
By Wildfire31

149K 7.1K 213

Riki is their Queen without a King and that makes her weak. Then she discovers her mate, Gabriel, is a werew... More

Standing: Warning Adult Menege Chapter 1: Twenty Lashes
Chapter 1.5: This is a naughty part
Chapter 2: News
Chapter 3: Lucas White Leopard Meets His Match
Chapter 4: Ash Discovers a Secret
Naughty!!!! Chapter 4.5: Naughty!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Dream Sharing: Warning Adult Situation in this Chapter
Chapter 6: Gifts
Naughty!!!!!!Chapter 6.5:Naughty!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Fights
Chapter 8: Torn
Naughty!!!!!!Chapter 8.5 Torn: Naughty!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Getting to know each other
Chapter 10: A little bit of courage
Naughty!!!!Chapter 10.5 Naughty!!!!
Chapter 11: Blood is thicker than water
Chapter 12: Didn't see that coming Part 1
Naughty!!!Chapter 12 Didn't See That Coming Part 2 Naughty!!!
Chapter 12: Didn't see that coming Part 3
Chapter 13: How do you know what to fight for?
Chapter 14: A voice in the Dark
Naughty!!!! Chapter 14.5 Naughty!!!!
Chapter 15: The G.A stands for WHAT!!!!!
Chapter 17: Alone Time
Chapter 18: Genie in a Bottle
Naughty!!!!Chapter 18.5 Naughty!!!!
Chapter 19: Freaky Friday For The Leopards And The Wolves
Chapter 20: Ooohhh Suki Suki!!!!!
Chapter 21: Stand
Chapter 22: All or Nothing

Chapter 16: Testosterone

3.2K 193 8
By Wildfire31

A/N: I am attempting to write briefly from Luke, Gabe, Kade, and Liam's points of view in this chapter then I'll go back to Riki and/or Ash. I have never attempted a guys point of view before so this should be interesting. Enjoy tell me if you like or not which ever. THANX!!!!! Oh and some of it will be from Riki's POV in the last of the chapter.




I walk downstairs hoping to get a moment alone with Ash. I don't quite understand how things went south so fast for us. I want her to understand what happened after the first time we had sex. I hadn't been bragging exactly. The way she had looked at me after the second time we'd had sex had hurt something inside me. Then that asshole, Liam had to put his two cents in. Thinking about Liam has me clenching my fists in anger as I sigh and struggle to unclench my fists. I walk down the stairs into the club.

My mind flashes back to the look on Riki's face as she'd kneels over my dying body and I growl softly under my breath. I stop to run a hand through my hair as I search to strobe lighted club for Ash. I'm already heading towards her when I see her grab that girl from earlier and shove her back as Ash says something to someone out of my line of sight. I step closer and see Phelan. I scowl as I walk a little faster and the club falls silent but I'm still not close enough to hear what's being said until Phelan speaks up.

"I'll agree and even agree to wait til your queen has been crowned on ONE condition." I walk up behind Liam and Ash as Phelan says this. He says something else but all I can seem to focus on is Liam's hand on the back of Ash's neck. Something twists in my chest and I struggle to breath as anger floods through me. I want that asshole to suffer like I have. Where does he get off telling her not to see me anymore. Then Phelan speaks again and I freeze.

"No. Liam can if he does what I ask and Kade can I suppose but that's it."

"Why can Kade take my place?" Ash asks as I stiffen. Phelan grins and cuts his eyes toward me.

"Because I know he won't do it. I just want to show you how petty your ex-lover is." 

My eyes narrow as I look away from Liam's hand to Phelan, then it dawns on me what he's talking about as my eyes shift back to Liam and his hand. I could save her and be her hero or I could watch asshole suffer a little. I know my heart is saying to open my mouth and do this for her but my mouth doesn't open as I listen to my head. Keeping my smirk to myself I turn and walk upstairs. I guess Phelan gets some things right after all. I'm halfway across the club and headed to the stairs when I hear Liam speak.

"Lass the reason I need to do this is because yer my mate." My knees almost buckle but I keep walking towards the stairs. Then I hear Ash.

