggoryhiraeth

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George Weasley has a secret world of his own. Well - it wasn't his, but it might as well have been. It was ha... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

44 1 0
By diggoryhiraeth

family bonding ——— THEIR ABSENCE DID NOT GO UNNOTICED. When they returned home, the family was gathered in the living room with solemn faces. One would've thought someone died. They couldn't sneak upstairs without passing by the living room, which meant they were noticed from the moment they entered the house. The one who looked most angry was Mrs. Hepburn with her stern face. She stood up the moment Rosie stepped through the door. The glee on Rosie's face that was prevalent earlier was gone without a trace. The wigs were no longer on their heads and instead shoved in a bag that Rosie held.

"Which of the two of you is responsible for this escapade?" said Mrs. Hepburn sternly.

Before Nephthys could argue that they were both responsible since they were both involved, Rosie said, "It was my idea."

Mrs. Hepburn scoffed, "Of course it was. And you dragged Nephthys into it too? Don't you understand what you're playing with here? What if something happened to you out there? No one knew where you were, no one would've known. Or what if something happened to Nephthys? Who would tell her family? Do you know what the Malfoys could do to us? She's more than just your friend, Ambrosia!" Rosie stayed silent. Mrs, Hepburn sighed before she turned her gaze to Nephthys, "And you! I expect more from you. You should've put a stop to this mad idea! Do you climb out of windows at the Malfoy manor? Do you disappear without a word?" Well, no, but they didn't know where she really would go off to half the time.

"I wish I could climb out their windows," said Nephthys quietly.

"You —" Mrs. Hepburn interrupted herself and sighed heavily, "There's no point getting to you — should I call your guardians?"

"I'll be in trouble for other reasons," grimaced Nephthys. Rosie turned to look at her with a look she couldn't quite read, which was concerning since she could read Rosie well.

Emery spoke up to voice Rosie's thoughts, "They don't know you're here?"

"No. . .they think I'm with another friend," said Nephthys.

"And you lie to them too?" said Mrs. Hepburn in frustration, "I —"

"Well, you can't tell them," argued Emery, "We all know why she has to lie to come over."

"Let's all calm down," said Giotto, "Neph, come with me." Nephthys turned to look at Rosie as Giotto began to climb up the stairs. Rosie stared back at her. "Nephthys," said Giotto, a little firmer this time.

Nephthys left Rosie's side and followed after Giotto, who entered a guest bedroom. Nephthys sat on the bed next to him. He didn't speak for a while as he stared at the floor. Nephthys stared at the wall.

"Happy early Christmas," said Giotto as he placed a gift on her lap after a few seconds in silence. Nephthys, taken aback, stared down at the wrapped gift. She took note of the uneven edges and the silly wrapping paper. "It's quite hard to shop for someone who could have anything she wanted at the snap of her fingers, you know."

"Not anything," said Nephthys, which dropped his smile a little. She paused as her words sunk in and she looked up, "I didn't mean to dampen the already tense mood."

"Well, unfortunately I can't gift you anything the Malfoys already can't, but I hope you like it."

"Just having you is something the Malfoys can't gift me," said Nephthys as she shook their head, "They love each other, I know they do, but they show it in such strange ways."

"Well, good to know we've influenced your way of showing love," said Giotto, "It'd be a shame if you got that from the Malfoys." Nephthys began to carefully unwrap the gift on her lap. It was a small, thin velvet box. She carefully opened the lid to see that it was a little translucent charm of a —

"A lion?" said Nephthys as she held up the charm up to the sunlight, "It's beautiful, Gio, but —"

"I know, I know," said Giotto, "A lion! How dare I. Take it as a reminder, Neph."

"Of what?" said Nephthys, "A reminder that Gryffindors are just so much better than Slytherins? That we should all aspire to be like them?"

"No," scoffed Giotto, "I was not a Gryffindor and I don't believe we should all want to be Gryffindors. Do you think everyone should want to be Slytherins?"

"That's outrageous," said Nephthys, "Not everyone can be."

"That goes for all of us," said Giotto, "I chose that charm out of all the rest because I wanted to remind you that you can beauty in even the most unlikely places. Word around here is you're a Black through and through, whatever that means." Giotto in his old age definitely knew what that meant. He was old enough to see three generations of Blacks, not including hers. Giotto chuckled, "But I don't believe it." Nephthys half-smiled. She wanted to believe his words but he knew the softer version that Rosie did. He had never seen the side Rosie had so desperately pleaded to see earlier. "May I ask a personal question?"

