Thousand Years

By AnnaMorgan178

978 16 19

Children and best friends Y/N and Loki are having fun with mischief and pranks until one day as young adults... More

Familiar Face
The Threat
Attack on NYC
Secret Entrance
The Battle
The Mission
No time to rest
Closing in
Not according to plan
A year has passed
Making history
Time Heist
Is this a dream?
An Unexpected Proposal
King and Queen of Asgard

An offer you can't refuse

42 0 0
By AnnaMorgan178

'What ever happens, I will follow you to the ends of the galaxy. I will defend you till my last breath and never leave your side' he kisses her hand as she looks lovingly into his eyes.

She took a deep breath and they held hands as the great doors of the throne room slowly creaked open. Frigga stood next to Odin who seemed calm, which was odd.
They continued walking and their footsteps echoed the great throne room, Odin kept his stare fixed on Y/N who began to boil with anger, memories from that day came flooding back to her.

'Welcome back my son, We were worried about you but also disappointed in hearing your recent activity on earth. We did not realise what extent you would go to for Y/N'
Odin then looks at Y/N and looks back to Loki.

'Father, I have told you many times before that I would do anything in my power to have her back. She is the final piece of me being whole again'
Y/N looks at him with such admiration, her heart full of love. Frigga placed her hand on Odin's shoulder

'Y/N, even from this distance I can sense a tremendous power within and it can turn feral. This is the reason why I banished you' he looks to Frigga and then sighs.
'I can only offer my apologies for what I did, I made a promise to your father to help and protect you but I was too selfish with my own goals to nurture your power. I was scared that you could destroy Asgard and it made me blind to who the real problem was.'

'I would like to know where my parents are buried so I can pay my respects' replied Y/N bluntly keeping eye contact with Odin.

The doors opened and in walked Thor

'LOKI!' Thor runs up and hugs Loki who started gasping for air , Frigga began to tear up seeing her two boys together again. Y/N she always hoped to become the daughter she always wanted, All together and smiling. Even Odin had a soft smile on his face but it did not last long.

'Thank you for coming at such short notice my boy, now that I have all three of you together I have grim news' Odin begins to rise and his face becomes serious.

'Heimdall has sensed an uneasy shift in the atmosphere, The power is rising and feels like it is getting closer. I too feel this and it is very familiar - Your Oldest sibling Hela.'

'I thought you banished her to the other realm father' questioned Thor,

'I did, but revenge made her grow powerful and reports have said she is looking to destroy Asgard and to take over the throne. This is where you three come in, Together you are a force to be reckoned with and you will need to defeat her. Of course it will not be easy, she is bringing an army of dark elves - with thanks to Loki they also want revenge for the Tesseract not being delivered'

'Oops' he pulls a face, Y/N pushes him and he stumbles into Thor in which Thor pushes him back to Y/N.

'How much time do we have father?' Thor steps forward readying his hammer,

'Sadly not enough, Valkyrie has prepared evacuation for our city. We need as much help as we can get' he grumbled

'I know a group that can help us, I will leave immediately to collect them' Thor then turns with his red cloak flowing in the air and walks out of the Hall'

Y/N's stomach did a flip - a group..please don't be who she thinks it is. Having Steve and Loki together will be a very awkward encounter.

'I will get the rooms ready for our incoming guests. Son , Y/N I am so happy to see you both again.' Frigga gave a nod and left Odins side.

'All father, My banishment to Asgard - is this still in place?' she pulled away from Loki to look Odin in the eyes.

'After much thought, self reflection and Frigga bending my arm I realised I would have to revisit this decision sooner or later. I have decided that if we succeed and Asgard is saved I will not only remove the banishment but also accept you as Loki's life partner and Princess.'

Princess is not a title she thought she would ever be called but to be accepted again to Asgard and to be with Loki, without having to sneak around and hide was enough for Y/N to kneel.

'I will join the cause to fight Hela, but I will however not hold back if it is needed and possibly destroy Asgard in the process, if this of course is the only path that can be taken' Y/N eyes glow her amber colour

'Dear, I would not accept anything else from you' Odin gives them a nod and proceeds to exit the hall with Loki dumbfounded by today's events.

'Here, my bedroom chambers. It could be slightly dusty with me not entering for a year or so' Loki was excited to have Y/N back in Asgard.
Entering her eyes immediately went to the golden four poster bed with dark green drapes. He had dark wood bookcases wall to wall full of books and in the corner hanging outside the wardrobe door was her dark green dress she wore on the night of the ball.

'I could not bare to see it thrown out' he blushed

'The God of mischief is a big softie' she chuckles.
'Thank you, I loved this dress' she hugs him tightly.

There was a knock at the door and Loki called for them to come in.
Frigga and another woman entered, the woman held what looked like Loki's clothes only what shorter and more feminine.

'I had these made for you Y/N, I think the women warriors armour is a bit too bulky for your slender figure. Though I am sure you won't be using an axe or a sword, the power I sense in you is powerful. Stay focused my child and direct the energy and share it over your body, if it stays concentrated in one area you will loose all control'

'Thank you, I appreciate the help greatly' Y/N bowed slightly

'Tonight there is a feast, I do not want anyone to go to battle on an empty stomach' she turns her back on Y/N to face Loki she slowly smiles and lifts an eyebrow. In return he smiles and looks to the floor.

'If I can be of anymore help, ask my aid Astrid here'
The woman bows,
'See you at the feast!' Her eyes twinkled and she left the room with her aid Astrid.

'You know, I could use some help with bathing and a tour of your room. The bed looks rather comfy - we have a few hours to kill don't we?' Y/N was playfully playing with her dagger. Loki's eyes lit up and with a cheeky grin grabs her body and brings her closer.
'It would be my pleasure' he growled.

At the feast they found empty seats and counted another six empty seats just as they were counting how many Avengers there were the doors opened and in walked Thor with the Avengers behind him.
Loki and Y/N both froze

Thor sat next to Loki and gave him a hard pat on the back.

'Great to be with you again brother!'

Opposite sat Natasha and opposite Y/N sat Tony,Steve sat next to Tony unable to stop looking at her.

'Hey Doll' Bucky sat next to Y/N. There was an awkward atmosphere around the group. The last time they seen Y/N was when she broke Loki out of his prison and they both escaped.

'Thor, when can we expect your delightful sister Hela to drop by and get her ass kicked?' Tony then gulped his wine.

'It could be any moment Mr Stark, but I am grateful you guys were willing to join our fight'
Thor raised his beer

'To kicking ass'
Everyone raised their glass, Y/N needed some fresh air so she placed her hand on Loki's thigh and whispered to be excused he nodded and carried on talking to the guest next to him. Noticing her getting up Steve asked where the toilets were and excused himself.

The breeze blowing on her face made her feel calm,she headed to a field and felt instantly relaxed and watching the river she felt much better.


Y/N held her breath and scrunched up her nose, she knew they needed to talk but hoped it would be later. she pulled at a branch at a nearby tree.

'Hi Steve' Y/N keeps looking at the river a flood of guilt overcame her and found It difficult to make eye contact.

'Y/N, I have had time to think and you did tell me you would always choose him if he ever came back. It was just fun right? Was just a shame that it was so short. You are an amazing person and I felt I could take on anything' he looked her up and down 'You look amazing in green and these Asgardian dresses wow' he then looks away shy.

'Thank you it feels strange wearing these dresses again' she sighs and looks up at him 'I'm sorry Steve, you really do deserve someone much better then me. Believe me I was torn but me and Loki have history and he will forever have first place in my heart.'

There was silence

Friendly hug?' He smiles and they hug before heading back to the feast.

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