His librarian

By everlove2069

281K 4.7K 1.3K

Kahli Luca, 25, is the leader of the the most fearless gang in town. He only talks to his his close friends a... More

Getting to know me :)
Chapter 1💕
Chapter 2💕
Chapter 3💕
Chapter 4💕
Chapter 5💕
Chapter 6💕
Chapter 7 (part 2)💕
Chapter 8💕
Chapter 9💕
Chapter 10💕
Chapter 11💕
Chapter 12💕
Chapter 13💕
Chapter 14💕
Chapter 15💕
Chapter 16💕
Chapter 17💕
Chapter 18💕
Chapter 19💕
Chapter 20💕
Chapter 21💕
Chapter 22💕
Chapter 23💕
Chapter 25💕
Chapter 26💕
Chapter 27💕
Chapter 28💕
Chapter 29💕
Chapter 30 (last chapter..)💕

Chapter 24💕

5.2K 79 22
By everlove2069

Athena's pov

It's been two days since I've seen Kahli, I've been texting him but he said that he was busy with work.

Me and Amirah haven't been hanging out with Dominic for a while. I feel like I pushed them away so I wanted to make up to them.

Today is Saturday and I only have work, but that's at five so I have nothing to do but sit around and watch some movies.

I got cozy on my bed and began to watch The lion king. While it was still turning on Amirah ran into my room making me jump in fright.

She had two outfits in her hand and she was panting. I put my hand on her shoulder and she took a deep breath.

She laid out the outfits and turned to me. "Tyler just said that he was going to be over in 20 minutes! Ugh! I fucking hate dating someone that can't even PLAN a date! But anyway I need help!" She gave me a serious face and I nodded.

I looked down and saw two totally different outfits. One was black skinny jeans with a black lace tank top with a cropped white cardigan with white sneakers. It was really cute and looked casual.

I looked over at the other outfit and it consisted of a brown long-sleeve dress that stopped at the mid-thigh with brown boots that came to her calf.

I analyzed both outfits and then looked back at her while grabbing the first outfit. "Keep it casual and sexy." She nodded frantically while kissing my cheek.

She ran out of my room and I chuckled at her cuteness and went back to my bed.

I decided to turn my phone off today. I didn't tell anyone but I just need a day to myself. I already feel selfish because what if someone needs me but it's fine...right?

I sighed and grabbed my tv remote. I played the movie and sat back in my bed.


I will NEVER be mad at Dominic for crying at this movie because I am currently crying my eyes out. Simba's dad didn't deserve that! Mufasa will forever be in my heart.

I paused the movie and just continued to cry about the very sad movie. I looked up when I heard the front door slam open.

I wiped my eyes and sat up in my bed. I heard heavy footsteps and started to get really scared.

I started to hyperventilate and then suddenly my door was slammed open causing me to let out a loud scream and throw a water bottle at the person.

I could hear my heartbeat as I threw whatever was on my nightstand at the person. I kept my eyes shut not wanting to look at the person.

I heard a voice of a very familiar person that made me stop all of my motions.

"ATHENA! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I opened my eyes and saw Kahli standing by my door with Aries behind him trying to hold in a laugh.

I felt really embarrassed and guilty so I got off my bed and I ran towards him. I grabbed his face and moved it up and down trying to look for any injuries.

He stopped my hands and glared down at me. "Aries leave us." Aries quickly walked away and I was left alone with the actual devil.

He placed both of his hands on my face and looked at me with a very serious face. "First tell me why the hell you are crying. And second why the fuck is your phone off?" I looked at him and I felt weak in the knees just by the look he was giving me.

I took a deep breath and started to look away while answering. "I was watching a sad movie..and I wanted to have me time. I'm sorry." He scuffed and let go of my face.

He backed away and took a deep breath. "Are you really that fucking stupid Athena?! I mean come on! You almost got killed and you do stupid shit like this?!" He yelled while getting in my face.