"What? Since when? But...but...I had sex with Kade....and I've known you forever...and you can't hide from your mate. How did you?" My fists clench and I almost roar in anger at the shame in her voice, over having sex with me. I keep walking as Ash says something else then she asks the question I had wanted to ask. Why the hell do the stairs seem so far away.

"But why might they have to kill you?" I make it to the stairs and I struggle to block them out as Liam speaks.

"Because lass my wolf will be crazy to mate with ye after Phelan gets me with my worst fear. And I won't force ye ta do anything. My life isna worth it." I almost laugh at his sincerity and his stupidity. Obviously he has never had to die before if he's willing to suffer for her over something she started in the first place. Then I hear her ask a very interesting question.

"What's your worst fear Liam?" My hand curls around the banister at the top of the stairs as I pause to hear his answer.

"Ye dyin lass." My head hangs in shame at what I've done just because I'm afraid. I'm afraid of her and I'm afraid of the pain that Phelan will inflict on whoever helps her. I know I'm making a mistake by making Liam save her but I can't seem to make myself turn back around. Instead I head towards the library. There has to be some alcohol around here somewhere. An hour later I'm in a chair of the library drunk off my ass and trying to forget just how much of an asshat I am. 


Both Gabe and I wake up before Riki. I smile down at her and kiss her softly on the forehead before looking over her to Gabe. His eyes meet mine and he nods slightly as I slide from Riki's arms. I know how upset Riki is about Ash and Liam and it pisses me off that Kade could have fixed this but didn't. So I walk out of the room with a grim smile on my face. Liam got to beat his ass last time and this time the little fucker is mine.

I find him a few minutes later, passed out in the library, and drunk from the smell of him. I stride over to the chair he is slumped over in and step in front of it. Staring down at him dispassionately, I reach out and grab the collar of his shirt as I yank him to his feet. His eyes jerk open and I snarl softly at him. My leopard is demanding retribution for him upsetting our mate. He doesn't say anything just eyes he warily, his brown hair sticking up all over the place.

"You upset my mate and my sister." He eyes me questionably the word sister and I shake him.  

"Riki considers Ash her sister therefore I do as well. Why didn't you take Liam's place? You could have." Kade's eyes go blank but he doesn't realize I can read his mind.

Like I don't feel bad enough. No. Liam deserves what he gets. But Ash doesn't. Shit, what the hell's wrong with me?

I raise a brow as Kade jerks angrily from my grasp and stumbling over the side of the chair falls to the floor as he barks out in laughter before speaking aloud.

"I don't have to explain shit to you." He must be drunk cause he isn't normally this brazen especially when I could rip him my apart with my bare hands. But I hear the thoughts that crash through his mind and I know he does care for Ash even if he'll never admit it. He stumbles to his feet and before he says what he's thinking I punch him in the mouth. He stumbles back and I growl softly as I speak, knowing my leopard is barely contained.

"I can read your fucking mind you idiot so keep your thoughts AWAY from anything about Riki and minding her business. Ash is her sister and she is her business." I step forward, letting my eyes glow yellow, as Kade stares at me warily. "You ever think a derogatory thing about my mate again and I'll beat your ass." He starts to speak until he sees my hands are now claws and he realizes how bad my control is right now. "On second thought I'll kill you then I'll eat you. Since your too much of a fucking coward to protect Ash or anyone else but yourself. But don't worry you'll come back, your G.A now. Besides it will only hurt for a little bit." I grab his arm and yank him roughly to me as I take a deep breath and struggle for calm. He winces as my claws dig into his arm and rivulets of blood drip onto the floor. He starts to speak again but I interrupt him as I let go of his arm. Frustrated I run my fingers through my hair.

