My Roommate

By CuteMoth

136 0 0

Random old story i was to scared to Post but Fuck it , my grammar is shit and so is the Stories plot line whi... More



6 0 0
By CuteMoth

Serving each one their favourite Coffee type i made a Cappuccino and an Espresso for Deku and Tsukoyomi , knowing they were coming in a few minutes .

I left a note on the Counter and snuggled up in Bed with Hawks . Being cocooned in his Wings , arms and legs i felt comfortable and relaxed . Playing with his Hair i was at Peace .


Hearing him sigh as his Wings ruffled i chuckled wrapping my arms around his upper body as i slid downwards . Resting my Head in the crook of his Neck i said your Hot and i don't only mean your appearance , please rest for a while Keigo .

After a bit silence he said alright love , i'll take some time off and you decide what we do then sounds good ? I said sounds perfect , feeling my Feathers ruffle .

We relaxed like that and watched anime movies cuddled up together . After an Hour we came out both fully dressed and went straight up into the Kitchen . Sitting opposite each other he drank Coffee and i drank hot chocolate .

Walking into the Livingroom we sat into our Nest and watched random stuff with the others . I Noticed that he is still wearing the Necklace i gave him at the Hospital making me happily grin .

Everyone went to their Home and i curled up on Hawks cocooning myself in my Wings . Snuggling close i heared humming and felt arms wrapped around me and a Wing covering my own .


I felt the fluffiness of our Nest and snuggled in being fully at Home . Cuddling with Keigo in a Blanket from our Nest i used his arm as a Head pillow and draped my Leg over his . Hearing a sigh of Happiness i was smiling halfway asleep .

Sleeping in i didn't move much but somehow woke up laying covered in limbs and wings , i noticed his breathing on my Neck . Feeling relaxed i listened to his calm and steady heartbeat and smiled quietly to myself .

Being suddenly gently squeezed as he nuzzled into my Hair i knew i was getting red . I'm not used to so much physical love right after waking up , i turned around , hugged him back and nuzzled under his chin snuggling close to his Body .

We went in our Bathroom and took a long bath preening each other , talking about everything and relaxing in the warmth of the water . I was hugged from behind and pulled close to his Chest hearing him quietly humming yet relaxing .

I said when we are done bathing , i'm going to massage you . He said thanks baby bird , i appreciate it much knowing you've planned everything out for today as far as i know you .

We dried ourselves and put clean clothes on , well i did and he did not . I took the Bottle of massaging oil pouring a bit into my Hand, i used my Quirk and started to massage him where he had the most trouble , his Shoulders .

Hearing him groan i used more heat in that area , after an Hour he was clearly relaxed but awake . I chuckled saying impressive how long you were tense and still behaved like always .

Keigo turned on his back after i whipped it down to get rid of the last bit of oil . I was surprised when he pulled me up and sat me down on his lap , feeling him massage my hips i was happily flapping my Wings .

We sat down on the Couch after he got dressed . Keigo laid down on my Lap , while we watched random Movies . Massaging his scalp i saw his Wings puff up but he didn't move or tried to hide it , neither did he seem embarrassed about it which made me smile .


We ate tonkotsu miso ramen and went back in our Nest . I played with his Hair knowing he always calms down when he has a stressed day , sometimes people get on his nerves or he just wants attention . This time he wanted attention from his Mate and I'm happy to help .

Keigo said you're my Love , my Mate , my little Reporter and my Family . I was shocked as he said that the first time , out of nowhere but i answered and i won't leave you . He hugged my Hips and burried his face on my Belly , causing me to Chuckle as it tickled because he pulled my hoddy up .

I felt him creating hickeys and slight teeth markings , humming i said Keigo , not here what if the others burst in ? He picked me up carrying me over his Shoulder into our Bedroom , locking the Door behind us .

Pressing me against the Wall opposite the Door i said Thank you . Feeling his lips gliding with my own i thought knew it , because i saw his desire after the Massage actually but he didn't want to ruin the Plan i had made .

He had both my wrists in one Hand , lifting my Chin with his other to force me to look at him . It worked and made him look mad fine , feeling him move two feathers to hold my Head and wrists in place , i knew he was either going to tease me or edge the Shit out of me .

Meaning he wanted to hear me beg for him to fuck me , let me cum , torture me more/harder ( choking , spanking , piercing/wax play , degradation or praising or maybe bondage i won't know for sure ) those were the Options i had in mind but he literally did a little bit of everything .