I felt tears in my eyes and I felt really weak and hurt. I tried to put my hands out to stop him from coming closer and he slapped them off.

I pushed him away roughly and ran into my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it while sliding my back down it.

I don't want to be treated like that but I also think that it was my fault since I did ignore him all day.

I heard the jiggles of keys and I got off the floor and looked at my door. I saw the lock slowly turning and I felt my heartbeat drop to my stomach.

My door opened and Kahli came into my room with a scowl on his face. He walked over to me and I walked backward.

I hit my bed and I quickly jumped onto it and crawled all the way back. I was watching his every move as he pulled my ankles to the edge of the bed.

He leaned down and picked me up, making me kneel on the bed to be at eye level with him. He brought his hands to my face and held it in place.

I felt the tears roll down my face and I felt my heartbeat going crazy in my throat as he began to talk. "When I am talking to you, I want you to look at me in the face. Understand?" I shook my head and tried to move back.

He closed his eyes and I felt his grip on my face get a bit tighter. He opened his eyes and they looked softer. "You don't get it, Athena. I'm a dangerous person which means my enemies want my weakness. You are my weakness, I lose you and I'm done." I stayed quiet not knowing what to say or do.

I wanted to speak, to shout, to scream...but nothing came out and I just stared at him with a salty face.

He wiped my tears and I wanted to lean into the warmth but I just felt empty, and embarrassed. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I'm so sorry I yelled at you. You have every right to stay mad at me. I was being a dick." I shook my head and just stayed quiet.

I grabbed his hands off my face and pulled away from his warmth. I sighed and laid back down on my bed and curled back into a ball.

He stayed by my side for a second before taking out his phone and texting something. He put his phone on my nightstand and walked around my bed.

I felt the bed dip and I soon felt warm hands on my waits. "I was scared...I was scared I was going to lose you this time." He turned me around and kissed my forehead.

I felt new tears roll down my eyes and I slowly crept my hands to his face. He kissed my palm making the tears roll harder.

He wiped my eyes and I put my thumb on his lips. "You scared me...but I know it was my fault and for that I'm sorry." I finally spoke while looking into his deep light brown eyes.

He shook his head and moved my hand away. "No princess. You did absolutely nothing wrong I did. I pulled the biggest dick move known to mankind." I let out a chuckle and he smiled.

I felt good and warm in his arms. I know he is dangerous but I don't care I know he won't hurt me.

I heard a knock at my door and Kahli answered before I could. "Just bring it in." The door opened showing Derrick with a McDonald's bag.

He looked over at me and I hid my face, embarrassed by my red eyes. I heard my door shut and then a few seconds later the front door shut.

Kahli sat up and picked me up as well. He put me in his lap and grabbed the fast food bag. He handed me fries and chicken nuggets and I turned to smile at him.

I opened the chicken nuggets and broke them into tiny pieces. He chuckled and kissed my neck. "I can't believe you do that now." I shrugged my shoulders and continued to break up my meal.

He pulled out his phone and started going through some work emails. I tried not to look because it was his work but he opened an email that made my heart stop.

The email read.

Email sent by Mason...
Subject: The guard who tracked down Marek.

Attached one photo.

He opened the photo and I gasped while looking away quickly.

He threw his phone somewhere on my bed and turned my head to look at him. I was hyper-ventilating so I could barely get words out. "Th the man...he he was there that day! Kahli he was here! He was here..." The man in the photo was the brown teeth man that was there that day.

His grip tightened on me and he held me close to his chest. He moved my hair to the side and started whispering sweet things in my ear.

The words he spoke fell on deaf ears and I started to shake. I couldn't breathe, it felt like someone was pushing down on my chest or holding my head underwater.

Kahli spun me in his lap so that I was straddling him. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his face. "It's okay baby, I will make him go away I promise just focus on me." I looked at him and tried to focus on him and my breathing.

I slowly got my breathing back and Kahli noticed and pulled me closer to his chest. He leaned over and grabbed his phone.

