
By Ghost-moo

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Beautiful body. Beautiful voice. Beautiful eyes. Everything about Victoria Hill was beautiful. At 4 years old... More



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By Ghost-moo


(Main character)
Victoria Hill/Rivera-Vic/Vicy/Tori/Ria
-long, straight, black hair
-one green eye, one brown eye
-Mafia ghost

Micah Hill
-short, dark brown hair
-brown eyes
-Mafia leader (New York)

Vincent Hill-Vin/Vinny
-medium, creamy brown hair
-brown eyes
-involved in New York Mafia

Javan Rivera-Jay/Javie
-short, black hair
-brown eyes
-Mafia leader (Italian)

Zane Rivera-Z
-short, dark, brown hair
-green eyes
-head doctor in Italian Mafia

Everett Rivera-Ev/Rett
-short, brown hair
-brown eyes
-involved in Italian Mafia

Luca Rivera-LuLu/Lu
-short, brown hair
-green eyes
-involved in Italian Mafia

Scout Rivera
-short, black hair
-brown eyes
-involved in Italian Mafia

Maliki Rivera-Kai
-medium, dark brown hair
-brown eyes
-involved in Italian Mafia

Soren Rivera-Ren
-medium, black hair
-green eyes
-involved in Italian Mafia

Nolan Rivera-dead

Alya Thompson/Rivera-unkown

Sydney Thompson/Hill-dead

Mema & Pepa Williams, Mema & Pepa Thompson, Mema & Pepa Hill, & Mema Rivera-dead

Henry Rivera
-short, grey hair
-brown eyes
-left the Italian Mafia

Levi Rivera-Lele
-short, brown hair
-brown eyes
-involved in Italian Mafia

Mateo Rivera-Mat/Teo
-short, dirty blonde hair
-brown eyes
-involved in Italian Mafia

Kit Rivera
-short, blonde hair
-blue eyes
-not in any Mafia

Beck Rivera
-short, brown hair
-brown eyes
-involved in Italian Mafia

Scarlett Williams/Rivera
-long, blonde hair
-blue eyes
-not involved in any Mafia

Joseph Soto
-short, grry hair
-grey eyes
-former Mafia king

Thyra Soto-dead
-former queen

Rania Soto-unknown
-former princess

Darian Soto-Darry
-short, light brown hair
-grey eyes
-Mafia king

Kian Soto
-short, light brown hair
-hazel eyes
-Mafia Royalty

Rhys Soto
-short, curly, light brown hair
-one grey eye, one hazel eye
-Mafia Royalty

Phillip Soto-Phil
-medium, curly, light brown hair
-grey eyes
-Mafia Royalty


(Evil guys)

(Love interests)

A/n-They speak in Italian most of the time, if not it'll say what language.

As soon as I stepped off the jet I was pulled into a hug by my best friend. It's been 1 year and 11 months since we've seen eachother in person. Since then I've been in the hospital, traped in my childhood house, kidnapped, heart broken, and lost so many nights to tears. Different from the tears of joy coming from me and my best friend. You're probably wondering how that all happened, right? Well let's go back to exactly 2 year and 3 days ago...


My alarm clock goes off. I hit my hand around my nightstand until the beeping stopped and I heard a crash on my bedroom floor.

"Ria?! I'm coming in!"

I heard my uncle quickly come to my aid. I sat up and looked at him.

"I'm fine Micah. Just knocked over that stupid thing."

I told him as I pointed to my clock that was now broken on the floor. The anxious look in his face quickly relaxed. My uncle has always been like this. Cautious and caring. 7 years ago, I was only 10, he found me beat up on the side of the street. I don't remember why, and I prefer it to stay that way. It took a while for me to get comfortable in a safe environment, the man I used to live with hated me and abused me every chance he got. Which was very often if I wasn't at the stupid school he sent me too.

"Okay...Well breakfast is ready whenever you are birthday girl."