We removed every evidence and snuggled up in the Nest . I said fuck i love you Birdy, he chuckled saying love you more baby Bird as he cocooned us in his Wings . Snuggling with each other i felt truly loved and cared for , feeling him nuzzle his Chin on my Head i was protected as we slept in .

Waking up i was alone but saw a Note saying he's buying groceries and is going to come right back afterwards . I changed and went into the Office room , starting to write a report about recent events that happened .

Getting pulled into a Hug i smelled Keigos scent and said Morning Love . He kissed my forehead and said Morning Gorgeous , walking in direction Kitchen . I chuckled and went after him , helping him unload everything .

He said by the way dress nice this evening because i wanna take you out . I smiled and said will do but what kind of nice ? He said tuxedo suit kind of nice . I said alright but first i have to dye my hair lol .

I chuckled when he shouted Pastel lavender ! Nodding i bought the Color and dyed my Hair pastel lavender fading downwards slowly into white . The Whole rinsing process took a good amount of time but i eventually was done and blow dried my Hair .

Keigo combed my Hair and was quiet good at that . We went clothes shopping buying mostly Hoddies , sweatpants , t-shirts and so on . We went to his Model shooting after bringing the Clothes home .


He insisted to shoot together and we did , it was actually pretty fun except a few times where i had to hold him back from shooting someone with his Feathers because they were to close but nothing else had happened .

Flying back Home i was held close by him and he was seemingly distracted . At Home i was flown into our Nest and he slept in on my Chest , so i had to remove our clothes and change us .

I went into the Living room and watched the News ignoring everyone , understanding that some crazy ass dude made some scent making every male Aggressive or sleepy af depends on that person , i groaned pulling my Key out .

Wielding my Scythe and summoning Demogorgon i asked can you find him please ? He said Yo , shortly after he said your Sister stole my Kill . I said Lmao didn't plan on killing him , maybe traumatising but not killing .


I sneaked in our Bedroom and saw him completely out , tugging him properly in i kissed his forehead lovingly and left as quietly as i came in .

Mirko asked what happened but i said nothing un ordinary . They went Home after an Hour and Keigo came in saying let's get ready , i chuckled and we went into our bedroom changing and flying to our Destination .

Being blindfolded he guided me to a Room and giggled like a Kid getting Candy . As he took my Blindfold off i was amazed as he had booked us a private room at our favourite Restaurant fairy woods themed .

He sat down in front of me and asked how's the first Impression , Darling ? I said it's mesmerisingly beautiful , feeling my Feathers ruffle i smiled subconsciously feeling comfortable .

Keigo said very well , want to order now ? I said Yes please but can you surprise me ? He nod smiling cutely , ordering as a waitress came in . He interlocked our fingers after i laid my Hand onto the Table seeing him looking lovingly into my Eyes .


He seemed to suppress his Wings as the Waitress came in and brought our Meal , he shook them vividly after she left . I chuckled while he sat back down smiling , keigo kissed my Hand before he let go and we ate in calming silence .

Talking about everything and nothing we shared a bottle of red wine . He asked wanna go Home , snuggle and continue to drink wine , baby Bird ? I said sure thing , Daddy Bird let's go !

We flew home and i immediately removed my Tuxedo suit changing into sweatpants and an oversized shirt . He changed to and grabbed the Wine bottle while i prepared Netflix in our Bedroom .

He closed the Door behind him and had two bottles of sweet red wine in his hands . Grinning he sat down and hugged me from behind, kissing me after setting the Bottles down onto the Table .

Keigo sat me facing towards him , grabbing my ass he kissed me lovingly . He reeked of a mix of his scent , wine , razor water and perfume but it fit very well together somehow . It made him very attractive right now but i whispered not now Keigo , let's watch the Movie .

He turned me around and sat me next to him , noticing his arm on my shoulder . I leaned closer to him as we watched the Movie , laughing at the funny scenes and laughing even harder at the sad ones we had downed both bottles and were hit and horny .


I was getting my Soul fucked passionately and lovingly out of my Body while being restrained and choked . Moaning in sync we pressed our bodies against each other feeling connected , we climaxed for the fourth time in a row and were done .

Snuggling close , we breathed heavily trying to stabilise our breathing pattern . I gave him a few black-ish purple kiss marks and a good amount of scratches / Bite marks . He did the same to me tho , we slept in peacefully under his Wing .

Waking up at nine a.m we had a hangover and went to take a bath together . I sat across him as we relaxed , washing each other's Wings , preening each feather and washing each other basically .

Drying ourselves off we changed and went into the Kitchen . Eating breakfast and drinking a coffee was relieving the Hangover and soreness quiet a bit in combination with the bath from before .

