The hellwalker

By Somthingidk6

65.7K 909 1.1K

This is my first story so bear with me, i will try to put some work into to make it seem good So it's a typic... More

chp 2: guilt and explanation (polishing
chp 3: new school and meeting "daisy" (polishing/rewriting
chp 4: 3 year timeskip and meeting
chp 5: battle training and talk
chp 6: usj and encounter
chp 7: mission and reunion
chp 8: sport festival

chp 1: the beginning and the end

7.6K 110 123
By Somthingidk6

"Har an hok....."

This was all that izuku heard, or could hear at least since it still sounded too far and mumbled to fully make out what it was saying

for years, he heard distant chants or voices whenever he was sleeping or unconscious but, could never make out what. Yet each time he was there, he somehow always felt that behind the incoherent words, it was as if it was calling out for him, with a tone that was heavy and powerful.

At first, he was scared and thought he had gone crazy from repeated trauma, but figured it was something else after awhile from the repeated visits in the mindscape. he tried to get closer to listen to whatever it was saying, but always woke up before he could hear it properly.

Of course, it wasn't always like this. Before, he was a happy, energetic child with a happy childhood as all children should with a sister that he would have been inseparable with and, surrounded by loving parents and friends, and a drive of becoming a great hero.

But after a certain visit to check for a quirk at the age of 4, that all changed. Now, he wasn't as happy nor energetic anymore and, everyday it was the usual beating from his tormentors within an inch of his life, going to school, and sleeping in the same house with them while his parents neglected him for his sister. While also simultaneously getting blamed for things he didn't do by said sister and her friends backing her up. And all he could do was Force a smile onto his face everyday, hoping things would get better than the hellish torture he endured everyday.

That was until one night at the age of 6, During his somewhat early development of mental trauma, while he was asleep. A voice spoke out to him, holding weight behind it with a deep and powerful tone .

(Start as 0:00, end at 0:21)

"Against all the evil that hell can conjure, ...all the wickedness that mankind can produce, ...we will send onto them .....only you! Rip and tear...  until it is done!"

(Pretend the last line "rip and tear until it is done" sounds like it's muffled. Also how the symbol formed in the video is how it formed on his chest)

The last part, he couldn't understand as it sounded muffled. During this, A symbol burned itself onto his frail, scared, body. right on his chest...... yet, it showed no signs of it causing him any pain.

Once the voice stopped, and the symbol finally marked itself on his chest. he woke up in a cold sweat with erratic breathing, barley able to calm himself down as he was still. a. child. Only after awhile was he able to calm himself down, to which he grabbed a glass of water he had left next to his bed as this was not the first time he had nightmares, and he didn't feel safe enough in his own home anymore to want to go to the kitchen afterwards by himself at night.

The next day, when he was getting ready for school, he noticed the marking on his chest. It being more apparent than the scar on his body were But, the thing about it was, it looked exactly the same to the birthmark on his left shoulder......

Of course he tried to get it checked but, hesitantly asking his parents, only to just get brushed off, neglecting him, ......saying he was over exaggerating. so he went on with it for 8 more year, burying it within himself just as he did with his emotions and pain ever since the 2 years after the visit to the quirk doctor. After that day, whenever he was unconscious or sometimes asleep. He would wake up inside the mindscape as he now calls it. And everyday, the voices would slowly get louder but never any more clearer as he kept pushing forward through each day, though each beating, though each torment, hoping to be a hero while burying his pain deep within himself, not knowing the loudness of the voices only grew as his suppressed rage did.

But one day, the voices grew especially louder after a certain meeting on a rooftop to then hearing a certain conversation between his sister Izumi and all might, or his father as he soon found out so she could be his successor cause he saw her as worthy.

But even after all that, he still pushed forward with an unwavering will.

