Lean on Us (LukaxAdrienxReade...

By RavenRebel24

568K 19.8K 12.8K

~Highest rank: #1 in mlb ~ -COMPLETED AS OF OCTOBER 5, 2022- (A/N: Please don't read this story if you're und... More

Not So Smooth Beginnings
(Y/N)'s First Friend
The Concert
Give and Take
A Whole New Kind of Crazy
The Blur of Red and Black
What Was That About
Asra, let's fly
The Easy Stuff
All Comes Crashing
No Regrets
A/N: Small Update!
A Huge Mess With a Side of Pancakes
When's The Wedding
Viperion Takes The Stage
Authors Note: The Sequel
Authors Note: The trilogy
Add a little bit of ✨Spice✨
Sunsets and Heartbreak
A thousand whispers
Beach Day
Projects and New Friendships
Couffaine versus Agreste
Authors Note
They Boink in this one (female version)
They Boink In This One (male version)
My hero
Fleeting moments
Let's plan a wedding
First Time for Everything
What Good Boyfriends Do
For Gay Rights (SPICE WARNING)
Big Break
They Boink in This One: The Sequel [female version]
They Boink in This One: The Sequel [male version]
Never Again
48 Hours
(luka x reader) shameless self-promo time
Livid and Loved
Back Together
They Boink In This One: The Finale (Female ver.)
They Boink In This One: The Finale (Male ver.)
Lean On Us (The End)
Trust in Us: The Sequel
updating lean on us


2.7K 94 53
By RavenRebel24

(A/N: obligatory "nice" for chapter 69. Also half of this was written on my break when we were slammed and SUPER understaffed, so idk how consistent the writing is but I need a nap. ALSO WE ARE AT ALMOST 200K READS WTF??)

Lucky for Adrien, it was a short and speedy trial. There was no way Gabriel Agreste was going to make any sort of headway with the jury with the overwhelming evidence on top of his own son's testimony. Adrien practiced with the prosecution lawyer, Luka, and (Y/N) for hours in the week leading up to his trial, making sure he wouldn't cry during his testimony and questioning. Money couldn't save Adrien's father, much like it couldn't save his mother.

In the eyes of the court, Adrien was entrusted to Owen and Milo until they could come up with a more permanent solution, due to Adrien's request and advisement of a therapist. Adrien insisted on no paparazzi when he made his exit, he didn't care how televised the trial was but outside of his testimony he didn't want to be on camera. Much to his fans' dismay, he also announced a temporary hiatus on his own modeling career while he took over his father's businesses.

Luka and (Y/N) barely saw Adrien for almost a month, even though Adrien and (Y/N) technically lived together. He was busy salvaging the reputation of the businesses he was inheriting, promising and making deals as he settled into the reality of his new life. (Y/N) swore they saw him getting grey hairs from all the stress.

It was time the boy got a day off, and a wedding was just what the doctor ordered.


Adrien and Luka couldn't believe the venue when they got there. It was a literal castle, the gardens alone had to have been worth millions of dollars in upkeep alone. Luka almost felt like he was ruining the cool marble floors just by stepping on them.

"This whole place for like 200 people?" Luka asked, his voice echoing in the hall as he turned around, slowly taking the entrance in.

Adrien smiled, gushing at how pretty his partner was when he was in awe. He took his hand "you'd be surprised how crazy rich weddings can get when the grooms hate people but want stuff like this" Adrien answered with a shrug as he gestured to the room literally three times the size of Luka's house. "Maybe you'll get a wedding like this- it's not like (Y/N) and I can't afford it"

Luka's posture shot up the mention, blood rushing to his face as he bit back a surprised cough. He inhaled so fast he nearly choked on his own spit. "You can't just say stuff like that!"

Adrien rolled his eyes, a smirk on his face as he leaned on Luka "why not?"

