In the Middle of the Night (H...

By Hunters_Bitxh

75K 1.6K 2.9K

~These burning flames, these crashing waves, wash over my like a hurricane, I captivate, you're hypnotized~ Y... More

- Playlist! -
1. Hug me!
2. Are You Bored Yet?
3. Hidden In the Sand
4. Cotton Candy Skies
5. Teenagers
6. Last Friday Night
7. Mad Hatter
9. High School Sweethearts
10. Fly Me to the Moon
11. Hayloft II
12. Light Switch
13. Homage
14. Despair
15. Solider, Poet, King
16. The Record Player Song
17. Pity Party
18. Sweet Hibiscus Tea
19. Not allowed
20. Pumped up Kicks
21. Backstabber
22. Sports
23. Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
24. My Ordinary Life
25. My Strange Addiction
26. Masquerade
27. Two Birds
28. Mr. Loveman
29. Butterfly's Repose
(Extra) Blow My Brains Out
(Extra 2) Training Wheels
30. Ship in a Bottle
(Extra 3) Careless Whisper

8. We Fell in Love in October

2K 50 46
By Hunters_Bitxh

I came into my room to see Hunter on my bed playing with my bird. "I'm back," I told him while I closed my door. He looked scared for a second but then waved. "Did I scare you?" I sat down next to him as my palisman climbed into a hand. "Kind of. Your Palisman is strangely endearing" He chuckled. "Yeah, (P/N) is friendly to people once they get to know them." I accepted his smile.

-We Fell in Love in October-

~We fell in love in October, That's why I love fall~

I was on the couch as Luz was holding a pamphlet from the school. Mom pulled some strings to get us into school. "Guys, listen to this," Luz pleaded. I was sitting next to Luz but facing her. King was on my lap as I scratched his back. "Now that I'm a student in Hexside I wanna learn all about it! I've got a crush and her name is Education." She told us. King took a bite of the brochure in annoyance. I heard the door get kicked open and I jumped a bit. "Hey, Freeloaders! Guess what today is?" My mom shouted. "Is it your birthday?" Luz guessed. "Is it my birthday?" King asked. "It's my birthday," Hooty claimed. "No, it isn't." I crossed my arms.

"No, It's Human Treasure Day!" Mom kicked the door closed. She threw her suitcase and it formed into a door. When the door opened Owlbert and (P/N) came out holding a huge bag of trash. They set it down as the bag ripped open. The door closed and turned back into a suitcase. Mom laid down on top of the hill. I noticed a stuffed animal and I took it out. "Gimmie!" King ran to me and I gave it to him. "Yes! Another worthy addition to my army of terror." King pulled the string on its back. I sat on the couch with Luz. "Yo, kid, your trash pile is getting cold. While mine's getting hot." Mom told Luz. I started to ignore the conversation as I texted Hunter.


"(Y/n) How did you do this?" My mom was reading something about bending ingredients into your will. "I don't know." I sat on the counter next to her with my bird in my hair. "But this moment is so peaceful, I wonder what will ruin it this time," I asked out loud. I heard crashing and Luz came in. "You have to teach me a new spell right now!" Luz told us. "Sorry, Luz. these vegetables won't cook themselves... yet." Mom poured a potion onto the food. "All right, everyone into the pot." My mom instructed. All the ingredients ran screaming. "Why'd you think that would work?" I asked her.

"But I need to learn two spells to get into decent classes at Hexside. I can make light glyphs. But at the end of the day, that's the only spell I know." She tried convincing her. "And whose fault is that?" Mom asked. "Yours," Luz admitted. "Ha! Yep! got me there." Mom confessed. "Just teach me a spell. Any spell. It can be the darkest evil." She told us. "Well, I have been researching my texts on wild magic, but I'm much too busy right now." She closed her book and added it to the pot.

