cali gets kidnapped part three

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Hi! So I really have zero plans when I start writing, I just keep going until it feels like a good place to stop. I'm always surprised at the outcome! Enjoy :) -kris-

TW: guns, cursing, nonspecific medical descriptions, minor violence

I used some french/cajun in this chapter. Translations are offered at the bottom. I don't speak either, but I took them from a french website and the LSU language department website.


It had been thirty-three days since California went missing when Gov called the second all-states meeting. Washington and Idaho were freed from their rooms to attend, so everyone knew that Gov had big news to share.

Gov was the last to arrive. Everyone fell silent as he sat, awaiting his news.

"The FBI found California," he announced. "He's alive and..."

Whatever else he was going to say was cut off by cheers by most of the gathered states. Texas, New York, Washington, and Idaho were the only ones to stay quiet.

Gov waited for everyone to settle down before continuing. "He's not in great shape. I don't know all the details. He's been in a medically induced coma for the last thirty-two hours but I've been getting constant updates..."

"Hold on there," Texas ordered, slamming a hand on the table. "Thirty-two hours? An' your jus' now tellin' us?"

"We didn't even know they had a new place to look," New York pointed out angrily.

"I didn't want to say anything in case it was another false call," Gov explained. "And I was hoping his condition would improve before I told you all."

"Where. Is. He." Texas demanded through gritted teeth.

Gov took a deep breath. "Capital Hospital - but he's got security and..."

Texas vanished immediately, ignoring whatever else Gov was saying. He let out a sigh.

"Please wait until I say we can go," he requested of the other states, a pointed look at Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, and New York. "He's got a lot of security right now, and he's not even awake. He's not supposed to have visitors in ICU."

Gov's phone rang. He answered quickly. "Hello? *sigh* Yes that's Texas. He what? No, no, no, let him in the room. It's fine. *pause* Yes, tell the doctor to update him too. *pause* No, no one else is coming. Yes, I know you're breaking the rules for me... *pause* We will cover the medical bill for him, don't worry. *sigh* Thank you. Bye."

Gov hung up the phone and looked up. "Texas is with California now."

Florida grinned. "Good."

New York nodded, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. "So long as he's there, I'm fine staying here."

"What... what can you tell us about his condition?" Washington asked slowly.

Louisiana narrowed his eyes at the western state. "Now ya care?"

Washington frowned but didn't respond. Idaho looked away.

"I don't know a whole lot," Gov admitted. "I was told he had a cocktail of drugs in his system and a lot of cuts and bruises. He was panicking so hard no one could get close to him, so they put him into the coma to assess him and let him detox."

Louisiana glared at Washington and Idaho. "This's all y'alls fault!" he exclaimed.

Everyone froze in shock. Louisiana wasn't known for exploding like that. Out of the poly group, he tended to be more level-headed and down-to-earth than even California (most of the time).

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