When we first met - MerDer In...

By dr_shep111

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MerDer in college! This is a story about MerDer in College. The story is about the struggles and life in col... More



642 21 3
By dr_shep111

It's the next morning and Meredith is up in the kitchen. She is making some breakfast for the two of them. She makes two cups of coffee, lays out some croissants and jam and cuts some fruit up in pieces. While doing this 'Bananza (Belly Dancer)' by Akon starts playing over the speaker. Meredith starts swaying her hips to the music, twerking on some parts.

The music is so loud she doesn't hear anyone come in. She gasps as she feels a pair of hands wrap around her hips but relaxes as she smells the comforting smell of his cologne mixed with his natural scent. She smiles as she hears his soothing, deep voice.

"I want you to do that on my face. Bedroom, now." He growls as he squeezes my hips.

"But the foo-" Meredith tries but gets cut off by Derek as he throws her over his shoulder.

"Fuck the food, you're going to be my next meal anyway" He said, turning off the boiling water and making his way to his old bedroom. He throws me onto the bed and unbuttons his button up shirt that I'm wearing. He still has a bare chest. He lays back on the bed and pulls me on top of him, positing me right over his face.


"Der... that was" Meredith breathes as they both lay on their backs trying to catch their breathes form multiple rounds of lovemaking.

"Rough" He chuckles.

"Yeah, really rough" Meredith giggles.

"But not too...I didn't hurt you or anything, right?" Derek asks with a worried tone in his voice.

"Oh, god no Der. You...this...it was Amazing" Meredith sighs and rolls on top of Derek, kissing him deeply.

"Good. It was amazing for me too." He smiles and sits up straight. He holds Meredith close to him, burying her face in his chest. He kisses the top of her head and buries his face in her hair.

"Do you want some breakfast?" Derek mumbles.

"Yeah. I'm pretty hungry." Meredith crawls off of Derek's lap and pulls her panties and one of Derek's button-ups on. Derek gathers his underpants and pyjama pants and pulls them on as well. They head over to the kitchen and set two new cups of coffee. They eat the croissants and talk about nothing and everything.


Derek's POV

"Deeeereeeeekkkk!" I hear Meredith yell from upstairs. I chuckle to myself and make my way up. I walk up to the bathroom door and knock once before walking in.

"What's wrong love?" I ask as I smile at her. She is sitting int he bathtub, shivering.

"I forgot to grab a towel" She pouts. I chuckle and walk to the bathroom to take a big, soft towel from the closet. I hand it to her and she kisses me to thank me. I head back downstairs and continue cleaning up the kitchen.

I hear Meredith coming down the stairs and putting the radio in the living room on. One of her favorite songs starts playing and she happily sings along with the lyrics. I quickly dry off the last few plates before joining her in the living room. I take a seat on the couch and she comes over to me, taking a seat in my lap. I smile, wrap my arms around her and kiss her temple. We watch some tv before I can hear Meredith's snores telling me she fell asleep.


Meredith just woke up on the couch. Her head is still resting on my lap and I am stroking my hand through her hair. She scrunches her nose and slightly moves before opening her eyes and looking up at me.

"Good morning love" I whisper. I lean down and kiss her lips softly.

"Hi" She smiles back and sits up straight.

"I am going to go to the store. Do you need anything? Tampons or..." I ask her. She looks at me weird. "What?" I ask confused.

"Why would I need tampons?" She asks confused.

"Because I know you. And I know you're supposed to be on your period so if you need anything I can bring it for you."

"No I'm not" Meredith says. I look at her and count the weeks in my head.

"Yeah you are." I say after counting and thinking about it for a few seconds.

"What day is it?" She asks.

"March 27th" I say.

Without a word Meredith jumps up and looks around before sprinting up the stairs and to the bedroom. I look at her confused but decide to give her a few minutes to calm down. I don't know what got to her all of a sudden.

After 10 minutes she still hasn't come back down so I decide to check on her. I walk up to the bedroom with a cup of tea in my hand. I knock before entering the room. I see Meredith curled up under the blankets, clutching my pillow tightly.

"Hey baby" I whisper

Meredith mumbles something incoherent before turning over, facing me. She has definitely been crying as I can see the tear staines on her cheeks. Her eyes are bloodshot and her nose is red. I crouch down to her level and press a kiss to her temple.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask softly as I hand her a cup of tea.

"I-I-I'm late" She snicks.

"Late for..."

"Late Derek!" She exclaims frustrated.

"La- ohh..." I breath. I stare straight ahead as the realization comes to me. My eyes go wide as I look back at Meredith.

"I don't know what to do" She cries.

"Well first we should take a test. We have to know for sure." I breath, grabbing Meredith's hands in mine. She looks up at me and slowly nods. New tears form in her eyes. I take a deep breath and walk to the bathroom. I search through the cabinets but find nothing. I go over to the second bathroom in the house but still, I can't find any pregnancy tests.

"I'm sorry Mer. I can't find any" I say as I walk back in the bedroom. "I am going to the store right now. I'll be back in 15 minutes."

I rush out the door and head to the drugstore. I look around and look for pregnancy tests. There are about a thousand different options. What the hell am I supposed to do. Which one do I choose?! I panic and just take one of everything. I walk up to the register with my arms full of pregnancy tests. The girl behind the register looks at me weird. I pay and make my way home as quickly as possible.

"Mer. I'm here baby. I'm home" I say as I walk up to her. I drop the bag on the bed. She takes it and giggles.

"Der... There are over 10 pregnancy tests in here" She giggles.

I smile. "Yeah... I kind of couldn't choose so I just bought all of them" I chuckle, scratching the back of my head. She laughs as she makes her way to the bathroom. She comes back out and puts the test on the bed, facing it down.

"I'm scared Der..." She sighs. "I- I'm 19 years old. We are in college. I can't be pregnant." She breathes, her lip starting to tremble again.

"I know Mer. I know. But whatever that test says I will be there for you. We are going to get through this together and I will support you with whatever choice you make."

"Thank you Der" she sobs. She buries her head in my chest and I warp my arms around her, gently stroking her back.

The timer goes off. I take a deep breath and turn the pregnancy test around.

Not pregnant

"Thank god" Meredith breaths.

"Yeah, thank god" I say as I tighten my hold on her. She turns around in my arms and is now facing me.

"I love you Der."

"I-I love you too" I breath. I am still in shock from everything that has happened in the last hour. I lay down on the bed, snuggling Meredith close as I close my eyes.

I am absolutely exhausted...

*Hope you guys like this. I don't know about that last part...*

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