Scandalous Spotlight

By HP0207

13.7K 1.7K 1.1K

"Knights".!! The famous Boy Band of India.! Consisting of 7 members.! 1 lyricist 2 rappers 4 vocals Out of a... More

The Girl....!
She is different!
Assistant Manager's Approval!
The Interview!
My worst Nightmare!
The Past..
Healthy Flirting!
Best friend who???
You WHAT.???
What did she say?
Cold Hearted Writer!
Rumor Or Reality?
Down the hill..
You & I...
Happy Endings

Can't Fall!!

502 75 45
By HP0207

Avneet's POV

(He still didn't let go off the hug.!! But I can feel he is much calmer than before.!! Aahh my poor heart.! What kind of weird feeling is this.?? Why my heart broke when I saw him like this.?? We are...... just........... friends right.??? ........
Yup.!! We are JUST FRIENDS.!!!!
That's why I couldn't see him like this.....
Exactly..... that's what friends are for.......
(I convinced myself thoroughly..... little did I know that my heart has already been onto a deep path that I never wanted it to follow from the start.!!!)

(Before my heart starts to beat fast thinking about some nonsense things I need to break this hug.... God why am I letting myself into such thing.....
No.... NO.!!! I won't let it happen...... This is just friends things.... That's it.!!!)

Avneet: Siddharth......(I lightly shook him....)

SN: Hmm.???

(Gawd c'mon get the hint.... Let go off me...!! He should be the last person that could affect me like this..... Why.?????)

Avneet: Umm..... You feeling better.??

SN: Thanks to you.......

Avneet: O..Okay.....(I slowly unwrapped my arms to give him an obvious hint..... but he stopped me midway....)

SN: Don't........ Can we stay like this for few more minutes...!?? Your smell......(he then nuzzled more by my neck..... Ahh.... Why are you doing this to me Siddharth.??? Why making it hard for me.????)

Lavender right.????  you smell good..... And this smell is helping me to calm down.!!!!

(He spoke this still staying in that position..... Lord have mercy on me...!!! I have been in relationships before and never have I ever felt this with any of them.!! Jesus Christ.! What have I done that you are making it harder for me to resist this guy.!!!!)

(After couple of minutes he broke the hug and looked back straight to the ocean and I exhaled in relief.... I felt like I stopped breathing for those couple of minutes.!!! God my cheeks are burning.!!! Why out of anyone my cheeks decided to blush here in front of him..!!!! What is wrong with you God.? Why you playing dirty with me.?)

(I noticed I was literally looking up at the sky when I was complaining to the God.!!! Shit Neet hide your face before The Great SN notices it or else he will get another reason to tease me.!!!

I just stood up and turned.... I feel like noticing me standing up abruptly he as well stood up....)

SN: What happened.? You good.?
(Aahhh don't mention it mister about what happened.??? I don't wanna get started with it....)

Avneet: Umm.... Let's head back.?

SN: Hmm..... Thanks by the way....
(Funny.!! He always says thanks when I am back facing him.....)

Avneet: It's okay.! I am glad you are feeling better.!!

SN: I am telling you.! It's you.! That's why I need you with me.! You never know when I will need you.! Just like today... you were not meant to come.! I insisted and you came and see..... You were the one again to help me out.... Hmm..... I believe I have a great connection with God.! He always gives me great 1st instinct.! He is in my favor..!

(Of course He is.!!! That's why He is doing this with me.!!! God seriously..... You chose him over me.???? He is Your favorite.??? I swear I am a good girl.!!! I didn't knew I was looking back up at the sky again while complaining to God and unknowingly made a pout.!!)

(Suddenly I heard a chuckle....)

SN: Complaining to God.???

(My eyes widened as I turned to look at him.)
(And looking at my expressions he understood that he was right... Damn my facial expressions.! Why can't I control them.?? )

BINGO.!!!  (He exclaimed.!!!)

Avneet: Wha...... N...No.!!! I was not complaining.!!!

SN: Lair...... Then what were you doing looking up straight to the sky.??? Calming down yourself.??

Avneet: Eh.??? Why would I need to calm down.??

SN: The one and only reason I can say is The Siddharth Nigam.!!! (He said wiggling his eyebrows.... Oh you.!!!)