Luka cleared his throat as he looked at his boyfriend- who was unfairly breathtaking in his deep emerald suit, gold hardware on his belt, watch, and his earrings, and his hair slicked back but still loose- and blushed as he tried to come up with a response "because if I got married in a place like this I think I'd pass out."

"Oh~‽" Adrien cooed as he rubbed Luka's hand "so you don't mind the thought of marrying (Y/N) and I?"

"Of course I don't mind- it's a nice thought-" Luka admitted, way more readily than he'd expected. He didn't even register what he'd said until he saw the shocked smile on Adrien's face. "I mean-" he froze, his mind scrambling for a better elaboration "I mean when we're older and have our shit together and you and (Y/N) are doing better mentally and-" Luka's disaster gay rambling was cut off by Adrien pressing his lips against Luka's. Adrien's hand found the crook of Luka's neck as he nestled his fingers in the back of Luka's hair, his other hand not letting go of Luka's. The boy couldn't help but melt into the affection, he'd missed Adrien like crazy.

"You're cute when you're nervous" Adrien whispered against Luka's lips when he finally pulled away. His hand didn't leave Luka, and his lips hovered over his in an infuriating tease. Adrien leaned to his ear "really cute"

Luka whimpered, his warm breath both tickled and set the poor boys senses on fire. If Adrien wasn't holding him Luka would've passed out. "We can't do this here, we're in the middle of the entryway!"

Adrien grinned "so let's find one of the millions of bedrooms and move this there"

Luka bit his lip, trying desperately to stay focused "but we have to find (Y/N)- and the wedding-"

Adrien sighed as if coming back to his senses "Alright, we'll go find our (Y/N)." Adrien pulled away, his smile teasing as he kept his grip on Luka's hand "They're probably with Owen"

Luka blushed, "would you mind- um- walking in front of me for a minute?" He squeaked "you caused- a bit of a problem" Luka shifted uncomfortably as he held his hands over his front, praying Adrien got the hint.

The blonde couldn't hold back his smile, wordlessly stepping in front of his boyfriend without another word, earning a nervous "thank you" from the brunette.


Milo was pacing in his room, his long ivory train following closely behind while (Y/N) sat on the chase lounge, sipping their drink while Milo freaked out. "There's just so much left to do! The catering company is running late, Owen can't find the rings which he doesn't know I know-" he took a shaky breath as he whirled around to face (Y/N) "why am I doing this?"

(Y/N)'s amused smile softened to a concerned one as they set their drink down "because you love him-" a serious tone, which shifted into a more lighthearted one as (Y/N) continued "and because you're never gonna have to worry about money again, and because you look fucking amazing in your wedding dress and deserve to show it off."

Milo laughed, the tension leaving his shoulders "You're right, I'm sorry you're here for the freak out, I know your boyfriends are coming and you'd much rather be with them than your uncles fiance."

"One, I'm my uncle's best man and he entrusted your care to me until you walk down that aisle, which is a job I take seriously. Two, I love you as a father and want to help." (Y/N) said, slowly guiding Milo to the makeup chair "the wedding planners you hired are taking care of everything. Now sit back, relax, and let this very expensive makeup artist beat your face."

Milo laughed, tears welling up in his eyes "I love you, (Y/N)"

(Y/N) grinned, Milo had yet to say those three words to them until today "I love you too, Milo- but don't you dare cry before the makeup is even on. I'm gonna go check on everything, your bridesmaids are coming in now. Have fun!"

Milo waved (Y/N) off while the onslaught of Milo's wedding party, consisting of men, women, and gender queer, flooded the room. (Y/N) skipped down the stairs, on a quest to find their boyfriends.

The quest came to swift end as (Y/N) almost ran right into Adrien while turning a corner. They stumbled, but froze mid-air thanks to the warm, firm arms around their waist. "Careful there, sweetheart, don't wanna ruin that pretty face of yours"

(Y/N) pushed Adrien away, blushing furiously "Well jokes on you because- because-" (Y/N) faltered, too flustered to think of a come back "fuck you-"

"It'd be me fucking you, but okay, doll" Adrien flashed a cat-like grin

"What got him in such a mood?" (Y/N) asked, their gaze flicking to Luka, who was practically hiding behind Adrien despite being the tallest of the three. It took one look to Luka's red face to realize "he got you too?"