Watching the News while he laid his head on my Chest, i subconsciously started to play with his Hair . He relaxed and so showed his Wings clearly and his dreamily smile dancing on his lips .

He hummed as i played with his feathers carefully , hugging him i kinda slept back in covering us in my Wings . I woke up and saw Keigo sleeping still on my Chest , looking peaceful and having his Guard down .

Relaxing like this i watched News and said you can come in and sit down i don't care and neither will he . Izuku was the first one to come in and said Hi .


I said Hey , what's up Izuku ? He said nothing un ordibary , you ? I said nothing much , just chilling and loving my Life . Keigo snuggled close covering us in his Wings except my upper body , i chuckled ruffling his Hair .

Hearing a synchronised "aaawwww" i felt my Wings puff up as his did to . He laughingly said second time i forgot people were around , i said same tho laughing along . Keigo said that's gonna take a few minutes .

He sat up , leaning against me as support i asked Coffee ? He hummed having to wake up , i said be right back kissing his Cheek , i asked ya'll to ? They nod and i smiled walking into the Kitchen .

Getting hugged from behind , i was happily humming as i made everyones Coffee . Keigo used his Feathers to bring everyone their Coffee while he kept hugging me , burying his face in the crook of my neck .

I said don't you dare , while prying him off and giving him his Coffee . Walking into the Living room we sat down , i said we dead ass slept for thirteen hours . Keigo said definitely feel like it .

I chuckled saying same and guess what I'm still sleepy . He looked at me with the most plain face i've ever seen , but not only him because the new low rank Pros also looked at me . Keigo said you just need to wake up properly , i said think so .

After drinking our Coffee i was in a Wing-tent to stop Keigo from hugging me because i would sleep in after a while . He said That's considered Mobbing . I said Imma sleep back in if we cuddle and i know damn straight if i let my Wings rest im instantly in a hug .


Izuku said Lmao death loop , which i responded with so you've noticed our little problem . Keigo went into our Office while i was having small talk with the smol Pros . I was amazed as they told me about a Mission where they had to defend an Island themselves , they said it was scary but they managed to defend everyone and themselves well .

I actually knew that because of Keigo but it's interesting to hear their perspective and what they felt , especially after the Look of adoration and proudness he had telling me , even though he just arrived and was covered in bruises and gashes .

Telling them that they did great i could swear i saw even Fumikage smiling . I talked for a while to them , when Keigo called me into our Office . Saying good bye to the others they went out while i walked to our Office , going in he held his finger in front of his mouth looking serious .

I listened and he was assigned a Mission in America which would probably take him about a Month or longer , because a few other Pros have failed taking several months . The last sentence pissed me of 'cause they said that's a Command , i was neutral on the Outside but was about to commit arson in my mind .

He said I fly off tomorrow morning after i got every information , have a great day . With that he hung up and i said alright i'll pack your stuff and we relax until you go ? He said mhm , yes please .

So i packed everything he would eventually need and the Feather Necklace so he won't rape me when he comes back which i wouldn't mind a bit but he is going to need sleep afterwards .


I stood his suitcase next to the Balcony door and hung his Winter outfit over it . Getting picked up and moved over to the Couch into his loving embrace , i was happily humming as we watched a few Movies with Wine .

Snuggled up on the Couch in blankets and i was in his Hoddy , being hugged and hugging him i was utterly at peace . Keigo seemed relaxed and had this love sick grin on his face the whole Time we cuddled .

We ignored every Call , Text , Mail or knocking at our Window , Door or ringing our Doorbell . Keigo insisted that we spend the Time together as a Couple and no one should disturb and i agree fully with him .

He was laying on my Chest , his Head neatly tugged under my chin as he had wrapped his arms around my waist . I hugged his torso and had my Wings laid over kei' , covering him in my Wings which looked adorable by the way .

Continuing to snuggle like that for Hours we slept in peacefully in each other's embrace , hearing our Heartbeats synchronised .

Waking up before him i made him breakfast and prepared a Shower , waking him he smiled cutely saying thanks babe i'll be quick and then we eat but care to join ? I raised an Eyebrow and he said please , i won't be able to see you for a while-

I said alright , alright let's go but just bathing alright ? He nod and boi did he lie , i said imma pay you back when you return after the Mission you know that or ? He said Worth it pulling his Hero suit over thermal clothes .

Eating breakfast together , i gave him a good , loving hug and a few of my Hoddies . Keigo kissed me passionately before he flew out saying love you ! I chuckled waving at him before i went back inside .

