Sadie Auburn //Book Four...


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With Hope's humanity off and her on a rampage, what it is going to take for the Super Squad to bring back the... More

I Thought You'd Be Happier To See Me
You're a Long Way From Home
Someplace Far Away From All This Violence
You Will Remember Me
I Can't Be The One To Stop You
The Story Of My Life
Follow The Sound Of My Voice
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost
Was This The Monster You Saw?
I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You
Into The Woods
By The End Of This, You'll Know Who You Were Meant To Be
This Can Only End In Blood
Just Don't Be A Stranger, Okay?

The Only Way Out Is Through

168 6 0

3rd Person POV

"This... is a Manticulum." Vardemus says, unveiling a machine. "My own design. It uses algorithmic magic to calculate probabilities."

"How's that help us fight the gods?" MG asks

"It can't, on its own." Hope says, standing up from her seat. "We have to combine it with something else. Something like that game that you, me and Landon played once. That's why you're here, nerd." She tells Wade

"Oh. Oh! It's like a tabletop RPG." Wade exclaims. "Or, like, a super-accurate D&D campaign. This thing is, like, smart dice that will tell us the outcome of any attack or defense. We can use this to war game what would happen in an actual battle. All we need to do is encode our powers into the Mant... the Man... uh..."

"Manticulum." Vardemus supplies

"Manticulum." Wade corrects

"So we need to rate everyone's skills, then." Dr Saltzman reasons

"Oh, I've already done that." Wade says


"Oh, hell nah." Kaleb says after reading his scan. "You did me dirty."

"They're just preliminary guesses, which is why we need to do some tests to confirm your stats." Vardemus says

"Speed: 92?" Kaleb reads

"Mine's 94." MG says

"That's what I'm saying." Kaleb says. "There's no way he's faster than me."

"Actually, he might be. " Wade says. "But your dragon powers give you a plus 20 to defense and a plus 40 for offense. In a straight fight, you can definitely beat him."

"But... he's got to catch me first." MG says with a small laugh and from the sidelines, Sadie lets out a small laugh as well

"And... go!" Vardemus conducts the race and the two are speeding in their race. MG is the winner up is Ethan...

"My powers?" Ethan asks. "Right. I have the teleportation and intangibility of a Pukwudgie. I-I can also just turn invisible... which must be from another monster, but, uh, we haven't... figured out exactly which one yet. It's-it's kind of like I have two different gas pedals, and-and I'm not always sure which one I'm-I'm pressing."

"I see." Vardemus says. "Well... whenever you're ready, please, try to teleport across the room."

Nothing happens. "I am." Ethan whispers

"Well done, indeed." Vardemus tells him up is Cleo...

"My, uh, stat sheet is, uh, a little out of date." Wade says. "But, um, she's basically, uh..."

"Human." Cleo says. "I know I'm not as impressive without using my magic, but... I still want to fight. I can't stand by and watch while my friends are in danger."

"I'd say courage plus-ten." Vardemus says up is Ben...

"I'd like to help." Ben says

"I'm sure we're all keen to see what a god is capable of." Vardemus says

"Demigod." Ben corrects. "But I can't join you." Sadie turns her head. "I'm forbidden from fighting against my family. It's the other side of the curse my father put on me. But I can tell you what they would do in a fight. I should play the side of the enemy in this game."

"Alright." Vardemus says. "And I believe we have two left." He says, looking over to where Hope is seated and Sadie is leaning against the wall

"Sadie Nightshade." Wade reads off the data as Sadie walks over to stand in front of them. "Werewolf-witch hybrid. Highest level tracking wolf in her pack. I place her above Kaleb in terms of defense but slightly below in offense." He says

"Do I have to perform any tests?" Sadie asks. "Cause I'm kinda tired. Haven't been sleeping well." She says with a shrug and Dr Saltzman intently listens

"You are alright." Vardemus says. "I've seen a lot of what you can do at the University."

"Right." Sadie remembers

"Well, there's only one person left to test." Dr Saltzman says, looking over at Hope

"No test needed." Hope says, standing in front of them. "Right, Wayne?"

"Uh, well, I made up a humanity-off sheet for her." Wade says. "And she's basically the perfect fighter. Uh, incredible magical power levels, unencumbered by morality, with no discernible weaknesses."

