Lack of Trust

By Byheart1970

44.7K 2.2K 555

"I was not flawed, your faith was flawed. If You had faith in your heart for me, I wouldn't have to bear all... More

Chapter 1 (7 years)
Chapter 3 (New Identity of Khanak)
chapter 4 (broken family)
Chapter 5(Danish is back)
Chapter 6 (New Entry)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's Note (please read)
Glimpse of future work
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (full part)
Chapter 20 (Full Part)
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 2 (Danish Raghwan)

2.1K 87 5
By Byheart1970

Lack of Trust Part 2


Author's POV

A man was standing in front of glass big wall staring at a beautiful 24/7 awake city of New York deeply lost in his thoughts.

There was no expression on his face but his aura was screaming danger and power.

His one hand on wall and other hand in his pants pocket.

He didn't want to think about her but still she was the only one in all his thoughts.

He asked himself only one question every time why was she still in his thoughts even after seven years when she shouldn't be?? Why he couldn't get her out of his mind and heart despite his best efforts???

The one who was the cause of his pain but why did his stubborn heart still yearn for a glimpse of her??

He cursed himself for letting her rule his heart and mind when she was not even physically with him. He cursed himself for loving her so much that in seven years without her, his heart was still restless.

He thought every moment that where his love was lacking, what she did that pushed them away from each other forever.

He gave her everything love, care, loyalty which a partner could give to her partner then why did she do that?

If she had any problem with anyone, she could have told him and he would have found a solution but what she did was absolutely wrong and there was no justification for that, neither then nor now.

His phone's shrill ringtone snapped him out of her depressed thought. He looked at the caller id taking out his phone from his pocket and sighed heavily to face the unavoidable topic of his life from which he could only run but could not escape.

He answered the call and held to his ear waiting for him to say.

"Bhai (Brother) when will you come home???? Everyone is missing you a lot. Please come back bhai (Brother)" On the other side of the call he heard the sad voice of his younger brother who had been asking him to come to India for the last seven years. He himself also wanted to go to India, wanted to live with his family but if he stayed there then he didn't know what he will do in his anger???

He could feel his pain in his voice but then he could not do any help to reduce it. It's not that he didn't want to help, he just didn't have the courage to face all that. No matter how strong he may show himself from outside, but inside he was a scared child who did not want to face the demon outside the sheets.

He also missed his family and craved for them as much as they all did but he didn't want to go back there, if it made him a coward, then let him but he didn't want to go back there where he lost everything seven years ago, his happy family, his love, his smile, his purpose to live but when he remembered who was responsible behind this, his heart broke into pieces, which hurt him so much that sent him to the verge of death but did not let him die.

He lost everything because of the woman who was once his world to him, whom he loved more than his life.

" You know that I don't want to come there." He took a deep breath to calm himself before saying in his emotionless voice. After his reply, he got only silence from the other side which was enough to tell him that he had again crashed his younger brother's hopes like he had been doing for the last seven years.

His brother got dejected hearing his emotionless voice and his answer, this was not a new thing for him, he was used to it for the last seven years but he still missed his elder brother who was his best friend and role model who was always with him like a true mentor.

How could he explain to his brother that he could not punish everyone for one's crime, especially not those who loved him and always wanted the best for him?

"Varun leave all this.... Tell me how is everyone in the house???" When he didn't hear his younger brother's voice from the other side of the call, he changed the topic as he knew that if they continued this topic, it will hurt both of them as he could not fulfil his wish at least not yet.

He knew that his decision to stay away from his family had made everyone sad and upset but he could not be there with them when he himself was so broken inside that he did not know how to picked his broken pieces. He woke up every morning since last seven year with the hope that today he will mend himself but as the darkness of the night approached, he felt that his efforts went in vain.

If he couldn't forget her here, how will he forget her there where everything reminded him of her, their city, every road where he used to take her for long drives and most importantly his house.

She was the reason he left his home, he left the city, even the country. He still remembered how he spent those few days there before coming to New York.

