Cali gets kidnapped part five

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Twice in one day to make up for being gone for two days :) enjoy! -kris-

TW: mention of blood/getting blood drawn, discussion of mental illness, negative talk of psychiatric hospitals/facilities, implied possibility of involuntary commitment to such facilities


Texas had requested that Florida, Louisiana, and New York come visit the next day. He had been kicked out of the hospital room so the psychiatrist could talk with California alone following supper. Texas had used that time to call their boyfriends and update them on California's condition. They were all worried and desperate to see him in person. Texas didn't bother seeking out permission for more visitors to come. Instead, he just hoped that all of them together might be enough to reach the injured state. He could always ask for forgiveness later if needed.

Following the clean-up of breakfast (none of which California ate), Texas sent a photo of the hospital room to their group chat, explaining to California what he was doing. He'd been more distant than usual following the psychiatrist's visit. Hopefully seeing the others would cheer him up a bit. Almost immediately, three people popped into the room. New York and Louisiana both had four bags each in their hands and Florida brought his giant stuffed alligator.

"Mornin' y'all," Texas greeted happily. He gently squeezed California's hand as he felt the western state start to tense up. Finally, a reaction.

"Heyyy!" Florida sang, a bright smile on his face. He bounced over to the other side of California's bed, presenting the alligator. "I brought ya my gator."

A ghost of a smile graced California's lips before it vanished. Florida just beamed, placing the stuffed alligator on the bed next to California and returning to Louisiana's side, immediately pulling things out of the bags.

"Got you some books and your tech, too," New York offered.

"An' some snacks," Louisiana added.

New York and Louisiana took a seat on the couch while Florida "decorated" the hospital room with the stuff they'd brought. The four talked animatedly while California observed. Texas was relieved to see that California was somewhat relaxed and also seemed to be more aware of all that was happening in the room.

When Brandon came in to deliver lunch, California was paying rapt attention to Florida's retelling of a prank he and Louisiana had played on Gov and Alaska a couple of days ago. The nurse kept quiet, letting New York grab the food tray and he slipped out before California even noticed he was there.

Louisiana uncovered the food and frowned at it in disgust. "Wha's this crap?" he asked softly.

"Hospital food," New York shivered. "Stuff's gross."

"Sure is," Texas agreed. He glanced over at Florida, who had stopped talking and was looking over at the tray. Texas turned his attention to California again. "Hey, Cali, lunchtime."

California shook his head. Texas turned to Louisiana, giving him a look as if to say, see?

"Mais sha, ya need some actual food," Louisiana declared. He took a moment to read over the dietary notes on California's hospital board and nodded in approval. "Gimme like ten minutes."

The Bayou state vanished from the room. Florida inspected the hospital food while Texas offered California the provided yogurt. With minor reluctance, the western state slowly and methodically ate.

Florida helped himself to the rest of California's lunch, knowing that Louisiana would bring something more appealing for him to eat. Louisiana returned about ten minutes later with a warm bowl in his hands. He placed it on the tray and motioned towards it.

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