And you may say, why didn't he train or, exercise if he wanted to be a hero so badly? Well he did, tried to at least, but it's kind of hard to do either when your body barely has enough energy to heal itself properly let alone exercise with your body constantly getting broken and bruised, causing him pain with the smallest overexertion, at the ages of 10-14. That being said, he still pushed on against the pain as best as a could, for his will remained unyielding........ unbroken...... unmatched....

[3rd person pov, Izuku's current age:14]

Izuku could be seen in a black abyss walking towards a red glow in the distance as something spoke, speaking out to him, feeling it get more ferocious and louder the closer he got while slowly getting clearer. Like a thousand voices all simultaneously chanting with ferocity as it echoed in the mind scape.

"har an hok....."


"Har an huk....."


"Har en Tuk....!"


before he could get any closer trying hear it properly, he woke up to only see his teacher looking at him annoyed and, his classmates looking at him, whispering amongst themselves, making fun of him.

Teacher: "it would be wise if you didn't sleep in class yagi, especially with your grades......" he said annoyed

The class chuckled simultaneously

Izuku:"s-s-sorry sir."

Teacher: "hmpt, anyway as I was saying. you guys need to start thinking seriously about your future..."

The class(-izuku and a few others) groaned as this

Teacher: "....but I know you all want to be HEROS!"

the teacher yells as he threw the papers in the air as the class started to use their quirks(except 6 other people)

Katsuki: "Hey teach!"

He starts stepping onto the desk while gaining everyone's attention

Kasuki: "Don't lump me and my group with these extras. They will be lucky enough to become sidekicks to some" busted D-lister"

Katsumi: "that's right and we will top ranking heros"

Izumi: "yea, and no one will be able to stop us!"

The class started arguing with them

Teacher: "now, now, calm down children"

The class finally calmed down a bit after a minute

Teacher"hmmm.. also-" he said as he looked at the forms. "-izuku yagi, aren't you also planning to go to U.A." he said as he gave a grin

Everyone turned to izuku to only later laugh while the group of tormentors glared to him, wondering why would he still apply to U.A. After everything they've done. izuku on the other hand just sunk his head into his arms on the desk

Izumi:"why won't you just give up!!" She thought a bit of annoyance.

As they laughed and the teacher grinned, If you looked at the form he held. you would see izuku didn't put U.A But instead, he put the U.A.C. The teacher said the latter because he thought izuku meant U.A but to also paint a target on his back. Izuku was just to scared to correct him, mostly because the teacher would punish him for incremental stuff. Discriminating against him because he was quirkless...

But you may ask, didn't izuku want to be a hero all his life? And you would be correct but, after all the beating and torment from them just because he wanted to be a hero at U.A, he decided to be a hero a different way. And while the U.A.C was nowhere near as popular as being a hero, they're not any less important.

at least it seem like it in America that is.....


It's the end of school and Izuku was able to escape from meeting his tormentors at the from of the school after it ended, and can be seen walking in an alley going the opposite direction of where his house would be. Reason being was today, he was planning on running away.

Izuku:"I should have enough money to last me a month which should be more than enough time for me to find a jo.."

His thoughts were interrupt when his feet got caught in ice. He hoped taking a different path than last time would help to avoid them, but he was wrong, dead wrong. Looking back in fear, he saw them.

Shoto: "well, well, well, look who we caught trying to hide from use again."

Katsumi: "you think you can just apply to U.A, you useless fool!"

Izuku: " w-well I m-mean, i don't k-know if I don't t-tr.." he tried to play it off, not wanting them to figure out that he was just running away. Only it would make things worse...

He was interrupted by Kasuki

Katsumi: "But nothing you waste of space, you'll just get in everyone's way!"

Izumi:"I can't believe my brothers such a stupid bitch, thinking you even have a CHANCE in hell to even compete with us!"

Shoka: "you know what happens now, don't you deku."

Izuku:"P-please, can't you j-just leave me a-alone for once!" he said as he tried to pull his foot out of the ice.

