Fandom Requests!

By DavisLeo

429 6 9

Just a place for me to share various requests be they one shots or headcanons for various fandoms! Read the f... More

Fandoms & Guidelines
Deal with a Demon
Soft Gays in a Coffee Shop
Evening Pool Date and Morning Cuddles
Performa: Fake Dating!
Dance into Despair
Survival For Three
Lionett Reconnection
Soft Memories in Sunlight

Ember Island Romance

41 1 0
By DavisLeo

For Azure on AO3 "How about Zuko brings his girlfriends Katara, Mai, Jin and Ty-Lee to Ember Island for some fun and romance"

Word Count: 2740

Warnings: None! Just good ole polyamorous fluff!


After defeating his father and becoming the Fire Lord, Zuko had immediately set himself to work. With the help of his friends and girlfriends, the first few months went smoother than he could have anticipated them going upon taking his place on the throne. However, despite all the help he had, Zuko had found that he, Mai, Ty-Lee, Katara and Jin were still constantly running around between sorting things out between the Fire Nation, Water Tribes and Earth Kingdom, and with changing various laws within the Fire Nation to make it a better place than what Ozai and Sozin had turned it into. It was on his way to a meeting with Mai walking alongside him, an idea struck him as the warm rays of the sun hit both of them. Mai notices the signature glint of an idea flash across Zuko's face and she arches an eyebrow at him.

"Got an idea there?" Mai asks, pausing in their path to see if it was something that should be talked about before the meeting with the Earth Kingdom diplomats.

"I do, but it's nothing to worry about. I promise," Zuko answers, looking at Mai. "Let's hurry. I know you don't like these meetings but the sooner this is done, the sooner I can talk about my idea."

"Fine. Though why didn't you bring Jin for this?" Mai asks as she starts walking again with Zuko.

"She's busy helping Katara, Aang and a few others with recovery in the Earth Kingdom capital. Not to mention you're better at this and I know you have my back should things go sour," Zuko answers.

"Fair enough I suppose. I just figured it would make more sense to have Jin here since she's from the Earth Kingdom," Mai says.

"That was my line of thought when I asked her thoughts on the materials for this meeting," Zuko says. He then pushes open the drapes to the meeting room, letting Mai enter first before following her in. He nods to the diplomats and he goes to his seat at the end of the table, Mai taking his right.

When the meeting finally ended, Zuko waited for Katara and Jin to return in the evening, not yet spilling his idea to Mai and Ty-Lee. Much to his amusement as he waited by the turtle duck pond, Ty-Lee was acting a bit pouty since he would not say anything yet. To appease the chi blocker, the Fire Lord presses a soft kiss to her cheek. The pout goes away quickly enough and before he could pull away completely, Ty-Lee steals a chaste kiss off of Zuko's lips. As Zuko uprights, two sets of footsteps and two feminine voices grab Zuko's, Mai's and Ty-Lee's attention.

"Jin! Katara! You two finally made it back!" Ty-Lee calls out as she pops up to her feet. She runs over to the other two girls and hugs them.

"You made it sound like we were gone for more than a few hours," Katara chuckles, returning the hug.

"Well Zuko has an idea and he hasn't said anything cause he was waiting for the both of you to return so it felt like you two were gone for days," Ty-Lee answers, causing Jin to laugh.

"Well, we're here so nothing can be hidden from any of the four of us now," Jin grins.

"Right!" Ty-Lee says before dropping her arms and grabbing Katara and Jin by their wrists and pulling them over. "Spill it Zuko!"

"A few things occurred to me actually. We're finally seeing a lull in important tasks so I figured the five of us could take a small vacation. I was trying to think of where to go, and it dawned on me that Jin has never been to Ember Island. So maybe in a few days we all take a short vacation to Ember Island?" Zuko says.

"Oh Zuko, that's actually a really good idea! It was nice staying there for the short amount of time we did when you brought us there," Katara says, smiling.

"That's perfect! Oh Jin, you're going to love it there! Even grumpy Mai likes Ember Island!" Ty-Lee says.

"Don't ruin it Ty-Lee," Mai sighs, shaking her head to hide a smile at her best friend.

"Well, I'm all for it then if everyone else is as well!" Jin grins.

"Wonderful. Is three days good enough preparation time for everyone to get the last few important tasks done?" Zuko asks. With a nod from the four girls, he stands and heads to go eat dinner, all of them chatting as they walk.

When the day for them all to go to Ember Island finally came round, all five were looking forward to their near impromptu vacation. Ty-Lee was chattering away to Jin, telling her all of the fun things to be done on the island and Katara throwing in a few other things here and there as well. Jin listened with rapt attention as she was very excited to go to Ember Island since it would be yet another new experience for her. Zuko and Mai were snuggled up, listening to the other three girls chat, Mai actually smiling.