He was texting for a few minutes before putting his phone down and looking down at me. I gave him a small smile and he sighed.

He closed his eyes and leaned back while positioning my body on top of his. Times seemed to move really slowly as I just soaked up all of this time with him.

I looked up at him to see him already looking at me. "Kiss me?" He spoke in a horse voice and it made my stomach fill with butterflies.

We both leaned in and I closed my eyes while connecting our lips. His hand went to my waist and mine went to his hair. I pulled on his bottom lip and he groaned.

He slid a hand to my butt and lightly smacked it making me gasp into his mouth. He took my moment of vulnerability and slid his tongue into my mouth.

I moaned as his tongue explore my mouth, his hand began to knead my butt and I arched my back at the wonderful feeling.

He pulled away and moved to my ear, he whispered making me turn into a river. "You are my pretty girl, yes?" I brew out a breath and tried to slow down my heartbeat.

I moved up to whisper into his ear. "Only if you are my handsome man?" His grip on my butt tightened and I felt his dick poke my thigh.

I pulled away and kissed his cheek. I looked over to my side table and almost died.

4:46 pm

I shot up out of bed and ran to my closet. I heard Kahli get up as I continued to grab my clothes. I turned around to see him leaning on my closet door.

I tried to push past him but he wouldn't budge. "Babe move! I have work." He looked down at me with a small smile and slowly moved out of the way.

After I threw on a baggy black shirt and some black skinny jeans on I left the bathroom to see Kahli standing by my door.

I walked over to him and he grabbed my hand. He handed me my phone while we were walking downstairs and I smiled at him thankfully.

He lead me to his car and opened the door for me. I kept looking at the time silently praying that it would be okay.

Once we got to the library I almost jumped out of the car if it wasn't for Kahli stopping me. I turned around and he nodded to the seat.

I took the silent command and sat back down. He leaned over and I thought he was going to kiss me but no, he grabbed my waistband and pulled me over and onto his lap.

I rolled my eyes and I felt a light slap on my thigh. I looked down to see him glaring at me. When he spoke he started to lightly rub my thigh. "Stop with the attitude okay? Look you have eight minutes left till your shift starts, you are fine." I took a deep breath and slowly let it go.

He cupped my cheek and I leaned into the warmth. I closed my eyes and I felt soft lips on mine.

When we kissed this time it was filled with tenderness and softness. I moved my lips with his as he moved his hand to rest on my neck.

I pulled away for air and smiled at him. I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me. I pointed to the old library behind me and he nodded.

I tried to move but he wrapped his arms around my waist. He put his head on my chest and I felt his body relax. "Babe, I gotta go." He lifted his head and nodded.

I felt bad so I gave him one last kiss on the cheek and opened the door. Before I closed the door I heard him whisper. "Se agapó" I thought nothing of it as I walked away from the car.

I unlocked the door and walked into the old little library. I signed in and quickly took out my new book called 'Pride and Prejudice' I was only on page ten but it was really good.

I heard the bell ring and I looked up and saw Dominic. He looked at me and smiled. "Hey! I knew you would be here...look I need some me time and I was wondering if you wanna have like a girl slash guy night out? We can do it tomorrow?" I thought for a few minutes.

I was quietly thinking as Dominic looked at me with almost pleading eyes. "Yeah, why not? What time?" He smiled and told me all the details.


I sighed while wiping down the last book self of the day. "He swept her in his arms as she laughed into the loud open air." I was reading a random romance book that I found and it was really good so I decided to check it out.

I heard the door open so I grabbed the rag I was using and my book and walked to the front desk.

I looked around and saw Tyler sitting at the almost famous bench. He looked up and smiled at me but when I looked into his eyes I thought I saw hurt or pain.

I sat down next to him and he sighed while turning to me. "I think I fucked up..." I turned and looked at him with confusion clear on my face.

He sighed and put his head in his hands, I saw how distraught he was so I put a hand on his shoulder. "What happened?" I asked while rubbing his shoulder.