Luka could only manage a nod, "he's been busy so I guess he missed us?"

"You don't have to talk like I'm not here, you know" Adrien pouted, his arms crossed until Luka pet his hair, causing the boy to deflate on impact, muttered a small "carry on"

(Y/N) giggled, pressing a kiss to Adrien's lips and then to Luka's "so?" (Y/N) started, wringing out their hands "what do you think of the place?"

"I think it's massive, and I think I've seen enough gold detailing to finance my way through college even in the states- just in the goddamn entry way." Luka looked stressed, like he shouldn't be here. He constantly forgot how well off both of his partners were until things like this came up- weddings, Christmas, even birthdays for fucks sake. "I feel like I shouldn't be here." He whispered "it's a beautiful place, don't get me wrong, but I feel so out of place." He pulled self-consciously at his clothes, paid for by Adrien.

Adrien turned to kiss Luka "you absolutely should be here, and the rest of your band will be here in a little while so you won't be surrounded by strangers. There's a library on the second floor if you need to step out for a bit and breathe, though."

(Y/N) nodded, "plus, I got Owen and Milo to agree to set aside a little table for us just out of sight from the main party. We can see them, but they can't see u. There's vines and flowers and fairy lights- it's gorgeous."

Luka nodded, trying to relax "thank you, love." He murmured, smiling as he gave (Y/N) a much deserved kiss. He looked between his two partners "You're both always so good to me"

"You deserve it, gorgeous" Adrien cooed, kissing his boyfriends cheek "and we'll keep being good to you until you get sick of us."

"That a promise, Agreste?" (Y/N) grinned, their hand now pressing into his shoulder.

He nodded, taking their hand and pressing his lips gently upon it, a warm yet shy smile on his face "its a vow, love. We are at a wedding, are we not?"

(Y/N) blushed feverishly "not ours-"

"So? It's a celebration of love, seems only fair we do some celebrating of our own~" Luka whispered, taking his partners' hands, reveling in the flustered noises escaping (Y/N) as they tried to form any coherent words.

"I think you broke them, babe." Adrien laughed, looking at Luka as he shook (Y/N) lightly. "It's kind of hard to attend a wedding when you can't talk, love. Come on and we'll indulge all those sinful little places your mind is going after. Hell, Luka and I will keep the suits on if it's doing it for you~"

"It is-" (Y/N) blushed, turning around so their back was to their partners "just- go take your seats and I'll see you at the reception. I have to focus and you are painfully distracting."

"We'll be the pretty ones making out in the corner~!" Adrien said in a sing-songy voice as he led Luka to the ceremony place outside while (Y/N) went back to Owen.


As (Y/N) stepped up those stairs, they realized this could easily be considered the first day of the rest of their life. Today was a day of vows, so they made one to themselves: to not lose anyone else they love.

Luka grinned as Adrien once again pulled them away into darkness, he vowed to protect his rays of sunshine with everything he had.

Adrien, as he pulled Luka in for more intoxicating kisses, vowed that this- whatever thing he had with Luka and (Y/N)- was his forever.

Owen and Milo both sat in their rooms, vowing to give this new family everything they had.

Asra sat on a windowsil, looking fondly at his wielder- who'd accepted him and loved him regardless of his betrayl and his faults- and vowed he would never let hawkmoth, or anyone else, touch them again.

Someone, somewhere, in the city of Paris, was another who's vows were less than noble. They slipped out of their window and into the streets with a different kind vow- not one that builds and protects, but one that brings nothing but hurt and pain- a vow to ruin (Y/N)'s life. Only they didn't just have a vow, they had a plan.

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