The Earth We Once Knew - John...

By charlieburns44

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Day 1
Day 1 : Part 2
Day 1 : Part 3
The Burn
Wrongfully Accused
Down Bad For You
Breaking Point
The Virus
Pay Back
Sky Crew
Hello Father
Stir Crazy
Peace with You
To You
Promised Land
Eight Six Days
Our Happy Ending

Goodbye, Spacewalker

29 1 0
By charlieburns44

day hit sooner than later, I haven't really slept as I was too busy watching and taking orders from people while trying to keep track of Murphy since he likes to run his mouth and get himself into some trouble. I stood by Bellamy as we watched the two people on the horses stay by the wires and listen to the people turn on him

Bellamy- they are turning on him

Phoneix- he can't stay any longer or they will throw him to them.

Bellamy- I'll go tell Clarke

I nodded as he ran off to the station, I went back to Murphy who was talking to Raven as she looked at me and so did, he

Phoneix- hope this wasn't too important

Raven- well it kind of is but actually I need you too

I looked at her confused

Raven- we are sneaking Finn out of here and to the dropship, we need extra guns.

Phoneix- does Bellamy know?

Raven- he will just head to the dropship after I get the wire uncut, okay?

I nodded as she ran off, if your confused I was given a gun last night when I was on watch as a safety thing. I looked at Murphy as he grabbed his bag an handed me mine

Murphy- I believe we have some place to be

I shook my head as we waited a while. we took off out of the wires and started walking into the forest to head back to the dropship

Murphy- I thought you hated Finn

Phoneix- and I thought you hated Raven

Murphy- valid. 

we walked all the way there and walked in only to see Bellamy pointing a gun at us with Raven next to him

Murphy- whoa, hey hey hey

Bellamy- Murphy. Phoneix.

Raven pushed down his gun

Bellamy- what are you two doing here?

Murphy- I believe I was invited

Raven- I thought we could use extra guns

Bellamy- might be a good idea

Raven- Finn should've been right behind you guys

Murphy walks to them but kind of to the side to put his bag down as I said there holding my gun

Murphy- don't worry spacewalker's going to be fine

Raven stood there and looked at the curtain waiting for them as I put my bag down by the wall

Bellamy- uh Phoneix

I looked at him not failing to see Murphy's glance at us

Bellmay- thanks for agreeing to come, I know you aren't on best of terms with either of them

Phoneix- free excuse to use a gun, right?

he nodded smiling as I smiled back holding my gun right as the curtain opened and Finn came in carrying Clarke. Bellamy ran to her side 

Bellamy- what happened?

Finn- Grounder hit her on the head

Murphy put a jacket down so her head could rest of it as Finn put her down on the ground

Murphy- put her here

Bellamy- I need a bandage, a wrap, anything

I sighed running to grab the rag on the table as I jogged over to them

Phoneix- move, I got it

Bellamy moved as I knelt down by Clarke 

Phoneix- Bellamy hold her head for me, okay?

he nodded doing as I said while I pressed the rag against her wound

Phoneix- Clarke, can you hear me?

she didn't answer at first as Finn threw down his bag and Raven watched with Murphy

Bellamy- Clarke? Clarke

she started opening her eyes as they all sighed 

Bellamy- you're going to be fine, you just need rest

she closed her eyes again as I carefully put her head down on the rag so that it would still be stopping the bleeding. Finn stormed out after he said something about almost getting Clarke killed, I looked at him than back at Clarke while Murphy leaned against the wall. Raven took over tending to Clarke so I moved wiping my hands as i sighed. Finn came in so I went outside with my gun seeing Bellmay and Murphy out there

Murphy- you good?

Phoneix- just fine

as I said that we heard noises coming our way, so I hide by a trunk with Murphy already point our guns as Bellamy hide behind trunk thing doing the same. Raven was hidden behind a fallen tree

Bellamy- we got company, get out here!

Finn came out 

Bellamy- hey, get down. Grounders

Clarke followed after as they moved to lay behind this tiny hill thing by as we all kept our guns pointed. after a while, we moved back inside the dropship, Bellamy and Murphy keeping a look out at the curtain

Murphy- they're not moving any closer

Bellamy- they're staying out of range. they'll be waiting until it's dark

Bellamy came back in more as he looked at us, I stayed leaned against the wall sighing as Clarke was looking at him than at Finn. Murphy came over

Murphy- if we hit them now, we take them by surprise

Clarke- we don't know how many of them are out there

Murphy- I'm not hearing any better, ideas. Clarke.

