[Check Announcements] Black S...

By Kyrokios

36.7K 627 260

(Y/N) (L/N) The Black Sheep of the (L/N) Family. The (L/N) family resides in Atlas. Yes, they are rich, snobb... More

Chapter 2 "Dusty Old Crow"
Ted Talk
Chapter 3 "Mission"
Chapter 4 "Revelation"
Chapter 5 "Battle" & "Beacon"
Chapter 6 "Beacon[2]" & "White Fang"
Chapter 7 "White Fang[2]"
Chapter 8 "White Fang[3]" & "Masked"
Chapter 9 "Back to the Shack"
Chapter 10 "Back to Vale" & "An Anomaly"
New Cover
Chapter 11 "Filling In For Qrow"
New Book
Chapter 12 "Raven" & "Cinder"
Chapter 13 "Unmasked."
Chapter 14 "Jail"
Hey There!
Chapter 15 "Jailbreak!"
Changed my mind
Season 2, Chapter 1. "Training & Atlas."


3.5K 64 63
By Kyrokios

(Y/N) (L/N) The Black Sheep of the (L/N) Family.

The (L/N) family resides in Atlas. Yes, they are rich, snobby assholes. They specialize in summons. Not really Glyphs like the Schnee family, but I guess somewhat like them.

They can generate these pentagrams and summon monsters.

That semblance has been passed down through generations. Pretty much everyone from the (L/N) family has this semblance... Supposedly.

But when you were born without a trace of aura growing up, you were ostracized.

Current Age: 8.

You walked through the halls of your family's luxurious mansion. Walking by a large window, the sun would shine through brightly.

As you continued walking, you'd pass a maid. The maid didn't even give you a glance.

Continuing on, you'd hear something,

"Good morning Young Master Isaac."

With a glance behind you, you'd see that same maid bowing to Isaac. Isaac is your older brother, only being 9.

You continued walking forward, trying ignoring the gazes you got from everyone.

Reaching the large dinner table, you'd see your siblings. You had a multitude of siblings.

In all, you had 14 siblings.

The eldest sibling being Vance (L/N) and he is 25.

Surprisingly enough, you have more sisters than brothers.

You had 9 sisters and 4 brothers making 5 male children, including you.

You found the atmosphere at the table suffocating from your young age.

The gazes everyone gave you, you'd try to shrug them off, but they're always there.

Taking a seat, Isaac would be seated beside you.

That dinner went like normal, I guess. Everyone would talk, and they did not include you as if you weren't even there.

So, your life continued to come at the age of 14. Let's just say you rebelled and stopped caring about your family.

You dyed your hair from black to purple. You debated getting piercings, but ultimately decided against it.

Going into your bathroom, you'd look at your medium length hair. Your hair grew quickly.

You'd run your hands through your hair a few times before nodding to yourself and exiting the room.

Walking down the hall, you'd pass a maid who gave you a look of scorn, but you'd grin.

Making it farther down the corridor, you'd take a right and nearly bump into your father.

"Ah, wassup."

"Wassup? Conduct yourself as someone proper. You are a child of (L/N) family. Act like it."

"I am? Really? Well, I couldn't tell."

"Your residency and last name. You are a part of my family." He'd look at your hair. "And what is it with this disgraceful hair? None the less such a disgusting color. Get rid of it immediately." He'd reach out to touch your hair.

You backhanded his hand away from your hair.

"Don't you dare touch a single strand in my hair, you bastard." You said, seething.

"Where did you learn such language? And when did you gain the authority to speak to me in a such a way, boy?"

'Boy, huh?'

You shoved your hands in your pockets and walked away.

"Where are you going?! We aren't done talking!"

"I am." You said, giving him the middle finger while walking away.

Continuing on, you'd bump into Isaac.

"Ah, there you are, The Failure of the (L/N) Family."

"Ever heard of shutting up?" You asked, glaring at Isaac. "You said only one thing, and I already want nothing but your silence."

"You delinquent! Not only are you unsightly, so is the way you speak! Have you no manners?!"

It took everything in you to not break his fucking skull right now.

You already had to talk to your shitty father, which pissed you off more than you thought it would. Now, this snobby asshole called your brother, if even that.

"If I'm unsightly, you ever try looking in the mirror?"


He was fuming. He got so angry his face started to become red as he thought of a comeback.

And he'd storm off.

You'd walk off feeling a bit self-satisfied.

So, you continued down the path of life at the age of 16. You had left the home.

You had gone far from Atlas, probably to another kingdom without your knowledge.

And eventually you met your Sensei/Teacher who'd teach you swordsmanship.

His name being Tian Jun. He was around 83 years old, but he was strangely agile, or maybe you were slow.

He gracefully dodged each of your attacks with simple and minimal movements, just letting you tire yourself out.

And to add more salt to your wounds, he even beat you whilst blindfolded, this time counterattacking for each missed attack he'd hit you.

While, yes, he was old, he could still hit quite hard. It made you think about how strong he was when he was in his prime.

Currently, you were in the forest, but in a certain part of it where the land had been shaped in such a way it resembled an area fit for battle trees a bit away from the area.

The grass a beautiful green hue. It was trimmed nicely, so it wasn't too much of a hinderance.

You'd lunge in for an attack and before you know it, you were on your back staring up at the sky, tired.

"Your mind seems pre-occupied, young (Y/N). A penny for your thoughts?"

You'd lie there for a moment, your body sore and slightly aching in pain.

"Why are you here...? To just kick my ass?"


"It feels like it..." You said slowly standing up.