Avneet: Too full of yourself mister... Now c'mon let's head back...  You guys need to start prepping for your 3-day concerts in Indore.!!

SN: Damn.!! This time we will have concerts 3 days in a row that too back to back without any break... Boys will get  exhausted.!!! We need to make sure we take extra of everything...

Avneet: Extra.?? Of what.???

SN: Oh ya.!! It will be your first concert with us that you will be with us behind the scenes... you will see what I m talking about....
Anyways... wanna eat ice cream on the way back...?? My treat...

Avneet: Huh.??? Are you serious right now.??

(What is this man.? Like in last 5 minutes..... he was a flirt then he switched to leader mode then he switched to being Siddharth.!!! How can someone have so many personalities switch.??? )

SN: Do I look like I am joking.? C'mon Avneet.... You helped me twice... at least I can treat you once.?

(He asked putting both his hands in pockets and raising his eyebrows by making a cute pout.!!! Wait WHAT.??? Goodness gracious lord.!!! Why is he doing this.??? How the fuck am I going to keep straight face when he goes on doing such things around me...??? The amount of will power it is taking from me to not react to this cute Sid.!!! Aaarrrgghh.! Stop stop stop.!!! I can't go on that track..... No..! Not with him.... But why is he being like this.? He was so cold and arrogant and bossy in the beginning.... Is this the real SN..? The only side of SN that the group is aware of.?? Or is he creating an illusion.?? God this is driving me insane.!)

SN: Girl..! You are taking way to long to answer such a simple question.!! It's not that I am asking you out for a date.!! (He said with his signature smirk and a wink....)

(Say what now.?? He had to say this? I hate it when he starts to flirt.! God why isn't he dating someone? Atleast I would be at ease.! Wait him with someone else.!!! Do I want that.??? Shit no no no no..... What the hell am I thinking.???)

SN: You know what..... Let's go.... I am waiting here for your simple yes for past 15 minutes just for an ice cream.!! Geez.! Get in the car....

Avneet: Who said I said yes.!? (The audacity this man has...)

SN: I know you have a sweet tooth Neet.... Plus who will miss a chance to have an ice cream with SN of The Knights.!!! (He said dramatically... while opening the passenger side door for me....)

(Succha drama.!!! Wait what.??? Did he just....
I quickly sat in the car and asked him...)

Avneet: What did you just called me.???

(His eyes widened for a second but was replaced by poker face again....)

SN: Avneet.!! That's what your name is so what else do you think I would call you.??

( I am so sure he called me "Neet" he is suchha Jerk.! He knows I can't  counter question him on that.!!!! Better just calm down and go and enjoy the ice cream.! Contrary to my expectations..... the drive was quite long.!!! Where the heck is he taking me.??  After half an hour more he finally stopped the car and asking me to stay in the car walked out..... umm... excuse me.! Rude.! Atleast he could have asked me what flavor ice cream I want.!!! Jerk.!)

(To kill the time I opened my phone and out of habit opened Instagram.!!! And was met with numerous pictures of me and SN together getting out of the parking lot of the shoot location.!!! Holy shit.!!! They were still there.??? What the heck.??? "#SidNeet Beach Date??!!!!"  Gawd.!!! When will this SidNeet thing end.??? Look at the pictures.!! Wait was he smiling all the time when we were talking.? Damn he has one sexy smile.!!! Wait what.??? Nooooo...!!! This stupid hashtag has made my brain cells act stupid.!  I don't want to even read any further..! I just closed my phone and was about to lean back and take a nap when SN opened the car door and sat with two cups in his hand... he handed me one and gestured me to start to eat... Is he for real.?? )

Avneet: At least have decency to ask what flavor I wanted before grabbing one for me.!!

SN: I already knew what flavor to get for you so why would I ask.!

Avneet: The hell.! How so.? (I am shook)

SN: Isn't it obvious.!! You love to drink hot chocolate at night.... Your cereal is Cocoa Pebbles.... You eat your pancakes with chocolate syrup and you always carry a bar or two of chocolate with you.!! (The hell..!!! Am I that obvious.!!! Wait a minute.... He is observant..!)

