As long as I'm here, no one...

By yourfavsuhyeoksimp

57.7K 1.7K 369

Lee Su-hyeok x fem reader Choi Nam-ra x male oc „Happy birthday Y/N! Here is your gift. I know it's not expe... More

Authors's Note
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
End Note


2K 66 15
By yourfavsuhyeoksimp

A few hours had passed since Su-hyeok was separated from the group. Everyone was sitting in separate gatherings, trying to comprehend the situation were in. I was still extremely nervous about my best friend. I knew that he can fight, but still. He was alone out there with god knows how many zombies.

I still sat next to Wu-jin and Joon-yeong, who where trying to convince Dae-su to not go outside to find Ha-ri.

Ha-ri is Wu-jin older sister, she's a senior. The moment the Jang siblings transferred to our school, Dae-su became close with Wu-jin and developed feelings for Ha-ri.

A small smile on my face appeared, watching my good friend Dae-su having a mental breakdown because his best friends older sister.

„But she needs my help!" Dae-su cried out, letting out a big disappointed sigh.

„Shut up!" Wu-jin yelled back, smacking the back of Dae-su's head. I began to crack up, as even Joon-yeong joined me, while Dae-su didn't look very pleased. His face made us laugh even more.

However, soon enough our laughter was interrupted, „I-sak... Why are you so cold?" I heard On-jo say as I leaped up and headed to my best friends.

„What is wrong?" I took I-sak's hand and held it to my cheek... oh it's actually really cold.

„Your hand is really..."

I-sak glimpsed at On-jo and me with a harmless look on her face, „What about my hand?"

Her hand is cold just like Hyeon-ju's... no.
No, no, no, no, no. This can't be...

I peeked at my best friend, as my eyes widened. I couldn't accept what I just saw. I-sak's nose was... It was bleeding.

„I-sak... What's wrong? Are you-"

„I wasn't bitten! I swear I'm not one of them!" I-sak made an effort to convince us, while wiping the blood from her nose.

I stood in front of my best friend, understanding that my life will never be the same again. I couldn't loose I-sak.

First Su-hyeok and now I-sak? No, no, no, no, no.

„What is wrong?", Na-yeon piped up, „Did you get bitten?"

„I said I wasn't!" I-sak shrieked at Na-yeon and ran to the mirror, studying her reflection very carefully.

All gazes were on her, while she scanned her face in the mirror. Her eyes widened at the sight of her own face. Her eyes were bloodshot and her nose was bleeding nonstop. She seemed unbelievably terrified.

„Hey. Are you okay?"Gyeong-su carefully placed his palm on I-sak's shoulder but she ignored him. She was still staring at her reflection like she couldn't believe she was really bitten.

I-sak turned in our direction, the same horrified look on her face.

„On-jo, Y/N..."


Shehad a hard time finding her way to us, because of her shaking legs.

When she stood in front of us, I carefully took her shaking hand, interlacing it with mine. I knew this would be the last time I would be able to hold her hand. A tear rolled down my face, again.

Man I'm crying a lot today.

„No right? Im not, right?" I felt more and more tears rolling down my cheeks as I pulled her and On-jo, who was struggling not to cry, in a tight hug.

„I'm not. I'm not one of them."

Both On-jo and I couldn't take it anymore and started to cry.

„What are you doing? Get her our of here right now!"

„Come on. I said I'm okay." She yelled back, knowing damn well that she wasn't. I-sak turned back to us as I felt a pair of hands pull me and then On-jo away from our bitten best friend. It was Cheong-san.

I couldn't fight back because I knew I had no other choice anyway.

„Y/N... On-jo." I-sak had managed to mutter out, before dropping to the ground, while On-jo tried to attempteded to escape Cheong-san's tight grip.

I didn't even try to get to her. Not because I didn't wanted to. I just... couldn't. I couldn't move or talk. I felt so empty.

It was getting harder and harder to breathe. I felt like I was about to faint but Dae-su came right in  time and dragged me back where he,  Wu-jin, Joon-yeong, Min-ho and Nam-ra stood.

Unexpectedly, a pair of hands wrapped around my shoulders. I was a bit surprised when I realized who they belonged to... Nam-ra.

Nam-ra and I never interacted in any way possible, since she's not the most opened person but today she really showed another side of her.

Nam-ra stroked my back, trying her best to comfort me, „It's going to be alright, Y/N."

Suddenly we heard bones crunching but I couldn't look up. I knew I couldn't take it if I saw I-sak turn, so I burried my face in Nam-ra's shoulder.

„Throw her out the window!" Na-yeon insisted.


Basically yanking Nam-ra away, I was on my way to prevent Cheong-san but Joon-yeong and Wu-jin held me back.

„Hurry! She's turning into a zombie!"

