V i p e r || J. Seresin

By Wolf_queen24

85.1K 1.6K 93

Being a ghost is simple, being related to a legend? Much harder. More

A Dumbass
Tormenting Hangman
Free Falling
Day Drinking
Phase One
Nothing But A Gentlemen
Wake Up Call
Step Two
A Plan
Oh Shit

Step One

2.6K 54 3
By Wolf_queen24

"Your target is a clear and present threat. The secret uranium enrichment plant is out of range control. It's an underground bunker tucked between these two mountains," I stand in place next to Jake as we get debriefed on the mission once more. "Your point of impress is heavily defended by surfaced air missiles backed up by fifth generation fighters. Once your F-18 strike team crosses the border Tomahawk missiles from the U.S.S Leyte Gulf will launch a synchronized strike on the enemy airfield here," he points to a position on the screen.

He continues but I've been briefed on the mission too many times to count. I could recite it by memory. Being a leader, trainer, inspirer you have to know this shit including the mission front to back.

But me? Me, I'm zoning out. My mind is filled with the memories of the past clouding my judgement and controlling my emotions. It's been three years since I flew over water, pilot or back seater, it doesn't matter. Standing on the sandy shore with the wet sand in my toes is fine but being over miles of deep water is a different story.

I was ready to fly again when we were given our orders to return to Top Gun. Knowing I've had my father by my side through it all made it easier. We were safe together on territory that is our own. I owned the air but the water... the water owns me. It knows my fear and that terrifies me.

Somehow I've managed to find good in all the bad. Long before the accident I was never good with people. I was friends with everyone my dad knows or knew. Our allies brought us closer and limited the chance of heart break for myself. Sure I had a boyfriend or two but up until Top Gun I was single. Nearly six years. And now I got a cocky boyfriend with an ego larger than his head but I fell and I fell hard and fast. I wouldn't trade him for the world. He understands me and I understand him. Without Top Gun I wouldn't have a big brother like Rooster or friends that have my back. Overall, my stay was eventful.

As we are dismissed my father pulls me off to the side in a direction to the side door entering the deck. I face him with a frown, "I don't like that look, Dev."

I quirk a brow adding a shit eating grin. "It's the only one I got."

He smiles happily, "are you going to be okay? I know you weren't exactly pleased by this."

"It's a mission that needs to be succeeded, dad. No matter how much I don't like the idea of even being on this ship there are a lot of people depending on me."

"Can you do it?"

"I would have declined and told Bob to go up there with Phoenix if I doubted myself," I pause wrapping my arms around him, "I got this."

"Come back in one piece, Devyn."

I Bob my head with a smile, "you know I live in the danger zone."

"You're too much like me."

I shrug my shoulders back, interlacing my fingers behind my back. "You're a great teacher," my smile not leaving my face but rather growing wider, "a much better father. I don't say this often enough but I love you, dad. And I'm thankful for all you've done for me since you met me."

He leans forward pecking my cheek, "you're my daughter. I'd do anything for you."

"Good to know."

I spot a familiar face to the side. He has a brief coversation with Rooster before stepping back and catching my eye. He stuffs his hands in his pockets and sighs.

My dad knits his brows looking to where I am looking. I quickly look away trying not to look suspicious.

"Go talk to him," I lift a brow, "I'm not blind, Dev." With that he walks away over to his plane.

Jake studies me as he makes his way over to me. "Kick their asses."

"You know it." Without a thought in mind I kiss his cheek hearing a voice run over the communication system.

Rooster steps away from my father but Maverick shouts out to him. "Hey, Bradley? Bradley! Hey... you got this."

I hug Rooster tightly as he passes me. I smile into the embrace. He turns around heading to his spot. I fill in the space between my dad and I giving him one last hug before we take off.

"This is not professional," I state bluntly.

"Shut up and hug me," I chuckle.

The hatches to our planes close as we prepare for takeoff.

"Dagger-1 up and ready."

"Dagger Spare standing by."

"Dagger-4 up and ready."

"Dagger-3 up and ready."

"Dagger-2 up and ready."

Dad is the first to send into the air followed by Payback, Fanboy, Phoenix and I, and Rooster. We head in the direction of our target quiet in the air.

"Copy, Daggers descending below radar." The six of us dive below the radar transition onto a different screen for the command deck to follow.

"Here we go. Enemy territory up ahead. Arrive in sixty seconds. Komanchi, Dagger 1, picture."

I zone out looking over the water. The sight frightens me but I try my best to not let it get to me. Instead I focus on the back of Phoenix's chair inhaling and exhaling slowly.

"Daggers, presume to attack formation," we file into a single line, Phoenix and I behind my father. "Daggers set, proceed to target." He pauses before announcing, "two minutes thirty seconds in three, two, one."

"Two mark."

"Three mark."

"Four mark."

All of our timers are started as we enter enemy territory.

My dad exhales presumingly readjusting himself for combat. "Going in." I look around the terrain preparing for anything while watching my radar in front of me. "First sight of sams ahead."

"Looks like we're clear on radar, Mav," Phoenix tells the leader.

"Let's not take it for granted."

"More sams five o'clock high," Fanboy preaches.

My lungs crush slightly as I tell Mav and Phoenix over the comms, "we have two minutes to target."

"Copy, we're a few seconds behind, Rooster, we got to move."

We get word from the ship that the Tomahawks are thirty seconds from the air space.

"Dagger, Komanchi. We're picking up two bandits. North. Two contacts."

As we make more narrow turns Phoenix speaks, "Komanchi, what's their heading?"

"Bullseye, zero nine zero fifty. Attack south west

"They're headed away from us," Rooster confirms. "They don't know we are here."

I watch my surroundings tuning out everyone once again. It's just a mission. I got this. "Increase the speed," my eyes widen as we are projected forward, fastening our speed.

"We got you, Mav. Don't wait for me."

I listen over the comms as a male informs us of the Tomahawk strike. "Tomahawk impact in three, two..." he is cut off as the strike hits. "Impact! Enemy runways are destroyed."

No going back now.

Step one, complete.

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