The Alphas 'princess'

By AshleyBlackmoore

133K 3.8K 327

Aurora Rose King had finally graduated high school at age 18. Now her grandparents, her legal guardians for t... More

Chapter 1: Moving
Chapter 2: Luke Clayton
Chapter 4: Cousins and Learning
Chapter 5: New Pants and mood swings
Chapter 6: Childhood Friends
Chapter 7: Questions
Chapter 8: The Door
Chapter 9: The Beginning
Chapter 10: Fun with the SAT Phone
Chapter 11: Not Yet
Chapter 12: Thirteen hours earlier
Chapter 13: Date?

Chapter 3: Kill it

14.8K 431 53
By AshleyBlackmoore

Auroras eyes opened slowly. Her head felt heavy and was pretty tender on the back. Squinting up at the ceiling through the bright morning sunlight made her head hurt for a bit before her eyes adjusted.

"Where am I?" She croaked wracking her brains for an explanation however said explanation happened to walk out of a door near her wrapped in only a towel.

His muscular built body showed off completely. His muscled shoulders, his hairless chest all the way down to his ripping eight pack and tantalizing v of his hip bones. Oh god that towel was low on his gorgeous body, and his damp brown hair the way he ran a hand through it to push the messy long bits on top out of his face made her feel odd inside.

However as his eyes glanced towards her she finally came crashing back to earth.

With a squeak she was up and had kicked the covers away from her.

"You're awake" he looked so relieved a warm look in his eyes as he paced towards her.

"Wha-what are you doing!" She yelled before bolting out of the bed to get away from him.

"Im glad to see you're feeling okay. But don't press yourself I don't want you to get injured." He said sitting on the bed she had just been in.

"Why am I here? Why are you here? Where am I? Where's Nan-"

"One question at a time." he said with a amused but tired look.

"Where am I?" She demanded searching for an object near by to defend herself with. "And what have you done with me?"

"That's two questions princess." He reminded her however seeing her scowl and the way she had her back pressed to a wall he figured hed let it slide.

"Fine, you are home." he stated simply. "And I havent done anything to you...yet."

He couldnt help but tease her the way she blanched before glaring at him her cheeks flushed with color was just too cute.

"This is NOT my home!" her snapping comment made him bristle most people didnt dare talk to him the way she did however after what she had been through he let it slide.

"This IS your home now. Youre home is with me." he replied trying to keep his anger out of his voice.

"No! My home is with my family! With Nanny and Pappy and Phillip!" she was getting emotional again as her eyes darted around the room for an exit. "Not with some half naked wolf man!"

Wolf man really?

"Youre home princess is with me now whether or not you like it thats how this works." he growled, never thought hed be jealous over someones grandparents and little brother.

"No it doesn't! I don't want anything to do with this! I don't want this I don't want a monster! Let me go home!" she darted for the door but he beat her there his hand slamming against it holding it shut just as her fingers seized the handle.

"Like it or not Aurora you are mine." He growled his large naked torso brushing against her back his lips snarling in her ear. She shuddered involuntarily a blush rushing across her face. "Try as you might there is no way I'm letting you leave me."

For a minute she seemed to move into his chest seeking his touch before a look of panic and confusion crossed her face and she spun around trying to shove him away.

"St-stop let me go!" she sobbed tears on her face once again as she shoved and pushed at his bare chest. His instinct was thrilled at the feeling of her hands touched his skin but his heart was squeezing tight at the frightened expression on her face and the tears brimming in her blue eyes.

"Princess please dont cry." he sighed "I promised I'm not going to hurt you, I'll protect you I promise I'll never hurt you." His hand brushed her cheek.

"Then l-let me g-go." she stumbled.

"Never." he growled making her immediately flinch away from him. He tried to withhold the frustrated and possesive snarl rising to his lips as he sighed. "What will it take for you to stop crying princess what can I do?"

"Let me go."

"Not happening." he growled she scowled through her tears and for a minute they just glared at each other before she hesitated and tried to look anywhere but him a blush surfacing on her cheeks.

"S-space." she stuttered in a quiet voice.


"Space-and put on some clothes!" she was red faced but she her tears were slowing and she had regained some of her backbone it seemed.

Realization dawned on him as her eyes scanned over his strong muscled torso and shoulders before quickly looking away from the spot his towel was covering. He almost chuckled at her bashfullness but then again, "You wont try to escape."

"I-"She looked into his glaring eyes before seeming to give in and despite the fact she still looked terrified she nodded. "I promise not to try to escape," trusting the words of his mate he began to move away before she added on. "Until after you explain." He growled and slammed his hands on the door behind her this however frightened her and with a squeal she ducked under his arm and darted across the room. Before he could stop her she had slammed the wooden door of the closet closed behind herself and locked it from the inside.

He stormed towards it.

"Come out of there Aurora!"

