My Hero Academia 4 (mha x oc)

By bnha-kny-jjk

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Hey guys, welcome to the fifth book in Koko's story. If you haven't read the first four books, I recommend yo... More

1- The Scoop On U.A. Class 1:A
3- Fighting Fate
4- Let's Go, Gutsy Red Riot
5- An Unpleasant Talk
6- Go, Suneater of The Big Three
7- Red Riot, The Temp Squad and Lemillion
8- Unforeseen Hope
9- Bright Future
10- Smouldering Flames
11- School Festival
12- Welcome to U.A. High School
13- Preparation Time
14- Smiles All Around
15- Japanese Hero Billboard Chart
16- Team Up
17- His Start, His Sidekick, Her Debut

2- Overhaul

404 5 5
By bnha-kny-jjk

Kai Chisaki and Twice make their way towards the League of Villains' new hideout.

"The air around these parts is practically made of dust" Kai coughs as he looks around, "it's going to make me sick".

"The guys in here have been sick for a while" Twice says as the two of them approach the entrance to the warehouse.

Twice opens the door and walks in happily as Kai follows behind him, only for the door to close behind him. The whole group of the League of Villains apart from Dabi watches as he enters.

"Well now Twice, you brought us a pretty big catch huh" Shigaraki says as he leans forwards.

"You think so? That's strange coming from you" Kai says as he scratches the back of his neck, "wow, the League of Villains".

"What gives?" Magne asks as she grips onto her magnet, "is this guy famous or something?".

"My father showed me a picture of you. He's what you'd call a yakuza, Magne. He's the young head of the Shie Hasaikai. To what do we owe this pleasure?" Shigaraki asks, entertained by the fact that the head of a large organisation has come to him.

"The number head of a large organisation huh? I've never seen anyone like you before. You smell dangerous, this is so exciting" Magne says as she sits down on a wooden box.

"What's the deal? We're all criminals so why is he so different from us?" Toga asks as she looks up at Mr Compress who sat on the box above her.

"Let me entertain you with a story" Mr Compress says as he looks down at the beaming blonde below him, "in the past, there were many different scary groups who ran the underworld. After heroes started to strive, they slowly but surely started to disband. And when All Might came to light, their era was over. The yakuza survivors who weren't caught became rent-a-thugs for villain groups. In other words, they were the lowest form of criminal, barely scraping the pan to survive. They're obsolete, an endangered species".

"Endangered species" Kai chuckles to himself, "I guess that's true".

"So what's a yakuza thug from the slums doing here? I guess you're excited about All Might's retirement as well" Magne says as she looks at the short brunette with the beak mask.

"It's good that he's gone sure, but I'm more interested in All For One's absence and his successor, Kokoro Yagami" Kai says as Shigaraki rests his head on his palm, his elbow places upon his knee, "the dark emperor who rules over the shadows and his daughter who harnesses a relatively similar power. The old timers always feared All For One, even after his death. The whispers of him bearing a child never grew silent and of course they were true. He had a daughter with the same power as him. Most people my age thought that it was all urban legends until a student showed up at U.A. with multiple quirks and immense power. You can imagine the shock when I found out All For One wasn't dead and the U.A. student turned out to be his biological daughter, a daughter of wields the power of All For One. In the end, the big bad was thrown by his own daughter and his daughter stood up and said she would become a hero. That means those of us in the shadows and those in the light are both leaderless. I wonder who will step up to take their places".

"You know who my master is but you still have the nerve to ask me that" Shigaraki chuckles, "that sounds like a challenge. I'm the next leader, even now I'm gathering my troops. And once my darling little sister comes to her senses and realises she's more suited to being a villain, my plan will be complete and the two of us will rule".

"Ah yes, I forgot that you are the only son and the older sister of All For One and his successor" Kai says as he looks at Shigaraki.

"Our numbers will continue to increase" Shigaraki says confidently, "with our combined power, hero society will turn to dust".

"I'm surprised you have an actual plan" Kai taunts.

"Watch your tongue and your tone" Shigaraki warns, "I thought you were here to join us".

"A goal without a plan is just a wish" Kai says simply, "if that's what you're offering, why would I join you? What happens after you increase your forces? You have no idea how to arrange your little league. You had the hero killer Stain and Moonfish by your side, Muscular even, all of the first class game pieces. But you lost them and that's all because of your little sister who you say is going to rule by your side. She took down Stain on her own and then Moonfish and Muscular with the help of her classmates, she's stronger than you want to recognise. Maybe you didn't know how to play the game. If you can't even manage a few crazy people how are you going to build an army? You only have control over Dabi because he's friends with your sister and wants her by his side. What happens when the power you've gained spirals out of control? You need direction to achieve your goal and I have a plan. I didn't come because I wanted to join your league".

"Twice" Shigaraki says as glares at the spandex wearing man, "you brought him here without knowing his intentions?".

"In order to achieve my designs, I need money. Unfortunately, there aren't many people looking to invest in a small time yakuza" Kai says as he runs a hand through his hair, "but your group on the other hand has widespread name recognition. Put yourselves under me, make me your new leader and I'll show you exactly how to use the right tools".

