We are one - HTTYD FanFic (Th...

De ZombieBeheader

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I turn to the boy as he thrusts his flaming sword towards me. I dodge and I kick the sword out of his hands a... Mais

Chapter 1 - Blood bruises and scars
Chapter 2 - Getting to know my friends...and foes
Chapter 3 - Meeting the Chiefs mother
Chapter 4 - Hiccup actually cries
Chapter 5 - Wildsouls
Chapter 6 - Talking about the perks of puberty
Chapter 7 - How does whips and chains sound?
Chapter 8 - Shirtless
Chapter 9 - Hugger
Chapter 10 - Banished
Chapter 11 - The pain of love
Chapter 12 - Vigilantes
Chapter 13 - Take a leap of Faith or a fall of Fear
Chapter 14 - A trail of kisses
Chapter 15 - The fall of the Night Fury
Chapter 16 - Blue Tattoo?
Chapter 17 - Pain...it hurts
Chapter 18 - Splitting skin
Chapter 20 - Take my heart
Chapter 21 - Burning skin
Chapter 22 - The Heart of a Chief and the Soul of a Dragon
Chapter 23 - Shirtless...again
Chapter 25 - Teeth and claws
A/N - Writing Tips
Chapter 25 - Rogue and Blind
Chapter 26 - Finding a cure
Chapter 27 - The missing Harmony
Chapter 28 - Snoggletog
Chapter 29 - ...Uh?
Chapter 30 - Stolen Child

Chapter 19 - Dragon Racing with style

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De ZombieBeheader

Chapter 19 - Dragon Racing, with style

Ruthless grumbles for the millionth time.

"Oh slim it. You can leave if all you are gonna do is complain."

I grasp the rocky wall, heaving myself up a little higher.

She grumbles again.

"Go away Ruthless, seriously! I'm not gonna just fly up there. That will just suck the joy out of it."

I grab another small part of the rocky wall, heaving myself up over the edge so I'm at the top of the mountain.

Why am I doing this?

I had a vision.

Well...not a vision. I just had an idea, and I'm not going to satisfied until I do it.

I sit at the edge, brushing myself off. I look down and I can see Berk, and another smile creeps across my face. I'm on top of the mountain; it's been named Stoick Mountain. It's the one with the statue Stoick carved into it.

'Your gonna get yourself killed' snorts Ruthless.

"You always say that. Am I dead?"

'Not yet.'

I groan, fixing my suit up, but I end up grinning. I bend down, checking the wheels on my shoes.

Yep. I finished my roller skates.

"Help me up, will ya?" I ask Ruthless.

She grumbles something I will not repeat, before helping me up with her head. I hold onto her as I stand, wobbling on the roller shoes.

Each shoe has three wheels underneath, and a cork at the front; the brakes.

"Do you think Hiccup will mind that I 'borrowed' his flight suit idea?"

'I hope he does' she grunts.

"Maybe he'll make me pay in some way."

'With a kiss' she smirks.

I playfully hit her on the head, and she laughs.

"Okay, back it up" I say.

Ruthless rolls her eyes, backing up until we are at the other end of the ledge. I slightly bend my legs, slipping my helmet on.

I smirk. "...Ready...Set...GO!"

Ruthless races forward, pushing me along at top speed. I get to the edge and I jump up, putting arms through the loops on my leg, thrusting my arms up and brining out the gliding wings.

I let out a whoop of excitement as I glide towards Berk. I quickly press my spring, and my dorsal fin pops up at the back.

Flying without wings feels...almost better than flying with wings! The only difference is I can't control where I fly as good as I can when I use my own wings.

I close my eyes, enjoying the feel of freedom and peace. It's so tranquil up here, and so quiet. All of my worries are temporarily forgotten, and I enjoy the moment of freedom.

The wind rushes past me, and I let out another whoop. I open my eyes as I get closer to Berk, and I can just make out Hiccup walking through the plaza with Fishlegs.

