Alpha vs Alpha

By MercyOmon

62 1 0

Sophia rolls on her bed as she recalls the encounter she had with her mate, his touch, his look, his arbs, sh... More

1. No wolf of that kind exist


3 0 0
By MercyOmon

Sophia wa till sleeping in her bed when her phone rang, she sluggishly woke up to pick the call

Thera: babe why have you not been picking your calls

Sophia: i am so tired

Thera: well you can't be tired now because i am at the airport right now about to board a plane to country A

Sophia jolts up from her bed immediatly,

Sophia: what when are you arriving, and where are you staying

Thera: don't worry my dad has made arrangement for me, but you'll have to come to the airport to pick me

Sophia: what about your bodyguard

Thera: they'll be on disguise, are you coming or not

Sophiua: sure i am, you don't have to ask

they talked for some time before they ended the call and sophia got set and left her room, ahe walked out of her room to the dining room to find her uncle and the family eating, greet her uncle, her couins and her aunty before she sat dawn, a maid laid a plate before her and started serving her the food, she watched all the family to know if they've eaten from the same plate.

sophia noticed that there was a pot that was not touched by any one and the maid was trying to serve her from the pot, she remembered last night incident and tought of a solution, she stopped the maid immediately

" stop" the maid stopped immediatly and the whole family turned to her, not understanding what was going on

" what food is that"

" macaroni your highness" the maid replied, the maid was scard to her wits

" and why have no one eaten from it" sophia questioned again

the maid was so scard and she didn't know what to answer

instantly Aunty Jane interfered

" sophia my dear, don't scare the little one to death, i instructed no one to touch it, Lina said your best food is Macaroni so i specifically asked them to make it for you, did i do omething wrong?"

sophia looked at her then turned to the maid "who made this food"

" emm, your highnes, it.. it is chef emma, she made it" the maid was already shaking

" call me chef emma" the maid immediatly ran to the kitchen and came back with chef emma, chef emma was a beautifull young blond in her early twenties, she got to where the royal family was and bowed her head

" you sent for me your highness" chef emma said

sophia looked at her and quetioned " you made this" while pointing to the macaroni

" yes your highness" she replied

" i want you to test it'

the chef was suprised " you highne?"

"i want you to test the food you made before i can eat it"

" ok your highness" the chef steped forward and picked a fork, she tested the food and sophia waited for a few minutes, when nothing happened she ordered the chef to leave and started eating

" what was that sophia, are you so coutious to suspect your family, that was totaly uncalled for" Aunty Jane said, she was already furious, she intended to serve sophia special meal every day, and when she becomes used to it she would poison her and no one would suspect

" I am so sorry Aunty Jane, but Mother always makes sure my food is tested before i eat the food, one can never be too coutious you know" sophia answered her

" I understand what sophia is saying, one can never be too coutious" James said 

" Your mother taught youu the right thing, that way no one can easily poison you" said John

" By the way where is your mother, insen't supposed to be here?" James asked

this time Aunty Jane was already furious " out of good will i made that food becauuse i wanted to make her happy, but what do i get, you look down on me and suspect me of wanting to poison you"

" but mother that is n ot enough to be angry" james said

" i am sorry if i offended you, but what i did is a habit, mother taught me that for my own sake" sophie said emphasizing on the mother because he knew it provokes her

"how many times do i have to say this, she is not your mother" Aunty Jane shouted while droping her fork on the table angrily

Alpha Justin cut in and hit his hand on the table angrily " enough" every one attention turned to him " from today onward the chef will teste the food they made in front of every one before we start eating, one can never be too coutious" " is that understood"

" yes" they all answered

he continued " sophia since you are so keen on your saftey, from tomorrow you will join James and John in trainging at the training court, you need to get stronger to protect your self"

" yes uncle, but what about college, i am supposed to start class on monday" sophia answered

" training start tomorrow, i don't care about college, you are not going to do anything with it, but if you insist, james, John and the head security will have to go to college with you, we cannot gambel with your saftey" Alpha Justin said while looking at every one " and when you come back you will have to train in the evening with them"

" but uncle...." sophia tried to talk and Alpha Justin cut in

" no but, it's either that or you are not going to college, choose"

sophia pout but agrees with him, they finished eating and sophia went back to her room grumbling, while seating on her bed, she picks a picture frame from the side of the bed , it was the picture of her dad and her mom, 

" how i wish you are still here" she said as a teat dropped from her eyes, just then her door opened and Lina walked in to see her, he sits close to her and hug her, sophia starts crying on her shoulder 

" i miss them, i miss them so much"

" It's ok sophia, it's ok, everything will be fine"

" since they died, every thing changed, i can't go anywhere, i can't do anything, why, why do they have to die, i want to stop living like a prisoner" sophia said still crying

" it's ok sweetheart, it's ok, remember queens are not supposed to cry" lina said to her and removed her from her shoulder to look at her face

" alright girl, enough of all this tears, you are a Queen, how about you go dress up for training, so that you'll kick some ass to burn this anger i am seeing in you, will that be good"

Sophia smiled and looked at her" that will be good"

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