Somewhere in the Gray- A Star...

By highlandelf29

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The gray Jedi were few and far between but there is one family who keep its ideals alive. The council allows... More

The Phantom Menace Cast
Mood Boards
The Beginning
The Arrival
The Jedi, The Boy, and the Sith
Two Goodbye's and Two Hello's
The Cast of: Attack of the Clones
A Father Lost and Another Found
Ghosts, Children, Jedi's, And Mandaloriens!
Let the War Begin
Cast of: Clone Wars
The Clone Wars: Escape from Kadavo
Clone Wars: The Wrong Jedi
The Clone Wars: A Distant Echo
Clone Wars: Unfinished Business
Revenge of the Sith: Cast
Turn of Tides
The Fall
The Cast of: Obi-Wan Kenobi


80 0 0
By highlandelf29


Things don't always happen the way you expect them to, your life doesn't always turn out the way you want it to. One day you can be a great warrior the next you could be hiding under a rock in the desert praying that no one will find you or your family. Obi-Wan Kenobi sighed as he dismounted his Eopie and entered his home, it was rather bare at the moment although a few toys were strewn about. 

His wife was currently off-planet in the Dagobah system visiting her master and dropping off supplies for the old Jedi. Ember was of the belief that there was still hope in the universe, so she was always off doing good for someone. Obi-Wan had not left Tattoine in the last ten years, nor had he trained in the force, something he knew his wife thought foolish

"How can we protect the children if we cant protect ourselves Obi-Wan?" She had asked him one day when she tried to get him to train with her, he had shot back with "How can we protect the children if we lead them straight here with our force signatures?"

She had sighed and walked away, unwilling to argue about it, after all, Ember had been able to mask her force presence since childhood, Obi-Wan had not mastered that ability.

Obi-Wan headed to the Lars farm and dismounted from his Eopie and stared through his binocs towards the farm, he saw a small boy and girl playing together and smiled. Owen turned towards them telling them to grab something, the second the mans back was turned the boy grabbed the girl's arm and led her away.

Obi-Wan smiled as he watched them climb up and pretend they were flying, he picked up a small transmitter and clicked the button, below the girl looked down and smiled. "Bye Luke! Bye Mr.Owen, bye Mrs. Beru!"

She took off running towards the rocky outcropping, when she saw Obi-Wan waiting on her she ran into his arms "Papa!"

"Oriana!" Obi-Wan sighed happily taking his little one into his arms "Did you have fun today?"

As he led her away and placed her on the Eopie she rattled on about her day and Obi-Wan listened with a smile until she asked "When will mommy be home?"

Obi-Wan sighed "Soon little one, soon." Another downfall of closing himself to the force was closing himself to the bond between him and Ember, so where he used to know everywhere his wife was, he no longer did. "Soon."

As they rode it grew dark and Oriana suddenly looked up "Papa, something is out there!"

Obi-Wan tilted his head listening and he heard it, footsteps, rustling and then "Master." He turned his head and stared at the man before him who looked vaguely familiar

"I thought I saw you in the town, but I wasn't sure. I didn't think you'd survived."

Obi-Wan shook his head "You're making some kind of mistake."

"I'm sorry, my name is Nari. Um, there's no mistake." The man said stepping forward with hope in his gaze 

"You're looking for somebody else."

"What are you doing here, Obi-Wan?"

"My name is Ben."

 "Come on, please. Please. You have no idea what I've been through."

Obi-Wan dismounted and his voice daughter rang out "Papa?"

Nari looked beyond him in surprise as he took in the small girl but his gaze was quickly brought back to Obi-Wan as he said "You must leave. You'll draw too much attention."

"But I have nowhere to go. They're hunting me. You have to help me."

 Obi-Wan sighed and reached out for the man's lightsaber "You want my help? Take this. Walk into the middle of the desert and bury it in the ground. Stay hidden. Live a normal life."

"What about the people that need us? What about the fight?"

"The fight is done. We lost."

Nari shook his head in disbelief "What happened to you? You were once a great Jedi." 

