His librarian

By everlove2069

303K 4.9K 1.4K

Kahli Luca, 25, is the leader of the the most fearless gang in town. He only talks to his his close friends a... More

Getting to know me :)
Chapter 1💕
Chapter 2💕
Chapter 3💕
Chapter 4💕
Chapter 5💕
Chapter 6💕
Chapter 7 (part 2)💕
Chapter 8💕
Chapter 9💕
Chapter 10💕
Chapter 11💕
Chapter 12💕
Chapter 13💕
Chapter 14💕
Chapter 15💕
Chapter 16💕
Chapter 17💕
Chapter 18💕
Chapter 19💕
Chapter 20💕
Chapter 21💕
Chapter 22💕
Chapter 23💕
Chapter 24💕
Chapter 25💕
Chapter 26💕
Chapter 28💕
Chapter 29💕
Chapter 30 (last chapter..)💕

Chapter 27💕

4.5K 80 9
By everlove2069

Athena's pov.

I woke up to a blinding light over me, my head is still pounding and I don't remember much except throwing up and the pain.

My eyes adjusted and I looked around and saw two nurses on the floor covered in blood. I saw a dark figure standing in the corner and I tried to sit up but the pain in my stomach stopped me.

"Don't panic. It will all be okay." Does this guy really thinks his words counted right now?! I sat there and kept my eyes on him as he leaned off of the wall. I recognized him...he was that Marek guy I think.

He came over to my bedside and cupped my cheek in his sweaty hand. "Where is my Kahli?" My voice was small and quiet.

His expression changed from calm, to really angry and his hand lifted up slightly and he tapped my cheek. Almost as if a warning.

I started to panic and he grabbed my face making my cheeks puff outwards. "You speak of his name again and I will end him and make you watch." I felt my eyes start to burn as I tried to think of Kahli.

My Kahli. My first true love and I can't even mutter his name.

He pulled out a rag and I pulled away, making my head almost hit the wall. "Don't move too much kitten." My skin crawled at the nickname.

I kept pushing his hand away and I could see him staring getting more and more irritated. He raised his hand and slammed into down onto my cheek.

While I was still in shock he quickly held me down and covered my face with the rag, making me breathe in the fumes.

Little black dots started to cloud my vision and I muttered one last name before falling into a deep slumber.


-(A/N: THIS IS FRED! We love Fred and Fred is my husband.)

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, all the memories hit me like a truck and I started to panic.

I tried to get up but a cold hand was wrapped around my waist. I looked down and saw Marek sleeping by me. My breathing was fast as I tried to look around.

I saw a phone on his side of the table and I turned in his arms. He must be a really deep sleeper because he didn't move not one inch.

I slowly grabbed the phone and saw that it had a lock on it. Think Butterfly. My dad's voice rang out in my head and I looked back down at the phone.

I took a deep breath and tried a code...1111..it unlocked and I shudder at the home screen picture. It was a picture of me hanging out with Dominic at school.

I quickly opened his call icon and tried to remember Kahli's number. I think it was 123-534-5789...

I called the number and waited as it rang for a few seconds. I glanced over to see Marek still deeply sleeping.

The phone finally picked up making me sigh quietly.

Unknown: Who the fuck is this?

Me: Oh my god...Tyler?

Tyler: Shit! Athena stay on the fucking phone! 'KAHLI!!!SHE IS ON THE PHONE!

Me: Ty-

Kahli: If this is some sick joke I swear to f-

Me: Hi baby, look I have to be quiet but I think Marek took me...please help- *groaning*

Kahli: Okay baby! Before you hang up just know I love you so much-


I quickly placed the phone back down as I felt his arms tightening. I got into my original position and acted as if I was asleep.

After a few seconds, I felt wet lips on my face. "Oh, kitten." I heard his deep voice sing out and I tried to hold the vomit in my throat.

I groaned and pushed my face away from his. I opened my eyes to see him looking down at me with a big smile.

"Now listen kitten. I am going to tell you straight up. I'm in love with you...when I saw you for the first time I fell in love with you." His breath stank and I tried to keep calm.

I nodded and looked away, trying to think of only Kahli right now. I suddenly felt a hard creep up my neck and into my hair.

He yanked my hair back making me whimper. "I don't want fucking nods." He spit out words like venom and I tried to push my head back to get some release.

"Okay...I'm s-sorry" he bent my head back and then roughly shoved it forward. He got off the bed and grabbed his phone.

I'm so glad I cleared the phone call. I sighed and sat in the bed for a second. He came out of what I'm guessing is the closest with a short dress.

He threw the dress at me and looked at me expecting me to do something. I looked down at my hands and started picking at the little hang nails.

