The Earth We Once Knew - John...

By charlieburns44

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Day 1
Day 1 : Part 2
Day 1 : Part 3
The Burn
Wrongfully Accused
Down Bad For You
Breaking Point
The Virus
Pay Back
Sky Crew
Hello Father
Stir Crazy
Goodbye, Spacewalker
To You
Promised Land
Eight Six Days
Our Happy Ending

Peace with You

36 1 0
By charlieburns44

I walked all the way back to camp 'You'. I didn't say anything as I came back in, I looked around realizing Bellamy and them haven't come back yet. that worried me slightly. I made my way inside the station and headed to the medical wing where my father was. I knocked on the wall making him look at me 

Alex- where have you been all night?

Phoneix- Jaha made Murphy and me take him to his son's grave, he wanted to say his goodbyes. it got late so we just slept in the dropship

Alex- *nods* where is that boy now? usually he is glued to your side 

I looked at the ground when he said those words, I felt a ping in my heart that made me sigh

Phoneix- he went with Jaha to go find The City of Light

Alex- the what?

Phoneix- I don't even know, it could or could not exist. 

Alex- you didn't go with?

Phoneix- *shakes head* I have people here that need me more than Murphy does right now

Alex- *nods* happy you made the right choice

i was cut off with people rushing in, Clarke was with them as they had two men on stretchers. one had a bullet wound and one looked like he had radiation burns. Clarke looked at me as my dad ran to Abigal's aid to help her

Clarke- Phoneix, come over here!

I nodded running over there as I looked at the man in front of me 

Clarke- he is one of the mountain men from Mount Weather, we needed him alive so he can tell us how to get there and how to save our friends

Phoneix- Bellamy didn't come back?

Clarke- i forgot you were with Murphy, no he went to Mount Weather with Lincoln. we are trying to contact on through the radio to see if he made it there.

I nodded as we looked at the guy

Clarke- there was a tear in his suit, but we fixed it in the field

Raven came in as I was checking out the guys burns without removing his helmet

 Clarke- anything from Bellamy?

Raven- no

Clarke- than why aren't you with the radio?

Raven- Octavia just took my place. how about you back off?

Jackson went to remove the helmet, but Clarke stopped him

Clarke- no, leave it on. it's the only thing keeping him alive

Jackson- how can we treat him if we can't touch him?

I thought for a moment before getting an idea

Phoneix- we can make scrubbers; they can help us touch him without killing him

Raven- I can make some in the air lock, give me 20 minutes

Raven ran out as we watched Abigal try to keep trying to the Grounder male alive but sadly, he breathed his last breath. I watched Indra walk over to him as she cut off a piece of his hair saying something in a different language before walking over to Clarke and me

Indra- killer lives while a warrior dies, this is your way?

Clarke- I'm sorry, Indra. but he can help us beat Mount Weather

Indra- than let me make him talk

Clarke- no. we're not torturing him

Phoneix- Clarke's right. he might just talk because we saved his life

Indra- you people are so weak

Abigal walked over to Clarke as I looked down at the man before looking at Jackson

Phoneix- he's going to need a transfusion with our blood

Jackson- I'll type him as soon as we can take off that suit

Clarke and Abigal moved to talk as I looked at the man before Clarke looked at me

Clarke- Phoneix, come to the engineering room with me to wait for Bellamy to radio. mom, let me know when he wakes up

I nodded looking at her before we walked out of the room, we began to walk as I looked at her

Phoneix- why did you want me to come with?

Clarke- well you and Bellamy are friends now, figured you would want to know if he was okay or not

I nodded looking forward as she continued to speak

Clarke- where's Murphy? I see you have his knife and jacket but no him

Phoneix- him and Jaha decided they wanted to go on a hunt for a place that probably doesn't existence. I chose not to go considering everyone here is going to need all the help they can get when it comes to going to Mount Weather

Clarke- *nods* was that the only reason you decided not to go or was there something else holding you back?

Phoneix- what do you mean?

Clarke- I don't know, you and Bellamy just have been getting a little close is all. 

Phoneix- I mean we are friends so

Clarke- I just thought you two had something going on. I mean he went to see you before he left, he told you to keep on an eye on Murphy, hell he even caught you when you were crying over Finn. I just figured you two had something

Phoneix- oh no no, Bellamy and I are only friends. he was just being caring is all since I was upset over Finn's death is all. nothing like that.

Clarke nodded as we walked. Clarke stopped when she saw her mom leaned against the wall with Kane talking to the other mountain men, so we stopped and listened. Clarke picked up these photos that were of her and the commander of the grounders whose name I learned was Lexa

Kane- you should have died in the woods; we saved your life. why not help us bring an end to all this?