"The time of the Jedi is over. Go back to the town. Let it go."

As father and daughter rode away Oriana looked back and asked "Papa, why didn't we help? Mother says we must always protect our own kind."

"Your mother is a wise woman, but I believe that protecting our own kind means protecting this family... We must always protect our family Oriana.. Do you understand?"

"Yes Papa."



Ember Starr Kenobi ran, she didn't want to stop because whenever she stopped running that's when her memories came back to her. The only time she was safe from her memories was when she was in her husband's arms, and yet seeing her baby girl triggered them as well. 

As she finally came to a stop she took a deep breath and looked over to where her master watched her with judgemental eyes. 

"Outrun the memories you cannot, face them you eventually must." Yoda looked his former padawan over, she was covered in the swamp water of the planet, only in a tank top due to the heat her body bore the scars of a war long past. 

But her eyes, her eyes showed that in her mind she was still fighting every single day, and that was what worried Yoda. So much had been ripped from Ember's hands, she had given up much for a war that they hadn't even won, and yet she still believed there was hope for the future.

"How?" She asked him but her master simply shook his head "Discover this yourself, you must."

Ember sighed and knelt down staring across the swamp "I need to go home, I've been gone almost two weeks."

"Miss them you do," Yoda stated because he knew she did but she was afraid, afraid she would wind up hurting her family somehow, she had already lost two children she feared losing another.

Ember nodded "So much it hurts." She stood and headed to her ship when both she and Yoda froze "Leia!" She took off running towards her ship, knowing it would take her far longer than she would like for her to get to Alderaan.


Obi-Wan approached Owen who frowned when he saw him but softened slightly when he saw Oriana behind him. When he saw the pain in the girl's eyes and the bag that Obi-Wan carried he frowned "Whats going on?"

Obi-Wan closed his eyes remembering how the Organa's had asked for his help and he had initially refused so Bail had come directly to him. When Obi-Wan had refused again Bail's eyes had gone to Oriana who was watching closely as she always did "You know what it is like to lose a child Obi-Wan, and I know you and Ember tried to search for them.. Please help me." 

Now Obi-Wan was dropping off his little girl into the hands of Owen Lars "I need to watch her for a few days, if I'm not back Ember should be, she rarely stays gone longer than two weeks." 

Owen nodded and took the girls things, then he backed away so the father and daughter could have a moment. Oriana stared at her father with a hurt face, she reminded Obi-Wan so much of Ember at that age, but her eyes were his as the eyes of all three of their children were. 

"Don't go Papa." She whispered and Obi-Wan almost broke, he had never been apart from Oriana longer than a few hours.

"I have to Oriana." Obi-Wan knelt down "so you remember Leia?"

Oriana nodded, when she was about five her mother had taken her to visit the Organa's and she always remembered the girl she had played with there.

"Well, she is in great danger, and I have to go rescue her."

"But Papa, you havent even picked up a lightsaber in years." Oriana reminded him with worry in her eyes, and Obi-Wan smiled slightly before he asked "What does your mother always say are a jedi's greatest weapons?"

Oriana looked down "Your mind, your spirit, and the force."

"Thats right little one,  always remember that." He reached out hugging his little girl before she pulled back and reached up removing the necklace her mother had given her long ago. On it was the purple kyber crystal that Ember had removed to replace it with her uncles blue one long ago.

"Here papa, take this with you and now matter where you got, you'll just have to lookat it and you'll think of me and momma."

Obi-Wan took the necklace with tears in his eyes before reachin into his pocket and removing a long leather strap decorated with beads.

"This was your mothers, she doesn't know I kept it.. Its to braid into your hair." Orina smiled and took it, the father and daughter hugged one last time before he pulled away and remounted his Eopie.

Oriana watched him go until Luke came running out of the house, when he saw her he felt her pain and moved forward "You want to play?" he asked trying to take her pain away in the only way he knew and it worked as she turned and smiled.


Onboard a ship a group of thugs strapped the young princess to a chair, the leader looked to the halo "Are you sure they will come?"

