Son of a Lord

By JudeT56

108K 3.8K 881

"I will take the very one that was meant to destroy me, who was prophesized to be my doom. I will take him an... More

Chapter one: Halloween Night
Two Meetings
The Murder
She Knows
The Meeting
Theo, meet Harry
The Sorting
Friends, enemies, and ferrets
"I miss killing people."
Snakes, Potters, and Potions
The Duel
"I'm a genius, did you know?"
Severus Snape
Such a Good Boy
Dark Magic
"I'm going to help you, little brother."
An intervention: Sirius Black
Lily's request
Suspicious James
Tom Riddle's good news
A Betrayal

The Hogwarts Express

3.7K 140 21
By JudeT56

The cover story was laughable to say the least.

Harry was James' long lost cousin who had mysteriously appeared in the summer.


No one in their right mind would believe it. But Harry supposed that no one in Hogwarts was anywhere near their right minds.

The past few days had been hell to say the least. Harry hadn't been let out of his room at all ever since he and Theo had their run in. He felt empty without his wand, as though he was missing an arm. His knives were gone as well, and with no books in his room, there was nothing at all to do.

He had heard the Potters arguing more than once. The high pitched voice of Lily screaming at James. She wanted to see Harry, but James was worried she might get hurt. Harry always laughed when James made that point.

Harry wouldn't hurt Lily, he may be a murderer, but he wasn't for killing innocents. And besides, if he was to kill one person in that house it would be James. Because although the man hadn't specifically done anything, god he got on Harry's nerves.

September first came soon, and Harry realised that he might have been taking the past peaceful weeks for granted.

Moody and James burst into his room at the crack of dawn. Harry had been awake of course, he never slept in this place.

"Get up boy," Moody said gruffly.

Harry sighed, "If I'm not mistaken, the Hogwarts Express leaves at eleven."

"We need to get there early," James said, "to miss the rush."

Harry laughed and stood up, noticing the way Moody's hand twitched towards his wand. "We'd better get going then. Merlin forbid anyone seeing me, it's not like I'll be at Hogwarts for the entire year."

James shifted uncomfortably, "Harry please try to understand, everything we're doing is for your own good."

Harry glared at him, "If you're so concerned about my well-being, then send me back to my father."

Harry smirked as James flinched at the word, before clenching his fist.

"You will not be going back to that- that monster and that's that." James said sternly, his voice trembling, "You will go to Hogwarts and you will be safe."

"I was safe before!" Harry exclaimed. 

Moody really did pull his wand out this time, pointing it at Harry. 

"Careful boy," Moody growled. "You might have been safe, but the people you were murdering weren't."

Harry raised a brow, "Really?" 

Moody snarled and stepped forward, stopped only by James who put a stern hand on the man's arm. 

"Knock it off, the both of you," James said, "We need to get going." 

And so, with no luggage to speak of, no wand, no clothes, Harry, Moody and James apparated to King's Cross station with a 'pop'. 


Having never been to Platform nine and three quarters  before, Harry supposed he was supposed to be a little excited. 


It was too quiet. 

The sun had just begun to rise and the platform was empty. Harry should be used to the silence. It was his life after all. Sneaking around as quiet as a shadow. But this emptiness spoke of something worse to come. 

Places like train stations should never be empty, Harry thought, his shoulder bumping into James and Moody's, they were too damn depressing. 

The Hogwarts express fit Draco's description perfectly, Harry had sat many a time listening to Draco chatter on about Hogwarts but- 


Draco fucking Malfoy. 

Draco Malfoy who attended Hogwarts. 

Draco Malfoy who's father was one of Voldemort's most trusted. 

Harry was saved. 

He only needed to find Draco and send a message to Lucius. Harry's father would break into Hogwarts with ease once he knew where Harry was. 

With a renewed sense of hope, and a devilish spring in his step, Harry saw the station in a whole new light. Hogwarts was a chance, it was hope, it was a way to get home. 

They stepped onto the empty train and entered a carriage. Harry sat opposite the two men, both of whom looked exhausted. 

"Thanks for coming with us Alastor," James said at last, "You can go home, I've got it from here." 

Moody glared at Harry before nodding and stepping out of the compartment. 

Harry sighed and watched him leave, "Bundle of joy that one." 

When he turned back, he saw James holding out a wand. Harry's wand. Harry snatched it up and held it close, realising something was wrong immediately. The wood felt cold, and its usual spark was missing. It felt hollow. 

"What have you done with it?" Harry asked dangerously. 

"Just a few blocks on certain spells. It's not that I don't trust you it's just that..." 

"You don't trust me," Harry finished, "I understand Potter." 

Harry lounged back on the seat as though it was a throne, twirling the wand in his fingers.

"You can leave now Potter, I'm sure there are many carriages in this train." 

James opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off. 

"What do expect me to do with this wand?" Harry asked, "Jelly legs jinx someone to death?" 

James glared at Harry before sighing and leaving the compartment silently. Once he left, Harry smiled. He didn't need a wand to kill someone, he didn't need much of anything to kill someone. But all he needed now was time to think. To plan. 


By the time ten thirty came around, Harry was startled by the sounds of hundreds of voices outside the train. Cursing himself for falling asleep, he peeked out of the window to see the station crawling with children and parents alike. All carrying large amounts of luggage and looking around in wonder. Harry snorted in disgust and crossed his arms. 

Before too long, students began to board the train. Clumps of them came in separately, clearly in their friendship groups. At one point, a group of giggling girls stumbled into Harry's compartment, but swiftly left after Harry glared at them. 

"Watch it mudblood," someone spat from outside. 

Harry leapt up, recognising the voice anywhere. He threw open the door and ran into Draco Malfoy. Draco pushed him off, not recognising Harry. 

"Watch it!" the blond exclaimed, stopping short when Harry lifted his head. 

Draco's eyes went wide and he seemed at a loss for words. 

"Harry," he whispered, before being dragged into Harry's compartment roughly. 

The boys stared at each other for a moment, before embracing in a suffocating hug. 

"I've never been so happy to see your stupid pointy face Draco," Harry said, his voice muffled by Draco's stupid suit jacket. 

Draco pulled away, "Where the fuck have you been Harry?" he asked, not letting go of his arm as though Harry might disappear. 

"Where have I been?" Harry asked, laughing, "I've been with James fucking Potter trapped in his shithole of a home for the past weeks."

"Potter?" Draco said, "As in your real fathe-" 

"Do not say it Malfoy, I'm warning you." 

Draco put his hands up in mock surrender. "Did they hurt you?" he asked. 

Harry laughed, "Apart from almost killing me when I had my mask on."

Draco gasped, opening his mouth to speak. 

"My father will hear about this," Harry interrupted, mocking Draco's posh accent, "I know, I know." He sighed, "They found out about the blood adoption as well." 

"What!?" Draco exclaimed, "But that could give them grounds to have you executed!" 

Harry glared at him, "I'm not dead yet am I? They think sending me here will turn me against father." 

Draco laughed, "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

"We need to get a message to my father," Harry said, sitting down. 

Draco sat as well, running a hand through his hair, "I agree, but not now. We can do it once we get to Hogwarts." 

Harry sighed and dropped his face into his hands. 

"Come on Potter, this may be fun. You can finally meet Pansy and Blaise, and you better be in Slytherin." 

Harry groaned. 


Guess who's baaaaack 

(It's me. I'm back. Obviously) 

I feel like I haven't updated for ages. I actually had to go back and read the entire story again to remember it. 

I hope this is enough to keep you happy for a bit. Next chapter will be the sorting and we'll meet Blaise and Pansy (our queen) 

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