Every corner of his home reminded him about her. He wanted to forger her but he couldn't.

He had already punished her for her crime but if he stayed there. he will not leave her. He will punish her even more painfully which he did not want because his anger will provoke her to hurt and his love for her will make him regret his deeds.

"Everybody is Fine. I miss you, bro. I miss our days. " He heard his brother's heavy voice with sniffing sound and understood that his brother was crying. He wanted to hug his brother tightly but for that he had to be near him which was impossible for him. He was punishing himself by staying away from his family for the fact that he had loved the wrong girl.

He heard someone was knocking on the door.

" I call you later and stop being a crybaby." He said to his brother to lighten his mood as he did not like his crybaby brother, he liked the brother who made others life miserable with his pranks and always had stupid grin plastered on his face.

"He too has lost his crime partner" a voice spoke from back of his head.


She was also a prankster like his brother or bigger than him because mostly their pranks ideas came from her devil mind which his brother followed like a command to have fun.

"I am not a crybaby" his brother's defended voice pulled him out of his daze and he tried his hard to remove her thought from his mind by shaking his head as he could only try.

" Yes.... You are not" he mocked him and heard him whining like a kid "bhai (bro) you are mean"

A small smile formed on his lips before his lips set in a straight line. This was happening for the last seven years, whenever he tried to smile, his lips started working against him.

He again heard knocking sound but this time little loud.

"I call you later.... Ok bye" he cut the call getting same reply from the other side of the phone.

He walked to his desk and sat on his chair putting his one leg on his other.

"Come in" he said in his strong and cold voice.

A man came in and stood in front of him.

"What happened Nayan???" he asked looking at him who was doing something on his tablet.
Nayan was his PA. He had been with him since he started working as a CEO in the Raghavan Group of Industries. When he left India and came to New York, he asked Nayan to accompany him. Nayan and his wife were both orphans, so he had no problem in coming to New York with his boss.

"You have a meeting with Mr. Watson in 20 minutes. Everything is ready as you wanted." Nayan forwarded the tablet to his boss to show the details of the upcoming meeting.

He took the tablet from Nayan and read the important details of the meeting. He gave him the tablet back and ordered him "When Mr. Watson come, give me a call"

Nayan nodded his head and left his office.

He massaged his forehead with his one hand. it was paining like hell and why wouldn't there be a headache when he had been working on an important project since a week without proper rest. he leaned his head on chair and closed his eyes to give some rest to his eyes.

As soon as he closed his eyes, a beautiful face appeared in front of his eyes. she was looking divine in her red silk saree. his eyes shot opened. he did not want to remember her but his heart and mind never listened to him. they always roamed around her thoughts.

"Why can't I forget her. How can I remember her who was the reason for my and my family's sorrow. In whose love I have forgotten the whole world and destroyed my own family." he seethed in frustration fisting his hand tightly.

He couldn't believe that the one with whom he spent his whole life did so much wrong to him.
she was world to him. he loved her more than anything. he was ready to do whatever she wanted but she didn't value him. she broke him and now he was living with his broken heart for seven years.

He could not forgive her, because of her he had become a stone hearted person today. Now there was nothing in his life except sorrow, sadness, pain and regret.

Yeah regret

Regret for loving her so much that he gave her the power to destroy him.

How could he not see her truth??? How could a murderer be hiding behind an innocent face???

What had he not done for her. He went against his mother and held her hand. He married her despite her mother's refusal a thousand times. He didn't make her a part of his world but made her his world.

He told everyone and himself daily that he hated her for what she did to his mother but deep inside he knew that he still loved her but now he felt something other than love for her and that emotion was more than his love and that was hate.

Yes, he hated her but he still loved her too.

Love and hate in one package

Combination of two emotions that could never live with each other and if you brought them together, they only brought destruction.

Love don't let give her pain and hate won't let her be happy. Total mess.