"Leave, now!" Shigaraki commands.

"Sorry about this small fry but we didn't come together to work under someone's boot" Magne says as she takes the cloth off her magnet, using her quirk, drawing Kai closer to her, "the other day I met up with an old friend, a kind girl with a gentle soul. She supports me, even knowing my past. Do you know what she said to me? She said those who are bound by the chains of society laugh at those who aren't. I'm here because I don't want to be bound by anything. We're free to decide exactly where we want to be".

Kai removes one of his gloves as he grabs Magne's arm, scratching her skin. Magne's blood starts to boil from underneath her skin as the top half of Magne's body explodes, blood splattering everywhere.

"Big Sis Mag!" Toga yells as she stands up.

"Remember, you made the first move" Kai says as he wipes the blood from his body, "I'm filthy now that's why I hate the aftermath".

Mr Compress jumps towards Kai as Shigaraki tells him to fall back. Compress is about to use his quirk when there is a gunshot and a bullet lodges itself in Compress' arm. Kai grabs Compress' arm and destroys it like he did Magne. Compress cries out in pain as he falls backwards, Toga dragging him back to their side.

"You shouldn't have tried to touch me!" Kai says as he looks at the leader of League who launches himself towards his new enemy.

Shigaraki hears a gunshot as he jumps out of the way and closer to Kai.

"Shield!" Kai yells as someone comes out of nowhere and stands in front of him.

Shigaraki grabs them and uses his quirk, their body being reduced to ashes. Shigaraki jumps backwards to where Toga is wrapping up Compress' arm.

"I get it now" Shigaraki says as he looks down at his teammate.

The wall bursts down behind Kai as his whole gang stands waiting behind him.

"You should have just started with this, it would have saved us a whole lot of time" Shigaraki says annoyed.

"It was a close call, Overhaul" one of Kai's lackey's speaks up from behind him.

"You're late" Kai says as one of his lackey's jumps next to him.

"I missed a shot as well, but at least we know the bullets work" another one says as he walks over, fiddling with his gun.

"Where did they come from?" Twice asks himself.

"Of course they worked" Kai says as he looks at the man, "the only way they wouldn't work is if the person you shot had the same blood and genetics as the girl we're using but she has no family so it's not possible".

"You're foolish for talking about your entire plan in front of us" Shigaraki calls out to the yakuza who clearly don't care.

"You have no clue what we're talking about anyways" Kai says as he glances over at him.

"We weren't followed, I sweat" Twice says trying to defend himself.

"Don't worry about it, one of them probably has a tracking quirk" Shigaraki says as he pats the worried man's shoulder, leaving one finger free.

"It's hard to objective in this kind of situation" Kai says as he puts his glove back on, "killing each other isn't productive. There was a death on both sides so we should take a breather. We'll cool our heads and then try again later. I owe your side an arm".

"You bastards, I'll kill you all" Twice shouts angrily.

"Let me kill them Tomura, I'll make it real quick" Toga says as Shigaraki puts his arm up.

"Stand down" Tomura orders.

"It's my responsibility" Twice pleas.

"No, it isn't" Shigaraki says as he looks at Twice, giving his a reassuring half smile.

"You made a smart decision" one of Kai's lackey's says.

"I don't want to rush you but the sooner you talk to us, the better" Kai says as he throws his business card towards the dumbfounded leader before leaving with his lackey's.

Meanwhile at U.A. High School in class 1A's classroom, Izuku walks over to a sweating Koko who is sleeping with her head on her desk.

"Koko" Izuku says as he shakes her, "Koko!".

"Huh?" Koko asks as she gasps, "what is it?".

"Is everything okay?" Izuku asks as he passes her a handkerchief.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Just a bad dream, that's all" Koko says as she reassures her friend.

"You hungry? It's lunchtime now" Izuku says as he hints to the empty classroom.

"Uh huh" Koko says as she stands up from her desk, leaving the room with Izuku.

What did I just see? I was in the League's hideout, it was like I was there. I could see everything. There was a new villain, Kai Chisaki I think his name was and Magne was killed. Compress had his arm blown off. A bullet that takes away quirks. A young girl's being experimented on. If you have the same blood as that girl, the bullet won't affect you. Could it be? No Koko, it's not possible. She's lost, this can't be her. But his mask was so familiar. I have to keep this to myself. It could just be a bad dream, nothing more.

It's now lesson time and all of the students are back in their seats.

"Work studies are a more serious version of your internships. They include helping pros on the street and helping the police with investigations. Us teachers and Principal Nezu discussing this at the faculty meeting. Everyone agreed it's too soon for you first years to be able to do them. They really should be cancelled" Aizawa says as he sighs.

"But we were already meeting about them" Kirishima complains.

"When you think about why we had to move to the dorms, it does make sense" Kaminari says being reasonable for once.

"Some people believe we won't be able to raise strong heroes with that protective outlook" Aizawa says as everyone looks forward at him again, "and with that in mind, the compromise is to be selective about the participating agencies. You should choose one with a proven track record. You won't be taking part otherwise".

It's now the weekend and Koko is sitting in the dining area completing a glass drawing whilst Kaminari and Mineta watch as they brush their teeth.

