IidaTodo One-shots

By AnastasiaWasTaken

11.8K 109 59

Hey, This is more of a fluffy book. I'm not sure if there will be smut I am not good at writing stuff like th... More

~ May I have this Dance ? ~
~ Living Together ~
~ Cat Meet Up ~
~ Need Assitance ? ~
~ A/N ~
~ Happy 4th !~
~ Photo ~
~ Holding on for you ~
~ Kiss Me More ~
~ Again ? ~
~ A/N ~
~ A/N ~

~ Christmas At Last ~

1K 9 6
By AnastasiaWasTaken

~ Future IidaTodo ~

"Come on" Todo bounced "We'll miss the train."

"Big deal, there'll be another" replied Iida tiredly.

He was planning a shopping trip with his boyfriend. To be honest, Iida hated shopping but it was needed at this time of year and Todo was so excited by the idea. No wonder, Todo loved shopping, he was every bit the prince his fangirls called him. The two were wearing their outfits from the Toy Soldier PV.

Of course, Iida and Todo were well aware that being heroes, they couldn't hold hands or in any way show they were on a date but any time spent together was still precious. Besides, they knew how they felt and as far as they were concerned, it was no one else's business.

As Iida predicted, they were only at the station a few minutes before a metro arrived, speeding them into the heart of Tokyo. The two went into a music shop to buy presents for jirou and Bakugo. As they left, Todo headed for a cute gift shop for his family. Iida, however, turned to walk the other way.

"You go ahead" he assured Todo "I'll meet you in like 30 minutes at the restaurant."

Todo thought it was a bit odd Iida going off himself but shrugged it off.

"Okay. See you" He waved, restraining himself from kissing Iida.

When the two met at the restaurant, Iida seemed flippant about where he'd been and had an extra bag he seemed rather secretive about. Being Christmas though, Todo didn't press the issue too hard.

Although the two couldn't openly show they were on a date, they still enjoyed their meal together and their feet brushed under the table, causing little giggles and secretive smiles. After they were finished, Iida insisted on paying, whispering how he should be allowed to treat his lover once in a while.

Stepping outside, Todo made some excuse to head off alone, promising to meet Iida soon. As he headed off and stood outside the intended shop, he smiled to himself. Iida would love this.

A while later, the two met up outside a candy store where they bought little gifts for anyone else who needed them.

When they got home, They set the camera on timer and snapped a quick picture holding each other with Todo making a peace sign behind Iida. Iida then sat on the sofa while Todo sat on his lap and cuddled him.

"I had a fun day" smiled Todo "But I always miss being like this with you."

"You know why we can't Todo-" Iida began.

"I know" Todo cut in "I'm not complaining, any time together is special. I just like when we can cuddle and kiss and be ourselves."

"Aww, I like cuddling and kissing too" smiled Iida "But most of all, I like you."

"I like you too" Todo nuzzled his boyfriend and they shared a tender kiss.

Christmas morning and Todo woke up at who knows what time. As usual, his head was pillowed on Iida's chest and their arms encircled each other. He snapped up.

"Wake up Iida, it's Christmas!"

"You're as bad as a kid Todo!" Iida laughed "Go back to sleep."

"I can't sleep~" whined Todo.

"Fine" Iida conceded "Go open one if you like, just make sure it isn't from me."

"I never would" smiled Todo, before leaping out of bed and bounding away.

Iida chuckled before turning over and closing his eyes again. His boyfriend was sweet.

Todo had found a gift that appeared to be a DVD. When he opened it, sure enough, a new anime. He popped it in and gave some his full attention before heading into the kitchen, humming happily to himself as he worked.

The smell of food reached Iida, who padded down the stairs.

"Morning, Babe" Todo smiled as Iida embraced him from behind and planted a kiss on his cheek. "I made breakfast."

"Mmm smells good" Iida smiled, sitting down at the table.

"Waffles, pancakes, and bacon" Todo beamed as he placed each plate on the table and extracted syrup from the fridge. "And the coffee should be just about brewed. No, sit down!" Todo ordered as Iida began to stand "I wanted to do this for you."

Todo made drinks for Iida and himself, finally sitting down.

"Thank you" Iida smiled.

"I'm glad you like it" Todo beamed "Just wanted to do something special for my special one."

The two turned their attention to food and began to eat.

Todo and Iida sat on the floor, surrounded by gifts and wrapping paper. The gifts consisted heavily of various gadgets for their daily life, although here and there was the odd DVD or box of candies. A stray bit of tinsel had found its way into Todo's hair, although Iida didn't have the heart to tell him, he looked so cute!

"Now our gifts for each other!" Todo announced, smiling.

The gifts the two held were roughly the same size and both squishy. Following their tradition, they held hands and ripped with the other hand at the same time. Both found themselves looking at a teddy. The one on Todo's lap was blue with glasses while Iida's was two colours with a huge grin.

Todo squeezed him to hear Iida's voice "I love you."

Iida in turn squeezed his "My angel."

"I guess we both had the same idea" Iida laughed.

"So even when we're not together-" Todo began.

"We'll still be there-" Todo continued.

"Of course, it isn't as good as the real thing-" Todo went on.

"But our feelings will always be there" Iida finished.

The two laughed and clasped hands.

"I love you so much" smiled Iida.

"I love you too" replied Todo.

"Always," they said in unison.

~ A/N ~ : This is too cute ! It isn't Christmas nowhere near but I liked the idea of IidaTodo on Christmas so I went with it.

~ Thanks for reading and have a great week~

~ au revoir ~

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