"Look I came in here fully intending to beat your ass. But I've changed my mind. I'm going to give you some friendly advice instead. Ash is Liam's, whether she knows it or not besides you'll never be enough for her. I know deep down you feel bad about leaving Liam to deal with Phelan and you should. Just know this. If Liam's wolf is feral when he comes back because you couldn't grow some balls and help her then you're going to be the one to end it because you'll owe him that. You should also know that Ash, who has already had some heavy shit laid on her, won't recover from it either. Truthfully we may have to kill her too because whether she's claimed or not it may send her over the edge to lose him." My eyes meet his so that he sees how serious I am. "And if that happens Kade, I'll find a way so that you won't come back if I kill you because it will destroy my mate as well." Brushing past him I walk out of the room and down the hall. Kade, stays where he's at, frozen in place as the doors shuts behind me.

I stroll to our room and see that Gabe is curled up beside Riki, his arms holding her close. I smile as I take off my clothes and get back into bed with them. Gabe's eyes open and he looks at me as he speaks through the bond.

"Did you get you point across?" I smirk and reaching out, I clasp him arm.

"Of course. Did you doubt me?" Gabe smiles softly as his eyes drift close.

"Never." I stay awake awhile longer, with my arms wrapped around Riki and Gabe, thinking. I hate that our plan to get her to talk to me has hurt her. It had never been my intention to hurt her again. But it was all I seemed to be able to do with her. I kiss her softly so as not to wake her up. I just hope that she will eventually love me as she loves Gabriel. I smile as she snuggles closer to me and Gabe in turn snuggles closer to her. We are so getting a California King sized bed but I'll still probably end up at the edge of it. Riki sighs softly and calls my name in her sleep. I lay so my forehead so its pressed against hers as she mumbles to me, in her sleep, through our bond.

"Luke I'm sleeping. Quit thinking so much and join us. I miss you." I smile and close my eyes. Maybe there is hope for me yet. 


I wake a second time because I'm cold. I open my eyes and hear water running. I smile as I stretch across the bed, glad that Riki and Luke are having some alone time. Talking through the bond I talk to Luke and Riki.

"I'm going to talk to our sister. Make sure she's okay." I feel Riki's uncertainty as I speak again. "I know she's never talked much with me but it's time she gets over it Riki. I am her brother and I mean to help her." I feel Riki's love for me as she thanks me. I throw on a pair of jogging pants and a black wife beater. I don't put on shoes as I pad quickly out the door and down the hall. Liam is standing outside Ash's door as I come up, his face grim. He doesn't try to dissuade me as he speaks.

"She's been holed up in there for a while lad. Tell er she has til ye leave and then I'm comin in whether she likes it er not." I nod and open the door. Ash is sitting in the far corner of the room. Her knees are drawn up to her chest, her arms on top of her knees and her head laid on top of her arms. Her eyes stare forlornly into space and she doesn't move when I walk in the room and shut the door behind me. I sigh and brush black hair out of my face as I look at her red, swollen eyes and flushed cheeks. I cross the room, my bare feet slapping against the wooden floor but she doesn't look up at the sound. I stop in front of her and speak.

"Ash, my bond-sister." Her head jerks and her eyes raise to meet mine. I see how tangled her long blond hair is and I find myself wondering how long she's been sitting here. I feel Luke and Riki's concern through the bond but I convince them to let me handle this. Ash's eyes are blank as she watches me and I feel my heart twist in my chest. She blinks when I fall to my knees and bow my head in submission.

"Forgive me Ash, my bond-sister, I have failed you. I should have done this years ago when you first needed it but I was afraid to push." Ash is paying attention now as her legs stretch and I can see her feet as she places them out in front of her. I raise my head and meet her eyes, allowing her to see the tears in mine.

"Gabriel what are you talking about? Do what?" Smiling softly I lean forward and wrap my arms around her, pulling her close. Her breath catches and she stiffens then starts to quake in fear as I speak.

"This Ash. This is what you need, whether you realize it or not. And I am sorry I did not see it sooner." I feel Riki open our bond to Liam so he can see what we're doing and they hold their breathes as we wait for Ash's reaction. A minute passes then two but Ash doesn't draw away. She's hesitant, afraid, and hopeful, I can feel it. Then, finally, she presses her face to my chest and starts to sob. I clutch her to me, rubbing my hands up and down her back as I speak.