Sadie watches as Hope's body language changes slightly before she tries to cover it up. Sadie turns her head in confusion


"This is your field of battle." Vardemus explains. "Vampires can move across the board in one turn. The speed of the gods varies. And these... are your opponents. I took the liberty of creating some automatons for the purposes of our game." He says, revealing the figures on the other side of the board. "Hopefully, I did them justice. I haven't used magic to sculpt since the last Wizard Games." He lists the opponents. "Aurora de Martel. My erstwhile student, Jen. Her father, Ken. The father of an entire family of gods. And finally... Elizabeth."

"Lizzie wouldn't fight against us." Dr Saltzman says

"How much you willing to bet?" Hope asks

"I'm afraid Hope is right." Vardemus says. "To be sure of victory, you must plan for the worst-case scenario. And Elizabeth is a wild card."

"But I scored her loyalty to the gods pretty low." Wade says. "She can still be flipped back to our side."

"The two sides will alternate turns, with the Manticulum declaring success or failure of your moves based on the scores we've fed it." Vardemus explains. "We'll draw for first move." He says, holding his hands closed behind his back

"Right one." Hope choose

"The first move is yours." Vardemus says, opening his hand to reveal to object


"If we could just talk to Lizzie, we can flip her back to our side." Dr Saltzman says. "Our first move should be getting her to safety."

"You're wasting our first strike." Hope tells him. "This is war, okay? People are gonna die."
"She's valuable in war, Hope." Dr Saltzman says

"MG vamps to Lizzie." Hope directs

MG follows her command and vamps over. "Hey, beautiful." He says

"Aurora attacks MG." Ben directs and Aurora walks over to him

"Aurora kills MG." Wade reads the diagnostic

"Which turns Lizzie to your side." Vardemus says

"Ah, so not a total loss." Hope says as MG steps off the board

"In a rage, Lizzie kills Aurora." Wade reads

"My father attacks Lizzie." Ben directs

"Lizzie dies." Wade reads

"Well, looks like we're gonna be going to another Lizzie funeral." Hope snarks

"The probability of success has dropped to zero percent." Vardemus announces. "You lose." He reads the diagnostic. "Fascinating. As soon as Lizzie died, there was simply no move you could make that would lead to victory."

"Why?" Hope asks

"I don't know." Vardemus says. "But I'd presume there's a reason she is invaluable to winning."

"Okay, so we have to save Lizzie." Hope says. "Let's go again."


"Your chance of success drops to zero." Vardemus announces as the group runs the simulation again

Hope stares into space. "What's the matter?" Dr Saltzman asks

"Nothing." Hppe says. "Aurora's older, so she's faster than our vampires. Which means we should take her out and then save Lizzie."

"Except seeing any of us in danger flips Lizzie back to our side, leaving her all alone." Dr Saltzman says. "And if we try to save her first, we still lose her. It's almost like no matter what move we make..."

"We've already lost." Hope says. "The problem is that we're going first. I mean, we're facing them all at once. We should be forcing them to fight us." She backs up. "Okay. I decline the first move."

"Aurora attacks Hope." Ben directs and Aurora moves to Hope

"I throw up a shield." Hope says

"Aurora is knocked off her feet." Wade reads and the group cheers quietly

"Let's see how a vampire does against dragon fire." Hope says and Kaleb walks forwards

"Kaleb kills Aurora." Wade reads and the group cheers again

"Now MG vamps to Lizzie." Hope directs and MG speeds over

"My father attacks them." Ben says

"MG is just fast enough." Wade reads. "They make it out before he strikes." The group cheers as MG speeds over with Lizzie

"Lizzie is safe." Vardemus announces and the group cheers

"Okay, let's kill some gods." Hope says and she looks behind her. "Brid, you're up." She says and Sadie steps forwards, holding in a smile at the nickname


"Down to just Ken now." Dr Saltzman says. "I think this is where the Tribrid steps in."

"Not yet." Hope says. "I'm gonna soften him with my pawns first." Sadie looks around at her friends who have the same expression as her. "Kaleb goes airborne." She directs

"My father pierces the sky with lightning." Ben says

"The lightning kills Kaleb." Wade reads

"Fine, MG attacks." Hope directs

"MG dies." Wade reads

"My father moves forward." Ben says

"You're up, Cleo." Hope tells her

"Cleo dies." Wade reads

"Big surprise." Hope mutters. "

"Sadie dies." Wade reads

"Damn." Hope mumbles. "All right, now it's him versus me. Skip to the end. Who wins?"