"Mom, think about it. You're the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isle. What if they saw one of your students in the baby class?" I asked while my palisman moved from my head and hopped around in my hands. She grumbled and put her hand back on. "In that case, this looks like a job for magic boot camp." She told us. "Did someone say boot camp?" King came inside. "I agree to run it. We'll rise at dawn! You'll carry me on your back as I yell hateful things about your performance." He claimed.

"Nope, you'll have no part in this. Luz needs to focus, and I can't have her go all weird when you do something adorable." My mom explained. "I am not adorable!" He stomped his foot. "Aw, he stamped his little foot," She said in a baby voice. He screeched and slammed the door just to open it and slam it again twice. "Now no time to waste! You have to follow my teachings exactly. We gotta go somewhere special." Mom share. "Can I help?" I got off the counter. "Of course." She put her hand on my shoulder.


We were climbing on the Knee. "The earliest witches came to the Knee to develop their magic, drawn to its natural power." Mom explained. When we got to the top, Luz gasps. "It's beautiful!" Luz told us. And she was right. I have been here thousands of times and I will never get used to its loveliness. "Though it's never without its dangers." Mom pointed to the side. Luz screamed. "It's a Slitherbeast! As long as you don't hurt him, he won't bite." I told her. We walked over to a clear spot. "Here's where we'll set up shop." My mom put her staff in the snow. "I'll definitely learn my second spell here. Gorgeous views, magic in the air, and best of all, we're completely alone!" She shouted the last reason.

A fireball came toward Luz and I pushed her away. I got my staff ready but I noticed who it was. "Sorry, Y/n!" Amity shouted. "You're fine!" I yelled. "Forget teaching me a spell, just make me disappear." Luz covered her face with her hands. "Oh, you will be okay, Luz," I told her. "Who are you talking to?" Edric asked me. "Luz," I replied. "Oh hey, Luz!" Edric and Emira waved. I walked over to the twins. "What are you guys doing here?" Emira asked me. "Oh just training my favorite human." I shared. We walked over to Amity and Luz and the twins invade the conversation. "Oh, Mittens. That's impossible." Emira told her.

I took a seat in the snow. "She still needs to use a training wand to learn new spells," Edric added. "So what are you working on? Something powerful?" Edric asked. "Yep! Powerful spells! I'm working on one that's so crazy. Eda's a pretty incredible teacher." Luz shared. "Luz, I shall now teach you how to identify different types of snow by taste." She had a basket of snowballs in her hands. Luz looked at her concerned. "Well, come on! Eat the snow." Mom shoved the snowball in Luz's face. "Is this some type of special magic?" Em asked. "Ahem, I don't think the Owl Lady wants to show us any of her powerful spells." Amity assumed.

I look back at my mom to see her mouth filled with snow. She swallowed them and held her head. "Brain freeze! Brain freeze!" She shouted. "See you around, ladies. Good luck with your training." Em slapped a snowball out of Edric's hands and they headed to their camp. "Eda! Can you take this seriously?" Luz begged. "You need to take me seriously! Go taste snow without my guidance. See where it gets you." Mom invited. "Luz, I know her ways are unusual but I learned from her and watch." I made a spell ring using both my hands and it shot a massive ball of fire. Luz gasped at the burning trees. "Just trust her. Now I need to heal these poor trees." I mumbled the last part.


I sat next to my mom while she was drinking whatever what in her cup. "Okay," Luz walked over to us. "I've identified the smells of three different rocks, sorted all the twigs from big to small. And found your glove. And your hand." She showed us mom's hand. "Oh, I was wondering where that went." Mom screwed it back on. I saw Luz looking at something but then waved.

"Hey, I know her ways are weird but, this is what wild magic is about. You have to make a connection with nature." I told her. "Yep! The earliest witches understood that. Human witches need to understand it too." Mom added. "You wanna learn a second spell?" Mom asked her. "With all my heart." Luz smiled. "Then you have to learn from the island."

Mom brought her to a rock facing the rest of the titan. "Now look and think about what the island is trying to tell you... Y/n let's go." She instructed as she left. I ran up to catch up with her.