Raven- we'll give them something

Bellamy- all they want is Finn

Raven- Finn wasn't the only one at the village

I pointed my gun at Raven, but Bellamy thought quicker and took it from me as I glared at him moving next to Murphy keeping my hands in my pocket

Clarke- what are you talking about?

Bellamy- Raven hold on

Murphy- whoa whoa whoa. Raven, I came here to protect him. you were the one who wanted me to come. You..

It clicked in my head as I looked at her

Phoneix- that's why you asked him to come, to take Finn's place

I moved closer to her as Raven spoke again

Raven- enough Grounders saw him. they'd believe he was the shooter

Murphy- you sick bitch

Phoneix- no fucking way! you are not using him to protect your precious Finn! not happening!

Clarke- Raven you don't mean this

Bellamy- you know what they do to people

Raven- they want a murderer. We'll give them one

I looked at her charging at her fast as i tackled her onto the ground putting my knife to her throat

Phoneix- I fucking warned you that I would slit your throat, I meant it. you want to see a fucking murder bitch; I'll give you one.

I start to cut her neck as she screamed but Murphy pulled me off as Finn ran to her, I pushed Murphy off of me as I looked at them. Raven got up and pointed her gun at us

Raven- drop your gun

Murphy walked close to her gun, so the barrel was pointed at his chest

Murphy- go to hell, Raven

Clarke- put it down, Raven. like it or not, he's one of us

Raven stepped closer

Raven- i said drop it.

I was getting mad as I went to run back at her, but Bellamy grabbed me holding me back

Phoenix- get away from him, you are crazy you bitch!

Bellamy- Phoneix, calm down

I kept trying to get out of his grip as she stepped closer, but Finn jumped in pushing her gun down 

Finn- stop!

Finn got between them causing Raven to put down her gun as Bellamy let go of me letting me run to Murphy's side as I held onto his hand tightly, he returned it

Finn- we're not doing this.

Finn looked at all of us as Murphy and i back away 

Finn- they've got us surrounded. the only thing we can do is stay and defend this place

Bellamy- *nods* I'm with you

Clarke nods as well and so does Raven before looking at Murphy and I

Finn- Murphy? Phoneix?

Murphy- yeah? *tears in his eyes*

Finn- go upstairs, watch the rear. I'll take the lower level. you three, take the front gate. that's the plan, all right?

we all nod before Murphy walks to the ladder and climbs up, I start to walk over but stop by Raven

Phoneix- next time you pull something like that, I will leave more than just a small cut on your throat.

I shouldered her before walking over to the ladder and climbed up meeting Murphy at the top. I go to the hole that Murphy and i made when we escaped here as I knelt next to him with our guns pointed out

Murphy- um thank you for protecting me with Raven

Phoenix- anytime, I don't need to be thanked for saving my boyfriend's life

he smiled at me as we looked at each other before he gave me a quick peck on the lips than looked forward as I did the same. we heard Clarke yell Finn making us confused as i quickly climbed down the ladder with Murphy behind me as we ran outside, only to see Finn getting taken

Phoenix- what the actually fuck.

*Night fall* we made it back to the station not too long ago, we all stood by the wires looking out as we could hear Grounders shouting, they were making something that I couldn't quite see until we saw Finn being tied to it. Clarke, Raven and Bellamy left their spot but not even 10 minutes later Bellamy and Raven came back, I walked over to Bellamy with Murphy right next to me

Phoneix- what's going on?

Bellamy- Clarke's going to try and get Finn out of there

Phoneix- will it work?

Bellamy- it has to

I nodded walking as Clarke walked down, we walked her walk over to who I assumed was the commander. they talked for a few moments before she walked over to Finn, she held his face and they hugged as we watched but then I watched his head drop down and Clarke turned to us walking. she killed Finn

Raven- no!!! no!! no!! no!!

Abigal went to her aid hugging her as she cried. I felt my heart shatter as tears started to fall fast from my eyes

Phoneix- Finn! Finn!!! Finn!!! *Voice cracks, sobbing*

I started breaking down screaming his name as tears continued to fall, my legs felt like jelly as I fell down, but Bellamy caught me pulling me to his chest as I sobbed screaming. I looked at Murphy crying but he didn't look at me only stared at the scene in front us. for that just made me sob louder as Bellamy held me. I just lost my best friend and Murphy didn't budge. I may have never got along with Finn on earth, but he was my only friend on the Ark. he was my spacewalker.

I know, I'm sorry. If I was there sooner, I would have stopped it from happening. I would save you.  -Finn

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