"I'm afraid he's still too strong. Hope would lose." Vardemus says

"Run it again." Hope orders

And they run it again

"They all attack." Hope directs

"He kills them all." Wade says

"But they do real damage first." Hope says. "I attack next."

"It's not enough. He defeats you." Vardemus reads

"Shut up!" Hope yells at the air next to her. "We need more cannon fodder. How many students are there at the school?"

"Hope!" Dr Saltzman yells at her

"If the vampires and the wolves attack him in waves, killing them is gonna keep him occupied until–" Hope tries

"No! W-We're done. Okay?" Kaleb yells at Hope. "You've been running us into the buzz saw all day like we're expendable! You only care about yourself. So just leave us out of it. 'Cause this version of you... it ain't worth dying for."

And with that, the group leaves. Sadie stares at Hope with tears in her eyes

"Do you feel the same way?" Hope asks Sadie, looking at her

"I..." Sadie whispers. "I just...I..." She stammers

"Alright, yeah, I hear you loud and clear." Hope says before storming out of the room

"...I just want you back..." Sadie whispers, staring at the door where Hope left


"All right. I've adjusted her stats." Wade says, sitting down with Vardemus. "I'll be honest, I don't see how this is much of a battle upgrade."

"Much remains to be seen, Wade." Vardemus says. "Your move, my dear." He tells Hope, she and Ken are the only ones on the board. Sadie watches from the sidelines

"I attack Ken alone." Hope says

"You do damage." Wade reads. "He's still standing."

"My father calls down lightning." Ben directs

"You're wounded." Vardemus says. "Your life force is down to 70%."

"I vamp around him... drawing his fire, distracting him." Hope says

"My father keeps striking." Ben says

"You're hit." Wade reads

"You can only run so long." Vardemus says. "Life force to 40%."

"I move into close-quarter combat, inside the reach of his lightning." Hope says

"Your blows do damage, but you're too weak to block his." Wade says

"My father keeps attacking." Ben directs

"He knocks you down. 30%." Vardemus says

"Hope, you have to get out of there." Wade tells her

"No. I don't run. I get back up." Hope says

"He knocks you down again." Vardemus says. "Your vision is blurring. 20%."

"I get back up." Hope says

"Five percent." Vardemus says. "You have one move left." Sadie chews on her nail, watching intently

"I'll take the hit for her." Kaleb says, walking in with the rest of the Super Squad

"I take the next one." Jed says

"And I'll take the third." Sadie says, joining the group

"We all do. Lizzie would, too." MG says


"They score another hit on Ken." Wade says, amazed. "I don't understand. What changed?"

"She's giving them courage." Vardemus says. "A belief they can win. Having the real Hope as their leader, it's increasing each of their powers. It might just be enough."

"My father retreats." Ben says and the group cheers

"It's time to finish him. We attack as one." Hope directs

"You succeed!" Vardemus exclaims and the group cheers

"This is all just a stupid game." Hope says with tears in her eyes and the room starts to shake and the lights flicker. "No, it's not real. It's just a spreadsheet. You are pathetic." She spits at her friends. "Little boys role-playing war. And you're all gonna die. Don't you see that? You're just disposable. I mean, you mean nothing to me. And you." She growls at the empty space next to Cleo. "You're a liar. And a martyr. And you're never gonna save the people that you love because you're just not strong enough." She looks around. "What are you all doing?!" She screams with tears rushing down her cheeks. "Don't you see I'm about to kill you all?! Someone take me out!" She yells at the group. "Someone take me out!" She says, but the second time that she says it, she sounds desperate and pleading

Dr Saltzman comes up behind Hope and snaps her neck


...down in the wolf transitional cellars....

Hope is sleeping on one of the beds and Sadie is sitting outside of the cell, staring at Hope

"I've been worrying about my girls today." Dr Saltzman says into the phone. "I'm glad you called. No. Nothing from Lizzie. I know. I think you and MG were right about Hope. She's close. So, whatever you're planning... I think now's the opening you've been waiting for." And with that, he hangs up  


Hope you all enjoyed that chapter! Make sure to vote and comment! Next chapter up NEXT MONDAY


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