Avneet: Must say..... You observe me quite well Mr. Nigam.!! ( I said with the same mischievous smirk he gives me all the time...)

SN: Playing my game with me.!! Not bad.! Eat your ice cream now.!

(He didn't reply me.! Instead started eating his ice cream... Oh well.... Lemme just eat the ice cream and enjoy its taste.... I took a spoonful and put it in my mouth.... Woah..!!! It's heavenly.! Ferraro Rocher.!!! Yum yum.!!)

Avneet: Ferraro Rocher.!! Love it.!!!

(He chuckled...)

SN: I love the ice creams from here...  Best gelato place in Mumbai.!!! Love you Coppetto.!!

Avneet: Coppetto.?? Really.?? No wonder it took us this long to be here.!!!

SN: Hey.! I don't compromise with my ice cream.! Lemme taste yours....

(Before I could say or do anything... he took the ice cream cup from my hand and started to eat.... The hell... that's mine.....)

Avneet: Hey.... That's mine... You are eating my ice cream.... You said you just wanna taste....

(He shoved his ice cream in my hand... the fuck am I supposed to do.??)

SN: Eat this... Cz I m not giving this back.... It's mine now..! (Oh the audacity)

Avneet: But I love that..... that is mine Siddharth.! Eat yours..... (I tried to take the cup back but he held it further from my reach.... Jerk!)

Whyyyyyyy ( I asked whinnying)

SN: This tastes much better now! Much sweeter! So this is mine.... Eat the one I gave you.....

( the hell..!! He said the same thing the other night for my hot chocolate and in the morning for my cereal...!! God this is not good for my heart.!! I could feel my cheeks are getter hot..... better hide this stupid blush... I huffed, took extra spoon and started to eat his ice cream.... By looking other side.... Hmm... Coffee..!! Not bad.! I like this one too.! But I loved that one.!! Oh this Jerk.!)

(After finishing the ice cream we went back home and we're greeted with members in the living room
along with Bhavesh.!!!  Hmm... Why is looking mad.?)

Abhishek: You okay Sid.? (He asked coming towards Siddharth and placing one hand in his shoulder.! Aah.! Brothers concern.!! I miss my beera.!!!!)

SN: I am great.!! All thanks to our amazing Ms. Kaur.! (He said slightly nudging my shoulder..!)

Abhishek: Thanks Avneet.! This is the fastest we have seen him get back to normal.!! ( he came and side hugged me.! )

Avneet: It's ok Abhi.! I guess that's what anyone would have done.!

Mohsin: No.... We as always thought that he needs his lone time and left him but you stayed even though we asked you not to....

SN: Guess she knew I needed someone to let it all out.!

Avneet: I got ice cream treat form him in return.! So it's a win win.!! Though he ate my ice cream but hey at least I had ice cream.!!

All: He treated you with ICE CREAM.!!!!

Faisu: Coppetto.???

Avneet: Yup.!!!

Lucky: You son of a ......(cut off by Abhishek)

Abhishek: Lucky.! Sid.! How could you.!!!

Mohsin: You never treated us with Coppetto ice cream.... It's just for you.!! If we want.. Than we have to get it for ourselves.! Gee girl you are getting "Special" treatment.!!!

(Gosh my cheeks are burning again.!! I need to get outta here.!! )

Avneet: Umm.... Excuse me.... I will get changed and meet you at dinner... (I literally ran from there.... Before anyone could see my blushing cheeks... God Avneet.! Get yourself together.!)

End of Avneet's POV

Bhavesh's POV

(I saw her running to her room.! I wish she has not started to develop any feelings for this weirdo.!! I went up to Siddharth )

Bhavesh: What's going on.?? (I asked sternly.....)

SN: What.? It was just a Thank you gesture bro.... Relax.... (He said leisurely walking towards the sofa N's plopping himself on it....)

(I could see members tensed up.... I don't care.... I need to get this cleared up.!!! This weirdo is completely different from all the six boys.!! I have to be extra sensitive or extra strict with him.....)

Bhavesh: I am not joking around Siddharth.... Don't blow wind to this #SidNeet thing.! You know how it is going to affect her and you along with the whole freaking group.!!!