"No! Not until you calm down and put on clothes!" she yelled her voice was strong but quivered with her fear and tears.

"Aurora-" however hearing her move away from the door at his angry voice he growled quietly and ran a hand through his damp hair glaring at the door. "If I put on clothes you'll come out? And listen to me?"

"Only if you put on clothes and calm down!" calming down was definitely going to be hard when she kept frustrating and enraging him like this. His werewolf instincts told him to break down the door and demand the respect he was due as a alpha and a mate. However this would only terrify her more. With a sigh and gritted teeth he decided it would be better to get her out of the closet willingly especially since she promised to listen.

"You wont run?" he demanded.

"I'll let you talk then afterwards I'll decide what I'll do." she called back through the door.

"Fine open the door." he ordered.

"No! Not until youre dressed I'm not coming out until then!" she yelled back making him sigh and grit his teeth as he stomped to the door.

"Since your not going to come out until Im dressed would you kindly hand me a shirt, you can slid it through but I can't do what you want unless you give me the shirt." He sounded like he was trying desperately to be patient with her.

He could practically hear the gears in her head turning as she decided whether or not to trust him. Finally he heard her nervous and s=hesitant foot steps coming close to the door. Inside Aurora searched the rack nearest the door which is where his dresser was, luckily she had found the lightswitch for the walk in closet.

"D-do-do you need anything else?" she asked.

"Well princess what do you say is necessary for one to be considered dressed?" he asked trying to tease despite still being tempted to knock down the door.

Blushing and scowling at the same time, she closed her eyes as she reached into his top drawer before realizing what she felt wasn't boxers but boxer briefs, trying to ignore the image of the god out side the door wearing the black underwear and hurriedly yanked out his shirt drawer.

"Princess?" he was losing his patience and she could tell by the tone of his voice.

"Give me a moment unless you don't want to match!" she may be scared of him or what he was and his attitude but growing up with a little brother she couldn't help but choose clothes that would match and look good.

This actually soothed his raging beast a bit. The fact that she cared enough not to just grab and toss them at him, made his ego and tender feelings toward her bloom.

As he was grinning smugly the door opened the tiniest bit and her hand snapped out holding them out towards him her one visible eye in the crack watching him warily. He took the clothes carefully from her so as not to spook her however it didnt matter the minute his hand touched the clothes she let go and the door snapped closed.

"T-tell me when youre done!"

Rolling his eyes and feeling a bit more amused than annoyed he shook his head slipping on the clothes with ease. Surprisingly she had chosen well. A pair of black jeans with a white v neck fitted shirt the sleeve he rolled up to above his elbows. He was surprised she had actually chose a pair of underwear for him and he actually snorted before chuckling. "Thank you princess going commando in jeans is very unconfortable." He could practically feel the shame and embarrassment radiating from the closed closet as she stuttered an angry shut up!

"Alright I'm done." it didnt surprise him when he heard her footsteps pause at the door.

"Youre dressed? Like really dressed?" she checked making him roll his eyes again.

"Open the door and find out."

"Not until your dressed!" His patience ran out and seizing the handle he yanked the door open taking her by surprise. She had forgotten to look the door again after giving him his clothes.

He glowered at her as she looked him over before swallowing. "O-okay g-good. I'll listen."


His explanation of what an alpha was, that the two wolves he saved her from had been rogues not members of his pack and had gone insane without their pack, he explained everything including how her father and mother had once been the beta and third in command of his fathers pack before they left. He skirted around why her parents had left but he admitted he wasnt sure of the details himself as he had only been eight at the time and hadnt shifted until shortly after they left.

"And mates?" she asked keeping her distance from where he was sitting on the bed.

"Well Princess what do you think mate means?" he asked.

"Well the stories said a mate was a soul mate their destined person. But..." she hesitated looking at him with a troubled expression her fear gone.


"People who are destined to be together wouldnt try kidnapping the other person." he grimaced at her words before scowling.

"I havent kidnapped you Princess."

"Yes you have." she rebutted arms crossed under her chest.

"No I havent." he argued his scowl deepening.

"Yes you have."

"No I havent."

"Yes you-"

"You sound like a kid! If I was going to kidnap you Aurora I wouldnt tell your family or let them come see you." he growled glaring at her. "And I wouldnt put up with your crazy ass mood swings or youre behavior up until now, now would I?"

Aurora scowled "My mood swings? You-" but she bit her tongue noticing the fact his eyes were still a dark shade. "Fine but i you havent kidnapped me-"

"How many times-"

"Dont you growl at me!" she interrupted his angry growl with a scowl despite the fact her hands were shaking from nervous fear.

He gritted his teeth seething before taking deep calming breaths.

"Fine, you think I've kidnapped you. Here call your grandmother see what she says on the matter. But make no mistake I'm not going to let you leave me princess thats a promise." He chucked a phone at her feet before storming angrily to the bedroom doors.