He pleas only fall on deaf ears as both Katsumi and katsuki then proceeded to send an explosion at him right at his torso. This broke his ribs and also broke his ankle from his foot stuck in the ice away while also sending him towards the wall. he hits the wall. hard. which fractured his spine. He screams in pain but it came out more like a wheeze. unexpectedly, the voice from before also speaks. it was clear this time. It's tone sounding like it held power behind it as it spoke with venom.

"They are Rage..."

He tries to get up only to be lifted by Izumi's telekinesis to then be punch by a fist enveloped in fire shoto and an icy punch in ice by shoka, causing burns


Izumi then threw him towards a large trash bin that had glass bottles settling near it, causing him to crash into them which broke his arm and slam down onto the glass, shattering it. it gets embedded into his skin, causing him to scream in pain but still came out as a wheeze.

"Without mercy...."

Despite everything, he still tries to get up earning him an explosion to his side which sends him aside and breaking more ribs

"But you...."

Izumi then proceed to lift him up with telekinesis while crushing him slowly. the rest continue a barrage of attacks of quirk enchanted punches and kicks as Izumi held him in place. The last one by katsumi with an explosion kick, sending him towards the wall

"You will be worse...."

The group now satisfied as izuku was now but a wheezing mess, they turn away and leave. But not before Izumi said something she would later regret

Izumi:"Hey, I know how you can get a quirk."

izuku's eyes barely looks up to her with the very little strength he had left,

Izumi:"maybe take a swan dive off a roof and pray in your next life you get a quirk!"

You could see some of their eyes widen as this shocked group, izumi and katsuki smirking as they're still caught up in the moment. They turn and walk away, leaving izuku in the alleyway broken and bruised, slowly losing consciousness, .....dying. even though he had been close to death before because of them, they used more power in their attacks this time than usual. He only wished he could see daisy again as he feels himself dying. He finally started blacking out but not before hearing.

"Rip and tear ..until it is done!"

(Daisy being a nickname he gave to a childhood friend that was in the same friend group until she moved away a few months before the visit. she said that one day she would come back, specifically to izuku who she has a crush on)

after they left, a red menacing crimson glow slowly appear from under his ragged shirt from the mark on his chest, the aura it release on its own was terrifyingly powerful.

As the camera pans out, you see a near by light from the alleyway start to flicker for a bit as the camera glitches out before it suddenly cuts out.

[Back with the group]

After walking a good distance, katsumi and shoka then walk up to Izumi and slap her, shocking both katsuki and shoto. Shoto immediately walking over to pull shoka away.

Katsumi:"why would you say that, we are trying to protect him not kill him!" She said in anger

Shoka: "and he is your brother, remeber why are we doing this in the first place!" She also said in anger

Izumi" I know and I'm sorry, I was just in the heat of the moment because he wouldn't give up." she said saddened with herself

Shoka/katsumi:"I don't think this is a good idea anymore" they said in a sad tone

Katsuki:"what why, is it because you have a crush on him"

This Caused both katsumi and shoka to tense up and blush a bit.

(Not a harem story if you dont know)

Izumi:"but why, he still hasn't given up on being a hero."

Katsumi:"and that's the problem. after everything we did to try to make him stop, He still wants to be a hero!" She said pleading

Shoka:"is it even worth it anymore, I don't want to hurt him anymore." She said in a depressed tone.

They all stopped to think about it until someone spoke.

Shoto: "how about this-" they look at him "-we apologize tomorrow, so let's wait until then so when the time comes, we apologize and then you can confess after."

Shoka:" do you think he will forgive us after what we did." She said thinking izuku will reject them

Katsuki:" oh come on, the nerd is the nicest person in the world! He'll probably get over it by next week."

Izumi:" yea, I'm sure he will accept our apologies and I'm pretty sure he has a crush on both of you as well"

Both girls blushed but agreed, They talked A bit and decided to go to the mall. But unknown to them he won't be coming home anymore and the crush he once had was gone.