Why are they brushing their teeth here?

"I'm happy we have the day off finally but I have no idea what to do with it" Kaminari says accidently spitting toothpaste on Koko's cheek.

"With all the training and exams we've been doing, I feel like we haven't had a full day off in ages" Mineta says as Koko rubs the toothpaste from her cheek.

Izuku runs by them at top speeds as all Koko manages to see is a green sparkly blur.

"What's up with him?" Mineta asks as he looks back at Koko.

"I forgot those two have to do training on the weekends as well" Kaminari says as he looks out the window at the blonde and two toned haired boys making their ways to the car, "Momo's having a study session later if you guys want to join".

"Sorry but I'm fully booked. I'll be studying some websites" Mineta says as Koko rolls her eyes.

"What about you Koko?" Kaminari asks as Koko looks at him.

"I'm going away for the weekend to meet an old friend" Koko says not wanting to bring up the fact that she's friends with the number three hero.

"Each to their own" Kaminari says as he spits into a glass, "have fun".

Koko realises what time it is as she picks up her glass painting and she places it on the windowsill. She picks up her bag and she leaves, walking into the city. She makes her way to League of Villains' hideout as she knocks on the door. The door slides open and Toga is stood there.

"Koko!" Toga yells as she wraps her arms around Koko's torso.

"Yeah, no" Koko says as she throws the blonde off of her, "where's Tomura?".

"Why does my little sister who despises me so much want to see me all of a sudden?" Tomura asks as he comes out of a dark corner.

"Where's Magne?" Koko asks as she looks around.

"How do you know about that?" Shigaraki asks as Koko walks over.

"I was right" Koko says with a small chuckle.

"Again, how do you know about that?" Shigaraki asks as he looks at Koko.

"I had a dream and I saw you lot in it" Koko says as she looks at her brother.

"Nice to know you're dreaming about me" Shigaraki says with a cocky chuckle.

"Don't be an ass" Koko says as she squints, "I don't know how I was just able to see it. In my dream, Twice brought some guy called Kai Chisaki in, I think he mentioned something about being from a big organisation or something. Anyways, the two of your swung your dicks around for a while before Magne had enough, good for her, and she tried to attack him, resulting in her death. Then Compress tried to attack as well, resulting in his arm going kaboom. So you tell me, what the hell's going on?".

"It's none of your business" Tomura says as he walks by her.

"You business is my business so fess up!" Koko says as she grabs his wrist.

"Like you said, the guy's name was Kai Chisaki and he's the young head of the Shie Hasaikai. He was asking us to join them but in my own fashion, I declined their offer. Magne was killed and Compress was injured. They shot him up with something that stopped his quirk. Then he started going on about some young girl who he's using to make these bullets, psycho, who'd hurt a child?" Tomura asks as Koko's head starts to hurt.

Koko sees a man around the same stature as Kai Chisaki and sees flashes of a mask shaped like a beak and a purple scarf as he walks away with their baby sister.

"Tomura, what colour was the guy's scarf?" Koko asks as she holds her head.

"Why's that important?" Shigaraki asks as he holds his little sister.

"I couldn't see colours in the dream, just tell me" Koko says as she looks at her older brother.

"A purple one" Shigaraki says as Koko grabs Tomura and pulls him to the side.

"Did it ever occur to you that the little girl he's experimenting on could be Eri, our little sister?" Koko asks as Shigaraki looks down.

"It's impossible" Shigaraki says.

"It's not impossible" Koko says as she clutches onto his arm, "the man you let go could have Eri".

"Our little sister is dead, she died the minute she was kidnapped. We're not getting her back, you got that?" Shigaraki yells, scaring Koko.

"Why do you think that? She didn't die she was kidnapped. There's still hope!" Koko shouts.

"I'm a villain, I don't have any hope" Shigaraki says as he grabs his sister's shoulders, "you saw the police reports Koko. She had the same hair and eye colour, the same height and weight. She is dead!".

"I never saw the body, I'm not giving up" Koko says persistently.

"Well you should" Shigaraki says as he shakes her, "it's just the two of us now. Our father is dead, our mother is dead, our little sister is dead and our adoptive family was murdered. It's just us".

"You're right" Koko says as she looks down, "it is just us. I leave the League of Villains alone even though I know your whereabouts in order to have cooperation with you so you don't hurt my friends You remember what will happen if you come after my friends, don't you. You may have given up on Eri but if there is still a fraction of hope that she is out there, I will go after it. Where's Compress?".

Shigaraki walks over to the corner as Koko approaches the injured man. Koko unwraps his injury as blood spills out onto the floor. Koko shuts her eyes as she holds onto his shoulder as his arm regrows.

"What are you going?" Shigaraki asks as he comes over.

"This is leverage" Koko says as she stands up, "if you even attempt to attack my friends or I even hear anything about you joining the Hasaikai, I will take his arm away again, and I won't heal the open wound I leave".

"Thank you" Compress says as he looks up at the girl.

"Shut the hell up" Koko says as she leaves the warehouse.

Now that my dream has been confirmed as reality, I need to let Aizawa know.

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