It was seven years ago that he wanted to punish her for what she had done but he could not punish her with his own hands because his love for her was not allowing him to do so. He left her in the hands of the law. He didn't even try to meet her even once after sending her to jail. He did not know what he would do with her, so he left her on her own.

He still remembered her eyes begging him to trust her but how could he trust her when he himself saw her committing that crime.

She was still serving her punishment in jail. She was sentenced to 10 years for the crime she had committed.

His phone broke his deep thoughts which was only revolving around her. He looked at the caller ID.
Nayan was calling him. It meant Mr. Watson had arrived and it's time for the meeting.

He got up from the chair and put his phone in his pants pocket. He took a glass of water from the table and took out the pain killer from the drawer and took it with water.

He left his cabin and walked towards meeting room where Mr. Watson was waiting for him. His head was still bursting with pain but this meeting was very important for him which he could not cancel at any cost.

Nayan was already waiting for him outside of the meeting room.

Nayan opened the door and he entered inside like a king who owned whole world which was true in some senses.

He came to Mr. Watson who was sitting on the one of chair in the room but as soon he saw him, he got up from his seat.

Mr. Steven Watson was a middle-aged man. He had a hotel chain in New York and other cities which was very famous and profitable.

"Hello Mr. Danish Raghwan" Mr. Watson forwarded his hand.

Danish Raghwan was 32 years eligible bachelor. He was CEO of Raghwan group of industries. He had everything name, power, money, fame looks what every man desire. He was one of the 10 richest men in the world and No. 1 in India. He could control anyone life but damm to his luck, he could not control his life. He was dominating, powerful and strong headed man with cold, dangerous and authority aura that screamed 'don't mess with me if you want to live peacefully because after inviting me your death is not going to be peaceful.'

He was 6.3 ft height with strong muscular body with Greek god like face which was enough to make him the centre of attraction of every girl but he had the personality that couldn't stop girls from drooling over him but also didn't let them come near him.

Everybody was afraid of him because he could destroy someone in an instant as he had money and power which could bring anyone from heaven to hell in an instant.

"Hello Mr. Steven Watson let's start the meeting." Danish said in straight tone and shook his hand with him formally.

Mr. Watson had heard about him that he liked to talk straight and he was not friendly with people but formal enough and never broke his promises which he made. He was man of few words.

Mr. Watson shook his hand with him and he was very impressed with him.

The meeting began and Nayan explained Mr. Watson about their offer which was really much better than all the offers he had received till now.

"I like your offer and I am ready to sell my hotels to you" after discussing everything Mr. Watson said.
Mr. Watson was a lonely man. He had lost his wife and child in a road accident. He had made all this for his wife and child but when they were not with him, he wanted to retire by selling his hotels. He wanted to sell his hotels to them who could maintain his hotels and take care of his employees like he did and he found the right man.

They did legal formalities.

Now 'Sunshine' chain of hotels came under Raghwan group of industries.

Mr. Watson shook his hand with other and Danish and left from there.

Danish and Nayan left alone in meeting room.

Nayan looked at his boss but there was no sign of happiness on his boss's face even after a big deal. Many big shots were trying for this deal but he beat them and made it in his favour but he was not happy. If there was someone else in his place, he would have opened a champagne bottle to celebrate his victory but here his boss was sitting like it was not a big deal.

Nayan really felt bad for his Boss. Looking at him, it seemed as if he had forgotten to feel the emotion of humans. He was not like that before.

He had not seen his boss showing any emotion in the last 7 years. There was no emotion on his boss's face except anger. His eyes lost his shine now they became cold like ice.

No one could deny the fact that He was good boss to his employees. He respected their work and helped them in their difficult time but he didn't tolerate a little mistake. You made a single mistake and you will see the real devil inside him who was sleeping and it would be better for everyone to let the devil sleep.

Nayan was working with him for 9 years.

He had never seen his boss showing his emotion to anyone after what happened seven years ago.

What happened seven years ago completely changed Danish, the person who always had a smile on his face now became emotionless today.