[15 minutes before, with aizawa]

Aizawa is seen jumping from roof top to rooftop

Aizawa: "seems like there aren't any villians around right now, good. Now I won't have emi be mad at me for coming home late aga-"

He was interrupted by the sound of a small explosion

Aizawa:"spoke to soon"

12 minutes go by and he finally get close the origin of the sounds

Aizawa:"finally here,let's see what's...-" "-KID!"

What he saw was izuku covered in a pool of his own blood, ragged, and with a broken arm. Aizawa ran towards him and immediately checks his vitals to only feel very weak pulses


He wraps his scarf around izuku to help slow down the bleeding, picks him up and, rushes towards the nearest hospital as fast as he could. after awhile, he reached a hospital



We see Aizawa sitting in a chair with hands on his head in thought

Aizawa:" when I get my hands on whoever did this. I'm gonna personally sending them to hell!"

Just then, the doctor walks up to him gaining his attention to which he immediately stood up.

Aizawa:" how is he!?"

The doctor just sighed

Doctor: " honestly, lucky, extremely lucky. Any later and it's assumed he would have died."

Aizawa's eyes widen as the doctor flipped though pages on his clipboard

Doctor:" I don't even know where to begin! he's got multiple broken bones all over his body, few broken ribs close to puncturing his lungs, a fractured spine, broken arm, a concussion, internal bleeding, multiple burns and scars, severe blood lose, and is severely malnourished! Honestly it's a miracle he's even alive right now!"

The scars and the last one got Aizawa suspicious as his eyes widen in shock to izukus injury

Aizawa: "malnourished, why is he malnourished, isn't he eating at home and how the hell did he get scars" "fucking hell, how is he right now?"

Doctor:"he's in critical condition but we've been able to get him away from danger. Luckily we had a weak quirk healer here to stop most of it but, Right now we are currently trying to get him into a stable enough condition for surgery tomorrow if we want to him to make him a full recovery."

Aizawa:"damn it!" He said as he looked down as he held onto his sides before sighing. He would have gotten recovery girl it wasn't getting late and the part that izuku most likely doesn't have enough energy to even survive for a second.

Aizawa:" thank you, when do you suspect he will wake up?" He said as he looked back at the doctor

Doctor:"it hard to tell right now but, if the surgery is successful. he should be up in several months."

Aizawa:" thank you doctor, call me if anything comes up."

Doctor:"sure thing."


When shota gets home, we see emi on the couch watching TV waiting.

Emi:" hey shota, how was it today."

Aizawa didn't respond he was still in thought, thinking how on earth izuku was hurt so badly.

Emi:"shota?-" She walks up to him until she is in front of him and puts her hand on he left cheek"-shota?"

This forces Aizawa out of his thought

Aizawa:" huh, yea."

Emi:" you weren't responding, what's up?" She asked concerned.

Aizawa:" it's nothing, just work" He said not wanting to tell her about izuku

Reason being because of how she saw izuku as if he was her own son. And because of this, she would worry a lot more than you would think, especially since izuku seemed to come by more often than not and she seemed to notice how izuku's smiles weren't as big nor genuine like they were before when he was so young. Although she didn't push it as she felt like it wasn't her place, no matter how much she wanted to. So he didn't tell knowing how she would react to izukus current condition, But she knew him all too well.

Emi:" shota, I know that look. Something is bothering you. come on, tell me." She said in a stern tone

Aizawa sighed as he proceeded to tell her because if he didn't, she would bother him until he did, Which was worse because she would find out sooner or later and be mad about not being told about it since it was about izuku.

As he told her, her eyes quickly widened with her quickly covering her mouth in disbelief and distressed. Tears threatening to fall because of the condition izuku was in. She was about to storm out to him if it wasn't for Aizawa stopping her.

Emi:" l-let me g-go, I have to go see him" she said struggling in aizawa's grip

Aizawa pulled her into a hug

Aizawa:" emi, calm down. He is safe at the hospital getting the care he needs. If anything happens, they'll call me, OK? Right now, they just need to make sure he is stable enough for surgery if they want him to make a full recovery."