Grinning, I lean down so I plummet towards them. I zoom past Hiccup, surprising him and almost knocking him off his feet. I pull up just before I hit a house, and I do a turn before gliding towards another house. I land on the roof with my feet, and I skate across the top, before the wind picks me up and carries me through the air.

Hiccup stares up at me in amazement, and laughter bubbles out from his lips.

I land on the ground, skating circles around him until I slow to a stop.

I flip my mask up. "I was itching to do that all weeeeeeek!"

I shriek as my feet slip out from under me, and Hiccup catches me just as I fall, making warmth ripple through me. I blow a red hair out of my face, smiling.

He laughs, setting me up straight, but he holds on to me so I don't fall.

"You stole my suit" he says, raising an eyebrow.

"Correction; upgraded your suit."

He laughs. "It was my original idea."

I roll my eyes. "But I'm the one that made it better."

I look to Fishlegs and I see him looking at my roller shoes with awe etched onto his features.

"Wow! How'd you make those?"

I shrug. "I've been busy for the past week."

"You shouldn't be up and about Ember" sighs Hiccup. "You did get injured last week."

"Ruthless didn't mean it" I retort. "And anyway, I'm pumped to do something fun!"

I see Astrid walking towards us, her eyes burning into Hiccups hand as it is around my waist, but then she looks up, smiling. "You realise its our annual dragon race soon right?"

Either she's jealous, or suspicious of me. Or I'm paranoid.

"Dragon race?" I say, wobbling on my skates. "Sounds interesting."

"Heaps of tribes will be coming" says Astrid. "From the ruthless Conquerors, to the merciful Hurks. Some old friends will be coming too."

"Dragon racing?" says Ethan, stepping up from behind Astrid. "That sounds dangerous."

"Of course. I would be very disappointed if it wasn't" smirks Astrid.

I see Hiccups jaw tighten at the sight of Ethan, and I can't help but scowl at the back-stabbing-hair-twirling-mother-hugger!

So he's gotten all 'buddy buddy' with Astrid. Great...I just hope he doesn't try anything.

My gaze lands on the two braids in Ethan's hair, just beneath his ear.

Looks like he has tried something....

"You don't have a dragon" I say, trying to sound nice. Trying being the keyword. "No dragon; no racing."

"Oh, I'm gonna go find a dragon" he says, taking a few steps back. "Like...right now."

"Now?" Hiccup asks.

He shrugs. "Sure. Be back soon."

"Hopefully not" I mumble.

"I heard that Firecracker" he smirks as he walks off.

I poke my tongue out at him like a five year old, and Hiccup softly chuckles.

"You are such a child" he teases.

I smirk. "I know, that's one of your favourite things about me."

He laughs. "Throwing my own words back in my face, hu?"

I ruff his hair playfully. "Yep. Exactly."

I see Astrid tense as I touch Hiccups hair, making warmth ripple through me.

Does she forgive me? or is she just saying that?

"Their here" says Fishlegs, pointing to some ships as they dock in.

"Great" says Hiccup, grabbing Astrid and making her hold me up. "I better greet them."

He jogs to the docks, Fishlegs with him.

He hasn't been acting as depressed and angered like he was last week. Of course, he's had his little outbursts, but it almost feels like no flesh eating incidents happened here on Berk.

"Maybe you should change your shoes" says Astrid. "And the outfit. You look too much like Hiccup."

I laugh. "And that's a bad thing?"

She smirks. "Touché."

It's strange now that Astrid has befriended me. I have to watch what I say; no more snarky remarks. Oh who am I kidding? I can never stop doing that.

She helps me get my shoes off, and I quickly run to the forge and to the study. I get changed into my black and brown padded suit with my draping brown cloth (which is, by the way, new because the other has blood all over it). I slip on my clip up shoes, and my belt, and I rush outside so I can meet the visitors.

I meet Hiccup, Astrid and Fishlegs, down at the docks and talking to someone. I realise the rest of the gang is down there too.

But no Eret...

My chest constricts when I think of him. Did he think of the incident that happened before was me rejecting him? I don't want to make him feel rejected...I just don't know where my heart is at the moment.




Are you serious?




I frown.

