Sadie Auburn //Book Four...


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With Hope's humanity off and her on a rampage, what it is going to take for the Super Squad to bring back the... More

I Thought You'd Be Happier To See Me
You're a Long Way From Home
Someplace Far Away From All This Violence
You Will Remember Me
I Can't Be The One To Stop You
The Story Of My Life
Follow The Sound Of My Voice
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost
Was This The Monster You Saw?
The Only Way Out Is Through
I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You
Into The Woods
This Can Only End In Blood
Just Don't Be A Stranger, Okay?

By The End Of This, You'll Know Who You Were Meant To Be

165 5 0


3rd Person POV

"Thanks to Cleo's vision, we know the gods are planning an attack on our school." Dr Saltzman says as the group gathers around the table. "The good news is we get to choose the field of battle."

"We know he's after me. So, I'm gonna draw him here." Hope says, pointing to the map

"The tree line will prevent him from using lightning strikes." Ben says

"If we fail, we have a fallback." Hope says

"You think we're gonna lose?" Jed asks from next to Sadie

"No. But we might." Hope says. "Either way, we need to stop him."

"Ben was telling us about a mixture that the Spartans used to harm the gods." Dr Saltzman says. "White fire and brimstone."

"Phosphorous and sulfur." MG says

"Exactly." Dr Saltzman says. "If we can rig the whole meadow for a chain reaction and get Ken in the middle, the explosion will likely incapacitate him. Now, Cleo's gonna get more intel. The witches and vampires need to get the minerals. And Ben will show the wolves how to set up the bombs before you have to report to the bunker for the full moon."

"I'm sorry, why are we trusting this guy again?" Jed asks

"Because he's proven to me that he's on our side." Dr Saltzman says

"Wait, whoever triggers the explosion, they're not gonna get clear in time, are they?" Lizzie asks. "Even at vamp speed."

"Probably not." Hope says

"So... who's doing that?" MG asks

"I'm working on it." Hope says

"Well, perhaps Ethan could, with the use of his powers." Ben suggests

"He can't." Lizzie says

"We'd explain why, but that's something that we should talk to him about first." MG says

"I'll be in my office if you need anything." Dr Saltzman says

"No. You have something else to do." Hope tells him. She looks at Sadie. "Come on, Sades, let's go." She says, walking away

"Where are we going?" Sadie asks, catching up with her

"To train." Hope says


"Keep your weight back." Hope tells Dr Saltzman as the two spar with sticks. "You can't pivot like you used to."

"She's right." Sadie says, watching the two fight while jumping rope

"I can't do much of anything like I used to." Dr Saltzman says

"That's right too." Sadie notes

"That's why we're here, okay?" Hope says. "Go again." Dr Saltzman lowers the sparring sticks. "Seriously? If I would've given up before a training session was over, I would've gotten a quote from The Art of war."

"Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but we both know where this is headed." Dr Saltzman says

"Okay, I can take it slower." Hope says. "We can–"

"You ran every part of your plan through the Manticulum, right?" Dr Saltzman confirms. "Well, what did it say when you asked about the last move? About who should detonate that explosion? Well, you didn't ask, because you didn't want to hear the answer. This has to be me."

"Absolutely not." Hope and Sadie say at the same time, Sadie tossing her jumprope to the ground

"It's the only play that makes sense." Dr Saltzman says. "I won't be much use in any other part of the fight."

"Because of what I did to you." Hope says. "Please, okay? I can't let something worse happen to you because of me, that's not fair."

"None of what's coming is fair, Hope." Dr Saltzman says. "That's what Landon was trying to tell you. You have to stay alive, but not everyone else will. And the more you keep avoiding that truth, the more people you put at risk."

"I'm literally doing the opposite." Hope defends

"No, you're using the explosion as the fallback plan." Dr Saltzman says. "You're the one who's on defense, when that should be our first, best option."

"If we do that, we're guaranteeing that someone's gonna die." Hope tells him

"And what if it works? How many lives will we save then?" Dr Saltzman asks

"You know, everyone keeps telling me I need to accept death." Hope says. "Fine. That doesn't mean I have to choose it."
"Then ask the question." Dr Saltzman tells her. "Use the Manticulum and prove me wrong."


"Okay. Spread this out. Make sure the phosphorus and sulfur don't touch." Ben tells a boy, handing him a bag

"How much more do we need?" Finch asks

"Uh, this should do it." Ben says

"We'll take it from here." Jed says. "Thanks."

"I think you still need my help." Ben says

"Well, then, you're wrong." Jed tells him, grabbing the bag from Ben. "We can handle your little chemistry project."