Emi, although reluctant, agreed as she nodded with her head in aizawas chest. Yet she was still very much worried about izuku.

[The next day]

It's was morning. They were eating breakfast with Emi slowly eating hers as she was still worried until Suddenly, a phone rang

Aizawa:"hello?" He said after picking up his phone that was ringing

Doctor:" hello, this is Aizawa shota, correct?"

Aizawa:"yes, what seems to be the problem?"

Doctor:" it's the kid, somthing is happening to him and we aren't sure what."

This Caused his eyes to wide which did not go unnoticed by Mrs joke

Aizawa:" I'll be right there!" he hung up and proceeded to hurry

Emi:" what's wrong shota?"

Aizawa:" it's izuku, somthings happening."

Her eyes widen

Emi:" I'm coming with you"

Aizawa:"ar-" he was going to retort but Emi interrupted him

Emi:"I'm going and your not stopping me." She said already up and getting ready to leaved

Aizawa was reluctant but had to let her come as she was Not giving him a choice anyway.

as they got into their car and, made their way to the hospital. Aizawa could see his wife next to him with nervousness and worry in her expression and mood.

[At the hospital]

Both of them quickly hurried into the hospital and towards the front desk

Aizawa:" excuse me, we're here for izuku."

Attendant:"alright let me ju-" she was interrupted

Doctor:"hey, over here." He shouted which gained their attention

Doctor:"they're with me." He said towards the attendant who nodded back

Doctor:"alright, follow me." He said as he turned to them.

[When they get to the room]

When they get there, Emi gasped and immediately covered her mouth as she now saw the most of the injuries izuku had but, they were surprised as they could see burnt ash flying off of him and, disappearing into the air. if you look closely, You would see that the injuries were healing as if they were burning off into ash, leaving behind scars.

Docter:"sorry on calling you in such short notice but, we were getting strange energy signals when this happened so we weren't sure what was happening and, we needed your input about him. Now, luckily it seems that it was just his regeneration quirk activating although, why it didn't activate sooner is strange."

This news shocked them both because they remember izuku being quirkless.

Aizawa:"are you sure because, he was diagnosed as quirkless."

Doctor:"really?-" he said interested "-well, we'll have to do some more tests if that is the case but, either he was misdiagnosed or it was dormant. Has he shown any similar signs before?" He said as he faced them.

Aizawa:"no. this is the first time the has happened to him and, what do you mean dormant?"

Doctor:" oh right, forgot not everyone knows this. Sometimes, there are people with dormant quirks. Dormant quirks only activate after certain conditions are met Yet, what these conditions are is unknown. They're also rare and few but also undetectable under any form of quirk testing until after it's unlocked which makes it a hard study on doctors."

This peaked their interest

Emi:"but, is he gonna be okay?!?" She screamed worried

Doctor:"don't worry, we just had to switch his patient monitor for one used for powerful electric type quirk users as we were having interference from him. the last one was not rated for that kinds of stuff so it could easily get overloaded. Whatever his healing quirk is, it also seems to be energy based." He said as he turned to looks at the bulky monitor the size of a mini fridge.

They sighed in relief as the doctor then continued to talk about what test would be done if it is confirmed that izuku had a dormant quirk. That was until he was later intrupped by weird sounds coming from somewhere. They turned to the source of the sound to the patient monitor glitching. The energy levels shown at the bottom corner also slowly rising while also getting faster.

As that was happening, we can see from under the hospital gown that the mark on his chest slowly started turning a crimson red

Doctor:"what the hell-" he said but stopped as a red, menacing, crimson glow came from izuku, slowly getting brighter

Aizawa:"what's going on?!"

Doctor:"I don't kn-!"

