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The little two Hours they goofed around and laughed as i was sunken deep down in my Mind . I dismissed them all for Today and Tomorrow saying they should be more with their Families or pets .

Receiving a synchronised Thanks Boss they went out as i leaned back , continuing to Think . Drinking the rest of my Coffee i put the Mug down and sighed thinking about a Report i would have to write and the U.A plan thingy i had to finish still .


I locked everything up and went into the Elevator back to my Home . Starting the Plan for the Company Website because that's far easier than the U.A plan i send the Draft in the Group .

Going to the Skatepark i used my Energy completely up , so i halfway walked and halfway used my Skateboard , ( which was rather slow ) to get to a Store picking up a few Items .

It is a Traditional Chinese store , which is not really known and that's because it's plain designed to blend in with the Old Chinese culture , using those structures and colours which were popular back then .

The Owner did everything themselve and we always shared a good chat , when i had the Opportunity and Time to come around that is . We talked about relationships , he told me to wait and be patient , until he returns and see where it goes from there on .

He said but i think he's loyal and loves you very much as much as the Look in your Eyes says each time you speak about him . You have that kind of Spark after- how long are you together again ?

I said four and a half Years , three spend apart and he had a few Missions taking longer starting a few Weeks ago , so i haven't really seen him that often but he always makes sure to let me know he's there through little notes or something like that .


We ended our talk with him saying " don't stress when he comes back , be happy because he's back and loves you with his whole heart as much as you love him . " I said Thank you for the Advice , it really helps .

Skating Home i took longer than expected but eh , i was pretty much asleep while walking into the Elevator already . Meaning falling asleep wasn't much a Problem , once i laid in my Bed i passed out about immediately .

Cuddling up in blankets , i slept peacefully with my Head looking out of the blanket-hill called "Nest" . I knew i have to re-do it but i don't want to do that without Keigo , so I'm going to sleep without a Nest after this Nap tho .

Cuddling in my Wings , i woke up after some time not knowing how long i slept for , since my Phone is Dead . I stretched my Body but curled up again , feeling the cold air hit my Leg .


I put the Blankets into the Washing machine and put new sheets on the Bed , after i had Changed into an Oversized T-Shirt from Keigos wardrobe and some grey loosely fitting shorts , which ended right above my knees .

The Shirt was a V neck and had Wingslits which were big enough for my Wings , but that wasn't a Surprise since we both have a similar Wingspan and wing height .

Humming to myself i looked through Mails , checked my Calendar for possible Events or Meetings but i had one which was a relieve , knowing i wouldn't have to stress about anything other than the U.A Kids coming into my Company to get practical Reporter knowledge .

Izuku was Leading everyone into the Elevator , as i Changed into a Tuxedo Suit and locked the Door with a Cappuccino in my Hand and my Hair neatly made as my Wings were tugged behind my Back through Wingslits .

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