"Where are you going?" she demanded.

"I'll be in the hall waiting. Don't even think of trying to escape, I'll wait for you to finish with your grandmother!" and with that he slammed the large heavy wooden doors of the master bedroom shut behind him.

After a moment waiting for him to burst back in she snatched up the phone before rushing to the bedroom window. Like hell she wasnt going to try to escape! However the minute she looked out she realized there was no way she was climbing down. She was three or four stories up off the ground with no tree within ten yards of the house.

Aurora's POV

Running into the bathroom instead I decided to call Nan. After locking the door I moved over to sit on the edge of a huge jacuzzi bathtub big enough for three Luke's. My heart pounded in my chest as I dialed with trembling fingers.

"Come on come o-"

"Hello?" she had picked up on the first ring.

"N-nan!" Immediately my voice choked up.

"Oh Aurora! Baby doll oh are you alright Luke told us you were hurt! Did they-"

"I-I'm okay. Nan but h-help Luke he-hes crazy he says I'm living here now and he wont let me leave. Please Nan you gotta-you gotta help me! Please!" tears were welling in my eyes as I whispered as best I could to her.

"What? Of course your living with him he's your mate." she sounded perplexed "Didnt he explain that to you?"

My heart froze. "Wh-what?" I croaked.

"Aurora Luke's your mate of course you can't be parted from him especially so soon, you'd both go mad. SBaby girl tell me you havent been fighting him! Oh god do you know how crazy he must be going? Sweet heart mates are bonded from the minute you meet." she sighed as though this made her agitated and exasperated.


"No buts! Now you listen here missy. When a wolf especially someone as strong as an alpha like Luke finds their mate they instantly become crazy protective and obsessive over them. They can't help it, its instinct you'll feel it to although maybe not as extreme as you havent shifted nor are you male. but-"


"No missy you listen here and you listen good or so help me god I will come and drag you back to him myself! Luke is going to be very possesive about you and need to keep you near him all the time. Its his instincts to protect you and its because mates need each other, its unnatural not to mention incredible insane to try to seperate two mates. Look I get this is a lot for you but youre a big girl now Aurora. So toughen up and get your silly pride and fear out of the way right now."

I wanted to argue but I knew Nan was partially right, even though my brain screamed run away my heart actually was getting a kick out of just being near Luke, now that I was calming down the idea of leaving him troubled me, my heart ached and I felt depressed.

"Nan I-I'm scared. I dont get whats going on. He-he kidnapped-"

"In your eyes he may have kidnapped you yes, and I admit there were better ways he could have handled this. But you also have to remember he just found his soul mate and she ran away from him before almost getting herself killed. Anyone even a human boyfriend would go crazy after that. He needs to be with you, see that youre okay and be able to protect you just let him do it." sighed Nan sounding tired and angry at me for the almost getting killed part. "I'm not telling you to jump into his arms and marry him. I'm telling you to toughen up and just try to understand and see how things go and stop listening to your head. Youve got a good heart in your chest Aurora I've seen it myself the way you handled your parents death with Phillip. So I'm going to say to you what I did then, give him a chance and try to see past your fear okay? Promise me you'll at least give it a month? No actually you have to give it a month thats an order!"

I had been calming down until she said that. "A-A month!"

"Yes! Live with him for a month that means no running away or hiding, you have to communicate with him and look past and actually try! Thats an order missy! Now I love you but I have got to go handle your brother. You listen to what Ive said Aurora and you listen good." she had her fiercest most firm voice and before I could choke out a protest I heard her yelling. "PHILLIP YOU STOP THIS NONESENSE RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME GOD-"

And then the line went dead.

A month? A whole entire month? Was nan insane? Was I insane was the better question. However as I feared fretted and cried over this my eyes landed on the thing I hated and feared most in the world.

I screamed, and screamed at the top of my lungs leaping across the room as I screamed in fear crying for the millionth time as my mind went blank of anything else except getting away. I yanked open the door to the bathroom before crashing into a hard something. Dammit I climbed that thing like a tree crying and screaming as I scrabbled and pulled at black cloth before hiding in its warm muscled side.

"KILL IT! KILL IT!" Tears streamed down my face as I yanked and clung onto Lukes side burying my face in his chest only to look back at the bathroom.

"What? WHat?" he demanded Shoving me behind him crouching in defence before me his eyes searching. Before I could answer the large horribly fuzzy creature skuttled from the bathroom and I shrieked in fear and clutched at his thick strong bicep.

"Wha-" it skuttled towards us I swear I almost died crying hysterically and yanking at him.


Hello everyone its me again:))) I hope you liked this chapter more I promise she wont be such a cry baby after this I SWEAR!!! lol I hope you still enjoyed it. Please comment I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)

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