My hands were grabbed roughly causing me to jerk forward. I felt a harsh sting on my cheek and as I looked up I saw him glaring at me.

"Get dressed slut." I blinked away my tears and decided to stand up for myself for once. "D-don't call me that." I tried to stay confident as I looked at his fiery ice-blue eyes.

"That's it!" He bent down and grabbed my neck making me gasp. He pulled me up by my neck and my feet started to be lifted off the ground. "You disrespect me after I told you I loved you?!" I started scratching his hands but he wouldn't let me go.

I felt myself getting lightheaded and I kept kicking and scratching. Suddenly everything went dark and my body felt limp.

Am I dead?

Kahlis pov😘

After Tyler got that phone call I had Mason track the number down. I can't stop myself from literally going insane.

It's been almost an hour now, and Mason still can't seem to track it. Tyler went back to Athena's house to pick up her friend as I stayed here.

I went to our room and threw my body onto her side of the bed. I smelled her scent on the pillow and felt tears gather in my eyes.

I didn't even get to ask her on a proper date yet...

I got up and pulled my phone out, I wanted to see her. I went to my camera roll to see millions of photos of her.

Her smiling and laughing and her reading a book. She always has her head in a book wherever she is. I also have a picture of her sleeping on my chest thanks to Tyler.

Her hair was everywhere and she was holding onto my fingers in a tight grip. I rubbed my chest while imagining her laying there with drool coming out of her mouth.

She may not be the most peaceful sleeper but it doesn't matter how crazy she looks in her sleep. I still love her with all of my heart.

I heard my door open and I grabbed my gun and pointed it at whoever was there.

"WAIT! I come in peace...please." I heard her friend's voice and I looked up while slowly putting my gun away.

She had a hoodie in her hand and I looked at her, confused about why she is carrying a hoodie. She took in my confused state and put her arms out. "It's hers...I know how hard it is without her so I brought this..." her voice trailed off and her eyes got watery.

"Don't cry in front of me. Go find Tyler. And stop acting like she is fucking dead! Do you-" I was cut off by my phone pinging.

I looked down and looked at the message.

Mason: I found her.

I rushed out of my room, accidentally knocking into Amirah. I ran down the stairs with her right behind me.

I ran to the hacking room and almost broke the door down. I walked in and saw Mason looking at a small dot on a map.

He turned and I saw the big bags under his eyes. "Where is she!" I yelled out losing my patients. He slightly smiled and pointed at the red dot. "Seems like a base house hidden in Germany." My eyes widened.

We are in New York so that's a 7-hour and 38-minute flight. "Call everyone in. And I mean everyone." I gave him a stern look and he quickly nodded.

I walked out and called Ares.

Ares: Yes boss.

Me: Get your ass down here along with Derrick. We are leaving.

Ares: Yes si-


I hung up and walked to the living room. I saw Amirah crying into Tyler's shoulder. "Get your loving bitch ass up. We are leaving and you. You gotta go." I pointed at Amirah and she nodded while quickly getting up.

Tyler got up and turned her around giving her a deep kiss. "I will fucking kill her and make you watch. Let's go!" I yelled and even though I know damn well I would never touch her friend but I needed him to hurry.

She quickly ran out of the house after I told one of the guards to take her home. I ran to my basement and smelled the dried blood from my past...visitors.

I grabbed all of my favorite knives, including my Katana. I have always been better with knives than guns and I just prefer feeling my enemy's insides as I slice through them.

Tyler grabbed his favorite guns and took a few magazines with him. He turned to me and nodded at all of the other guards getting ready.

I walked up to the front and cleared my throat making them look at me. "OKAY LISTEN UP YOU LITTLE FUCKERS, OUR MAIN GOAL IS TO GET MY GIRL OUT OF THERE SAFE! KILL AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU WANT JUST KEEP HER SAFE!" They all nodded as I spoke and some sadistic ones smiled as I talked about killing.

"OKAY ONCE WE GET THERE...MASKS UP AND EARPIECES ON! I WILL TELL YOU THE PLAN IN THE VAN!" They all nodded and went back to grabbing weapons.

I grabbed my phone and then walked out of the door. When I walked out of the door I took out a cigarette and put it between my lips.

She doesn't like me smoking but I need it right now...I thought as I sucked in the fumes from this damn cancer stick that I'm addicted to.

Once we got to the place I told my men the plan one last time and then got out of the black van. I had Derrick and Ares follow me to the left side and I had Mason take the right and Tyler took the front.

On the count of three, I gave the signal and we all ran in with our groups following behind us. I ran in through the side door and sliced a few guards' throats.

