Champagne & Pools

By mommy_tallya

66 7 0

Shen Qingqiu has always liked Liu Qingge since their school years. Shen Qingqiu's way of "flirting" was origi... More

Chapter 1- "Do you need my assistance?"
Chapter 2- An Indirect kiss?
Chapter 3- A new feeling?
Chapter 5-"I need a plan!"
Chapter 6-Making the first move
Chapter 7- That Funny Feeling
Chapter 8- Should I just forget about this?
Chapter 9- Disregarded
Chapter 10- Realization
Chapter 11- An unsolvable issue

Chapter 4-One bed, two people

7 1 0
By mommy_tallya

A/n: Early post🤭


It was late when the two had finished eating and cleaning what little mess Liu Qingge made in the kitchen. The kitchen clock read 12:03 am. A bit late for Liu Qingge. Despite his workaholic nature, the Bai Zhan headmaster goes to sleep relatively early and wakes up just as early. Shen Qingqiu however, was almost the opposite. He would go to bed late and would scramble to make it to work on time.

When the pair entered the living room, Shen Qingqiu put on the TV to watch his favourite show. He didn't bother to ask Liu Qingge if he was alright, assuming that his shidi would not care regardless. He was right. Shen Qingqiu sat down, practically on top of Liu Qingge. That was how close he was to Liu Qingge, and he didn't seem to care. Qingge didn't say anything about it, although he did let out a small huff.

For a majority of whatever show that was on, Liu Qingee found himself staring at Shen Qingqiu. He watched his shixiong's facial reactions. He watched how his eyebrows furrowed when he was confused. And whenever he smiled, even if it was the smallest of ones, the corners of his eyes crinkled. If there was something comical, he laughed, and god was it so angelic. His hair was fine and long, and his dark eyes were so beautiful. Shen Qingqiu was beautiful. Woah. Wait a minute. When did Liu Qingge start thinking about things like that? That's not right, maybe he was just tired. His brain doesn't function as well when he's tired. That's all.

"Shixiong," Liu Qingge said, tapping his shixiong's shoulder lightly. Shen Qingqiu turned his attention from the show to Liu Qingge.

"Hm?" he hummed in response with a smile.

"I'm tired." He yawned. Shen Qingqiu didn't say anything further and just nodded. He turned the TV off and stood up. Shen Qingqiu began walking, Liu Qingge following.

When Shen Qingqiu walked into his room, he froze. Liu Qingge stood in the doorway. Shen Qingqiu didn't freeze up because his room was scattered with clothes, but because he had only one bedroom. When he first rented his apartment, he never intended of having guests come over, and knowing him, if he had a second room, it would just be storage. However, his bedroom was pretty big, and he had a big bed so both men could easily sleep there. But would that make his shidi uncomfortable? As if knowing what his shixiong was thinking, Liu Qingge spoke.

"I can take the couch,"

"Oh no! I couldn't possibly do that to you. I could take it instead."

"It's your house and you never intended on me to stay over. I can take the couch."

The two bantered until they both found themselves laying in the same bed. It didn't take much before Liu Qingge was asleep, and he clearly was sleeping peacefully. Shen Qingqiu however had to fight for sleep, and yet it never came. While he lay there, he tossed and turned trying to get comfortable. He looked over to Liu Qingge in hopes that he didn't wake him, but the headmaster slept like a log.

All that tossing and turning wasn't just because he couldn't sleep, but because his mind and heart were racing. He swore that his heartbeat was so loud, that it could've awoken his shidi. He propped himself up on one arm and watched Liu Qingge. As creepy as it sounds, there was no ill intent behind it at all! In fact, Shen Qingqiu couldn't stare for too long before he laid back onto his back and turned into a blushing mess. Eventually, sleep consumed Shen Qingqiu, and thank god. If it didn't who knows what might've happened to the poor romantic?