Before he could finish, the atmosphere of the room immediately changed causing the Doctor to fall to his knees while also choking as he felt a heavy atmosphere. for Aizawa, the atmosphere wasn't as heavy but the aura was terrifying. And that saying something as he had seen some terrifying shit while being a underground hero that it no longer shook him when in the face of it. But this, this was different. as if no matter what you did, what you could do, you couldn't do anything.

But the one feeling the least of it all was Mrs joke, and it was a feeling that only made her concerned for izuku. Why?, because after everything went down hill in his life. She was there for him.., comforting him.., feeding him..., ....laughing with him....., .....the mother figure to him....

The reason why Aizawa was feeling more of it was because he wasn't there all the time cause of hero work. So the connection between them wasn't as strong.

As the atmosphere was heavy, the visibility was dim, as if something was sucking out the light. During this, a sound played slowly getting louder, and more aggressive every second and the patient monitor getting more frantic, beeping rapidly, glitching.

(Sound start at 5:53 and ends at 6:12)

Abruptly the screen on the monitor cracked as it short circuited which looked to be random but, if you looked closely at the cracks. they seemed to shape a familiar symbol. with it, the light immediately went back to normal with the atmosphere of the room following allowing them to catch their breath. Once it stopped, Emi was about to go near izuku but stopped as she heard coughing to which she turned around to see.

Emi:" oh my God, are you guys okay!?!" She said as she saw the doctor on floor coughing, picking himself up and, aizawa on one knee breathing heavily.

Aizawa:" w-we're good-" turns to the doctor "-I-i don't think it's just a healing quirk."

Doctor:"d-definit-tely no-t. Oh go-d, I need water. I'll be back, I j-just need to g-get the equipm-eant." He said as he left while coughing

As he left, Emi was helping aizawa to stand up.

Emi:"are you alright?"

Aizawa:"I-I'm fine, I'm fine. Are you okay?"

Emi:"I'm okay but, what was that? What just happened?!" She said with concern

Aizawa:"I don't know, I've never seen or even heard of anything like that happening."

Emi:"but wait, what about izuku?!" She said as she turned to izuku with concern

Aizawa:"it doesn't seem to have affected him other than it completely healing him."

Before anyone could say anything else, izuku sat up quickly, breathing heavily in cold sweat.

[With Izuku, right after he blacked out]

Izuku suddenly sat up quickly with a gasp as he opened his eyes. He quickly looked around to see he is in his mindscape from before

Izuku:" a-am I dead..., no its looks like I'm back here.-" stands up "-but why am I back here, I thought I just ....died..........-"

He remembered to what happened before he blacked out. This Caused him to sadden as he remembered what Izumi said which made him now feel like they truly didn't care. but there was another emotion. One he had buried deep within himself as he had hoped to forgive them, anger, A hidden rage that's been growing ever since they had begun to torment him.

He originally hoped that they would realize what they did and be able to forgive them, but after what happened. That wasn't planning about that anymore. He was broken out of thought when he noticed the red glow from before appear from a random direction.

Izuku:"strange......., usually I would hear it say somthing, but it seems silent right now" he said as he started to walk towards it

He cautiously walked toward the glow until he finally got to got to the source after so many years. a purple colored sphere with a blood red glow.

Izuku:" w-what is this..."

That was all he could say because the aura it gave off was terrifying but, he continued walking closer, feeling it... calling for him...

Unknow to him, he started stretching out his arms until the next thing he knew, he was holding it.

(pretend instead of the slayer, it's izuku in his middle school uniform with a scared expression)

Izuku: "w-what i-is this."

The sphere pulsated causing him to flinch. Second later, it pulsated again. This kept happening but only getting faster and the red glow getting brighter until it suddenly stopped and the glow subsided immediately.

Izuku: "u-uh"

That was all he could say as it suddenly burst out a tendril of red energy towards him while it also circulated around them. He felt immense pain, screaming his lungs out. the voice also spoke, heavy and powerful.

(Starts at 0:43, ends at 0:47. Imagine the yells of pain are izuku)

"And now, ....they will fear you."