"As amazing as you look when you hate the world, you should smile more. A smile fits your face, Mai," Zuko says softly with his own smile.

"The same could be said about you, Zuko. But it's nice to actually have a reason to smile," Mai responds.

"Agreed," Zuko says. "Though I'm glad this whole thing worked out, and not just because I have four beautiful girlfriends."

"I was surprised when you mentioned that you also liked Ty-Lee but it made me feel better since I felt partially bad for having feelings for Ty-Lee while also having feelings for you," Mai says.

"I was nervous to bring it up but I'm glad you did as we all can be happy now," Zuko smiles before pressing a kiss to Mai's cheek. The two then grunt as a blur of pink slammed into them both.

"Awww you two being such softies~ Jin! Katara! We need to smother the grumps of the 'cule since they're being soft!" Ty-Lee says as she holds on tight.

"Yeah! Group hug!" Jin smiles as she moves over and joins in on the hug. Katara laughs a bit as she watches Zuko and Mai act like they weren't enjoying it, Zuko failing significantly to hide the smile.

"You never were good at hiding your feelings Zuko," Katara teases the Fire Lord before going over and joining the hug.

"You don't need to call me out like that Katara..." Zuko groans, his face heating up.

"Mmmm, yeah I do. It's one of the many duties as one of your girlfriends and ambassador to the Water Tribes~" Katara taunts.

"Hey! No talking about work! The whole point of this is to not think or talk about that," Ty-Lee huffs at the waterbender.

"You tell her, Ty-Lee," Mai says with a smirk.

"You're all a riot. I love you guys so much," Jin says, smiling widely as she tightens her arms a bit more.

"We love you too Jin!" Ty-Lee beams.

"Yeah, we love you too," Zuko says with a smile. He shifts a bit and presses a kiss to Jin's cheek. He gets one in return from the Earth Kingdom girl before Ty-Lee decided it was her turn to smother Zuko in affection.

"And Zuko has been lost to Ty-Lee," Katara snickers as she releases the group and shifts over to be between Jin and Mai, snuggling the two girls for the time being. When Zuko finally managed to tame Ty-Lee's assault of affection, the two got pulled back into the cuddle puddle for the remainder of the journey to Ember Island.

Upon arrival at Ember Island, Zuko brings them all to the beach house he and the Gaang had used when they were hiding on Ember Island. Katara has a smile on her face as she walks through the familiar house, as she remembered that this was where she realized that she had fallen in love with Zuko despite all the conflict and troubles they had in the past. It was no surprise to her that Ty-Lee immediately took Jin on an adventure around the island to show Jin around and she shakes her head before stepping into a room to change into her normal beachwear. Katara then goes down to the shoreline and wades out to her knees in the water and smiles as she plays with the ocean water around, finding the movements relaxing. She was unaware of Zuko watching her as she got lost in her own little world. She was only made aware of someone in the water with her when the sound of ocean water sloshing around someone as they waded through hit her ears. Looking in the direction of the sound, Katara smiles more seeing Zuko.

"Can't say I'm surprised you made a beeline for the water," Zuko teases as he comes to a halt beside Katara.

"Nor am I surprised that Ty-Lee dragged Jin off to explore," Katara says. "Or that you came out to the water after me."

"I enjoy watching you in your element... Pun not intended," Zuko says, causing a snort from Katara.

"Your uncle would have fully intended the pun," Katara responds before creating a little water dragon to swirl around Zuko.

"That he would have but I am not him, as much as I enjoy most of his jokes," Zuko smiles as he watches the little water dragon swirl around him. He then steps around the waterbender to press a kiss to her lips. Katara returns the kiss, keeping it sweet and smiling into the kiss. Upon feeling Zuko cup her cheek, Katara leans into the touch before bringing the dragon up and splashing Zuko with it, causing her boyfriend to gasp and break the kiss. "Katara-!"

"Zuko-!" Katara mimics with a playful smirk. "Gotta keep you on your toes in my domain~"

"And to think I just wanted to be sweet," Zuko huffs playfully.

"You should know bet-" Katara starts out before squeaking mid sentence as the firebender picks her up without warning.

"What was that about staying on one's toes in your domain~?" Zuko asks with an audible smirk. He wades out a bit further, going to about his waist.

"Zuko! Put me down-" Katara says, ready to attempt to waterbend herself out of Zuko's arms.