"M-Maybe we don't tug-of-war with the explosive stuff?" Finch suggests, watching the two boys pull the bag. "Just a thought."

"You have every right to be angry with me." Ben tells Jed. "But this is bigger than either of us right now."

"I'll give you two a–" Finch tries to leave

"No, no, no, no, no. Stay." Jed says. "This involves all the wolves. In fact, why don't you go and get Sadie."

"I think she's busy..." Finch starts to say before Jed continues and she realizes that that wasn't a real request

"Because this guy didn't just betray the whole school." Jed says. "He tried to get his dad to take away my curse. Because he thinks me being a wolf is something I need to change about myself. So, yeah. This is bigger than you and me. And frankly, I don't want you anywhere near my pack."


"Did you figure out who the triggerman is gonna be?" Lizzie asks, walking into the office where Hope is sitting at the desk and Sadie is sitting on the desk, eating a bag of chips

"Still working on it." Hope says as Lizzie sits down with a sigh. "What's wrong? Besides the end of the world, I mean."

"MG told me he loves me." Lizzie says

"Wow." Hope says, putting down what she was working on. "Okay, um... Did you say it back?"

"I didn't say anything. I just froze. And then I was supposed to help him with Ethan, but... I just chickened out again and ran away. It's weird. It's like I don't even want to ask myself the question."

"Maybe you're afraid of getting an answer. Once you have one, nothing's gonna be the same." Hope says

"Exactly. How did you know?" Lizzie asks

"I've been doing the same thing." Hope says. "I've been avoiding part of the battle plan because I didn't want to know who we were gonna lose. But I asked myself the question. I hate this, but..."

"Would a chip help?" Sadie asks, offering her chips to either girl

"No thanks, Sades." Hope says with a small laugh before looking at Lizzie. "I think you should know who it is." Hope tells Lizzie


"Well, this is a first." Dr Saltzman says, walking into the office where Hope and Sadie are. "Never been called into my own office before. I was right about the plan, wasn't I?"

"Our best chance is triggering the god bomb up front." Hope says

"Well, I know this isn't gonna be easy for you." Dr Saltzman says. "You've experienced more loss than anyone your age should ever have to. I've lost people I've loved in every way imaginable. Long and drawn out. Sudden, unexpected. None of them are good. But I can tell you what the worst is. It's when you have regret. When you were unable to... say the things that you needed to say. You can't control the rest. But you can make the most out of the time you have left together."

"You might have to take your own advice." Hope says. "You were right about the strategy, but wrong about who should trigger the explosion."

"It's not you..." Sadie speaks up. "It's Lizzie..." She says carefully

"It makes sense." Hope reasons. "If Lizzie can siphon Ken at the exact moment of explosion, she can weaken him. Maybe even kill him, if we're lucky. And she's a Heretic. She has the best chance of surviving. Although, admittedly, it's not really much of one. Say something, please."

"You can't ask this of her." Dr Saltzman says

"We already did." Hope says. "She just needed to call her mom and Josie to decide."

"There's no need, because I'm telling her what she's deciding." Dr Saltzman says

"Alaric Saltzman, this isn't your choice." Hope tells him. "It's hers. And deep down, you know that."

"We're talking about my daughter." Dr Saltzman says

"Everyone here is someone's son, someone's daughter." Hope says. "Or father. Winning is how we save as many people as possible, and Lizzie is our best chance at winning."

Lizzie walks in. "Can you give us a second?" She asks her dad


"Are you sure?" Hope asks as her, Sadie, and Lizzie walk down the hall

"If I don't do it, it'll be my dad, right?" Lizzie says and Hope nods. "Then yeah. I'm sure. Who would've thought I'd live to see the day that Hope Mikaelson didn't rush in to haphazardly sacrifice herself."

"Well, there's still time." Hope says. "Do you want me to tell your dad for you?"

"I've avoided enough hard conversations for today." Lizzie says. "I'll tell him. But don't go too far. I might need your help chaining him up in the basement." The group of three walks into the assembly hall where there are decorations

"I figured we could use a little pick-me-up." Dr Saltzman says. "Spend some time making memories with the people we love."

The group spends time together, eating, talking, and laughing

Hope stands up and calls everyone's attention. "I hate public speaking and being watched, so this is hard for me. But I just wanted to take a moment to say how much you all mean to me. I'm a better person because of your friendship, your love and your belief in me. And it's been the honor of my life to fight by your side. So, let's raise a glass. To the families that we make. And to the people that our families help us become. We're gonna win." 


Hope you all enjoyed that chapter! Make sure to vote and comment! Next chapter up NEXT MONDAY


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