Next thing he knew. He woke up in a cold sweat in a hospital room sitting up

[Back in the hospital room]

Izuku quickly sat up with sweat dripping down his face while breathing heavily from the experience. He looked towards the wall trying to gain his bearing until it was broken by someone calling his name

Emi:"i-izuku.." she said with a hitched voice.

Izuku quickly turned to face her and saw both of them

Izuku:"a-aunt emi, u-uncle Aizawa. What are you guys doing here, w-where am i" he said looking around

Aizawa:"y-you're at the hospital kid and I should be the one asking you, I found you right on deaths door."

Izuku:" i-i- uh, don't k-know."

He was reluctant to tell but, they both saw he knew something and Emi wanted to know what was going on more than ever.

Emi:" izuku-" he look at her "-can you tell us, please..." she said in a pleading tone

Altho reluctant, he couldn't resist her plea. So he reluctantly told both of them, slowly. All that went down, all that went wrong. How His sister and her friends started beating him on a daily with each day since the age of 4 and, the beatings only getting worse everyday to the point it left him within an inch of his life. How his parents neglected him in favor for his sister as she was clearly the favorite. More so apparent whenever she blamed him for things he never did and, his parents never bating an ear to listen to his side as they clearly favored her more. As he went on, more tears fell from his eyes while Emi had tears of her own. She also covered her mouth horrified to know why his smile was no longer as bright nor genuine as it used to be

Aizawa looked like he was about to murder a bunch of kids

Emi:" w-w-hy didn't y-you tell a-anyone"with tears threatening to escape

Izuku:" b-because I was afraid t-that if I d-did. No one wouldn believe m-me." he said as more tears started to flow out

Emi:"b-but how come whenever you came to v-visit, you didn't seem to have any I-injures."

Izuku:"....I-I used m-makeup to h-hide them, I-I didn't want to f-feel like a b-burden."he said as more tears flowed while he shamefully looked away.

Next thing he knew, he was pulled into a tight hug by emi causing him to gasp in surprise. Not because of the sudden action by her, but because the feeling from the hug was somthing he hasn't felt in a long time. It was a feeling only a mother could give. This Caused him to slowly hug her tightly as if the world would end if he ever let go and tears to fall faster as he finally let go of the pain and suffering that he has kept in for 10 years. After today, he will never be the same again.

[20 minute timeskip]

Izuku was now sleeping in emi's arms as she caressed his head with her arm, soothing him making genuinely smile, somthing she hasn't seen In a awhile

Aizawa has kept quite though the whole ordeal as he was still mad about the not told information but also didn't want to ruin the moment.

Emi:" shota."she turns back to face him

Aizawa turned to face her and immediately knew what she wanted as he looked her which caused him to sigh

Aizawa:" I'll get nezu to send me the paper work" He said with a small smirk

Just then the doctor came in

Doctor:" alright so I got the-" when he looked at the situation inside, he paused and turned to aizawa

Doctor:" when did he wake up?"

Aizawa:" about 20 minutes ago"

Doctor:" alright well I got the equipment. Is he able to wake up?"

Emi:"he is exhausted right now after an emotionally outburst."

Doctor:" oh, well I don't require him be awake. So I can continue with the test, that's if you're okay with it?"

Aizawa look to emi to see her nod

Aizawa:" yea we are okay with it"

[After the test]

When doing the test, he at first tried to get a blood sample with a needle as it was faster at getting results but, to their surprise, the needle broke trying to even push the skin. This prompted them to try out another method which would scan the body to get information about the quirk although, it take about 20 minutes to an hour to get the results depending on the strength of the quirk. Surprisingly though, they were able to get it in 8-10 minutes. Once it finished, the data was sent to a different computer to process it while another doctor came in to check for any health related problems as getting a blood sample was now no longer a choice.

Doctor:" well I gotta say, this is a very interesting quirk. I've never seen anything like this."