I would love to beat the shit out of Na-yeon, but Wu-jin and Joon-yeong's grip was to hard to escape.

Acknowledging, that it was too late, I gave up. My legs weakened as I plopped to the floor. Tears were now streaming down my cheeks.

The boys now also sat on the floor, silently comforting me with their company.

I-sak slowly stood up, facing the group.

The look on her face was full with rage, so much rage. I didn't even recognize her anymore. I didn't recognize my best friend. My I-sak. The sunshine. The happiest person alive was gone, forever.

„I-sak... I-sak, don't do this." On-jo begged through the sobs, even though we all knew that it wouldn't change anything about the circumstances were in.

Unexpectedly, I-sak growled one last time before charging at the boy and girl duo in front of her.

Cheong-san shoved On-jo to the back of the room, shielding her protectivly, as the now fully turned I-sak attacked her fellow classmate.

He grabbed a chair and smacked her with it, forcing her away from us with it while On-jo begged him to stop.

„Cheong-san!" On-jo yelled, but it was too late.

I-sak ran towards Cheong-san as he pushed her out the window, but she somehow managed to grab the window frame.

Finally escaping Wu-jin's and Joon-yeong's grip, I rushed over to I-sak. On-jo was already leaning out the window and holding I-sak's arm with all the strength she had.

Even though I knew how much of a dumb idea this is, I still gripped I-sak's, helping On-jo.

„Are you guys crazy? Let go!" Cheong-san yelled but neither one of us was planning on letting go.

„You have to let go."

I looked at I-sak and realized that I couldn't do anything anymore. It was too late, she wasn't the I-sak we all know and love anymore.

So many memories went trough my mind as I began to sob harder and harder.

Suddenly I felt someone pulling me away, „Y/N please stop! Stop! STOP!" Min-ho yelled.

Nam-ra saw that Min-ho struggled with me so she ran to him, helping to pull me away.

The second after I got torn away, Cheong-san managed to pull On-jo's arm from I-sak's.

Moments after, we heard a loud thud hit the ground. All of us knew what that sound was.

I began to cry harder as I felt Nam-ra and Min-ho hugging me.

„It's okay. Please don't cry." Min-ho was stroking my shoulder to comfort me.

„I am so sorry Y/N." Nam-ra calmed me down, as I hugged her even tighter and began to sob in her uniform, again.

After a few minutes of crying I looked up and saw Gyeong-su, who was trying not to cry.

Shit. Gyeong-su...

I slowly let go of Nam-ra and stood up, going over to Gyeong-su. Instantly after seeing me,  the boy wiped away his tears, „Y/N I-" I interrupted his sentence with a hug.

Gyeong-su was caught of guard, but hugged me back. I could feel him trying to hold in the sobs.

„Gyeong-su. I am so sorry. I know how much you loved her."



After a few minutes, everyone started to calm down. I still stood next to Gyeong-su and helped him block the door. Dae-su stood next to us, blocking the broken windows that he and Joon-yeong broke earlier today.

Min-ho and Nam-ra stood next to each other blocking the other windows, while Joon-yeong and Wu-jin blocked the door on the other side of the room.

Na-yeon sat alone in the back of the classroom, doing... nothing.

Hyo-ryeong and Ji-min were comforting
On-jo. I looked at Cheong-san who stood next to them. He definitely wanted to comfort his best friend, but hesitated.

He looked out the window and turned back to us, „Let's go."

Everyone looked at him, confused.

„We're not gonna last here longer."

„Where would we go?" Wu-jin asked the question we all wanted, but didn't ask.

„The hose from earlier. Gyeong-su."

„Yeah... what?... What is it?" Cheong-san looked at the door that Gyeong-su and I were blocking.

I immediately understood what he was thinking about and I didn't like the idea, „No Cheong-san. Don't even think about it." I warned.

Gyeong-su looked at Cheong-san, then at me, then back at Cheong-san and back at me, „Huh? What is it? Tell me!"

„Let's open it for just a few inches. Enough for the hose to fit."

Gyeong-su looked at Cheong-san very critically, „I agree with Y/N. That's a bad idea. We just lost I-sak. We can't loose somebody else. Why can't we just wait till someone rescues us?"

„We might all die by the time they arrive."

Well he did have a point, but still. It's way to dangerous. I can't loose anybody else.

„But they will kill us faster then-"

„Is waiting for someone to save us the best thing we can do?"

„Oh, whatever. If I turn into a zombie... it's your fault"

„Good luck." I gave Cheong-san a reassuring smile, which he returned, stepping aside.

Everyone held their breath looking at
Cheong-san, trying to reach the hose. Unsuccessfully. He slowly closed the door as some of us sighed in disappointment.

„We need to find another way to escape." Cheong-san stated.

I started thinking about what we could do, as the perfect idea came to my mind. Without saying a word, I went to the door of the supply room and opend it.