Ah. Aidan. The mysterious boy that probably saved my life. I wonder where he is now?

Hiccup sees me and beckons me over. "Oh Ember, this is Layla DarAngelle, but everyone calls her Lumina."

Layla is sixteen, maybe seventeen, with dark brown hair; almost black. Her skin is tan, and her eyes are a greyish blue. Her face is quiet soft, but she looks pretty stunning and well built for her age. She wears basic, girl Viking clothes with the armour, skirt, leggings and a blue shirt.

She smiles, holding out her hand. "Hello Ember. I guess you haven't been here for long."

I shake her hand. "Nah; I haven't. Two and a half months."

"She's my cousin" says Hiccup. "We look nothing a like though."

"But I unfortunately, look a little like Snotlout" she sighs, nudging her head towards him.

Snotlout smirks. "Actually, you would be pretty hot if you looked anything like me."

I laugh. "No Snotlout. She looks like you, but the difference is, she actually looks decent."

The gang laughs as Snotlouts face goes red, and he crosses his arms over his chest, pouting.

"I'm sorry" I say, patting his shoulder. "You look decent too, happy?"

He grins. "Very."


We all turn to see a girl our age, walking towards us. Pale face with emerald green eyes. Her silky black hair is in a braid that sit on her shoulder, stopping down at her waist. She wears a white, fur vest with a thick, tight belt with brown leggings and fur boots.

Hiccups eyebrows shoot up when he sees her. "Heather?"

She grins, her gaze washing over Hiccup almost hungrily. I keep down the growl that rises inside my throat.

She looks like trouble; like Hiccstrid breaking trouble.

"Oh gods, look at you all!" says Heather with a smile. "You look so different!"

Astrid smiles back. "So do you. It's been like...what...five, six years?"

"One too many" she smiles.

Her gaze then lands on me, and she just stares at me for a moment. Then her eyebrows furrow.

"Wait. Do you have purple eyes?!"

I am taken back by the harshness of her tone, and I flinch.

"Oh, Heather, this is Ember. She's been here for a little over two months" says Astrid, dismissing the fact she sounded repulsed by my eyes.

"How come you have purple eyes?" she asks, taking a step towards me. "That's weird. I mean...it's freaky. Are you even human? Are you like an alien or something?"

"Heather!" snaps Hiccup, and I see his knuckles white, in fists, jaw tight, raw fire in his eyes.

Oh no...he's gonna explode...

"She's not an Alien! She just has purple eyes, that by the way, look very beautiful! How would you like it if I asked why you have such a tiny nose?! Seriously Heather, get some manners!"

The whole gang is silent as we all stare at Hiccup with wide eyes.

Heather gulps, leaning towards Astrid. "Are you sure that's Hiccup?"

He groans in frustration, storming off and to the other boats, with the other tribes.

Heather clicks her tongue. "Oops. Sorry...just...never seen purple eyes before."

I laugh nervously. "T-That's okay. No hard feelings."

Heather nods with a smile, then slinging her arm over Astrid's shoulders, walking off. "Okay Astrid, tell me about you and your relationship with Hiccup. Have you--"

They disappear around a house, and I sigh, folding my arms over my chest.

I don't like heather. Maybe it's her smoky voice, or her pixie features, or the fact that she said my eyes were weird. Doesn't matter though. I don't like her anyway.

Snotlout starts saying something about his supposedly gorgeous face and walks away with Fishlegs.

Ruffnut places a hand on my shoulder, and it kinda surprises me when she does. "Hey, do you know that girl?"

I follow her line of gaze until it settles on a girl. She has brown hair, and crystal blue eyes. She looks around Eret's age, and she looks like an outsider. She walks with a group of Vikings as they walk into Berk. The older kids are chatting away, laughing and teasing, whilst the girl is looking at her feet, behind them.


Ruffnut shrugs. "She was full on staring at you for a moment. Lesbian."

I gasp, whacking Ruff on the arm. "Seriously!?"

Tuff chuckles. "She can only spot a les because she is one."