Carl- Carl Emerson, Mount Weather Security Detail.

Clarke- he's not going to talk

Kane- he will if we open the door

Abigal walked to the door and pressed a button before looking at Kane

Abigal- we are not doing that *walks back over to us*

Kane- we need to know what he knows, vulnerabilities. troop numbers

Clarke picked up this thing and looked at it

Clarke- she's right, torture doesn't work

Kane- it could save our friends

Abigal- I'm the Chancellor

Kane-than act like one! I told you I would support you as long as I believe you are doing the right thing 

Abigal- I am. and if you disagree convene a vote and take my place

Kane- I don't give a damn about the title. I just want to save our people

Abigal- so do i

Kane walked away as Abigal turned to the guard tell him to guard the mountain man for 24 hours before she walked away leaving Clarke and i alone again

Phoneix- we should get to the engineering room, Bellamy may have signaled

Clarke nodded bringing the object with her before we began to walk there just like we were before. we stood in there with Raven as she was listening to the recording over Jasper on repeat. 

Clarke- Raven, can you replicate that frequency for me?

Raven took the device out of Clarke's hand an opened it causes it to hummer before she closed it again

Raven- yeah, I can totally replicate this frequency.

Clarke- good. if we can neutralize the Reapers, the tunnels are an option. get on it

based off what Bellamy told me, I understood they are talking about how to get into Mount Weather. 

Raven- you don't need to give me orders. I got this.

I ran my fingers through my hair as Octavia ran in

Octavia- Raven. any word from Bellamy?

Raven turned to her as I looked at them both

Raven- nothing yet

Octavia- Lincoln's still missing too. he should be back by now

Clarke- they'll be okay

Raven- they better be. your whole plan rests on Bellamy getting in

Clarke- he will

the PA went off and Clarke was called with Kane to the south air lock immediately

Clarke- we'll finish this later

she walked out leaving me in there with Raven and Octavia as I had zero idea what to do or say to either of them as none of us were cool like at all. Raven continued to work on the thing Clarke assigned her as I stood against the wall with Octavia as she looked at me

Octavia- so you and Bells are close, he was telling me all about it before we all left

Phoneix- yeah, we dropped everything thinking it was best for everyone if we were on good terms. we both apologized for things and let go of the past

Raven- don't expect that from everyone.

I looked at her as did Octavia before we looked at each other

Phoneix- trust me I don't. I don't care how many others hate me; they all have their reasons to. I can't change the past or the things I did.

Octavia- well if you are friends with Bells and he's my brother, I'm willing to let go of our issues and let go of our past as well. we are going to need everyone working together when we go against Mount Weather, can't have everyone hating each other now can we?

she held out her hand for me to shake as I sighed shaking it

Phoneix- no we can't, I'm sorry for everything Octavia.

Octavia- eh don't be, you were protecting the one you love. I would have done the same

I smiled at her as she returned the smile before she had to go check on everything else. I stayed there waiting for Clarke to return as I listened to see if Bellamy would come through, but we got nothing so far. Raven played Jasper's message over and over again as we listened when Clarke came bursting in

Clarke- we're too late

we both looked at her slightly confused as I shifted in my seat

Clarke- they've already bleeding them. it's over

Clarke started backing up as Raven stood up

Raven- no. you don't get to give up, Clarke. You killed Finn, and I didn't give up. I'm building a damn tone generator; you do your job.

Clarke- what is my job!?

Raven- I don't know! to come up with something!

Clarke- I have tried

Bellamy (over the radio)- Camp Jaha, this is Mount Weather. Anyone read me?

Raven- holy crap

I grabbed the radio and pressed the button as Raven and Clarke were next to me

Phoneix- Bellamy? this is Phoneix, do you copy?

Bellamy- Phoneix?

Phoneix- are you alright? 

Bellamy- I'm alright but that's it for the good news. we have to talk fast. something has changed. Jasper, Monty, everyone is locked in the dorm

Phoneix- but they're alive? all of them?

Bellamy- I think so, for now. Maya says they're already using their blood. things will get ugly in here real fast

I looked at Clarke and she mouthed 'ask about Maya' so I listened 

Phoneix- maya's with you?

Bellamy- she helped me escape. if not for her, I'd be dead. and Phoneix, there are kids in here. we need a plan that doesn't kill everyone. Please tell me we have one.

I look at Clarke once more and she mouths to me what to say next

Phoneix- Clarke's here, she says we can't do anything until you disable the acid fog. Raven's going to help you

Bellamy- got it. what else?