Almost forgot. I'm turning 17 today. In the middle of my sophomore year. Christmas/New years break is about to end, meaning today is my last day of freedom before going back to school. I don't hate the school I'm currently going to, I just don't exactly like it as much as I like being home or at work with my uncle.

"Thanks Mike."

"Don't call me that. You know I hate when people call me Mike."

I smile at him.

"I do, but it's my birthday so I can do whatever I want to do."

"Mhm...whatever you say princess. Hurry downstairs for breakfast now."


He closes my door as I stand and clean up my clock mess before getting dressed into military green pants with a black crop top. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and put on light makeup. I make my way downstairs as I look at my phone for notifications. Nothing new or real important. Kids from school who follow me on Instagram wishing me a happy birthday, emails about work, texts from a few of my coworkers who I call family.

"Pancakes, bacon, apple juice, and some Milano's just for you principessa."

My uncle slides a plate over the counter to me with a glass of my favorite drink.

"Thank you."

"Of course. Vincent will be coming over shortly. I'm holding a meeting. You can join of you want, but you don't have to."

"I'll come. If it's important to you, it's important for the ghost."

"I'm glad I raised you right kid."

Micah came and kissed my head before leaving me in the kitchen. Vincent is my cousin, Micah's son. My aunt died a year before my uncle found me. And if you are wondering why we speak Italian when we are in New York, it's because we're all Italian. From what I've been told is that all my family has come from Italy. I finished my food then went out back to skateboard around. Micah doesn't like when I go skateboarding out in public. He's scared I'll get hurt or kidnapped and he won't be there for me. I sided with him on that argument, I wasn't about to risk that. But now I'm trained and always armed.

"Ria! Come inside now! We have that meeting in 5!"


I yelled back to Micah as I walked inside. I went up to my room and changed into black leggings and my signature red hoodie. What? If I'm the ghost I need a signature look. A plain red hoodie with my uncle's Mafia logo. Which is pretty cool saying I designed it for him. Before me he didn't have one. I walked down to the meeting room and entered quitely. Only Vincent and I were in there though.

"Morning Vinny."

"Morning Ria. How's the birthday girl?"

"So far, I'm doing amazing. Micah made me my favorite breakfast, I went out back to skateboard, and now I'm here to determine whether the rest of my day will be good or bad."

"Lovely. Let have a seat while we wait. The guest should be here soon."

"Um, who exactly are these guests?"

"My cousins, The Rivera brothers."

Wait did he just say what I think he said?

"You're bluffing...right?"

Vin shook his head no. I've been living with my uncle, his dad, for the last 7 years and we haven't told Vin they are my brothers. He thought his dad's step sister had a kid who she couldn't take care of anymore. That's what Micah and I told him, Micah's step sister died shortly after they took me in and that's what it's always been. Only Micah, Maverick, and I know who my family actually is. The Riveras. And I want nothing to do with them. My own father sent me away to a man who abused me and made me a crazy good assassin.
I hear the meeting room doors open. Vin and I stand out of respect, even though I have none for the guys who ignored me while I was with them and let our father send me away. All only at 4 years old. Maverick was here, he and Micah were holding the doors as our guest sat themselves. My hood is up so they can't exactly see my face, but I can feel the eyes on me. The doors close and everyone sits.

"Thank you for having us uncle."

One of the boys, I'm guessing the oldest based off of looks, spoke.

"Of course. Vincent and I have missed you. You should of come around more often."

"No they shouldn't. I don't like them."

Rick whispered to me. I almost started to laugh but covered my mouth and a snort came out instead. Rick stared at me before laughing, then I joined him in laughing. Everyone else stared at us like we were insane.

"What are you guys on about?"

Vincent asked us with his British accent obvious. I took a deep breath then turned and looked at him.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. This old dumby said a not so nice thing to me."

I turned and looked at Maverick.

"Wha-I did...Never mind. You have it your way principessa."

"Damn right I do."

"Watch your language with company over."

