maryland needs some love

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A request from Shay201457 - Maryland angst? He is hardly fit anywhere but the Original 13 show him he is still fit.

This was fun to write! I hope I did your idea justice! -kris-


"You can come with me," Maryland had said to Georgia. "It'd be nice to have another misfit."

"Go away, Maryland!" Arkansas exclaimed. "You are so embarrassing!"


"Sorry I'm late, I got... caught... uh..." Maine said, popping in the meeting.

Lots of northeastern words were spoken.

"Just act like we're not here," Maryland advised.

"You're not even supposed to be here at all," Main pointed out.

"They wouldn't let me in the southern meeting, though," Maryland explained.

"Maybe you should try the midwest," Maine suggested.


"You wouldn't even be here without me!" Missouri exclaimed.

"Ope! Sorry, I can't hear you," Kansas replied sarcastically, shaking his bottle of ranch.

Missouri growled. "Give... give me the ranch!"

"Is ranch, like, Midwest Old Bay?" Maryland questioned.

"Are you supposed to be here, er no?" Wisconsin wondered.

"The south and the northeast wouldn't take me," Maryland sighed.

"Maybe you should try the west," Wisconsin suggested.


"There's no gambling in battleship!" Utah insisted.

"Well, not with that attitude," Nevada responded cheekily.

"I guess the west is just like every other part of the country, huh?" Maryland stated.

"Where are there more people here?" Montana demanded.

"Who are you?" Wyoming asked.

"I'm Maryland," Maryland answered, introducing himself. "I don't really fit in anywhere, so I'm playin' the field."

"If you're looking for friends, you can hang out with me!" California offered.



Maryland jerked awake, turning towards Gov. "Huh?"

"I asked for your opinion," Gov snapped. "Sorry that this is so boring to you!"

Alabama snickered from his seat. "Why bother? Maryland's opinion don't matter."

A few of the other Southern states chuckled. California offered the Eastern state a sympathetic look before everyone started talking over one another.

"Meeting dismissed," Gov finally announced after ten minutes of trying to regain control of the meeting. He vanished from the table. Florida cheered, turning to Louisiana. "Chaos time?"

"Chaos time," the Bayou state agreed. The two bolted from the room, heading towards the kitchen.

Maryland watched in silence as pairs and groups of states left the meeting room. No one bothered talking to him. With a sigh, he went towards the living room, hoping to watch tv for a bit before supper.

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