Writing a Report about the small Pro Heroes and the U.A in general i let All-Might and Nezu look through getting their Approval to Send . I thanked them and said why i knew that and how Keigo had told it to me which made them happy .

They went to U . A and i switched between random Livestreams until i found an interesting one which i kept on watching .


Deciding that i have to somehow find a way to show im taken but not by jewellery , i thought why not and went to my Usual Tattoo studio and let an almost healed bite mark being traced with the Needle dunked in Black Ink .

They knew i have a Boyfriend but don't know who , and that's good . I was allowed to go after the Intern healed me and went back Home , taking a long bubble bath to relax while keeping the Tattooed spot dry .

Drying myself off and changing into Keigos Sweatpants and an oversized shirt i snuggled into our living room Nest curling up in my Wings . I didn't look at the Time neither did i care because when i woke up , it was Six a.m and i have a Meeting at nine a.m today .

Repeating my morning routine like i would normally do , i went into my Office starting the Meeting with a few Reporter friends i knew from the Company i had worked for .

I was mostly writing things down , until we had a power outage in the City . Thinking that fate must hate me i let a groan out , thinking why the Heck not as i snuggled up in my Bedroom Nest reading a few books after i removed everything electronically and every jewellery .

Being curled up in my Nest in the Bedroom i couldn't sleep and so i went on the Balcony , relaxing in the Rain as i let my Wings soak full of Water . Laying in the Rain i realised that my Body temperature is to high but luckily it cooled down in the Rain .

Stretching my Wings out to their full Wingspan i groaned at first but sighed relieved after a few Minutes .


Waking up i felt weak but soon realised it was just the soaked up Water in my Wings . Shaking my Wings vividly i got most of it out , even if it looked stupid i didn't really care about that .

Going back inside i changed my Clothes into his and hung the almost dry ones in between his other clothes to keep his calming scent . I removed the Nest and build it again with the same blankets i did last time , walking down into our Basement i saw my Laptop i probably had forgotten their a few Days ago .

Sitting down in front of it i saw a Note saying "if you need a little kickstart Baby Bird" with an USB taped to it . There was a feather on a key ring which was on the USB , i knew what probably was on this but decided to not look at it for now .

Taking the USB stick into my Office i locked it in my Desk drawer . Leaning back i sighed relaxing, trying to ease my Mind from everything .

Giving up i asked Aizawa if i could to a trainings session with a few of his Students , which he agreed on about immediately . Chuckling i summoned my Matori and said be there in five , as i hung up i changed into black skinny jeans with holes and an oversized shirt in white , topping it of with a chain on my Pants i grabbed my Keys , wallet and flew out after locking everything .

Arriving i knew in which position everyone was and said to Obvious , dodging each trap they set up noticing a specific pattern . Chuckling i mumbled not bad for Chicken not actually bad , he would be proud to see them grow up and getting stronger as a Team .


I kicked their asses but bought them all breakfast . Izuku seemed to space out a lot and when i asked he told me his worries , chuckling i said just tell her how you feel mate i think she already likes you and is just shy about it .

He nod saying thanks for listening to me , i said every time now eat ip if you want to be a good Pro because you need a lot of Energy . They all thanked me and we trained for the whole Day , taking them of Aizawas shoulders to give him a break he seemed a bit at ease so i agreed to watch them again tomorrow .

Walking back Home i flew into the Bedroom and removed my Clothes sleeping in curled up in the Nest . So i woke up and did what I've promised Aizawa .


*3 Years later bc i want Drama*

Keigo still hasn't returned but i got used to it after three Months , i wore my own clothes again and took a Job as Aizawas assistant to train the Pros in close combat and have a second job at my own News Reporter company with my ex roommates .

Wishing everyone a nice day i went to the Company by Foot because i won't use my Quirk no more after failing the exam with the knowledge that Keigo is back since a few Months but hasn't said anything or even went near this area .

Nobody knows why I've failed that day and it's a mystery to all of them but i won't start drama and don't want to destroy his reputation . Sending him anonymously his stuff i burned every feather before i gave Demogorgon the Task to bring him his stuff after i said goodbye to him as well .

Sitting on the Bridge railing i lit my Cigarette up , looking at the Water which reflected the night Sky and myself . I looked sleep deprived and was it but i like my dark blue hair , at least something positive , right ?


I sighed walking into the Company Building , taking the Elevator to the Top i opened my Apartment door and went inside being finally finished with moving and done with my Shift for today .

Laying in my Bed i slept in as soon as i hit the Mattress . Waking up without an alarm clock i was suspicious about the amount of sleep i got but i was awake pretty early .