Clarke started quickly writing down what to say and everything she wrote, I said to make sure we have it all

Phoenix- you have to figure out a way to free the Grounder prisoners. there's a whole army inside that mountain and they don't even realize it

Bellamy- A trojan horse. good plan.

Phoneix- what does Maya think? is it doable?

Bellamy- she says it's not a problem. Phoneix, if I'm going to pull this off, I need you to buy me some time. it won't be long before they realize I don't belong here and if that happens *cuts off*

Phoneix- that won't happen. I'll come up with something

Bellamy- come up with it quick

I looked away from the paper as I handed the radio to Clarke as she spoke to him

Clarke- and Bellamy? 

Bellamy- yeah?

Clarke- you came through. I knew you would

Bellamy- all I've done so far is not get killed

Clarke- keep doing that. you're up

she hands the radio to Raven as I start to walk off Clarke following

Raven- what are you going to do?

I turn to her as I walk backwards

Phoneix- keep looking inside in.

I turn back around and walk out of the station with Clarke beside me

Phoneix- I need you to round up some of the grounders with Octavia and Indra

Clarke- for?

Phoneix- we are going to pay a visit to Carl and buy Bellamy some time

she nods and does as I say going to grab Octavia and some of the grounders, I wait for them as they come to me. Clarke nods as Indra looks at me 

Indra- why are we needed by you?

Phoneix- to help Bellamy. I will explain more later.

Indra- how can we trust you?

I look at Clarke who looks at me

Clarke- i trust her, she has my full trust and everything. she is doing what is good for us and bellamy

Indra looks at Clarke than at me before she said something in her language before nodding at Clarke so we walked to where Carl the mountain man was as the guard tried to say something Clarke interjected

Clarke- don't. 

we walk closer to Carl's door as I'm leading them with Clarke beside me

Phoneix- get dressed. you're coming with me

Carl does as told and gets into his suit before we all walk outside the station following me and  Clarke, Octavia stopped for a moment and grabbed something before running back next to me. I looked and saw it was a sword with a holder, she held it out for me to take which I do putting it on my back, so it was strapped around my chest. we continue to walk as Kane and Abigal run over

Kane- Clarke and Phoneix, what are you doing?

Abigal- Clarke stop

we all stop as they are in front of us

Clarke- no. 

Phoneix- I'm letting the prisoner go

she looks at me with wide eyes

Abigal- absolutely not

Kane- he hasn't told us anything yet

Phoneix- he doesn't have to. he's going to tell them something

Abigal- get the prisoner back to air lock, now.

the guards nodded and held their guns

Guards- yes ma'am

as they walked closer, the Grounders all drew our swords causing them to stop

Clarke- you may be the Chancellor. but I'm in charge. do as she says. 

Abigal looked at Indra

Abigal- Indra, tell your people to stand down before this gets out of hand

Indra- no

Abigal- people could get hurt

Phoneix- not if you get out of my way. 

Clarke- you need to trust that we know what's right for us

Kane moved to Abigal as I looked at them

Kane- the Grounders trust Clarke, maybe we should too

Abigal looked at her than at me for a while before looking at the guards

Abigal- stand down

they listened as they all moved out of our way before we continued to walk to the gates

Clarke- open the gate, now

they listened and we walked more before I stopped, the Grounders made Carl stand facing me as Clarke stood next to Octavia

Phoneix- can you hear me all right because I need to make sure you get this

Carl- loud and clear

Octavia- I have a message for your leader. we're coming for him. you're watching us, but you haven't seen a thing. The Grounder army is bigger than you think and even if you could find it, your acid fog can't hurt them. And now thanks to you *grabs the device from Clarke and turns it on than off* neither and the Reapers (i learned from Bellamy and Clarke). so, you have one last chance. let our people go, and we'll let you live. it's just that simple

Carl- I got it

I grabbed his air thing and looked at the hours

Phoneix- that's an eight hour walk back to Mount Weather?

I open it releasing some of the air until it hit 6 hours

Phoneix- you're going to do it in six *hooks it back to his suit*

Carl- six hours, that's not enough. how am I supposed to deliver the message?

Phoneix- that's your problem. now go

he walks backwards before walking out of here as I walk to Octavia and Clarke. the gate closes

Octavia- Phoneix. do you want to explain to me how this helps my brother?

Phoneix- I just told them we have a secret army to worry about. the more they're looking at us. the less they're looking at him. Bellamy is the key to everything, Octavia. if he dies, we die.

Octavia- I trust you, don't let our people and Bellamy die in there.

I walk past Octavia as I walk with Clarke and the Grounders to the station. this better work or Octavia will hate me all over again.

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