Danish again massaged his forehead to lessen his forehead to soothe his pain but it was getting worsen. Nayan noticed it.

"Boss, you should go home and rest. There is no meeting today" Nayan suggested giving a glass of water to his boss who took it from him while looking at him.

Nayan considered Danish as his elder brother and Danish also took care of him like his younger brother.

"No, I am fine." He said standing from the chair but suddenly he felt a severe headache and he slumped down the chair back.

"Boss" Nayan saw his pale face.

"Boss you go home and take rest" Nayan tried to convince him but he did not listen to Nayan and came to his office room from the meeting room without paying any heed to him.

Danish knew he was concerned for him but didn't want to go home or be free because work was the only thing that kept him away from her thoughts that haunt him every second.

He took off his coat and threw on sofa. He pulled off his tie and opened 3 upper buttons of his shirt and threw himself on the sofa to take rest.

He closed his eyes to take a little nap but His phone broke it. He took out his phone and held to his ear without looking at caller ID.

"Bhai (bro).... go home and take rest or I'll be right there with you on the next flight" he heard his brother ordering voice from other side which made him sigh.

He knew that Nayan must have told Varun that he was not feeling well and he was reluctant to go home as he knew he's the only one who could handle him with his threat that he'll come to New York leaving everyone behind to take care of him which he didn't want.

"Now don't say that there is work in the office, I have talked to Nayan, you don't have any important work today, you can go home. We are all away from you, it doesn't mean that you will not take care of yourself. If you don't take care of yourself then I will come to you and you will not be able to stop me." Varun threatened his big brother. He loved his big brother very much. He could not see him ignoring his health like this.

"Okay boss... I am going... No need to come here" Danish said and thought how mature his brother had become who knew nothing except having fun and pranking, today he was taking care of their family in his absence.

Danish lived away from his family but he was aware of their every moment, he had appointed his special and loyal men there for the safety of his family.

"Good for you" Varun replied with swag and cut the call without waiting for his reply. He shook his head at his antics and got up from the sofa.

Danish came to his mansion. He came to the living room but when he saw person who was sitting on sofa sitting. his face turned red with anger and distaste.

She's the last person he wanted to see at this moment when his head ready to burst out with pain. He already had a severe headache. he was damm sure that she will make it worse.

"What are you doing here" He asked angrily in his loud voice. His loud voice echoed throughout the living room. He clenched his jaw and fisted his hands.

She was wearing a black short one-piece dress which was barely covering her upper thighs and was off shoulder which was showing almost her assets making him disgusted with her.

He was not the man who judged girls by their clothes but that didn't mean he tolerate their vulgarity either.

She got scared hearing his loud voice but she composed herself after a while and gave him her seductive disgusting smile getting up from the sofa while shaking her bobs unnecessarily.

She walked to him and stopped infront of him who gave her bored look but she ignored it as at least she could do this for her mission which was to seduce him and then marry him.

"Baby why are you shouting" she said seductively and put her one hand on his shoulder and other hand on his face which made him angry. He didn't like it when someone other her touched him intimately, it was only her right whether she was here to claim it or not??

He was not a manwhore, he's one-woman man. he loved her only who unfortunately didn't deserve his love but that didn't mean he stoop so low that he forgot his real self.

He grabbed her hands in his tight grip making her winch in pain and pulled off from his body and threw away them like they were filth.

"Miss Lirika Dhanraj I am giving you last warning stay away from me" he threatened her in his dangerous which made her shudder in fear and pushed her.

His aura was screaming danger and his eyes were spewing lava.

She got scared seeing dark demeanour but she could not back down from her mission. If you wanted to achieve something big, then you had to take risks. She composed himself.

She looked at him faking innocence and said "Why are you doing this to me??? You know how much I love you"

He laughed darkly hearing her so called love confession and moved to the sat on the sofa.

He settled on it like a king and looked at her with his calculative eyes from toe to head and then said in mocking tone "You love me. That was a really good joke. I'd believe you if I didn't have one percent of brain but sadly, I have brain enough to see your real face behind your fake innocence."