"They fought beside her father during the war. Theyll come. They won't be able to help it. The Jedi's will hunt themselves." Said Reva the Third sister before she cut t he communication,  she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Then she stood exiting the room not noticing the dark figure until they spoke "What are you doing Reva?"

Reva froze knowing the voice that spoke instantly "Nothing First Brother."

The hooded figure strode forward tilting their head to side "You are lying.. Do you know what becomes of those who lie to me?"

Reva took a deep breath, knowing the First Brother and KNOWING the First Brother were two different things. The most dangerous of all the inquisitors, the favored of Darth Vader who had brought him into their ranks.

No one knew who First Brother was nor did he have a name he went by other then First Brother.

"I am not lying." Reva spoke conviction in her voice and the tall man in front of her laughed coldly "Oh little Reva, you've been lying since day one."

With that he turned stalking away but Reva said one last thing "You think I'm lying? At least I have a name, what are you hiding?"

The figure stopped and turned reaching up to pull his hood down revealing a too pale face and almost white hair all paired with yellow eyes. "Pray you never find out little Reva."

As he walked away Reva sighed in relief, she had just been threatened but at least she was still alive.


Obi-Wan snuck through the cooridors of the underground prison on Daiyu, he entered a cell and approached the covered figures "Leia?" He removed the covering and froze when he saw a decoy instead, he turned but found three figures behind him.

The figures attacked overpowering the former jedi "Didn't know that Jedi could bleed."The leader said as his men held Obi-Wan down "I'm surprised you fell for it. I figured you'd be smarter than to risk everything for a spoiled little brat. The Inquisitor really figured you out. She'll be here soon. Then we'll be rich and you'll be dead."

"Where is the girl?" Obi-Wan asked "She must be close."

"Doesn't matter. You're not getting out of here. You're not a Jedi anymore, Kenobi. You're just a man. And you're bleeding all over my floor."

Obi-Wan smirked "Well, everybody bleeds."

With that he managed to free himself enough to grab a bottle of drugs he had been given earlier, he threw it at the floor before pulling on his gas mask.

Around him the men felland he turned running down the hallway until he came to another door, he opened this one and entered only to be hit in the gut with something. As he doubled over in pain he saw a flash and he reached out grabbing onto a small girl

"Let go of me!"


"Let go!" Obi-Wan finally got a good look at the girl and was almost taken aback by her similarities to her mother. The girl looked him over judgementally before she asked "Who are you?"

"Your father sent me. I'm here to help you."

"Where's the army?"The little girl asked suspicioun lacing her tone, Obi-Wan paid her no mind as he turned to leave the room "Come. I'm gonna get you out of here."

 "Why should I trust you?"

Obi-Wan scoffed "Would you rather stay here? Now, let's go."

The two made their way through the city with several mishaps including Leia running away until Obi-Wan saved her life proving he was a jedi at the same time.

Now they were hiding in an alley as Leia talked "You know my aunt could probably kick your butt..."

Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow but didnt respond as the girl continued "She's a jedi too, but she's not like old and beat up."

"Yes thank you for that." Obi-Wan couldnt resist adding "and I'll have you know that I know your aunt, and I have kicked her butt quite a few times."

Leia gave him a look of disbelief. "You know my aunt?"

Obi-Wan nodded "Your aunt Ember? Yes, I know he, she's my wife." He added just alittle pride in his voice before he noticed that Leia still didnt believe him "What?"

Leia shook her head "I dont think your my aunts husband, she's always talking about her handsome, fearless, husband who flies into danger to rescue anyone he thinks needs his help. Her husband was a general in the war."

Obi-Wan smirked slightly, oh how he looked forward to using this against Ember. He was about to reply when several stormtroopers and a couple inquisitors walked by

"Who are they?" Leia asked "Inquisitors. Many were Jedi who turned to the dark side. Now, they hunt their own kind."

"And this is all for you? Who are you?"

Suddenly a bounty hunter appeared behind them grabbing Leia who squirmed "The bounty is on me." Obi-Wan said "Let her go."