Uncle Micah scolded me. I apologized and the meeting went on. We talked about some shipments, alliances, enemies, some family things, then finally me.

"So uncle Micah, who's the girl with the red hoodie?"

One of the boys asks. All the eyes are on me again. I look down at my lap so I don't make eye contact with any of them.

"My step niece, my step sister gave her to me 7 years ago and died 6 years ago. Tragic really, but she is a good helping hand with everything."

"She really is. She helps with a lot of our shipments and meetings."

Rick chimmed in. Vin nodded in agreement to my uncle and Rick's statements. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I tuned out the conversation at looked at my phone. Gray texted me about a street race happening tonight that he's in and wants me to be there. I'll ask Micah later if I can go hangout with Grayson. If I tell him it's a street race, he'd kill me. Like actually. I've been in a few and won a few...most of them...Micah still doesn't like me doing or going to them though.

"Principessa? Who are you texting?"

Micah got my attention. I looked up at him then down at my phone.

"Gray. He's wondering if I'm free tonight. He wants to have me over for dinner since it's my birthday and all that."

"You're free, I don't see a problem with that. I like that Gray kid. He remembers your birthday and keeps you out of trouble."

"Micah...I don't-we don't...ugh. Friends. Gray and I are only friends. And you know that. He remembers everyone's birthdays. I bet he even remembers yours."

"Excuse me, your birthday is today? Yes?"

One of the boys asks me. I nod yes.

"Our younger sister is in boarding school, you and her share a birthday."

"Really? That's crazy."

Rick says. I just nod again. Crazy...only three people in this room know my real past and my real family. Me, Maverick, and Micah.

"Well I think we're done here. Birthday girl has a friend to visit anyway. I'll escort you all out with Maverick. I hope we see eachother more often now that you're in town for the week."

Micah says and he, my brothers, and Rick leave. I stand and go up to my room. I'm followed by Vin.

"What Vincent?"

"You aren't going to have dinner are you?"

"I mean...I will...just not exactly how I said I would...there's a race just a few towns north that's Gray is in and he wants me to come and watch. I can't say no to my best friend Vinny."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm letting you go this once since it's your birthday."

I turn and face Vin.

"Thank you. You're the best cousin."

I give him a quick hug before going back to looking for my convers and my red bandanna. Once I found the two, I put in my shoes, put my hair into two pig tails, and shoved the bandanna in my pocket for now. I ran downstairs and grabbed the keys to my red Lamborghini. I got it for my 16th birthday. I'm a bit spoiled.

"I'm leaving! I'll be back before 2 am!"

"Be safe! Love you principessa!"

I hoped in my car, put on the bandanna thay covered most of my face. My hood just covered my forehead. Now only my eyes were visible as I drove to the old park Gray and I always meet up at. I know it's only lunch time, but I want to see if Gray got me a present. I texted him saying I want McDonald's for lunch and I'm already waiting on him. A few minutes later he showed up and knocked on my window. He waved my McDonald's infront of my window. I unlocked my car so he could get in. Once he sat down I locked my car again. Don't need creeps coming into my nice baby.

"Thank you Grayson!"

I said while taking my food from the bag. He took his as well.

"No problem. I bought a large sprite to share because I didn't know what other drink to get."

"That's fine."

We ate lunch in my car, in silence. My radio played some songs off my phone. We put our garbage back into the McDonald's bag. I was looking at Gray while he was on his phone. He looked over at me.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Grayson. I swear if you forget I will make sure I kill your personally, just not in my baby."

"Jesus you love this car more than me."

"Sure I do, unless you tell me something or give me something..."

"Do you want me to say I'm in love with you then kiss you?...Tori is your brain okay in there?"

Gray flicked my forehead. I pushed his hand away from my head as I grumbled at him.

"I hate you sometimes."

"Oh, you want me to say happy birthday. You weren't expecting a gift were you...I mean-"


I threatened him. He smirked at me.

"Here you go."