I was by the Slitherbeast and I whistle. The beast ran over to me and I pet him. "Good boy." I smiled. He lays down and I continue to rub his head. I don't know when the Slitherbesst started to tolerate me but when it did I would usually give it food. Now he is fine if I'm here and doesn't try to attack me.

I laid down below a tree and the Slitherbeast was right next to me still laying down. My Palisman was on my shoulder. I heard something that made me look over. Something hit the animal and he started to freak out. "Hey, calm down!" I told him. I fell and I saw a rock by my foot. I felt a shot of pain and I winced. I grabbed my ankle and I squeezed it. I felt myself get picked up and I tried to get my hands free. He had me from the waist down.

"You've angered the Slitherbeast, and it has Y/n!" My mom cried. "Help Mom!" I pleaded. "Do magic!" She shouted. "I can't focus right now!" I tried making a loop but since the beast was moving and I wasn't focused, it crumbed in the air. "You angered the Slitherbeast!" Mom told Luz again. "Will it accept a heartfelt apology?" Luz asked. "Luz!" I yelled. He growled as he charged at Luz.

Mom pushed her out the way and she got stuck with me. "Hey, mom..." I groaned. "Why weren't you using your magic?" She asked me. "I might have hurt my ankle. I can't focus on my magic if I'm in pain." I tried to reason with her. "Why didn't you heal it?" She asked a bit concerned. "Didn't have time," I replied. My palisman was flying next to me.

The Slitherbeast growled at the four people in front of us. "Aw, he's so cute! Can we keep him?" Emira asked. "It's no bat. But we could try." Edric suggested. They both draw a loop and there were chains on the Slitherbeast's wrist. He struggled but they made him lay down. "You got it. Now, finish it off!" Mom ordered. "I'm on it!" Amity tried to hit it with her training wand but it didn't work. "Did you use this all up?" Amity turned to Luz.

"I- I didn't know!" Luz responded. "Come on, Luz!" Emira urged. "Do those powerful spells you were talking about!" Eric asked. The bond broke and the twins fell and the Slitherbeast picked them up. He dropped Amity and put the twins in his other hand where my mom and I were in.


The Slitherbeast put us against the wall and I whine. "Don't worry! We'll be fine." Emira tried assuring us. Bones of bodies dropped in front of us. "No, we're gonna die," Edric claimed. "Shut up!" I shouted. "That's right. Death is here." Someone with a skull over their face. They lifted it and it was revealed to be Luz. "Just kidding! Luz is here!" She smiled. "Kid, get outta here. We are just gonna sneak away when the thing starts eating the twins." Mom whispered loud enough that we could hear. "Wait, what?" Emira asked. Edric gasped.

"Don't worry, Eda. I get it now. I was so obsessed with learning my second spell, I didn't listen to you, and Y/n. But now I'm gonna save you." She walked down, celebrating. "Well, at least I got to see her misplaced confidence one last time," Mom confessed. I felt something land on my head and I knew it was my bird from the pecking. "Oh hi, my precious bird." I smiled slightly. I felt my scroll ringing but it's not like I could answer it with my arms stuck. "Oooo who's calling you?" Emira asked.

The Slitherbeast came and seasoned everyone but me. "Oh, thanks." I sarcastically said. Mom sneezed from the flavoring. "I hate garlic." She commented. "Hey! You big idiot! Over here!" Luz waved. The Slitherbeast intrigued ran to Luz, and she ran away. Amity then climbed over to where we were. "Did you just use my sister for bait?" I asked her. "Never mind that, use that fire spell we taught you," Emira ordered.

"But I can't do it without the wand." She told us. "Amity, you can do anything as long as you focus," I told her. "Okay..." She made a circle and put her hand on both sides. It crackled a bit but it turned into a flame. "Cool, I didn't think you should actually do it," Emira confessed. Amity melted the purple goo off us and we got to the floor. I landed on my feet but when I put pressure on my left leg I felt the pain through it. I fell and I grabbed my ankle again. (P/N) turned into a staff and I tried getting up. "Easy..." Mom helped me up onto my staff. I heard Luz again and I saw her running. "Luz!" I shouted. I flew out of the cave to see a huge ice pole and the Slitherbeast on his back.