Yah, Y/N??" Gyeong-su called after me, but I ignored it.

I was looking for something long that we can use to get the hose... bingo.

A model of a human body. I took off the arm and went back to the group.

„Use this." I gave Cheong-san the plastic arm and pointed at the hose.

„She's a genius bro." I heard Dae-su laugh as I started to smile a bit. Cheong-san gave me a quiet „Thank you" and opened the door again.

Now that he was using the plastic arm, he could finally reach the hose and pull it in.
Gyeong-su told me to hold the door while helping Cheong-san with the hose.

After the hose was fully pulled in, Cheong-san ordered us to help him make some knots.

I wanted to help but remembered that Ihad to hold the door so I just watched my friends wrap and tie the hose so a hand or a foot can fit.

„Zizag. Make it a zigzag. Big enough increments." Joon-yeong, who was holding the door suggested.

After a few minutes, the knots were ready.

„Let's go."

Everyone turned to look at
Cheong-san, hoping that he had a plan. He held the hose while Gyeong-su helped him to open the window. He threw out the hose and looked to where it reached.

„Are we gonna make it down there?" Gyeong-su raised a question with an insecure look, which I definitely understood. We had to climb down from almost 15 meters on a hose that could suddenly break off and let us fall into our deaths.

„I'll go down and check the empty rooms. I'll call when it's clear, okay?" Cheong-san volunteered. He was about to climb out when his eyes met On-jo.

Staring at her for a few seconds, he climbed back in.

„What is it?" Min-ho asked, giving him a mistrusting lookwhich he didn't respond to.

„Why? Did you see something?" Gyeong-su questioned suspiciously.

„No, but... you go first."

The others started fighting, because Gyeong-su didn't want to go.

„I'll go." I stopped the argument before it got any worse.

„No Y/N. It's okay, I'll go-"

„No. I said, I'll go."

Before the others could say anything I climbed onto the windowsill and tried to put my foot in one of the knots.

After a few tries, it finally worked and I began to climb down.

„Be careful!" I heard Gyeong-su yell. Just smilung, I showed him a thumbs up.

I climbed slowly so I wouldn't slip. After a few seconds I understood how to climb right and started increasing my speed. After passing a window, I saw a classroom full of zombies. They ran to the window and slammed themselves against it. I got scared at first, but I didn't let it get to me and and kept climbing.

After I reached another window and looked inside to saw a empty classroom. I tried to free my foot from the knot but it didn't really work.

„Shit why won't it come out!" I cursed and tried to get my foot out again. It finally worked. I climbed to the windowsill and saw a familiar silhouette looking at me.

It was... miss Park!

„Y/N...? Y/N!" She ran to the window, opened it and helped me inside.

„Cheong-san, guys! Miss Park is here!" I yelled, as I heard some of my classmates yell something back but it didn't fully understand what they were saying. Turning back to miss Park, I immediately got pulled into a tight hug.

„Are you okay?" She asked after she let go.


„Were you with the other kids by any chance?"

„They're in the science lab. They'll come down now."

The teacher nodded as both of us leaned out of the window, „Come down guys! Come down!"

Miss Park and I waited for the others to climb down, to help them in.

First it was Na-yeon, then Dae-su who hugged miss Park immediately after he placed foot in the room, as if  she was his mother. After him it was Gyeong-su, Ji-min, Hyo-ryeong, Joon-Yeong, who suddenly got a cramp and started yelling in pain as he fell down on the floor. Then it was Wu-jin's turn. Dae-su almost dropped him, but luckily Gyeong-su's and I managed to grip Wu-jin's back.

I started to worry, because neither On-jo or Nam-ra were here yet. But Min-ho and Cheong-san wouldn't let anything happen to them... I hope.

I looked out of the window, to see Min-ho climbing. As soon as he was inside he leaned out and and shouted that Nam-ra could climb now. The feeling of relief run through me, after seeing Prez climbing.

The moment she climbed in, I took her in my arms, „I was worried. Im glad you're safe."

„Im glad that you're safe too Y/N."

Now it was only On-jo and Cheong-san who were up there. I waited for them to climb down but neither of them were outside yet. It took them longer then the others to come out, so I began to worry.

What if the zombies break through? I mean nobody held the barricades... what if-

My horrible thoughts got cut by On-jo climbing in. I was so happy to see her, safe.

„On-jo!" Rushing to her, I gripped her shoulders, scanning the face of the slight shorter girl.

„Y/N..." She cried out.

We hugged for a while, when all of a sudden, more and more zombies flew down...


HELLO GUYS! I hope you enjoyed today's chapter! Thank you guys SO much for over 300 reads. It really means a lot to me <333 Sorry if its to much hugging and crying but i love hugs and crying, so there's probably gonna be a lot of it 😭

Till the next chapter! <3

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