Ruff shoves him, and they start having an all out brawl. I look to Lumina as she stands in front of me, not looking exactly impressed.

"Do you know how to play Dragon racing?" she asks.

I shake my head.

She sighs, walking off and I follow her.

"I'll teach you" she smiles. "Anything to get away from those nutt heads."


I sit on the couch, drawing purple stripes on Ruthless's forehead.

'Purple? Seriously?' she grumbles.

"Not just purple" I smirk, dabbing my finger in green paint, drawing a stripe beneath the purple one. "Green too."

She grumbles. 'Can't we have red?'

"That's Hiccups colour."

'Does it look like I care?'

I laugh, drawing a stripe from her snout, to her forehead. "No. That's their colour. We have to have our own."

She grumbles again, and I laugh, finishing the paint on her. I walk up the stairs and into my room. I stand in front of the mirror, looking at my clothes. I quickly strip, changing into my female-Hiccup-flying-suit. This one is dark brown, with brown padding and a little bit of armour. No green or anything.

And no roller skates.

Sighing, I put my cloth over my shoulders, and clip on my belt. I dab my fingers into the purple paint, wiping two streaks on my cheeks. I then do green ones underneath.

I am about to walk back down stairs when I see a little hand held device. I pick it up, studying it.

It's Hiccups flaming sword.

"What are you--"

I spin, igniting the flaming sword and aiming it at whoever is behind me.

Hiccup gasps, jumping back, hands up in the air in surrender.


I turn off the sword, handing it to Hiccup. He slowly takes it off me, looking a little frightened.

"I swear I just saw my life flash before my eyes."

I smirk. "What? You scared of a little fire?"


I roll my eyes. "Fire isn't entirely deadly. What if...what if you could breath fire? Would that deem you scary?"

He cringes slightly. "Breathing fire...that's just monstrous and...and horrific."

I feel my chest constrict as he says that.

"I mean...I would feel sorry to whoever would be able to do that. Everyone would be afraid of them...like...like they were...with me" he says softly, looking away.

We stand there for a moment, neither of us saying anything.

I close my eyes. "Hiccup...there's something I really...really should tell you."

He looks up at me with his forest green eyes, and I notice the red paint on his cheeks. "About what?"

I gulp. "About fire."

He opens his mouth to speak, but then the door swings open and Astrid stands in the door way. She looks at us suspiciously, but then dismisses it.

"You guys ready? Everyone's waiting."

"Yep. Let's go" says Hiccup, rushing down the stairs and out of the house.

Astrid looks to me, her face covered in blue and orange paint. She smiles slightly.

"Come on...what are you waiting for?"

I smirk. "Nothing."


We all stand at the starting line, just before our baskets that we put the sheep in.

I am next to Snotlout, Hiccup on my other side. Snotlout blows me a kiss, and I pretend I'm choking from it. He blows another, and I roll my eyes. Hiccup smirks at this, and I kick my foot out, able to connecting it with his shoulder, and he almost falls off Toothless who is covered in red stripes.

I grip the harness, ready for Gobber to blow the horn.

I look around, frowning when I don't see Eret. My heart constricts when I think of how he might of felt.

Oh what have I done? The one time a decent guy tries to kiss me, I break his heart.

I look to the crowd, and I see Lumina, cheering and clapping, Heather beside her. I also see that girl Ruff pointed out before, and she is full on staring at me. I can't tell if it's hate, or recognition in her eyes. But the smallest flame of recognition sparks inside of me, but it quickly dies out.

Who is that?

I hear one horn, and the whole island goes silent.

"Ready..." booms Gobbers voice. "...Set..." we wait for him to say that one word we are all waiting for. "...GO!"

We all shoot up into the sky.

Ruthless does a loop before chasing after the other dragon riders as they scour the course for the sheep.

Ruthless snorts as she catches up to Snotlout, who has spotted a flock of sheep up ahead.

Hookfang extends his talons, ready to pick up a sheep. They all see the dragon, scattering, and Snotlout curses as there is no score sheep.

"Your going rather slow there" smirks Hiccup in a posh scent as he glides beside me on Toothless. "What? Is this too hard for you?"

