The Earth We Once Knew - John...

By charlieburns44

1.5K 4 0


Day 1
Day 1 : Part 2
Day 1 : Part 3
The Burn
Wrongfully Accused
Down Bad For You
Breaking Point
The Virus
Pay Back
Sky Crew
Hello Father
Stir Crazy
Goodbye, Spacewalker
Peace with You
To You
Promised Land
Eight Six Days
Our Happy Ending


23 0 0
By charlieburns44

the day went on, I did my best to help around and keep everything in line since we were left with Kane while Clarke, Raven, Bellamy, Abigal, Octavia and her grounder boyfriend all went with the 'grounders' to what I hear burn Finn's boy. I hated that idea as he deserved to be buried with the rest of our people, but I had no say in it, no matter how much I wanted to interject and scream in their faces. I couldn't. I stood in the medical room with my father as we were patching up some people that got hurt on the wires when they were on watch, I would say it's peaceful but that would be a lie. I kept thinking back to Finn and seeing him die I wasn't thinking straight

Alex- Phoneix. phoenix! *Taps her shoulder*

I turn to my father looking at him with kind of wide eyes as I had zoned out 

Alex- you almost poked yourself with that needle, be more careful and get your head out of the clouds

Phoneix- right sorry

he looked at me as I continued to stitch up the person in front of me, he waited till we were the only ones in here before we began to speak again

Alex- how are you after the whole Finn thing?

Phoneix- *shrugs* I don't know, just trying to get past it I guess and move forward since we have bigger things ahead of us that we need to worry about. like mount weather

Alex- *sighs* I don't like that idea of sending us all the way up that mountain, it's a death wish

Phoneix- we have to save our friends, dad. I may not have gotten along with most of them, but I won't let them die, I don't want any more blood on my hands that belong to my people.

he looked at me with a slight smile which made me frown my eyebrows together

Alex- you got that from your mother, the determination to save others. I'm proud of you kid, even with your mistakes

I smiled at him not really knowing what else to say till someone came running in making us look at them

Alex- what can I do for you?

Random guy- sorry but um Murphy is needing you, Phoneix

I nodded looking at my dad who gave me the okay to go. I kissed his cheek before I walked out of the room following the guy who brought me to Murphy. he was on watch by the wires, so I stood next to him

Phoneix- what's up?

he looks at me and takes my hand confusing me as he signaled for the guy who came with me to take watch before he dragged me away from everyone.

Murphy- I figured since we are going to mount weather soon that I could teach you better aim with a bow and arrow

I chuckled looking at him as I held my gun and he held his

Phoneix- are you saying it's bad Murphy?

Murphy- just a little

I shoved him lightly as he chuckled, and I did the same. I moved my gun, so it was on my back as he did the same before handing me the bow that he made, I set it up ready to shoot as he went behind me to position my hands better. I released the string, and the arrow went flying hitting the post as he cheered shaking my shoulders

Murphy- you hit something! at least you don't suck as much as i thought you did

i turned to him with a mock offense as I slapped his chest before he grabbed my wrist pulling me into him as we both looked at each other smiling as he leaned in and i did the same. we interlocked our lips as we shared the sweet but tender kiss. *next day* I stood with Murphy as we saw the 'grounders' come in, Kane was speaking to them as we watched from a little bit aways. I guess there's going to be a reception and they can't have their weapons which gives me a little bit of security but still a little nervous. we snuck back into the station and leaned against the wall where everyone else was as Kane came in with the other grounders, Murphy looked over it as I was kind of interested to see what happens. the lady that Kane called Indra moved forward, and man did she scare me but honestly looked cool. is that bad to say?

Kane- I know we don't have a lot in common. but we do have a common enemy, and a common goal. And for us to reach it, to get our people out of Mount Weather. we need to work together

he looked at Indra and said something i couldn't understand before looking back at everyone

Kane- sky crew and tree crew, our share of knowledge-

I stopped listening to Kane when this tree crew guy walked over to Murphy standing in front of him, I moved so I was almost in front of him but not

Murphy- you got a problem?

Murphy chuckled as the grounder spoke, neither of us understood him

Murphy- I'm sorry, man, I don't speak Grounder

the guy knocked Murphy's drink out of his hand causing Murphy to shove him as I got between them having one hand in my pocket ready to pull out my blade, the guy walked forward as I put my hand on his chest

Phoneix- back up unless you want to get stabbed

Kane- Mr. Murphy and Ms. Grey!

I kept my eyes locked on the man as Kane spoke more

Kane- apologize to that man

Phoneix- why he started it by getting in Murphy's face and knocking his drink out of it?

Kane- two days work detail

Murphy and I looked at him with pissed off expression's

Murphy- work detail? she just told you that I didn't- *cuts off*

Kane- care to make it three?