I heard a commotion upstairs and I ran for the stairs. I felt a tug on my shirt and I turned to see a boy around 19 pointing a gun at me.

He looked terrified and I laughed at him while quickly grabbing the gun and tossing it somewhere. Before he could run I grabbed him from behind and snapped his neck.

I continued to run down a long hallway which led to what I'm guessing was a room. I heard a whimper and I ran in.

Athena's pov

I groaned as I felt a small smack on my face. I opened my eyes and saw Marek glaring at me. "People are here. They want to take you away from me." I watched in horror as he smiled while walking back and forth.

"Good," I whispered out, instantly regretting it.

He bent down and threw a punch at my face making my head hit the floor. "Good?! Good! Is this good?!" He asked while kicking my stomach.

I was still in pain from yesterday and I felt the burning come back. I tried to hold my tongue but I let out a small whimper.

He stepped back and I crawled to the bed. I reached my hand up as he turned around and I grabbed the remote but I accidentally knocked over the vase that was up there.

Before he could look back I quickly threw the remote at him, successfully hitting him in the face.

He held his face and then laughed while coming closer to me. "Tsk tsk tsk..." he clicked his tongue and threw his foot back.

He kicked my head so hard that I smacked the bed frame and soon fell into the black dots.

Kahlis pov

I looked around and saw Marek standing over Athena's limb body. Before he could turn around I shot him in the leg making him fall.

I grabbed some cable ties and tied his hands behind his back. I flipped him over, making him lay on his side.

He smirked at me and I lost it, I started stomping his head in making him groan in pain. I continued to just kicking and stomping and then I stopped when I got a glimpse of Athena.

Tyler ran into the room with his gun out in front of him. He saw me and sighed and then looked over at Mareks now bloody face.

"Take him. And get a medic on standby." He quickly did as I said as I bent down and picked up Athena's limb body.

Her head flopped backward and I lifted my elbow to support her neck. "It's okay darling just stay with me." I lifted her up slightly and placed a kiss on her forehead.

I walked out of the room and stepped over a few dead guards. I looked around and saw that the coast was clear.

I ran out of the house and into the van. I set my angel's head down on my lap and turned on my earpiece. "All those alive. Get out of there and get in the van. You have ten seconds or I will leave you here." Mason got into the driver's seat and Ares opened the back door.

All of my men that were alive all jumped in and Derrick looked down at Athena. It's weird to see Derrick caring about something, after he joined my gang his three-year-old daughter died of cancer. Since then he has been my toughest fighter.

Ares looked at her and sighed. "Sir, may I take a look at her wounds?" I reluctantly nodded and he got up and crouched over to her.

He slowly placed two fingers on her neck and then sighed. He pulled his fingers away from her neck and started to head down to her shirt.

I took out one of my knives quickly and held it to his hand making him stop and look up. "Dude, I'm gay, and she is like a sister to me." I didn't move as I looked around at the other men.

"I will end you if you try to touch her again. Friends or not. Understand? That goes for all of you." All of the nodded and muttered quietly. 'Yes sir'.

Once we got to the base I quickly got out and saw Dr. Jones standing by the front door. She was around my age and has helped me with a few injuries here and there.

She smiled at me and then looked down at Athena. She quickly snapped into a working mood and pointed to the stairs.

I walked into our room and set her down on the bed. Jones lightly pushed me out of the way as she examined the poor girl's body.

"So wanna tell me the story between you too?" She looked up while cleaning up a small cut on Athena's face.

I sighed and walked around the bed to lay by her side. "She helped me, I fell. End of story." She chuckled and shook her head.

I started to rub Athena's head when I felt something wet on my hand. I pulled it away to find blood on my hand.

Jones was already grabbing her tools and told me to flip her over so I slowly flipped her body over onto mine.

I started to part her hair and I saw a small gash on her head. I felt guilt creep into every ounce of my being.

Jones took a look and without saying anything took her tools and got to work. I kissed Athena's head and leaned down to her ear.

"I've got you, darling. I will never let you go again." I knew that she probably wouldn't wake up or respond but it was worth a shot.

Jones stood up and rubbed Athena's back. "When she wakes up she is probably going to be in pain so only give her these pills. Her head needs to stay propped up and you need to keep a close eye on her movements." I nodded my head, listening to what she had to say.

She smiled at me and then down at Athena and then set down a pill bottle. "You guys look great together. Keep it that way." She playfully glared at me and I flipped her off.

I felt my lost puzzle piece get out back into place as I looked down at the resting Athena. "Good night baby. I love you." I soon found myself slipping into a peaceful sleep.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed it! I love all of you and I hope you guys are all doing well!- love the author. Word count:2992

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