some statehouse stories

By krisFujiyoka

11.6K 635 284

I have no idea what I'm doing but here you go! Feel free to request anything, but I don't write sex. More

California has an earthquake
California has an earthquake part two
Loui and Florida at the club
The next day
some Texas angst
florida's plan
Preparing for the camping trip
Florida's plan part three
finally camping (florida's plan part four)
More camping trip aka Florida's plan is coming together
the second day of the camping trip (aka florida's plan manifesting)
the end of the camping trip (aka florida's plan realized)
happy pride :)
a little chaos, a lot of disappointment
maryland needs some love
new jersey has a fire
cali gets kidnapped part one
cali gets kidnapped part two
cali gets kidnapped part three
Cali gets kidnapped part five
cali gets kidnapped part six
cali gets kidnapped part seven
cali gets kidnapped part eight
cali gets kidnapped part nine
cali gets kidnapped part ten
cali gets kidnapped part eleven
cali gets kidnapped part twelve
when the west goes to a brewery
Healing ch 1
healing ch 2
healing ch 3
healing ch 4
healing ch 5
Healing ch 6
healing ch 7
healing ch 8
healing ch 9 - end
the accident part one
the accident part two
the accident part three

cali gets kidnapped part four

291 19 17
By krisFujiyoka

Yooo, this ended up being longer than expected. I'm tired and angry but love having a creative outlet. So, thanks for reading and your kind words. This chapter is a little heavy, but hopefully not too explicit. A lot of the medical and traumatic stuff is vague, mostly because I'm no expert in either. Like I've said before, I start each story and chapter without a clear end goal, so if there's anything you'd like to see in this particular story please let me know and I'll try to incorporate it!

TW: mention of rape (not explicit), medical diagnoses/discussion, mention of prior trauma


After twenty-four hours, California was moved out of the ICU and into a private room on the third floor of the hospital. Few medical staff had clearance to enter the room. It was just his main doctor, Dr. Raunk, and three nurses: Mari, Brandon, and Claire. Two FBI agents guarded the door to his room, switching every eight hours.

Having a second bed brought in had been offered to Texas. Until California was moved from the ICU, he had been awkwardly sleeping in one of the hard chairs every hospital room boasted. The private room had a sofa in it, which was way more comfortable than the wooden chair for sleeping. He didn't want the staff to bother with a second bed - it would only take up more precious space in the small hospital room.

Shortly after ten in the morning, Mari and Dr. Raunk came in. California had been given breakfast, but largely ignored it. He drank the water and had some of the yogurt, but nothing substantial.

"Good morning, California, Texas," Mari greeted with a smile. She lifted the blinds on the window, letting in the bright sunlight.

"Mornin'," Texas greeted, his eyes squinting as his eyes tried to get used to the new light source. California was silent, tracking the movements of his nurse and doctor.

"Not interested in the eggs and toast today?" Dr. Raunk asked. California stared at him blankly. The doctor sighed. "I need you to eat. If you don't, we'll have to tube-feed you."

California didn't respond. He simply watched the doctor. His heart rate did speed up, though - something easily noticed by the monitor tracking his vitals.

Mari turned to face Texas as Dr. Raunk flipped through some test results. "Maybe you can try getting him to eat?"

"I can try, ma'am," Texas promised. Mari gave him a bright smile and turned to the doctor again.

"Alright, so, I have some test results," he announced, addressing both California and Texas. "The drugs we found in your system have fully cleared up. Your minor injuries - the cuts and bruises - have fully healed. A couple of the larger injuries, such as your back and left thigh, are healing well and should just leave some scarring behind. The rape kit came back positive but there is no evidence of any STDs in your body. The related injuries are fully healed. The major injury to your spine is healing well and we should be able to get you walking in a few days. My main concern right now is your mental state. It is clear you are taking in what is said to you, but you have yet to respond in a substantial way. Simply following orders does not cut it. Your x-rays show that there was mild damage to your vocal cord recently, but has since healed. I am sending in a psychiatrist to perform a full psychological evaluation, hopefully by the end of today. In the meantime, I will lower the amount of morphine you are receiving with the goal to have you off of it tomorrow evening. Depending on the result of the psychological evaluation, we can discuss what needs to be done to discharge you."

Even though he'd been here for the past four days, Texas was shocked at all Dr. Raunk reported. To hear it all at once was something else.

"Do either of you have any questions?" Dr. Raunk wondered.

"Yeah," Texas answered after a moment. "Ya said a psych eval?"

Dr. Raunk nodded. "I am concerned for his mental state. The psychiatrist will be able to recommend if California needs more intense psychological care before he can be released."