"Let it go my sister. Set it free. We WILL protect you now. Nothing will get to you again." Tears slide down my cheeks as Ash sobs like her world is ending but it's a start. When she finishes we rise and I bend down to kiss her forehead. She flinches but doesn't stiffen or pull away so I consider it progress.

"You should take a shower then go talk to Liam." She frowns at me. "He's hurting just as much as you are probably more." She looks at me then blinks and nods. I feel Liam, Luke, and Riki sigh through the bond as Riki releases Liam from the bond. I grin widely as I bow my head.

"Thank you my bond sister. Now go take your shower. I fear you smell just a little." She huffs and grins softly, knowing I'm joking. I turn and leave the room, hope blooming in my heart. We might all be okay.


When I get back to our room Riki is eating while Lucas sits behind her, brushing her hair. I walk over to them and kiss Riki on the lips, then Luke. They both smile at me as I sit beside Riki and take a piece of toast off her tray. She hisses at me playfully and laughing I bump shoulders with her. Luke rolls his eyes at us but we ignore him. 


I wait for my lassie to get out of tha shower before I knock on tha door again. She opens immediately smellin like strawberries and I feel my cock harden as I shift, tryin to adjust as she looks up at me with those wide blue eyes and I groan aloud. This lass is killin me. I raise a hand a place it on her cheek.

"Lass, you canna be lookin at me like that yer killin me." She blinks and stares at me but doesna say anything. I smile at that as gently maneuver the lass further into tha room so I can shut tha door. The door clicks shut and I canna resist any more. I lean down and pause my lips inches from hers, givin her time ta stop me. But she doesna. My wolf howls in triumph as my lips settle on hers. She moans and I run my tongue over the seam of her lips so that she opens for me. Then it's my turn ta moan as her tongue slides into my mouth and duels with mine. To soon I pull back as she gasps for air and places a hand to her chest. I smile and sit on the bed gesturing for her to sit beside me.

Tha lass looks at me sittin on her bed and blinks as if clearin her head then sits down beside me. I let her fidget a moment, tighten the belt on her robe as I struggle not to think of what the lass has on under neath tha robe. I harden more than before and shift as she stills and looks over at me. I smile reassuringly and reachin out I grasp her hand in mine, twining our fingers together. She looks down at our hands, intertwined, then looks back up at me her eyes wary.

"I've been think lass that maybe I should tell ya something about me. So ye can get ta know me better." She jerks and looks up at me pushin her wet hair behind her ear. I raise my loose hand and run a finger over the tips of her ear to tha end of her ear. She shudders and I smile as I look at her expectantly. It takes her a moment to realize I'm waitin on an answer.

"" I smile wider and lowerin my hand I press a chaste kiss to her lips. She blinks softly and raises a hand to her lips as I start ta speak.


Finally tha day is here. I have just turned twelve and now tha first full moon is here and I will shift into my wolf for tha first time and find out what my future position in tha pack will be. I could be an Alpha, born ta lead. A Beta, a second in command. They aren't as domineering as an Alpha but they are close. I could be an Omega, born to want ta help and guide they aren't domineering but they are fierce when it comes to protection. I doubted it is an Omega but that would be okay as well. The last possibility is an enforcer, they are a combination of alpha and omega mixed into one but they are rare. I rolled on the balls of my feet as I looked over at Coner, my best friend. His pale blue eyes met mine as he grins at me. I know he'll probably be an alpha since it's in his blood.

"Brother are ye ready?" I glance over ta see my twin brother, Conlan walk up. His eyes are tha same as mine but that is where tha similarities end. I have strong masculine features where his features are delicately sculpted. Tha lasses love him already and tha males teased him til they discovered just how fierce my brother is. His fightin skills are just as deadly as mine and Coner's if not more and he doesna play. He takes ye out fast and hard where as I like ta tease them a little. It's not nearly as much fun if ye ask me.