"As you wish," Zuko says before tossing Katara into the water. Knowing he might be in trouble if he didn't move fast, Zuko starts backing out of the water. Katara resurfaces with a gasp and sends a wave of water at the Fire Lord, causing him to fall backwards into the water before he could make it to safe ground. Zuko looks up to make eye contact with Katara and then they burst out laughing at the situation. As they both calm their laughter, Zuko stands and wades back out towards Katara to just relax in the water in each other's presence. As they bask in the sunlight and the pleasantly cool ocean water, they watch as eventually Ty-Lee and Jin make it back to the beach house. They watch as the two return moments later to enjoy the beach and ocean, and Mai joins them last with an umbrella to block out the sun's rays.

"OH! ZUKO! WE SHOULD MAKE A BONFIRE TONIGHT!" Ty-Lee calls out from her spot on the sand.

"SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN!" Zuko shouts back. "And of course by we, she means me," he comments to Katara with a chuckle.

"Well, you are the only firebender between the five of us," Katara says. She then starts swimming back to shore, Zuko right behind her. As they reach shore, instead of needing a towel, Katara simply just waterbends the ocean water out of their clothes and hair. Zuko presses a kiss of thanks to Katara's head before approaching the others. Jin then stands up and grabs Zuko's hand.

"We're on bonfire duty let's go!" Jin cheers as she heads off with Zuko to go gather materials for the fire.

"Are you enjoying the island so far, Jin?" Zuko asks as he walks with Jin, picking up pieces of wood and loose brush.

"Yeah! It's really nice here! I see why everyone else was really excited to come here."

"I'm glad to hear that. I was hoping this would be a good time for everyone. Any place in particular that caught your eye?"

"Actually, the theater! I haven't seen too many plays and Ty-Lee mentioned that the plays here, depending on the troupe, could be hilarious!"

"I just hope it's not the one Katara and I saw when we were hiding out here with Aang and the others..."

"Oh? Why's that~?"

"It was... embarrassing. Simply because of how satirical everything was. It also unnerved me how they knew certain bits of our group's history-"

"That's fair. I wouldn't want to make you go see an embarrassing production again, no matter how curious I would be," Jin says, looking at Zuko and gently stopping him mid-walk. Zuko smiles softly at Jin in thanks before kissing her gently and sweetly to further express his gratitude to Jin. Jin returns the kiss for a moment before pulling back and beaming brightly at the Fire Lord.

"Well, how about tomorrow morning, you go look to see who might be performing and if that particular troupe isn't going to be there, we can go see a play?" Zuko suggests.

"Just you and me?" Jin asks. "If that's okay with you. I really do enjoy the others but I'd like it to just be a date night for us..."

"Of course Jin. Everyone understands that date nights for just two are needed and will be wanted," Zuko reassures. Jin then throws her arms around Zuko's neck, hugging him. Zuko manages to shift the firewood to one arm and returns the hug with his other arm. He presses a soft kiss to Jin's cheek.

"Thank you!!" Jin says softly. She steals a peck off of Zuko's cheek and releases him so they could finish gathering up the last of the firewood needed for the bonfire. Once satisfied with the amount of materials gathered, Zuko and Jin make their way back to where Ty-Lee had started to create a sandpit. Zuko then carefully puts the wood and other fodder into the sandpit before lighting it up with his firebending. Katara comes out of the beach house with Mai, both carefully carrying the simple dinner that had been prepared. Ty-Lee comes out behind the two with their beverages for the night and once everyone has food and a drink, all five enjoy the night by the raging bonfire. Stories and jokes were exchanged amongst the five, no one safe from embarrassing stories - not even Jin. As the stars start to shine brightly in the cloudless night, Ty-Lee stands up and pulls Zuko to his feet.

"Dance with me Zuko! The moon is full and we can dance in the moonlight together!" Ty-Lee beams at the male.

"Alright, alright, don't need to twist my arm," Zuko chuckles with a teasing smile before placing his hands on Ty-Lee's hips as her arms go around his neck. The two slowly dance through the sand in the moonlight, letting their feet guide them in the musicless night. Eventually Zuko wraps his arms completely around Ty-Lee who rests her head on his shoulder. They sway gently together, both with a smile on their lips, Ty-Lee starting to hum out a tune for them to sway to. Nothing was said between the two as neither found words necessary for the soft moment they shared. It was only when the bonfire had died down to faint embers that Zuko and Ty-Lee noticed that the other three had made their way back to the beach house. They parted enough to just hold hands before heading back up to the beach house to get ready for sleep and no doubt join the large cuddle pile that awaited them both. Once ready for bed, Ty-Lee and Zuko join the cuddle puddle, Zuko in the middle, Mai and Ty-Lee on his left and Katara and Jin on the right. All five drift off to sleep with smiles on their faces, looking forward to the rest of their vacation on Ember Island.

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