I laugh. "Oh no darling" I say in a posh accent. "I fear that it is not I that thinks this is too hard."

"Oh rea--"

Toothless roars as Hookfang rams into him, almost knocking Hiccup off his saddle.

"Sorry!" shouts Snotlout, smirking as he continues on.

Hiccup ruffles his hair, and I smirk. "I must be off. I can't hang around, I have a race to win."

Hiccup grins, and Ruthless shoots forward, flying to Astrid as she is searching for the sheep.

I then hear a bone chilling roar that sends tingles up my spine.

I look up and I see Ethan riding a dragon.

Not just any dragon.

A Skrill.

"Heyo Firecracker!" Ethan grins as he rubs the Skrills head. "Mind if I join?"

"Yes! I do actually!"

"That's a SKRILL!" exclaims Hiccup, flying beside Ethan.

He grins. "Yep! His name is Stormrage. Lovely young one I found a few islands away."

Stormrage is a grey and blue dragon with bright, yellow eyes. It's size is about as large as a Night Fury, and it doesn't look entirely friendly.

But...okay, explain to me how Ethan managed to train a Skrill?

"FOUND IT!" screams Astrid, and I snap back into reality.

I glare at Ethan before diving down after her, just as she scoops up the sheep. She whoops as she has the sheep, heading towards the baskets.

"Oh no you don't" I smirk, leaning forward on the saddle.

Ruthless picks up speed, closing in on Astrid as she makes her way to the baskets. She raises her arm about to throw the sheep into her basket.

Quickly, I stand on top of Ruthless, just behind Astrid. She throws the sheep, and I jump off Ruthless, grabbing the sheep in mid air, before landing on the platform. I quickly throw the sheep into my basket with the purple Night Fury symbol, before jumping off and back onto Ruthless.

The crowd goes wild.

I throw my hands up in the air, cheering. "First times the charm!"

I turn to see Astrid behind me, rolling her eyes. Fishlegs stares at me dreamily, Snotlout blows me a kiss, The twins aren't even paying attention, and I see Ethan wink at me.

I poke my tongue out at him, and I turn, just to see Hiccup hovering in front of me.

"Well, it looks like you know what you are doing" he says, doing his dorky grin.

"Not really. Grab the sheep at all costs...that's about it."

He laughs. "Well, you my friend, have some skill."

I smirk. "Of course."

He laughs, shooting off. I rub Ruthless on the head, before shorting after Hiccup.


It's the black sheep.

The horns sounds, signifying the moment of the black sheep, worth ten points.

I am at five sheep, Astrid's at two, Hiccups at six, and the others have none.

Ethan has gotten the sheep a few times on his Skrill, but he then threw them to me, saying. "Your welcome."

Every sheep he has given me, I have literally just dropped, not wanting any of Ethan's help.

And if you are wonder, yes, I have taken a sheep of Hiccup.


"Come on Girl" I say to Ruthless. "This is the black sheep...we can win this."

Ruthless picks up speed, and I see the black sheep being catapulted into the air. Before I can blink, a black streak snatches the sheep, and laughter echos off it.

Laughing, I jump off Ruthless and onto Toothless, just behind Hiccup. I grab the sheep out of Hiccups hands, and he turns to look at me, laughing.

"Hey! My sheep!"

"Not anymore!" I say in a sing-song voice before jumping back on to Ruthless.

I soar up into the sky, cheering and fist bumping the air. Then something large hits Ruthless, and I drop the sheep, and we spin out of control for a bit before she regains balance.

I glare up at Meatlug and Fishlegs as he now holds the black sheep.

"Hey! No fair!"

"Sorry sweetie, I need this!"

Ew. Did he just call me sweetie?

"That's disgusting" says Ethan, grabbing the sheep of Fishlegs when he's not looking. "She's not your sweetie."

I gesture to Ethan. "Thank you...for once."

Then a green smudge slams into Ethan and Stormrage and he drops the sheep. The twins grasp it, laughing.

"I have the black sheep!" grins Ruff.