She gulped down hearing him but she didn't drop her act. She also came and sat beside him holding his hand with both her hands and said with so much fake innocence " I really love you, believe me."

He pulled his hand from her hands harshly and grabbed her jaws in deadly grip with his one hand and said dangerously looking into her eyes " shut up.... I don't like liars so stop lying. Let me clear you one thing that you do not love me You love my status, power and money, there is nothing wrong in that but I am not the right man for this cheap play of yours. Don't play with fire it will not good for you because fire only knows how to burn."

She got scared seeing his red furious eyes. His was looking dangerous.

Lirika Dhanraj was the daughter of Danish's mother's friend who had always been wanted to become Mrs. Danish Raghwan but Danish never let her come close to him because he had only one girl in his heart.

It's true that she did not love Danish, she was only interested in his status and money which could make her life heaven.

"Now get the hell out of my house" he jerked her away and stood up from sofa.

Danish started leaving but her next words stopped him on his tracks and filled his body with unbounded rags.

"You still love that backstabbing bitch who destroyed you and your family. You called me a gold digger but in reality, she was a gold digger. She is bitch" she said in her poisoned voice as his outright refusal hurt her nonexistence ego, if he did not have everything she desired to have, she will never look at him despite the fact that he was the most handsome man she had ever seen in her life and she hated her with every ounce of her, because of her she could never get what she could get very easily but now she was not getting it even after her hard efforts.

"I said shut the fuck up you disgusting excuse of woman" he shouted on her and stormed to her like angry bull.

"Martha" he shouted to call his maid who was in charge of his house.

A middle-aged woman came and saw her boss who was looking like an angry bull. He also called his security team and other house help.

"I do not want to see this fucking woman in my house after today. If I ever see this woman here, no one will be worse than me for all of you." His anger was not under his control and he did not know what he will do with her. It was not in his ethics to raise hand on a girl but it did not mean that he will allow her to insult her and that too in front of him.

They all knew their boss anger issues. They nodded their head like good kids.

"Throw this trash out of my house" he ordered with gritted teeth and rushed away from there.

Lirika left from there in humiliation without saying anything as she could not mess with this raged monster at this time but in her mind, she promised herself that she will make him pay for this humiliation of her.

Danish came to his room and took off his coat and threw it away and the words of Lirika were still ringing in his mind.

"How dare she bad mouth about her. I didn't allow anyone to insult my Khani. Today I left her, but if she again says a wrong word about my Khani, I will kill her with my bare hands but that doesn't mean I'll let her go without punishing"

He took out his phone and dialled Nayan's number who answered his call in second ring.

"Lirika Dhanraj, do whatever you want but I want this news first thing tomorrow morning, she has been banned from the entire world's film industry and all her current projects have been cancelled, give them as much money as they want but till tomorrow morning her name should be vanished from the film industry. If someone did not agree, then tell them that they will have to face Danish Raghwan's wrath directly." He threw his phone in some corner of the room after giving order.

no one could spoke wrong about her in front of him. She had done wrong to him and his family so he had right to punish her but no one else had any right to say wrong about her but why she did that???

He spent seven years of his life thinking that what was the mistake he made in their relationship that she did all this.

After sending her to jail seven years ago, he never went to India because he was afraid that he might again believe in her lies.

She was his first and last love. He neither loved any other girl before her nor did he allow anyone to come into his life after her. He never allowed any other girl in his life except her.

Even after her sin, he never gave her place to anyone else. He was a man and he had his needs too but he never let any girl come near him because his love for her was as true and loyal was his hatred for her.

He took out the bottle of alcohol from the bar which he made in his room specially and started drinking alcohol like water.

He sat on floor leaning on the bed while a lone tear spilled out of his eyes but suddenly, he started laughing at himself that he was wasting his life for such a person who didn't care about him.

He drank until he passed out.

This was his life, getting up in the morning to go to the office and after coming to the office, drink alcohol till he lost his senses.


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