SN: I was just chilling yaar.! Relax.!

Bhavesh: Just chilling.??? Then why the fuck are you eating her food..!?  You don't even use the spoon if one of us have used it while eating forget about the food..... And here.. with her.. you...

(His eyes got widened and I could see surprised faces of members..... )

SN: W...what are you saying bro...! I like to tease her.... That's it....

Abhishek: But Sid.!! Teasing is different.... But this.!! Eating her food.?? Are you sure it's just teasing.? Or are you developing any fe....

( I could clearly see hope in Abhi's eyes.... And I wanted to know this answer..... but before he could finish the question... Sid cutted him off)

SN: What.?? Me..?? Feelings.?? For Avneet.?? Dada c'mon.!!! You know I am not gonna fall in love with anyone.!!!

(I knew it.!! I freaking knew it....)

Mohsin: Then I believe you maintain professional relationship with Avneet... That's what I would suggest and expect you to follow.... (Oh yes.! I could see the seriousness... He is using his Big Brother card.!!! Finally someone is understanding my point of view)

SN: What.?? Professional.?? Bro you know I can't.!! Healthy flirting is completely okay.!!!

Faisu: It's not Sid.!! When the opposite person is not on the same page as yours.... She might take it in a different way.!!!

Abhishek: I would suggest.... Just keep it professional Sid.... We all know up to what level your healthy flirting could go....

SN: Dada you too.!!! I like to tease her dada....

Lucky: Why.??? Why you like to tease her.?? Tease the girls who loves your teasing.... Leave Avneet for me.... (The hell? I could see a small smirk on Lucky's face..!! Oh this little one is aiming for something else...)

SN: For you??? Excuse me.??? Never...

Lucky: Why would you even like to tease her? (Oh he is pushing him...)

SN: I love the way she reacts to it.... Her small nose scrunch when she gets annoyed or angry... her cute pout... her purest smile when she's happy... her warm hugs when she comforts me..... 

(Goodness gracious.! I was not expecting this.... This guy has completely fallen for Neet and is unaware of it and that is not gonna be beneficial for both of them...)

(I look at the members and they are looking at him with amused faces.!! Yup I can say they are thinking the same....)

Abhishek: You know what you are saying right.??? (He asked sitting next to him)

SN: Of coarse dada... I am just saying I like to tease her!!!

Mohsin: And you know why you like it right.??

SN: Cz it's fun.!! Don't overthink guys... you know I will not be falling for anyone.!

Mohsin: But why.?? We can clearly....(cut off by Siddharth)

SN: No bro.... There ain't no way... I have seen you guys suffer... You, Dada, Rohan, Faisu.... All of you..! Tell me one day you guys lived without worrying about your girlfriend and you.! Or has any day passed without the hate that some of the toxic fans spread gets you.!!! How you guys struggle to keep your relationship hidden.!! How you guys are suffering everyday to just keep your loved ones safe and maintain group's reputation so you guys aren't coming out with your relationship.!!! You think I am blind.? I can't see your all pain.?? Fuck this shit man.! I am not going to allow myself to fall in love...period.!
I am  gonna change and meet you at dinner...

(Saying this he left..... this is not how I supposed to end this matter.! He is a goner..!)

Rohan: And he says he is not gonna fall in love.!!!
My man even said the same sentence as she did.!!!

Lucky: Who is gonna tell him that he has already fallen for her.!!

Abhishek: Does Avneet.??

Bhavesh: I need to talk to her... If she by any chance have feelings for her.... I need to stop her...

Rohan : What.? Why.? You can see he loves her...

Bhavesh: Will he accept it.? NO.!! Correct me if I am wrong.! ( I said looking dead serious in their eyes.!)

Mohsin: Let's just get going and change and meet at dinner....
Abhi and Lucky... you guys are for dinner duty....  Go ahead and  will see you at dinner..!

(Saying this we all left.... And I headed towards Avneet's room.... I need to talk with her....)

Here it is...

What do you think.?

Will their love story start.???
What will be Avneet's answer when Bhavesh will talk to her...?

Hope you all like the chapter...

Like and comment..

Suggestions are most welcomed to make the story more interesting...

Till then...
Aadios Amigos...

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