When morning came, Liu Qingge could feel the sun's rays on his eyes. He also could feel an extra weight on top of him. He opened his eyes only to see Shen Qingqiu sleeping peacefully on top of him. One arm crossed over his body, and his head laying on his chest. Liu Qingge didn't mind. This is because he's used to people cuddling with him in their sleep. Whether it be his younger sister or his son, Yang Yixuan... His son! Liu Qingge forgot to call him last night to tell him he wouldn't be home that night and probably not until later the next day. He would like to call him or at least text him, but he left his phone in the living room. He could get up but he would disturb Shen Qingqiu's slumber.

So now, Liu Qingge was stuck. He could either get up and disturb Shen Qingqiu or stay there and let it eat away at his conscience. After a well-thought-out decision, he decided to stay in the bed. He hoped that maybe Shen Qingqiu would move around and let go. But in the meantime, he would have to wait and be left with his thoughts.

Although it was about an hour after he woke up, it felt like forever. Shen Qingqiu did move, but not enough for Liu Qingge to leave. If he had just left earlier, he could've made breakfast, he could've cleaned, he could be doing so many things. Sighing, Liu Qingge finally decided to get up, he didn't care enough about waking Shen Qingqiu up. As he was sitting up, he ended up waking Shen Qingqiu.

"Shidi?" He said as he rubbed his eyes.

"Morning," Liu Qingge said, voice rough and deep. Shen Qingqiu was wide awake now. Holy shit, that was so hot.

"Yeah morning," Shen Qingqiu said. Liu Qingge looked down at Shen Qingqiu as he still hadn't gotten off the bed yet. His face was relaxed, and his eyes were fully awake and aware. But, there was one thing that threw Shen Qingqiu off. Liu Qingge has never looked at him how he was looking at him now. Maybe it was because they just woke up?

"Did you sleep well?" Shen Qingqiu asked, trying to change his focus. Liu Qingge hummed out a soft response.

Liu Qingge couldn't help but flick his eyes from Shen Qinqiu's face to his arms that were still wrapped around his waist. Although he slept well, he could feel all the shifting from Shen Qingqiu, and when he ended up on top of him. It was interesting to Qingge that the headmaster of Qing Jing hadn't noticed that he was still wrapped around him. Was Shen Qingqiu aware and was like this on purpose? Or was it because he was still sleepy and just didn't notice?

"Are you hungry?" Liu Qingge asked, voice soft and warm. Shen Qingqiu nodded. He was freaking out. In all the scenarios he's made up about waking up with Liu Qingge, this reality, this moment, couldn't compare.

"Alright," Liu Qingge said, then glanced down at Shen Qingqiu's arms. Shen Qingqiu must have gotten the hint and hastily let go. Shen Qingqiu didn't have the time to form the words for an apology before Liu Qingge got up and left for the kitchen.

After Liu Qingge left, and he was sure he was out of hearing range, he screamed into his pillow. He would most definitely not live that down. How long had he done that? Did he cling onto to him the whole night? How had he not noticed? But most importantly, why didn't Liu Qingge not say anything? Now that he thought about it, Liu Qingge didn't say anything when it came to physical contact, he seemed like he didn't mind. No, he in fact did not care nor mind. If he did care, then he would've said something. Does this mean what Shen Qingqiu thinks it means? No. He shouldn't raise his hopes, Liu Qingge has always been like this and has never picked up on any of his signals. Why would he pick up on them now? But then why did he suddenly start doing these kinds of gestures toward him?

He continued to think as he got out of bed, and started cleaning his room. He was disgusted at how he had left it. He put his clothes back in the closet and made the bed. Once he finished, he walked into the kitchen.

"Your timing is always perfect shixiong," Liu Qingge teased. Shen Qingqiu didn't acknowledge him. He just continued to overthink a situation that the other party that was involved, had already moved on from. Liu Qingge noticed but just didn't say anything. Whatever was going on in that mind of Shen Qingqiu's, it was better left unsaid. Liu Qingge served himself and his host. It was ironic that the guest was serving the host. The two ate in silence, which was much different from the night prior.

"Shixiong, I will take my leave now. I'll wash these clothes and return them to you on Monday," Qingge said as he finished cleaning up.

"Alright," Shen Qingqiu said in a borderline monotone voice. Neither said anything and shortly after the door closed. 


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