Suddenly the bountyy hunter was shot and dropped to the ground revealing Haha the swindler Obi-Wan had gotten information from earlier "Listen carefully." Said the swindler as he moved closer "The entire city's locked down. It's done. You need another exit." He pointed up to a small port "It's a cargo port. It's fully automated. They won't be looking for you there. Go to transport eight."

" What are you saying?"

"It goes to Mapuzo. They'll be waiting."

"Who'll be waiting?"

"There are people out there who can help you."

Obi-Wan laughed slightly "You expect me to trust you? You're a criminal."

"Look, have I made a few bad decisions? Sure. Do I feel bad about it? Sometimes. Do I like credits? Yeah. So much stuff you can buy with credits."

"Haja." Obi-Wan interrupted the rant and Haja smiled gleefully  "You remembered my name. I'm trying to make amends. I got that family safe, and I'm gonna do the same for you. If I'd known what you were..."

"Doesn't matter what I am. I just need to get the girl home."

Haja nodded "Go to these coordinates. They'll help you from there."

"And how do I know this isn't just a trap?"

" What choice do you have?" The men asked turning to walk away while shooting the bounty hunter again "You're not alone, Obi-Wan. Buy you as much time as I can."


"We must be careful." Obi-Wan cautioned Leia "This is a cargo port. It's not meant for people."

"Then they won't look for us here."

"Well, not unless it's a setup."

"Is it that hard to believe you might have friends? Look, since I met you, I've been chased, shot at, I almost fell to my death, and now there are Inquisiting people after us. If somebody is offering us help, I think we should take it. Now, come on." Leia turned to find Obi-Wan watching her with a strange look on his face "What now?"

 Obi-Wan smiled "Nothing, you just remind me of someone. She was fearless, too. And stubborn."

"I'm not stubborn." Leia argued making Obi-Wan laughed slightly thinking of how his own daughter would say the same thing."Yes you are."

 "I'm not!" She paused looking up at him "Was your friend a Jedi, too?"

"No, she was a leader. She died a long time ago."

"Uh, I'm sorry."

"Me, too."

Suddenly the door came open and Obi-Wan grabbed Leia pushing her behind some boxes as a sing-song voice rang out "Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan gave Leia the key to the ship "Leia. If I don't get back in time, go. I'll be right behind you, I promise. Go!"

"I can feel you. Your fear betrays you." The sound of her lightsaber whirring ran through the air "You don't have to worry. You're not going to die... today. I'm just going to take you to him. Lord Vader will be pleased."

Obi-Wan froze, that could not be true and the inquisitor felt his surprise "You didn't know. He's alive, Obi-Wan. Anakin Skywalker is alive."

"And he's been looking for you for a long time. And I will be the one to deliver you to him."

"I think not sweetpea!" A figure jumped down from above landing between the inquisitor and the boxes. The figure was hooded by a gray cloak and bore a purple lightsaber, they moved into a fighting position and waved Reva forward.

Reva attacked shre she would easily beat this jedi as she had many before this, the jedi yelled out "Run!" And Reva saw Obi-Wan head towards the ship, as they fought Reva quickly realized she had made a mistake. This jedi was a true jedi, not one that had been a child when the republic fell, she fought like a warrior.

As the hooded woman sent Reva crashing back into some boxes their head turned towards the door before they turned and ran for the ship. The second the gray figure was inside the door slammed shut and Obiwan took off into space.

Leia stared at the figure for a moment and they stared back before speaking "Leia Organa, you are going to give your father more gray hair then he already has."

Leia's face lit up and she launched herself into the gray figures arms "Aunt Ember!"

Ember Kenobi chuckled wrapping her arms around the girl before looking to where Obi-Wan was walking back to them.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi, why is it that everytime I go on a mission that involves you it winds up being insane?"

And Obi-Wan just gave a tired smile as he quipped back "Oh, you know you love it."

Leia looked between the two in disbelief "You mean you really are married to my aunt?"


Well I watched Obi-Wan in one sitting and decided I needed to finish this story! Let me know what you think!

Vote, Comment, Follow, Share Some Love!

Disclaimer:  I own nothing but my OC's!

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