"Nu-hu! It belongs to me!"screams Tuff.

Tuff grabs the sheep, and Ruff yanks on it, not giving the sheep up.

Then, Astrid jumps onto Barf and Belch, grabbing the sheep and jumping off, back onto StormFly.

Hang on.

StormRage...StormFly...anyone else think it's suspicious? Then again, so does Ruthless and Toothless...but I named her that when I was seven so...

I shake my head, snapping back into reality.

I jump off Ruthless, and I plummet towards Astrid as she descends towards the platform, with the baskets.

I reach out, grabbing the sheep from her grasp mid fall. I clutch the sheep in my hands as I get closer and closer to Berk as I fall.

"Let's win a dragon race" I smirk to myself. "In style."

The air around me starts to shriek as I fall, and I have to squint because my eyes are starting to water. I quickly put the sheep's foot through a loop on my belt, tightening it up so I don't have to hold it.

I slip my hands through the loops on the side of my legs, waiting for the right moment.

'What are you doing?!' I hear Ruthless roar from behind.

"I have no idea!" I call back.

I rapidly get closer, and I bite my tongue in anticipation.

"Ready..."I whisper. "...and...NOW!"

I thrust my arms up, spreading out the gliders. I punch the small button, and the dorsal fin on my back shoots up.

I hear Hiccup laugh from behind, and I feel myself smirk.

I unhook the sheep from my belt and drop it in my basket as I fly over it.

"AND THATS FIFTEEN POINTS FOR EMBER!" exclaims Gobber, and the crowd cheers widely.

I smile, leaning back so I fly up, doing a loop.

But then, I hear a small whisp and then a dart flies through my gliding wing, ripping it.

Oh no.

I tumble back down to earth. and I hold in a scream as I do.

Crap crap crap crap crap!

The scream tumbles from my lips as I fall, and my wings start to erupt from my back.

No! Not here! No no no no no!

I hear a rip of fabric as my wings burst free.

I quickly spread them along my back, so they look like they are my gliding wings, and I am just able to hold in the tail a little longer.

The speed I am plummeting at is reduced, but I am still falling fast.

I hear my name being called before I fall through the trees, smacking my head on a branch. I feel my wing get torn, and I scream out. My leg is slightly bent awkwardly as it hits a branch, and I wince. My tail bursts free, and the rest of my transformation happens.

I hit the ground with a large thump.

I groan, my vision hazy.

I feel around in the dirt, and my hand brushes over some sort of leathery thing.

My wings!?!

"Ember!" I hear someone call.

I gasp, scrambling up and wincing as everything hurts.

Then a hand is wrapped around my mouth and I almost scream, but then the person speaks.

"Don't say a thing" says a posh, British accent.


He picks me up bridal style, before rushing further into the forest. He stops, crouching beside a bush before he climbs inside, and we end up down an old Whispering Death tunnel.

This is that lady in the blood red cloaks tunnel. I thought it had vanished.

Eret leans me up against the wall, and gives me a concerned look. "You alright?"

I look to my left wing, and I see my already shredded wing with a large rip in the middle.

"Oh! I have a needle and thread" he says, digging into his pocket before pulling them out.

He leans forward, starting to stitch up my wing. It stings, but this is pain I can handle.

"Did they see?" I gasp. "Oh gods...they saw didn't they?"

"No" he says, surprising me. "After your wings spurt out, you could hardly tell that they were real wings. They looked like another set of gliding wings."

I sigh in relief. "Oh Thank Odin."

I look down the tunnel, hearing no movement or sounds. I think she has evacuated anyway; it would make sense.

She needs a name. Like a nickname. 'The lady in the blood red coat' is a mouthful.

Hm...well her hair was white...like frost. And her coat was red...kinda like fire...hm...

Frostfire. That's my new name for her.

"How'd you find this place?" I croak.

He shrugs. "I found it a well or two ago. I've been....down here a few times."

Is this where he has been all this time?

"There" says Eret as he finishes. "Your fixed."

I bite my lip.