"You may ask me anything you wish," said Nephthys. Only because it was Giotto. Giotto could've asked her anything in the world and no matter if it stung, she'd stay right next to him. She wasn't sure what it was about him that almost made her feel at home. Perhaps it was something about his strong, warm arms that comforted her. That made her feel as if as long as they were held open for her, she could walk through anything because he'd be right there to catch her when she fell. Perhaps it was something that ran in his family.

However, there was one distinct difference between him and Rosie. Rosie's love and support wasn't unconditional. Nephthys knew that and it never bothered her because she did not have a right to Rosie's unconditional attention — no one did. She felt confident that as long as she stayed the person Rosie knew, Rosie would stay by her. But Giotto — Giotto was a different type of person. It was dangerous, really — his perspective. From what Nephthys knew about him, Giotto seemed to be the kind of person who would never give up on someone he cared about. Brave or stupid — she'd go with the latter.

"Where you are now in life. . ." He said slowly, "Are you happy?"

Nephthys was taken aback. She wasn't sure how she'd respond to that. Happy? Was she happy? That wasn't a question she asked herself, it was something she never considered. She learned very early in life that being truly happy was something she might've never gotten the chance to experience. Following the path she wandered now would lead her to an intersection. One path will lead her down the Black legacy and the other path will lead her astray. However, the Malfoys stood behind her, gently pushing her down the path her predecessors followed — the path that guaranteed wealth and influence but not happiness. The other path was shrouded in mystery but Nephthys could work for anything she wanted and hold onto the hope that it would come to her. The only way Nephthys could walk down that path was if she left the Malfoys behind before she was too far down the path.

But what was too far? How much time did she have left before the Black curse consumed her? Perhaps if she was the exception, how much time did have before she was trapped in a life where she felt unfulfilled? Such thoughts were forbidden because this life was what she had made herself believe she wanted. There was no other option.

"I'm content," responded Nephthys.

Giotto smiled grimly, "You deserve to find happiness. Don't stoop low and find it at the cost of misery of others, but I hope you find it."

"Don't speak of such things," said Nephthys, "I know what you're implying with such words. There's no need to pity me."

"I know," chuckled Giotto, "You're the last person anyone should worry about. I mean, think about it. A mansion, unlimited wealth, influence, you never have to worry about thing or your future. Is that correct?"

"Yes, it is correct," said Nephthys, "I'm glad you understand —"

"But that's only the superficial things, aren't they?" said Giotto. Nephthys stayed silent. He shook his head, "I wasn't raised as a sacred twenty-eight but I wasn't born into a poor family. We didn't have Malfoy money, but we had enough to live without any worries. But that doesn't make you happy. You know that by now, don't you?"

"I'm not unhappy."

"That's not what I asked."

"I —" Nephthys interrupted herself, "I must head home." She stood up and turned to face him.

"Of course," said Giotto, "I'm so glad we could see one another again, Neph."

"As am I," said Nephthys with a small smile, "You ought to write to me when you are available."

"I'm such a horrible writer," laughed Giotto.

"Well, even if it's only a sentence, I'd be thrilled to hear from you," said Nephthys as she began to make her way to the door. Giotto stood up himself.


The two of the climbed down the stairs. The house was silent, which worried Nephthys. In the main room sat Aurélie. She was preoccupied with a cup of tea as she stared off into space. She looked up at the sound of footsteps and put a smile on her face. It looked strained. Nephthys didn't return her smile as she stopped by the foot of the stairs.

"Is Rosie alright?" asked Giotto as he walked past Nephthys.

"If anyone's not alright, it's Hua," frowned Aurélie, "She stormed off and Lynwood chased after her. Rosie might be a little upset but she's fine." She lowered her voice, "She's in the kitchen with Emery."

"Oh, she'll be fine," said Giotto, "It's like she doesn't remember being a teenager."

Aurélie laughed, "Of course she does. That's why she frets over them like crazy." Aurélie looked up at Nephthys, "Why don't you come have a seat, dear?"

"I like standing," said Nephthys, but she made her way to the couch in front of Aurélie, "But. . .I suppose I can. Thank you." She sat down rather awkwardly under Aurelie's smiling gaze. Nephthys supposed she could be nicer. Perhaps it'd do her good to be more curious and get to know her biological mother. Who knew maybe there was a horrible hereditary disease Nephthys needed to know about. It wouldn't be the first time. "How. . .were you?"