He handed me a nicely wrapped, tiny box. I ripped the wrapping paper off and opened the box. It was a bracelet with red, blue, and yellow rope.

"I don't under-Awww, you got us matching bracelets?"

"Yes, I did. Red for you. Blue for me. And yellow for...umm...happiness and friendship?"

"Hehe, sure. Thank you Gray. I love it."

I put the bracelet on my wrists at stared at it in awe. No body had every gotten matching anything with me.

"I need to get going Tori. I need to get ready for my race in 2 hours."

I hadn't even noticed it was already 6pm. Damn.

"Okay, I'll just follow you to your place and stay with you until the race."

"Whaterver loser."

Gray got out of my car and into his, a blue Ferrari. I sat on his bed once we were at his house. He lives with his mom who is constantly at work since she's a nurse. While Gray was in his bathroom getting dressed, Vin texted me saying him, Maverick, and Micah are going out to dinner with a few of the Rivera's. A few? I wonder what the rest are doing then.

"Hey Gray."

"Hey Tori."

I rolled my eyes at the stupid kid I call my best friend.

"Do you the Rivera family by any chance?"

"I've heard about them before. Aren't they some famous Italian people? Like don't they own a lot of casinos, hotels, and hospitals? They have a few here I believe...Wait. I think my mom told me something last week about the man who owns the hospital she works at was visiting...I think she said Mr.Rivera. I wasn't really listening to her though."

I let out a long, loud sigh.

"Okay well they were at my house today. We had a meeting with them. Apparently they're Vinny's cousins...aka my brothers..."


Gray's head popped out if his bathroom.

"You're saying after your family let you be sent away, they came to you?"

So Gray knows part of the story...just not the abuse...he think I've been living with Micah this while time.

"Something like that."

"They didn't know it was you right? Because like if they take you I think I'll run them over."

I laughted at Gray.

"No. Don't worry. I'm not leaving New York anytime soon. I'm going to look for some food before we leave."

"Make me sandwich please?"


I went downstairs to Gray's kitchen and made both of us sandwiches. I ate mine, then I gave Gray his while he was putting on his racing suit. I hate racing suits. They are so tight and so uncomfortable. Once we both ate and got water, we left. The race starts at 8:30, we showed up at 8. Gray and I said a quick bye, and I wish him good luck. I covered my face again then went to find somewhere to sit by the start/finish line. I found a nice place to sit and took my seat with my water bottle in hand. After I knew it the race started. People were whipping and howling as the cars sped by. I sat there like the weird girl I am, looking at my phone. I have a tracker on Gray's race car so I can follow where he goes. He has one on my car just so he knows I'm not dead on the side of the road.

"Who do we have here? A young kid looking at their phone and not the race."

A voice came from behind me. I grabbed one of my daggers from my ankle and turned around so fast, I almost cut the dude.

"Woah kid. Calm down. I'm not going to hurt ya. I'm just wondering who you are."

"None of your business."

I grumbled as I put my dagger away. I scanned the man.

"You're a Rivera?"

He looks at me for a moment, nods then sits next to me.

"I sure am. How do you know my family?"

"They're famous, and a business partner. Actually they're my bosses nephews."

"Ah, you working under Mr.Hill then?"


"Well nice to meet you..."

"Call me Red."

"Nice to meet you Red. I'm Mateo. If Mr.Hill is every wondering who's the best Rivera, it's me."

"Right and how old are you kid?"

"I'm only 17. Which is rather upsetting because I'm one of the youngest in the fami-"

"Mateo! Come on! We don't have time to make friends."

That's one of my brothers. I'm guessing this Mateo kid is a cousin.

"But Lu, his name is Red. Isn't that a cool name. I think your name is cool Red."

"Thanks kid."

"Mateo, now!"

"Coming you grump. Hopefully I'll see you around Red!"

Mateo waved as he left with Lu? Who is named Lu? And how in the world did you think I'm a guy? Whatever.

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