"Liam?" I blink and focus on Coner and Conlan, who are lookin at me with grins on their faces. I scowl and roll my head as tha sun slowly lowers from tha sky. Just a few more minutes and tha three of us will turn to our wolves for tha first time. I glance around at the other two lads that are fixin ta change with us then to tha hill top where Coner's parents and tha other two boys parents wait. I grin at Coner's mum, who adopted Conlan and I when our pack was taken out by rogues. She smiles and waves at me. It still amazes me that Coner's mum is tha wolf goddess.

"Lads, I'm glad we're changing tagether this first time but know that my wolf will be bigger than yours." They both protest jokingly as the sun sets. I raise my head as night falls and I see tha full moon rise above us. I feel a fire settle into my bones as my body shifts from my human form to tha wolf. It hurts and aches but mum (Coner's mum) has told us it would. I'm just glad that it's only tha first time after yer twelfth birthday that ye halfta wait for the full moon. After that we can change whenever we want. I tilt my head back and howl as I finish shiftin. I feel tha magic flow through me as mum walks down to us and we all crouch down and bow. Ye donna challenge tha wolf goddess, mum or not. The magic swirls inside me as she places a hand on Coner's chocolate brown head and speaks.

"You are an Alpha, my son. You will find a pack and lead them..." She pauses and something flitters across her features before she continues. " will have a rough start my son but you will find your way." She fights to hide her unease but I see it as she hides it behind her smile and turns to Conlan and I. She places a hand on Conlan and my head, searching. I feel tha magic settle as she speaks.

"I should have known that you two would excel. You are enforcers. Conlan will guard the land, protecting it for his Alpha, fighting for the heart of the clan." She pauses and stares at me, seeming ta know that I see beyond my twelve years. "Liam you will guard Coner's heart and protect it with your life. I fear it will not be any easier for you than my son. Just remember when you find you mate that love can guide you through anything. And you're a rustic red and gold wolf." I grin as best I can in this form then turn and mockingly growl at Coner. He growls back then leaps at me.


The lass looks at me as I finish my story wide eyed and smiling.

"Thank you Liam. knowing more about you." I run my hand up and down her arm as she looks up at me.

"That's a good thing lass. Now maybe we can talk about my being yer mate." She blinks, then nods.


I'm sliding on the last of my knives as Luke and Gabe watch me when I feel Ash in my mind. 

"Riki?" I pull on a black t-shirt with a skull on it that hangs off one shoulder as I answer through our bond.

"Yes, sister?" I feel her love through the bond as I pull on a pair of faded blue bell bottom jeans. 

"Could we go talk for a little bit? I need to go outside. I'm feeling...." She pauses and I answer for her.

"Claustrophobic?" I sit on the bed pulling on socks and knee-high winter boots with tresses on the front as she answers.

"Yes." I stand and look at the guys, who nod.

"Sure, I'll meet you in your room in a few."


We end up at the park, watching children play, as we sit on a bench. Five guards surround us plus Liam, Gabe, and Luke. All the parents are eyeing us warily as I smile reassuringly at them. I reach out and grasp Ash's hand, then tug on it to get her to look at me. Her eyes are wide and searching as her eyes meet mine.

"Ash, you know I love you right?" She nods as I open my mouth to say what needs to be said.

"Get the fuck over it." She blinks and the small talk between the group surrounding us falls silent as I continue.

"You ARE my Bezerker. Liam IS your mate. Life goes on so stop wallowing in your sorrow like a pig in shit." There is complete silence as everyone gapes at me but I don't take my eyes from Ash. The hurt in her eyes start to fade as a grin blossoms on her face and she leans closer to elbow me slightly in the side as she rolls her eyes and speaks.

"Jeez, hooker don't sugar coat it or anything." I laugh as Liam's jaw drops and the guards chuckle as I shrug.

"Ash just needed a little sisterly advice." Liam scowls as he narrows his eyes at Ash.

"Bloody hell, I spent two hours tryin to talk to tha lass and ye sum it up in three sentences?" I pull Ash to her feet as I gesture to the playground.

"Let's go play." She laughs and dashes off with me as the guards follow and I hear Liam mutter under his breath.

"Bloody hell, three damn sentences. Women are a pain in my arse."

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