"I'm sorry?" said Aurélie as she tilted her head. Nephthys never paid a lot of attention to Aurelie's appearance. She was beautiful, she always knew that but she never appreciated that beauty. Her eyes were green — not a bright green like Harry Potter's but a green with a little of blue and brown. They stood out from her long, dark eyelashes. Her brown hair was in layers and reached her waist. The tips of her hair were all curled but it was otherwise straight with a little of volume — something Nephthys knew Aurélie had to work for. She also had somewhat sharp features but unlike Regulus, she had a kind aura to her. She just looked innocent and kind — while Regulus seemed to radiate the opposite in his photos.

"How were you when you were younger?" clarified Nephthys.

"Oh!" Aurélie seemed surprised as her eyes widened a little, "Oh. . .I'm sorry, I'm —" Aurélie blinked a few times, her hand placed over her mouth, "I'm so sorry, I'm just a little surprised. What do I even say to that?"

"Clearly not very responsible!" yelled Emery from the kitchen.

"Emery!" squealed Rosie from the kitchen as Giotto rolled his eyes.

"Clearly," said Nephthys as Aurelie's cheeks flushed from embarrassment, "But is there anything else?"

"I — I don't know," said Aurélie softly. Nephthys furrowed her eyebrows.

Giotto spoke up with a chuckle, "Well, from what Clément has shared, Aurélie was quite the troublemaker."

Aurélie smiled, "Apparently, I aged my parents by ten years. I snuck out a lot too."

"Oh yeah, he did mention that you did that a lot. You thought you got away with it too. Teenagers always think that but believe me, Neph, we know. I let Lynwood pull that stunt twice before I decided to wait for him in his room and scare the light out of him when he came home," laughed Giotto, "He nearly fell from his two story window."
Nephthys's smile faltered a little as she thought about the times she lied to the Malfoys about where she was going. She had never snuck out, but she wasn't always truthful about her location. Still, she had a question in mind.

"Who's Clément?"

Giotto's eyes widened as he looked over at Aurélie, "She doesn't even know that?"

"It never came up," said Aurélie, "And — whenever he stops by, she never does."

"Well, does he know about her?"

"Of course he does!" said Aurélie, "He was there when she was born. She's not a secret."

"I'm still here," said Nephthys.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" said Aurélie, "Clément is your uncle — my older brother. He always asks about you and longs to meet you. He cares a lot about you, but he's a really busy person." Nephthys couldn't imagine someone she didn't even know existed asking about her. Aurélie glanced at Giotto, who nodded at her, "I have two more — siblings, I mean. Esmée is my sister, she got married last summer. The youngest is named Archie, he's married with kids and has distanced himself a little from the rest of us, but I see him every now and then."

It was a strange feeling. To have a whole side of a family she knew close to nothing about while she got to know a family that wasn't even hers. What was Aurelie's parents names? Nephthys didn't know, but what were Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy's parents names? Nephthys could name all four of them and her father's parents as well, of course. She supposed she was partially at fault.

"They're younger than you, the oldest is almost eight," said Aurélie.

"I'd hope they're younger than me," said Nephthys, "I'd have questions if they weren't."

Aurélie laughed nervously, "Yes, it'd be a concern. I hope you'd be willing to meet them someday."

"Maybe," said Nephthys.

"Neph!" said Emery as he stumbled into the main room. Rosie was latched on his hips and he was wrestling her to get away from her. "Before you leave, we should have a round."

"A round?"

"Yes," said Emery, "You versus me on a broomstick, who can make more scores? Rosie will be neutral and block the person without the Quaffle."

"Oh!" said Nephthys, "Finally. All you've been doing is working me to the bone."

"No," said Emery, "I'm working you away from the bone. I believe it's vital to have healthy muscle mass."

"I agree!" said Rosie as she straightened up, "It sure helps when you're beating your brother to the pulp."

"Um —" Nephthys tilted her head, "I don't think I'll be doing that any time soon, but good to know."

"I'm okay sharing him if you ever need to take out your emotions on something," said Rosie. Emery pushed her. Nephthys smiled but she didn't find it funny. Emery walked over to her, "Come on. Our last training before our match against each other. I'll be too busy training my team until after our match. No offense."

"None taken," said Nephthys as Emery gently grabbed her arm and led her to the backyard.

"I'll use mum's old broom," said Emery, "Unless you want to, Ro."

"No, it's fine," said Rosie, "Neph can use your broom."