Getting ready i took a cab to U.A and went in with the ID card Aizawa gave me . Today i only did Paperwork and was finished pretty fast , so i was allowed to go earlier than usual .

I took the Bus to the Company and used the extra Time to write reports about the rising Criminal activity , the Dropping rates of Heroes and put a study in there that showes the change from a few years prior to now .

Going into my apartment on my Balcony , i inflamed my Cigarette relieving my Stress from the last few weeks . Getting surprised by Aizawa and co i thought Fuck no , slipping inside and locking everything up .

Sleeping in on my Couch while sitting i woke up from dreaming about black nothingness and that's the only thing that hasn't changed at all . The Irony was evidently there and not on my side as it seemed .


I was writing something down for Aizawa and Nezu asked me to leave immediately and not come back . So i said alright walking outside , walking to the Company i bought a bottle of Wine and Cigarettes . Drinking by myself was the only thing that let's me rest properly for three years and more i think .

Taking the Elevator to my Apartment , unlocked the front Door and went inside . Opening the Bottle up i sipped at it 'till the Bottle was completely Empty .

Laying on my Bed i looked at the Ceiling groaning because i was needy and can't get myself to finish at all so i have to take a Shower every time i get a boner . I went taking one but it didn't work this Time which scared me , knowing i was close to rut and i would originally have to re-mate but i won't because I'm loyal even if he isn't .

Being bound to my Room from now on , i let out a shaky breath and realised I'm desperate to get laid , fuck i don't even care by who i just want to get touched , fucked or even tortured and it would bring release , sweet sweet fucking release of Cumming three years worth of not being able to do that .

I managed to sleep in somehow and wrote a Mail saying I'm sick before I've slept in . Waking up several times i thought scrap it , standing up i changed and went out on my Balcony . Taking a Cigarette out of the Box i inflammed it , sitting on a Chair i had there i sighed .

Closing my Eyes i tried to calm down and when i opened my Eyes , i saw Izuku looking worried . I mumbled fuck no please not , knowing where this could end .

He asked if i was okay and what had happened . I said Izuku please go away or something bad is going to happen , which i can't stop . He looked Confused and slightly pissed which looked awfully close to Keigos expression's hitting me like a truck .

I went inside locking after me . Turning around he was inside , chuckling i ruffled his Hair saying nice sneak in Izuku , i almost didn't hear you breathing but you let a heavy breath slip .

Walking casually to my Bed i asked wanna watch a Movie ? He said yeah sure but do you have some spare clothes ? I said ye come with me .


Letting him change in my Bathroom , i mailed Aizawa that Izuku is with me watching a Movie . He came back and it was a bit too long but eh good enough , patting the place next to me he smiled walking over .

He chose horror and that actually surprised me . I had to smile and was able to hide it , grabbing some Snacks i came back and asked him what he wants . Sitting back down i gave him crisps .

I asked what are you even doing here and how do you know where i live . He chuckled saying don't take that weird but i followed your scent and it's easy when you have the Strongest one in a five km radio practically begging to get Laid .

That fucked me over and explained everything , he wasn't my Mate anymore . I mumbled so that's why , turning our attention back to the Tv i was out spacing . He tapped on my shoulder asking if i was alright , i said i need to check something come with me or not i don't care right now .

I went to the Closet and only smelled my perfume , asking Izuku if he smelled anything other then my scent he said No . I remained quiet and went back into my Room , curling into my Bed i said Keigo chose another mate leaving me , that's why i asked that .

Izuku seemed shocked but still hugged me saying you'll find either a better person or he's going to come back , hm ? I nod and said wanna watch the Movie tomorrow from the Beginning ?

He asked if he could sleep over and i said yeah sure . I went to sleep or tried to at least , the thoughts ate me up and i deleted everything that had to do with him . Izuku was soundly sleeping next to me looking peaceful .


I slept in after a while but got woken up by a Call , taking it i knew Izuku was awake and listening but did not care . There was a Problem and no one was able to fix it , i groaned saying be down in twenty Minutes .

Hanging up i said morning Izuku , he said Morning how d- i said please don't or i unintentionally accept you as a mate and your to young for me sorry . He said alright understandable have a nice day .

Sending Izuku back to U.A , i changed and went down just to almost get stabbed and shot . Walking to the Meeting office i was neutral but came out fucked up , i was in pure rage and went out on a flight , which wasn't smooth .

Landing on a Skyscraper i sighed inflaming my Cigarette , i walked to U.A after All-Might called me asking me to stay for a few Days and take over Aizawas trainings shifts . I said be right there .


I flew to U.A with a Coffee feeling like shit .

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