It got back up and saw us. "Want me to teach you kids something cool?" Mom asked. "Just don't hurt him." I requested. The Blights all shouted yes. She made a yellow loop and the animal went through it. "Sleep spell!" Mom shouted. The beast fell and he started to snore. "Now that's my mentor!" Luz cheered. Luz joined us. "Did you see? I learned my second spell. I made the connection!" Luz told us. "I saw. Nice work, kiddo." Mom messed up her hat. Liz showed us her big smile. I did the same so her hat got more messed up.

"So, it looks like we'll be in the same class," Amity told her. "Azura Book Club?" Luz asked. I gasped. "Azura Book Club?" I repeated. "As long as it's a secret club, okay?" Amity whispered. "It's not a  secret!" Edric announced. "We're gonna tell everyone!" Emira added. "No, you won't!" I yelled back. Amity smiled at me. My mom sneezed and crossed her arms. "All right, your adorable banter is literally making me sick. Let's go home already." Mom wished.

"On it teach!" Luz made a huge glyph and it sent her and Mom flying. "Let's go, (P/N), hurry!" I demanded.


We got home and Mom opened the door. The house was a mess and King was hugging Hooty. "What the hell?!" I shouted. "Um, excuse me, we're having a moment here," King yelled. "You'll never understand what we've been through together! Never, Never!" Hooty looked traumatized. "Ugh, moment ruined." King walked away. "I will be haunted by my actions forever. Hoot, hoot." Hooty stared at us. "Hell, no." I flew into my room and I lay in the middle of my bed.

My staff turned into a bird again and sat on my shoulder. I looked on my scroll to see that Hunter called me. I called him back and he picked up almost immediately. "Oh hey, are we still on for later?" He asked. "Oh, I can't anymore. I hurt my ankle and it will take a while for me to heal. It took me at least an hour for your injury last time I did this." I explained. "Oh... Hold on give me a minute..." He told me. He left for a few minutes and I heard my window being knocked on.

"No, he didn't... (P/N) can you go unlock the window?" I asked my bird. They flew to the window and unlocked it. "Are you alright?!" He panicked over to me. He put his backpack on the ground next to the bed. "I mean I'm okay." I laughed as my cheeks grew hot. (P/N) flies over to Hunter's hands. "Hey, (P/N) can you get Y/n some ice?" Hunter asked the bird. They jumped a bit before Hunter slightly opened the door. The bird flew out and Hunter sat down next to me.

"So, how about instead of the park... We watch something?" Hunter grabbed a crystal ball out of his bag. "What do you wanna watch?" Hunter asked. My palisman came back in and Hunter went to the door. He closed the door and (P/N) put the ice pack in his hand. Hunter examined me. He took a pillow from beside my bed and set it down in front of me.

"Can I try to move your ankle?" He asked. "Yeah." I nodded my head. He gently put it on the pillow and put the ice pack on my ankle. He sat behind me and wrapped his legs around my waist. He turned on the crystal ball. "I think we should watch Steven Universe." He advised. "I love Steven!" I smiled. "Alright, Steven Universe it is." He put it in front of us and he wrapped his arms around my waist, above his legs. He rested his head on my neck as the show started. "After this episode, we need to take the ice off for a while." Hunter reminded me.

"Alright." I smiled. "Oh, have you seen the movie yet?" He asked me. "No, I did watch the show," I explained. "Wait, don't tell me you watched Steven Universe where he is older." He pleaded. "Oh, yeah I have," I told him. "No..." He groaned. "Here let's watch the movie then, the second show again." He suggested. "If it helps, I never finished Steven Universe Future. I was too busy so I had to drop it." I explained. "It would have been confusing anyway." He insisted.

[Word Count: 3027]

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