Emery smiled sadly as he nodded and made his way to the broom shed. Nephthys followed after him. He didn't notice her right away until he began to undo the lock and she came up behind him. He jumped, "Merlin, Neph! I thought you stayed with Rosie."

"She's watering the flowers," said Nephthys. Emery glanced behind his shoulder at Rpsie, who had kneeled down to observe a wildflower.

"We used to fight over using mum's broom," said Emery, "I'm worried about them."

"I'm sure they'll be fine," said Nephthys. "They just need some time."

"I hope you're right," said Emery as he opened the door to the shed and handed her his broom. Before she could take it, he withdrew it, "If you curse my broom to win the next game, I'm borrowing a school broom and pushing you off of yours."

"Noted," said Nephthys in amusement as she took his broom.

"While I'm at it, I'll also push Flint and Malfoy off of theirs."

"Might as well push the entire team off," said Nephthys as she turned away and made her way to the center of the backyard.

"What a brilliant idea," said Emery as he caught up with her, his mum's and Rosie's brooms in his hands.

"What is?" asked Rosie as she approached, brushing her hands against her robes.

"Don't worry about it," said Emery as he handed Rosie her broom, "Let's go. Hurry!"

"I'm so glad I'm not a Ravenclaw," said Rosie as Emery went up in the air, "If I had my brother as my quidditch captain, I'd fall off my broom on purpose."

"Good thing that you'll only fall off your broom on accident now, isn't it?" said Nephthys, "Of course, that can easily be prevented by not allowing Diggory to take your breath away."

"Leave me alone," said Rosie as she left the ground. Nephthys laughed before she followed after her. She glanced over to see Giotto and Aurélie emerging from the house. She turned back around and joined the Hepburn siblings in the air.

"I feel bad for Suzy," sighed Rosie, "Emery and I will be old when she's our age. She'll grow up all alone." That was a little random but Nephthys assumed they were speaking about something else before she made it to them.

"And spoiled," said Emery, "So don't feel too bad. She'll never know the pain of having to share. Let's begin!" Nephthys laughed and they turned to look at her. "What's wrong with her?" whispered Emery to Rosie, who shrugged.

"Sorry," said Nephthys, "Don't you think you're missing something?"

Emery furrowed his eyebrows until he realized he forgot the Quaffle. He groaned, "Go get it, Rosie."

"Me?! You're the one who forgot it!"

"So? Go get it."

"I'll get it, we're just wasting time here —" said Nephthys.

"No!" exclaimed both Emery and Rosie.

Nephthys stared at them in surprise, "Alright then. . .I'll just catch up on some sleep while you two argue." Nephthys leaned forward on her broom and closed her eyes while Emery and Rosie continued to argue. Suddenly something hit her shoulder,w which startled her awake. She leveled her broom as she almost tipped over.

"Sorry! Sorry! That was my mistake! I'm so sorry!" yelled Giotto from the ground.

"Taking out my competition, nice," said Emery. Nephthys glared at him as she rubbed her shoulder.

"The quaffle!" cried out Rosie before she went after it. Emery and Nephthys glanced at each other before they both followed after Rosie.

Nephthys found it funny how all three of them were chasers on different teams. The truth was Nephthys wasn't a chaser at heart — no, she was a seeker. However, she couldn't take that away from Draco, she wouldn't. As long as he was seeker, she'd be fine as a chaser. However, that was a contrast from Emery and Rosie who wouldn't change being chasers for anything. It was in their blood, their passion. Even through all of Rosie's trouble, she wouldn't ever be in a team where she wasn't a chaser. Next to the two brilliant chasers, Nephthys felt almost like an imposter.

Rosie gasped as Emery pushed her. Nephthys dropped her broom lower to avoid Rosie crashing into her. She raised her broom again, this time in between Rosie and Emery. Emery glanced at her, which she returned. He reached out, the Quaffle just within reach. He was winning. He was going to — Nephthys crashed into him. He almost let go of his broom as he tilted to the side.

Nephthys reached out and gripped the quaffle jay before it reached the ground before she turned her broom sharply and headed back into the air. She threw it the furthest hoop, she decided that'd be Emery's hoop.

"Not fair!" said Emery as Nephthys tossed the quaffle to him.

"One to zero," she grinned.

"The slytherin chaser, everyone," said Rosie with a smile.

"Hey, he didn't fall," shrugged Nephthys.

"It's on, Black," said Emery as he turned around and headed for the other hoop.

"I wouldn't be so cocky, Hepburn!" called out Nephthys as she followed after him.

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