Marvel/AOS One-Shots

By shersmultifandom

1.7K 75 5

A series of Agents of SHIELD and Marvel one-shots about your favourite characters! I also write canon and non... More

âž° DAISY - Inhuman âž°
âž° THOR - Soulmate âž°
âž° PETER 1 - Gauntlet âž°
âž° SKIMMONS - Caught âž°
âž° MAY - The Threat âž°
âž° JEMMA - Perfect Gift âž°
âž° Fitzward - Purrrrr âž°
âž° AOS TEAM - Monkey âž°
âž° WARD - Vault D âž°
âž° DEKE - Tour âž°
âž° Skimmons/Fitzward âž°
âž° SKYE - Storm âž°
âž° FITZ - Is This Love âž°

âž° DAISY- Boost âž°

134 12 0
By shersmultifandom

A/n: This is a little short, but great if you need a confidence boost! 💕

I stare at my girlfriend in absolute awe. I honestly don't know how I got so lucky. Me, a level two SHIELD agent who Phil Coulson asked to re-join shield, with her?!

She's one of the top ranked agents, has the most incredible superpowers, is fun, smart, insanely beautiful, and so much more.

It's like those cheesy romance movies where the socially awkward, quiet girl ends up with the super popular/attractive jock.

'The jock' is the woman of my dreams.

However, I don't think her mother figure, Melinda May, agrees. I think she expected more from me, which is understandable.

I'm not the top fighter or scientist, but I'm decent at all of the necessities which has allowed me to stay alive.

I've been training with Daisy, along with studying to become a field medic, which Simmons has been helping me out with.

"Hey babe, whatcha thinking about?"

She caught me staring, again.

"Just life, and the test I have tomorrow," I smile back at her, and realize for the fifth time today how lucky I am. Her grin alone is making my insides burst, in a good way.

"I know you're going to ace it. Jemma says you did well on the practice quizzes, and the models you've been working on."

"Yeah, well maybe once I can save lives it will make up for everything else." I break eye contact for just a second. She notices.

"Ronnie, what do you mean by 'make up for everything?'" She asks worriedly.

"I'm the worst fighter on my team, I don't have a high IQ, I can't hack into enemy firewalls, and I don't have cool powers. I'm just me, which isn't always good enough."

"Hey, don't say that!" She says in a raised voice, but yet with an affectionate tone.

Tears threaten to come out, but I can't let them. I'm weak already enough without them, I don't need to prove that anymore than I have. I stare at the ceiling.

"You are a great agent, and an even more amazing person! Coulson picked you to be here for a reason-" I cut her off.

"Coulson didn't pick me Dais, I was his only option. There's barely a handful of agents willing to come back to SHIELD, it's not like he could turn me down!"

"No, I refuse to believe that. I've seen his office Ron. There are many more people who he thinks would come back, yet you were one of the first people brought here. Do you think that's just some coincidence?"

"Honestly? Yeah, I do. I live just over three hours away from the base! Recruiting me would barely take any effort at all!"

"You can't be serious right now. Other than Jemma, I've never met anyone with a more open, easy attitude than you!"

"That's me, always second place."

"No. You're not. Tomorrow you'll be the only member of your team with medical under your belt. You also write the best mission report out of anyone I've ever seen."

"You think so?" I question, unable to stay mad at the love of my life.

"I know so. May does too. Just yesterday she was telling me about how you were the only one doing those extra reps. Honestly, I think she's pretty impressed by you."

"Melinda May. Impressed. By me?"

She nods and I can't even believe it.

My girlfriend laughs and pulls me in for a hug. Her signature move when she's making me feel better- it works every time.

"Thanks babe, I really needed that."

She smiles. "Any time."

Vote for more Daisy one-shots! ⭐️

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