"Oh Ember...you are so lucky they didn't see you! What happened? Did the gliding wing rip or--?"

"I'm so sorry Eret" I say, wrapping my hands around him in a hug. "I didn't mean to hurt you before when we nearly...erm...yeah. I don't want to hurt you...and I'm just...I'm just..."

"It's okay" he says, hugging me back before pulling away. "I was rushing things anyway."

We sit here for a minute in silence, looking at the ground.

"Oh" I say, faceplaming. "I'm such an idiot."


I softly grab my ripped wing, rubbing the rip between my two fingers and I make them heat up. Because of the heat, the rip seals together.

I gingerly flap them, smiling softly. "Yep, their good."

He softly laughs. "So I didn't need to stitch them?"

I smile. "No...you did." I hear muffled voices from above. "I should get back up there."

Eret sighs. "Yeah..."

I give him another hug, before softly kissing him on the cheek, making him blush.

"Thank you Eret" I smile, before I transform back to normal, climbing out of the tunnel.

Eret just gets out as Hiccup spots me through the forest, his eyes wide.


He runs to me, and I wince as I have to lie to him. I can't tell him half of what just happened.

He then throws his arms around me in a hug, burrowing his head into my hair, making warmth ripple through me. I hug him back.

"Oh...I thought you were dead" he says, pulling away.

He then jumps back, rubbing his neck, as if he just realises that he just hugged me.

"This is...what? The third time you have nearly died?" he says softly.

"You are brushing death every time Ember" says Eret, beside me. "One day...he's gonna catch you."

I am about to reply when Hiccup wraps his arms around me again in a hug, this time, the heat goes crazy, and I almost feel like passing out. "Don't do that ever again."

I laugh, hugging him back, trying to stay upright. "Fine, if that's what you want."

He let's go just as the rest of the gang spot me, rushing to me.

"That was AWESOME!" exclaims the twins.

"It was beautiful" smirks Snotlout, winking at me.

"That was terrifying!" squeals Fishlegs.

"Pretty dangerous" says Astrid. "Pretty stupid...but pretty badass."

"Couldn't say it better myself" smirks Ethan.

I sigh, rubbing my neck. "Well...I was planning to win the dragon race in style but..."

"Are you kidding?" says Ethan, coming over to me. "If that wasn't wining in style, then I don't know what it."

I smile, even though it was Ethan who said it.

"Are you hurt?" asks Hiccup worriedly.

I laugh. "Nah. Falling from two hundred feet doesn't hurt."

He raises an eyebrow. "Are you being sarcastic?"

I laugh. "Unfortunately, I'm not."

"Well...that's the end of dragon racing for today" sighs Astrid. "And I didn't win..."

I roll my eyes, following the gang as we make it out of the forest. Ruthless bounds over to me, giving me a big lick.

"Hey girl" I say, rubbing her head. "Guess what? I won!"

'We won.'

I shrug. "Same thing."

"That was awesome!" says Lumina as she walks over to me, Heather beside her. "It was legendary. Never done before."

Heather laughs. "It so was! I personally loved it!"

I smile. "Thanks...I kinda just made it up mid flight. It wasn't really planned or anything."

"Well, that's what you do" Ethan smirks, rubbing his Skrill on the head.

The entire gang stares at the blue Skrill, their eyes wide.

"How..." whispers Hiccup.

My eyelids turn to slits. "A Skrill? I knew you had a thing with dragons....but this is just not right."

He laughs, rubbing Stormrage on the head. "I literally found him on an island not far from here."

"But Skrills are vicious and ruthless dragons" says Fishlegs, quivering before the dragon.

"How do you know he's not a gentle, caring creature?"

"We've experienced an encounter with a purple Skrill before...nothing gentle about it" says Astrid.

"Then your wrong" says Ethan, looking to Stormrage and placing his forehead on his. "I feel...connected with him. Like fate brought us together."

I roll my eyes, because I know he's mocking me and Ruthless. I look to him and he smirks, winking at me, and I poke my tongue out at him.

"Oh! guys!" I say, snapping my fingers.

