Broken Promises

By moonstone-87

2.3K 24 4

I will switch to other POV throughout the story. Non-traditional ABO, Alpha, Beta, Omega Dynamics. Trigger W... More

Blue Blood Pack (males)
Blue blood Females
College Characters
Chapter 1: Becoming of age
Chapter 2:The morning after
Chapter 3: Karaoke Night
chapter 4 Promises
Chapter 5 Dylan's POV
Chapter 6 Kayleigh POV
chapter 7- He what?
chapter 8: Bruno POV
chapter 9: Trouble
Chapter 10: Saved
Chapter 11:Alpha Alan POV
Chapter 12: Relief
chapter 13: Yes please (R)
Chapter 15 (R)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19- Run
Chapter 20
chapter 21 Dylan's POV (short filler chapter)
chapter 22 The BBQ (Updated)
Chapter 23: Packing up
Chapter 24: Goodbye
Chapter 26: I'm Lou
Chapter 27-Surprises and apologies
Chapter 28: Dylan POV

Chapter 14

73 0 0
By moonstone-87

I roll over outstretching my arm expecting to find Lilly's warm body, but instead find the cold sheets indicating that Lilly had left a while ago.

I instantly open my eyes rubbing the sleep away as I stare at the empty bed where Lilly was sleeping at next to me.

I reach over the end table grabbing my mobile phone unlocking it to see if Lilly had texted me, but to my disappointment she hasn't. "Strange." I thought to myself.

I quickly give Lilly a text asking her where is she and why didn't she wake me or at least give me a text.

As I wait for a response I get up and walk over to the toilet and make use of it before jumping into the shower.

I wash myself quickly turning off the water I get out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body as I walk back to my bed. Picking up my phone I glance to see if Lilly has responded, but to my frustration she hasn't.

"Ugh" I throw my phone onto my bed when I don't get an answer from Lilly's phone.

I quickly get dressed before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs. I am greeted by my father sitting at the breakfast bar eating a bagel and drinking a coffee.

"Morning sweetheart." He says looking up from the newspaper in his hand.

"Morning dad. Where's mum?" I ask as I grab a banana from the fruit bowl sitting down on the stool opposite of him. "She had to go into work early this morning they were short staffed at the hospital. Everything okay?" 

I nod my head as I chew my banana, swallowing I reply, "yeah, just wondered where she was is all. So, what do you have planned for today I ask my dad." 

He puts down his coffee mug and looks up at me with a smile.

"Well, actually I was going to ask you if you wanted to hang out with your old man before going off to college. We could go for a run like old times?" 

I smile at that thought and my mind goes back to when I was younger.

Every week my dad and I would go to for a run and he would teach me how to hunt in my wolf form.

My dad was a busy man so getting to spend time hunting with him was the best and I cherished every minute of it.


After Lilly left she went straight home to shower and then decided  to go Jessica's house. She needed someone to talk to and after Lilly told Jessica everything she felt a weight be lifted off of her.

"Lilly girl you got it bad." Jessica says  shaking her head at her friend. "So you just left her and wont answer her calls or texts?"

"I know, I know. I don't know what to do we made a promise to not get any feelings and my stupid ass goes and breaks that promise."

"Well, what you going to do about it? I mean you are clearly in love with her.." Lilly groans rubbing her hand down her face. "I honestly dont know."

Jessica sits down on her bed next to Lilly, " What did you think was going to happen when you start sleeping together so many times?

You are bound to start to get some feelings and that's when trouble starts.

I mean did you honestly think you guys would become a couple? You are two Omega's you can't mate nor have pups together. " Lilly's head drops, "I know, I know all of this, but I can't help how I feel Jessica!"

 "I know that sweetie, but what do you expect to happen between you and Kayleigh? Play house and  live happily ever after? What if one of you finds their mate then what? Its just not practical Lilly."

Lilly begins crying as Jessica's words hit her hard. She knows her friend is right that her an Kayleigh will never be able to have a relationship. She just didn't expect to fall for her friend so quickly. The whole thing was a big mistake and Lilly wishes she could go back in time and never sleep with her friend. 

"Lilly, I am sorry I don't mean to upset you, but you need to hear this. Kayleigh wants pups and a mate and live by a lake and its not fair to ask her to give up all of that.." Lilly looks up with tears streaming down her face. 

"She's not the only one who has dreams and wants, I want my mate and have pups too, but I would give up all of that for her." 

Jessica sighs, "you may be willing, but Kayleigh may not be. You need to sit her down and talk about this before she leaves for college." 

"I will..." 

Jessica leans over and gives her friend a tight hug. "Sooner rather than later Lilly before you get to deep." Lilly pulls back from the hug and nods her head. 


Kayleigh tries calling Lilly one more time and this time the Omega picks up to her surprise. "Hello?" Lilly answers. 

"Oh my God Lilly I have been trying to reach you all damn day what happened?"  

"Yeah sorry about that my phone had died and it was charging while I was out for a long run. Is everything okay?"

Kayleigh sighs into the phone, "yeah I was just worried about you is all. I woke up and you was gone and I couldn't get a hold of you all day. Why did you leave without waking me up?" 

"Because you looked to sweet to wake you up.." Lilly teases. Its because  I woke up early and didn't want to disturb you. I am really sorry I should have left you a note before I left."

"That would have been nice Lilly, so what are you doing now?" 

"Nothing much I just got back and was going to have a shower and just relax while watching t.v or something." 

"Do you want company?" Kayleigh asks hoping the Omega says yes. 

Lilly doesn't answer straight away secretly she would love for Kayleigh to come over and snuggle together while watching a horror film, but she needed time to think and time away from the Omega. "I would love you to, but I think I'm just gonna watch some tv and have a early night if that is okay?" 

Kayleigh frowns not expecting the Omega to say no she was a little disappointed actually. "Oh okay, yeah thats cool another night maybe?"

"Yeah of course." Lilly says. "I'll call you tomorrow Kayleigh okay?" 

"Sure thing. Bye Lilly."

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