Murphy shook his head and took my hand before we started to move away from the man

Guy- your going to burn just like your friend

I stopped in my tracks as I ripped my hand out of Murphy's grip and turned myself as I punched the guy hard in his face, he swung back knocking me on my ass as Murphy jumped into the fight punching him as they begun to fight

Kane- Murphy!

I stood up as Octavia walked to me but I didn't look at her as I grabbed out my blade walking to them

Kane- Murphy back off him! Murphy stop!

everyone started kicking off as I ran to Murphy shoving guys along the way as I kicked the grounder down since Murphy flew a punch at the same time. I sat on his chest as I put a knife to his throat 

Murphy- Phoneix no!

Kane- enough!

Indra- *forgein language*!

everyone stopped moving as Kane and my father walked over to me

Alex- Phoneix let the man go now.

Phoneix- he started it. he said-

Alex- i don't care what he said! get off him now!

I looked at my father with a blank stare as I got off, I was about to walk off when Kane grabbed my arm stopping me

Kane- give me the blade 

Phoneix- go to hell

Alex- Phoneix *cuts off*

i looked at my dad than at Murphy who looked at him with his arm crossed

Murphy-  just had it to him, don't cause much more of a scene

I scuffed throwing my blade on the floor of the station as I ripped my arm out of Kane's grip before walking away from them not wanting to be with them for another second

Kane- Phoneix get back here!

Murphy- Phoneix!

I didn't say a word and just walked out of that room and to mine not giving two shits of what Kane or anyone else had to say at this given moment. *a while later* I was doing my job as Murphy was watching out the window and Jaha was by the door, everyone else was outside training which I thought was stupid, than gun shots rang out making me stand and walk over to the window seeing them shooting.

Murphy- save your bullets for the grounders

Jaha- I take it you don't approve

Murphy looked at him and didn't say anything started to mop as I grabbed my broom moving to the other side to do my part

Jaha- I asked you a question

Murphy- who cares what I think?

Jaha- I do *walks over to him slowly* or I wouldn't have asked

Murphy- I think the Grounders can go to hell

I looked at them shaking my head as I thought differently.

Jaha- I got you both off work detail *I look at him confused on why I'm being brought up at this given moment*

Murphy- why?

I stopped sweeping and walked over a little to lean against the wall as Jaha looked at us both

Jaha- you both knew my son, and I like you both to take me to his grave

Murphy looked at me as I didn't catch his gaze as I continued to look at Jaha

Jaha- now there's a truce, it's safe for me to go and say goodbye

Murphy- well, you can get someone else to take you *he walks to the other side of the room*

Phoneix- agreed. *Starts to sweep again*

he looked at me than back at his mop as he begun to mop up the floors

Jaha- I'm told the graves are unmarked. you both can show me which is his

I put the broom against the wall as I stood up straight, Jaha looked at me than at Murphy who was mopping the floor again

Phoneix- why would we do that?

Jaha looked at me sighing as Murphy looked up

Jaha- because it's either this or you stay in here to clean up these floors, you won't get a better option. 

I looked at him for a few moments before running my fingers through my hair as he turned to Murphy

Jaha- you can hold the mop *takes gun out of his pocket and holds it out for Murphy to take* or you can hold the gun

Murphy dropped the mop and took the gun starting to walk out as I got off the wall following behind him with Jaha behind us. we walked outside to the forest as we made our way back to where the dropship was since that's where he was buried, close by. I walked along Murphy's side as he kept looking at me than ahead

Murphy- why are you always protecting me? it should be the other way around you know, I'm supposed to protect you

Phoneix- I love you so I'm going to protect you, I don't care about that stupid boyfriend is supposed to protect girlfriend shit. if I see you are in trouble, I will come running even if it means I have to have some grounder blood on my hands.

he looked at me not saying anything as I looked forward right when Jaha spoke

Jaha- it's extraordinary, isn't it?

Murphy- oh just give it a few days

Jaha- I may not know everything that happened before I got down here but I do know something about what you're feeling, son.

Murphy stopped and turned to Jaha as i did the same

Murphy- don't call me that, I'm nobody's son. you made sure of that

Murphy started walking again as I followed next to him, Jaha not too far behind us

Jaha- I remember your father

Murphy- yeah right

Jaha- Alex Murphy. convicted of theft of rationed medicine. he stole it to take care of you. I remember them all.

I kept looking straight as I bite my tongue not wanting to mention anything or say a word, we walked up a little more still we made it to the dropship

Murphy- we're here. home sweet home. the graveyard's this way

Murphy walked as I stood for a few moments looking at the dropship, Jaha came next to me looking at the dropship as well

Jaha- I remember your mom too, Phoneix. sacrificed herself to save many others. Astrid Grey.

Phoneix- yeah, that's how she was. come on, Murphy is already walking there.

I walked ahead of Jaha to catch up with Murphy not wanting to hear any more of this conversation, not when it was about my mother.

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