He looked up at me and I saw small tears in his eyes. "I think I...I think I cheated on Amirah.." I felt anger rise in me as I took my hand off of his shoulder.

I stood up and he just looked down. "Tyler we might be friends but Amirah is my sister. I will tell her about this if you don't explain." I can't believe he would tell her SISTER that he cheated on her.

He shook his head and then slowly lifted it to face me. "I was out...at a club and this girl got me a drink and I decided just fuck it because...well, it was a free drink. But when I walked away I started to feel dizzy and everything just felt weird and then the next thing I remember is waking up next to the same girl that got me a drink." I tried to listen to each word carefully, making sure not to miss anything.

I tried to piece things together in my head and when I did I sank to my knees in front of him. He looked at me with fear and concern and instantly picked me up.

I sat on the bench in shock as he pulled out his phone. I saw Kahlis's name on the screen and I took his phone and hung up. I tried to find the words but couldn't.

He tapped my shoulder and I just jumped on him and hugged him. "Tyler...do you think it's possible that she could have done things to you?" He pulled me away and looked at me with disbelief.

He started to shake his head and then looked away. "Oh my...Athena, how..how do I tell Amirah? I was raped by a woman!" He cried into my shoulder and I rubbed his back.

I rocked us back and forth and then pulled away. "If you feel okay with it, tell her. She won't be mad..at you that is. And that was not a woman that was a useless waste of air Ty." I picked up his hand and gave him a kiss on his palm.

Friends forever...through everything.

He sighed and nodded while letting tears fall. "Thank you, Thena...I didn't even look at it that way." I shook my head and hugged him before getting up.

After a few minutes, he got up and smiled at me. "Thank you, Thena...and by the way I texted Kahli, he's out front." I smiled and nodded as he walked away.

I grabbed my things and clocked out. I was closing the back door when I felt something hit my foot. I looked down and saw a little note.

I picked it up and put it in my pocket, mentally reminding myself to read it later.

I walked out of the library and saw Kahli sitting by the passenger door with a toothpick hanging between his soft pink lips. I felt my stomach do flips at how attractive he looked.

I wondered what it would be like to be drop-dead gorgeous...would I have people at my feet? Would I have to hide my face everywhere I went? I wondered as I walked over to my drop-dead handsome boyfriend.

He opened his arms and bent his neck down, I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt his hands cage me in by holding my waist and pulling me impossibly close to his chest.

After a few minutes I pulled away and he opened my door. While we were driving I was reading my book as Kahli had his hand on my thigh.

When I saw my house I closed my book and put it in my bag. Once he stopped the car I leaned over and kissed him. He was really quiet but I thought he was just busy.

He moved his lips with mine and I took a deep breath when he lightly pulled my bottom lips between his lips.

I moved back to get air into my lungs and he cupped my cheek. "Athena..goddess...I am in love with you." All the air I got back was now gone.

I didn't know what to say I was frozen in my seat. He leaned over the seat and kissed my forehead. "You don't have to say it back. But just know that I will always love you. I loved you from the moment I saw you I was just too stubborn to see." I smiled and he did as well showing off his dimple.

I grabbed my bag and slowly opened the door. As I was walking to the front door I couldn't help but think...

How did I get so lucky? I wonder if he is okay? I have never had someone say I love you before. Like yeah, Amirah and my dad but never a boyfriend!

I closed my bedroom door and hopped onto my bed. I sat there, face down on my pillow just thinking.

I sat up and decided to pull the note out of my back pocket...oh how I wish I hadn't done that...

I read the note and covered my mouth trying to muffle the scream that I wanted to release. I looked down and read the note again.

Hello, my sweet Athena...Your dad was quite overprotective of you. Too bad daddy isn't here to save you now huh? You played fire now you will get the burn.

-See you soon.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Who do you think the person is?! Who sent that note...will she be next?- love the author. Word count: 3587

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