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Grinning i asked what're you thinking about , hm ? Keigo stayed silent and nothing happened but the Vibe he was giving of changed rapidly with the look he was giving me . I raised an Eyebrow as he searched for something in his jacket pocket , pulling it out he looked at me biting his Lip .

I chuckled kinda knowing that it would happen eventually . So i asked where ? He said here , now . Pulling his Head close i stayed like that just to fuck with him seeing his bulge twitch inside his Pants .


Gazing into his Eyes , i grinded against his bulge with my knee noticing his Wings flutter . I took the thing he had in his pocket wich were Quirk nullifying Handcuffs and locked his Hands behind his Head .

He smiled having a light blush glazing his cheeks . I rubbed against his Bulge with my Hand feeling him twitch directly under my Fingertips making my Wings shudder .

Knowing he was going to use that fact against me i felt him use a Feather to move the Fabric down , laying my Hand against his uncovered member . I took a moment to appreciate it before moving my Hand painfully slow .

Grabbing his Wings i played with his Feathers rubbing against his member with my own loving the expression he makes . Kissing him was Hot because he was dominant and fucking hell i love it .

Uncuffing him i grinned as he locked me in place and grinded against me before he frotted us of . In the End he fucked me senseless and we curled up in the King size Bed . Snuggling close i felt his Wing draped over me and slept in rather tired , done and relaxed .

Being a Wing roll i felt sleepy while he hugged me . I fell asleep quickly listening to his Heartbeat . Waking up alone was what i kinda expected , knowing he probably took a Mission when i was asleep hoping to be done before i woke up .

I put ripped jeans in black on with a Grey Hoddy grabbing a Whisky bottle out of the Fridge . Watching random stuff on the Tv while i sipped on the Liquid in my Glass .


It burned in my throat but the cold feeling before was pleasant . Grabbing my Jacket , phone , smartwatch , wallet and whisky bottle i left the Hut walking around the snow covered Woods letting the atmosphere sink in .

Walking for a while i sat down on a Mountain and seconds later i laid down . Relaxing in the Snow i spread my Wings out and cooled down thinking again , i know to much thinking can destroy someone but i don't really care right now .

If i don't think now , i'm most likely going to overthink everything while having a breakdown because i drink to much . Walking back to the Hut i had downed the Whisky bottle and was definitely more then a little bit hit .

Walking inside i changed and noticed that my Phone was snow damaged , it must've happened when i sat down . Setting it onto the Counter on a Paper towel under it , i sat down on the Balcony chair with hot chocolate .

Getting lost in a dream world , i almost fainted but got caught . Trying to stay awake was hard but it worked , well for a few seconds at least . Waking up i had a massive Headache and ran to the Bathroom throwing my Soul up .

Feeling a hand rubbing my back and another hand holding my Hair up i felt myself crying knowing exactly who it is . I suppressed the Tears , asking if i could shower but he said he wouldn't leave the Room for my own safety .

I gave up and shakily said 'kay , in the End we bathed together and he comforted me for an Hour . We changed and snuggled up on the Couch in front of the fireplace in a blanket .

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