I dig in to my pocket, pulling out seven rings. They are all silver, with a gem inside.

Astrid's has a blue and yellow gem in the shape of a Nadder head. Snotlouts; red gem in the shape of a Nightmare head. The twins; green in the shape of a Zippleback head. Fishlegs, a brown gem in the shape of a Gronkle head. Purple, red and green in the shape of a Rumblehorn head; Erets. And finally, Hiccup; black in the shape of a Night Fury head.

I hand them out to the gang, and they all gasp and stare at awe at my creations.

"Wow...awesome!" says Snotlout.

"IT MAKES ME LOOK RICH!" squeals Tuff, jumping up and down.

"Amazing" says Hiccup. "When did you--?"

"I've had time" I smirk, slipping my own on.

It's the exact same as Hiccups.

"Their beautiful" smiles Eret.

"What about me?!" shrieks Ethan. "Thanks guys...I feel very welcome!"

Astrid laughs. "Don't worry. Your a part of the gang now Ethan. Ember will make you one...won't you Ember?"


He's a part of the gang? Since when!

I mentally groan. "Sure. Why not."

"Their beautiful" says Heather, picking my hand up and examining the ring. "I wish I had a dragon..."

"Why don't you s-stay on Berk?" says Fishlegs, cheeks red. "Y-You could train a dragon..."

Heather beams. "Really?"

Hiccup smiles. "Sure. We've got heaps of room."

Lumina sighs. "I wish I could stay, but my parents are...well...they like the island of Exorcia."

"We'll miss you Lumina" I say, putting my hand on her shoulder.

The gang nods with me.

She smiles, and I smile back at her. I look up and see Heather looking Hiccup over like he's a buffet dinner, and she's a starving slave.

Great. Just...great.

I also see Eret staring at me, and I look away from his honey brown eyes.

"Aye, Hiccup" says a man as he comes towards us. He has a large, brown beard with grey streaks and a large stocky build.

Hiccup gasps slightly. "Stolin?"

He smiles gruffly, whacking him on the back. "Well done on er...becoming chief Hiccup."

Hiccup laughs nervously. "Y-Yeah...um that's...uh...y-yeah..."

Why is he nervous?

"Shame about Stoick" he sighs, patting Hiccup harder on the back, making him almost fall over.


"Must be off! I'll see ya soon."

And with that, the giant Viking leaves.

I'm going to ask Hiccup who Stolin was, but the I am grabbed my the arm and taken away.


She smiles softly. "I need to attend to your wounds. You have bruises and gashes all over you."

I wince. "Yeah...I know."

I see Valka look at Stolin, hurt crossing her face.

"Hey Valka...who is that?"

She looks to me for a second, like she's debating if I should know. She then looks away from me.

"That's Stolin. He was...uh...meant to be chief instead of Hiccup."

I feel my eyebrows shoot up. "What? Why?"

She sighs. "He's Stoicks brother, and when Hiccup was born...your father made Stolin next in line, because he thought Hiccup wouldn't be able to do it."

I cringe. "That's sorta harsh."

Valka sighs again, and we enter the house. I realise Ruthless is behind me, and she is giving me an unimpressed look.

"It is" says Valka, taking me into the kitchen and grabbing some ointments. "But Stoick forgot about Stolin and gave the honour to Hiccup."

"Stolin isn't happy about that" I say softly.

Valka doesn't reply, but by the look on her face, I can tell she agrees with me.



Feels like it's been centuries since I have updated. Damn forever.

And Lumina/Layla is dedicated to my friend LuminaDarkAngel ! SURPRISE!😄

Oh! And it was me friends b-day last friday! HAPPY BDAY -Ketania- !!

Any Ideas? PM me.

Wanna randomly talk? PM me.

Who do you think shot that dart?


And Harriet_the_Hiccup posted a one shots sort of books that him and I are gonna write. So plz read it! It's called --

If it were different - HTTYD one shots

I told him to write it with me, cause I had an idea for a future chapter, but I just had to make it into a book, and I am so busy so Harriet is gonna do it too :P

Continue lendo

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