Texas frowned as California's heart rate sped up again. "Like, lock 'im up in a psych ward?" Texas asked incredulously.

Dr. Raunk held up his hands as if to show he was no threat. "It might be the best place for him to process what he's been through," he explained, turning towards the southern state. "He might need more care than I can provide here, or that can be provided at home."

Texas bit his lip. He wanted to snap at the doctor - he and the others at the Statehouse knew how to care for California just fine. But he held his tongue. He needed to be on good terms with the doctor to stay in California's room and to eventually get California discharged home. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

"All right," Texas finally ground out. He squeezed California's hand, almost instantly relaxing the injured state.

Dr. Raunk nodded once and left the room. Mari grabbed the breakfast tray and promised to bring them both something good for lunch.

Texas and California were alone again. The two looked at each other in silence. Texas took a few minutes to consider what he wanted to say.

"You're not bein' locked 'way," he promised. California swallowed, staying silent. "We can help ya. But I need ya to eat what they bring ya."

California nodded once. Texas sighed, uncertain just how much the other was processing.

"Wanna have the others visit?" Texas offered. California just blinked.

Texas sighed again. He went silent, trying to figure out how to reach California.

Try appealing to one of his cities, Austin offered.

Texas jumped a little in his seat. Austin had been silent for nearly a month now, so his sudden return was shocking.

Texas squeezed California's hand again and stood, moving to look out the window. "What good would that be?" he hissed under his breath.

Remember the accident? When you were hurt, Georgia and Kentucky called for me, Austin explained. I couldn't front because of your pain and trauma until someone else reached out for me.

Texas frowned. "Who'd I e'en ask fo'? I dunno his cities."

Sacramento, Austin supplied. His capital. Start there.

Texas closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and returned to his spot next to California's bed. He grasped one of California's hands with both of his own.

"Listen, I know you're hurtin', Poppy," Texas drawled. "But... I need some answers. Let Sacramento come out an' take o'er a bit."

Fear flashed through California's eyes. Texas felt a pang of guilt. It only took a moment for that fear to be replaced by a hard gaze.

"Let go," Sacramento requested, trying to pull his hand free. Texas immediately let go. "Why did you call me? Do you not see how hurt he is? How hurt we all are?"

"We need to talk," Texas replied simply, folding his arms over his chest. This would be just like dealing with his own cities, he realized. He knew how to handle them.


Washington walked into the kitchen with Oregon to grab lunch. A number of southern states were already there, as well as Colorado, casually chatting and prepping for a cookout they were planning that evening. When they noticed the two western states enter, they all fell silent and gave both a disgusted look. Colorado just looked away.

Washington bit his lip, moving to the fridge for a bottle of water. Oregon glared at the southern states.

"What's your problem?" he snapped, looking at the southern states.

"Y'all are," Georgia responded.

Washington sighed, closing the fridge and turning to his friend. "C'mon, Oregon, it's not worth the fight."

Oregon folded his arms over his chest and continued glaring. "No. I'm tired of the south and northeast treating us, and especially you and Idaho, like pariahs. California's fine. Everyone just needs to move on."

Washington just closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He loved his friend, but sometimes Oregon just didn't get it.

Kentucky scoffed. "Ironic."

Mississippi shook his head. "Y'all, Cali ain't fine."

"Did you hear from Texas?" Washington asked, his voice hopeful. He honestly wanted a chance to apologize to his fellow western state.

"Yeah," Georgia answered simply. It was clear that Washington wasn't going to be granted an update.

"Why do you all even care about him?" Oregon wondered. "I thought you hated him."

Alabama rolled his eyes. "He's datin' three of us. A'course we care 'bout 'im."

"Just 'cause we don' agree on politics don' mean we don' like 'im," Mississippi added.

Georgia nodded. "Plus, ya know, he ain't got no one else to watch 'is back. We ain't gonna let nothin' - no one - hurt 'im if we can help it."

Kentucky smirked. "Y'all just remember, Cali got the whole south and northeast lookin' out for 'im now."

Washington shivered at the thinly veiled threat.

"Coco?" Oregon called out as if only now noticing the western state. "Let's leave these hillbillies and go out for lunch."

Colorado whipped his head up, eyes narrowed. "You don't get to call me that anymore. And especially don't call them that."

"Colorado, don't be stupid," Oregon pressed. "Washington, Idaho, and I..."

"Hard pass," Colorado interrupted. "Leave me alone. Don't even talk to me anymore."

Washington looked at the western state with shock in his eyes. "Colorado, I..."