Emi:" is it bad!" she sayed concerned with Izuku's head in her lap

Doctor:" no no, the opposite if anything. Here."he hands them both a paper with everything about the quirk

(I put it in the prologue, and they don't see the side notes)

Their eyes widen when they look at it

Doctor:" now usually, quirks have names that describe it in summary but this, It seems to be a statement to something. At first, I thought it would be a mutation type quirk because of the name but, after looking at it. that doesn't seem to be the case and the number of abilities It has confuses me."

Emi:"wait, but why are all these like this?"  She said as she showed the paper pointing at the distorted words.

Aizawa:"copying error?"

Doctor:" i wish that was the case actually."

They both looked at him confused

Doctor:" you see at first I though it was a computer error that wouldn't show up on the printer but apparently it did. So I refreshed it but it was still there. Even when I tried it on a different computer so my guess is it's how the quirk is named which is a first."

Emi:" wait what, how?"

Doctor:"even I'm not sure."

Aizawa:" are dormant quirks usually like this?"

Doctor:"well, to my knowledge. No, their not. Of course dormant quirks are rare so we still don't know much about them but, their all usually just regular, normal quirks that seems to be locked until a certain degree."

Emi:"then why is his like that?"

Doctor:"I'm not sure, had another doctor check and even he was stumped. But what I can definitely say is that his quirk is definitely one of a kind. I've never seen a quirk have so many abilities which don't coincide with one another."

Emi:"is there anything else we should know?"

Doctor:" no, that seems about it.-" He stands up"-oh before I forget. You seem to know who he is, do you know what his Parents phone numbers are. I tried to look for them after receiving his blood test to see who he is but I don't seem to have him in the records. I would have throught he was your kid with how your acting and hair color, her green hair darken by your black hair"

They have thought about having a kid but couldn't have one, so This cause emi to have a noticeable blush while Aizawa hid his

Emi:" w-well can you put our numbers instead?"

Doctor:"why? I can't exactly do that since you aren't his legal parents" he asked confused

Aizawa:" we are planning on adopting him since his family isn't suitable." he added venom when saying family

The doctor looked confused for a bit until he connected the dots and sighed knowing about the treatment of quirk-less people

Doctor:" oh, ...I see..." He said disappointed "well that explains alot. Alright well, if you could just put your phone numbers here and here, that should be all."

They put their numbers in

Doctor:" and that's its, he is discharged."

Aizawa:" wait, don't you need to check up on him first, medicine, anything?"

Doctor:" oh right, well my quirk is infographic injurie which allows me to see any to all the injuries someone's body has so that allows me to bypass certain test. The other doctor that came in also had a quirk called health bar which allowed him to see for things such as diseases or any health related problems and, he said that he was fine, even the malnourishment was gone. So you don't have to worry about that surgery nor any test as his quirk has completely healed him. Now with that, I need to go check other patients. Oh and congratulations on the new family member."

[When they get home, time 1:26]

(This part is most likely going to change also as I'm fixing up the other 2 chapters ahead)

Emi has just put izuku in the guest room. Right now we see Aizawa and emi discussing until his phone rings, he sees its nezu

Aizawa:"hello nezu, why did you call."

Nezu:" straight to the point as always I see. Anyways, it seems the that izuku has run away since the yagi's have been... unsuitable and i was won-?"

Aizawa:"can you get me adoption papers."

This caught nezu off guard for a bit. Sure he was expecting it, but not this fast

Nezu:"sure but we still have to fi-."

Aizawa:" he's with me and alright for the most part. he already told me everything. Just send me the papers today but also don't call off the search, that way they don't suspect anything and try to take him back. Have a meeting scheduled at 5 with eveyone but them. I'll explain everything."

This definitely caught him off guard since he wasn't expecting this and his response, but none the less he smiled knowing his nephew is okay altho suspicious on what he meant for the most part

Nezu:" alright then, see you then."

Aizawa:"bye." hangs up

Next chapter: guilt and explanation

Word count:6432


Hope you enjoy

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