Georgia and Kentucky stood in front of Colorado, glaring at the two western states.

"Git lost," Georgia spat.

"Colorado made clear his wishes," Kentucky said. "Respect them, unlike how y'all respect Cali."

Oregon went to say something, but Washington just shook his head and grabbed his arm. "C'mon, let's just go."

Oregon stopped walking once they were down the hallway. "I don't get why everyone cares so much about him now!"

Washington sighed. "This is all my fault. I never should have suggested we play a prank on him."

"They just all need to move on," Oregon snapped. "California is fine and..."

Gov stepped out of his office just then. "Ah. Just who I was looking for. We need to talk."

Washington and Oregon followed Gov into his office. Idaho was there already, along with Nevada, Arizona, and Utah.

"I'm not going to give too a lot of detail, but I did want to give you all an update on California," Gov stated. "You can tell the other western states when you see them."

"He's fine, isn't he?" Oregon wondered. "Everyone is just overreacting?"

Gov shook his head. "Far from it. Physically he should be alright in a few days. But... he's lost mental control of his cities and has mostly dissociated himself from the world. Now, I know you all have your... histories with California, but I'm hoping you can put that behind you and help here. I know this isn't the first time he's dealt with severe trauma, though it's by far the worst, so I'm looking for ways to reach him. What has worked in the past?"

The western states were silent. Washington frowned - California had suffered severe trauma before? How hadn't he noticed?

One by one the western states came to the same realization. They had no idea what advice to give to Gov because they all just ignored California whenever he came to them for help.

"Oh my goodness," Utah whispered.

"Fuck," Nevada and Washington mumbled simultaneously.

Even Idaho and Oregon felt guilt start to creep up on them. The western states looked at each other, coming to the same conclusion. If they were given the chance, they would do better going forward.


Texas could not handle Sacramento after all. California's capital city was not happy to see the southern state to start with (and Texas had no idea why). Sacramento was angry about being called out and was clearly affected by whatever had happened to California during his captivity. He refused to answer any of Texas's questions.

Let me talk to him, Austin requested. We're friends. He doesn't like you because of your history with Cali.

"Don't make me regret it," Texas hissed under his breath.

Promise! Austin replied. You can even tell me what to ask.

Texas closed his eyes and removed his cowboy hat. Austin took control easily, relishing in his new-found, temporary freedom.

"Hey, friend," Austin greeted, smiling up at Sacramento.

California's capital returned the smile. "Austin! Long time no see, buddy."

Austin shrugged. "You know the life. Being state capitals keeps us busy."

Sacramento nodded. "So, I'm guessing Texas sent you to talk to me?"

"I offered to," Austin replied. "We're worried about him. About you all."

Sacramento sighed, looking at his palms. "Honestly? I don't even know everything. California protected us from as much as he could. A lot of us... a lot of us were forced out. They were running experiments and were curious about the cities after Los Angeles accidentally fronted one day."

Forced out? Texas thundered, his anger clear as day.

"What do you mean 'forced out'?" Austin asked gently.

Sacramento shivered. "I don't know exactly what they did," he explained. "But it was... painful. For California and for us. Once they managed to get San Diego out... Jefferson and I insisted on staying near California after that. We saw a lot of the last week or so."

Austin frowned. Maybe part of California's psychological crisis was related to him not being able to protect his cities.

Ask 'bout the experimen's, Texas ordered.

"You mentioned 'experiments'," Austin mentioned. "Can you tell us about them?"

"Not... not now," Sacramento responded.

Push 'im, Texas insisted.

Austin ignored him. "What can we do to help?"

Sacramento looked at the ceiling. "We need time," he finally said. "California suffered immensely. He may physically be fine soon, but not mentally. He's going to need patience and understanding, something I know Texas isn't quite known for."

Austin's hand started shaking as Texas tried to take back control. He didn't fight it for once, flashing an apologetic look at Sacramento as Texas resumed full control.

"Let's git one thing straight," Texas snapped, glaring at Sacramento. California's capital flinched. "I love Cali. I know he's hurtin' an' will 'elp any way I can. Yeah, we don't got a good 'istory, but that's the past. Git over it. I ain't goin' nowhere."

"Just... don't let him get hurt anymore," Sacramento requested, a mix of fear and determination in his voice. Texas nodded once in understanding. Sacramento closed his eyes, took a breath, and let California take over once again.

Texas grabbed California's hand, offering the only comfort he could at the time. California closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, the tiniest hint of a smile on his face. Texas counted that a victory - the first of many to come, he hoped.

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