"Well, I've taken an interest in you."

"Dude... I don't swing that way. And I'm not into old people. Maybe older women."

"Not like that, you stupid child!" He said before punching you, sending you sailing through the air.

You'd hit the ground painfully. Your cheek aching in pain and nose beginning to bleed, you'd sit up.

Tian slowly walked over to you.

"I was interested in the kid I saw swinging a sword aimlessly. You looked like someone in need of guidance. You seemed lost." He said, walking over then stopping before you. "So, young (Y/N) will you allow me to teach you?"

"..." You sat for a moment pondering your options. This guy was strong even though he was old. Maybe old people are just strong? You could tell he was even holding back on that punch, and it still hurt.

"... Okay. I want to learn from you."

"Great! First things first, allow me to tell you my name." He said before clearing his throat. "My name is Tian Jun."

You didn't get to answer before a kick sent you flying outside of the area and slamming into a tree.

"That wasn't a lesson, but a warning from now on. Be on guard. Constantly."

Willing yourself, you'd slowly stand.

"I welcome you to my hellish training!"

Looking at Tian through one eye, the other clenched shut from the blood running down your forehead. You saw no old man, but a damned monster.

And you'd fall forward and hit the ground unconscious.

"Welp, looks like he's unconscious."

So, from then on, you would experience Tian's hellish training. Every. Day.

Or as you call him, Old Man Tian.

When Tian had first kicked you with his full power, your forearm would crack from the power in his kick, and it blasted you into a tree. Again.

"Come on! I could kick twice as hard as that in my prime!" He taunted you.

'I feel bad for anyone who had to experience his kicks in his prime...'

He as well knew swordsmanship, and he was also quite skilled in swordsmanship as well.

Things Tian said to you,

"I'm going to teach you the art of swordsmanship-or, in other words, how to totally kill someone with a sharp, pointy thing."

"A good swordsman is more important than a good sword."

Old Man Tian taught you everything he could.

He taught you for a full 9 years. You were now 25, and he was 92.

Through those nine years, you decided to get rid of your purple hair and go back to black.

The night was clear and calm; the moon shining. You were inside of you and Tian's small shack as he laid on a futon in the middle of the floor.

Sitting beside him, you and he both knew... He wouldn't make it through the night.

Old Man Tian had gotten sick progressively worsening, but you had never seen him look so... So, fragile...



"I... hope you know I saw you like my own son..."

You found yourself fighting back tears.

"And I the same for you. You were like the father I wanted."

"... Can you carry me to the top of the hill? My body would never make it all the way right now."

"Yeah... Alright."

You squatted down and allowed him to crawl on your back, and you carried him.

You stood at 6'1 and would walk out of the shack.

With Tian on your back, you sprinted, creating a gust of wind that blew the grass below you back.

With light, nearly silent steps, you'd run up the hill going up to the top.

Reaching the top, you'd set Tian down.

"Your footsteps could've been quieter..."

Tian was sitting on the edge of the high cliff.

From atop the cliff, you could see the beautiful waterfall that was at the bottom in a rocky creek and looking in the sky, you could see the beautiful night sky that seemed to shine for you and Tian only.

You could see the rest of the beautiful forest as well.

"It truly is... a beautiful night to die."

"I... The night really does look beautiful."

Standing there beside Tian, who sat down, you thought back on a conversation you two shared.

"... The way I'd hope to die is with a smile on my face."

"I'm grateful to you, Tian. For everything you've done. Even just being there. Helping that lost kid in the forest... Thank you... Tian."

"Really?" He said, looking up to you.

"Yes. I'm glad I met you, Tian."

He'd smile... The biggest smile you'd ever seen.

"I'm glad I met you too (Y/N)."

He looked forward, glancing over the edge of the beautiful cliff, crying tears of joy.

A moment would pass.


He's dead...

"You died with a smile... You died happily... I bet you feel great... Huh... Tian." You said, your eyes watering.

You hugged his lifeless body close to you, tears streaming down your face chest hurting and sobbing loudly as you clutched him.

A week would pass.

Inside of the shack you'd grab two swords, both left behind by Tian, and take the straw hat he left.

You'd also take a bag that rested across your body.

Placing the straw hat on your head, you'd leave the shack and then turn around to face it and bow before turning and leaving.

It was time to leave the forest.

You'd take off sprinting, jumping from tree to tree, eventually getting out of the forest.

'Been a while since I've left this forest.'

You could smell something... something delicious.

Doing a few more sniffs, you could tell where it was and would take off into a full sprint towards the smell.

Making it there, you noticed a busy street people seemed very surprised to see you suddenly drop in like that.

Or maybe they were afraid of you because you were carrying a weapon. 2 swords, to be exact.

Going inside the booth, the smell only got nearer until you got inside of the stall and the smell was a huge bowl of Ramen.

Looking over, you saw an old man turned around.

"Hey. Grandpa."

He'd turn around to face you.


"I want what that guy's having." You said, pointing at the fellow to your right.

He'd go into the back.

You'd take off your straw hat and place it on the counter beside you.

The old man would eventually emerge from the back with a huge bowl of ramen that smelt great.

You'd go into the bag you grabbed and pay the old man, giving him a bit extra.

He'd set the bowl down and place chopsticks beside the bowl.

Saying a quick prayer, you'd then start DEVOURING the delicious bowl of Ramen he placed in front of you.

Finishing the bowl with a burp you'd say,

"Another bowl, please."


You'd exit the booth.

"Thanks for the food."

Continuing down the busy street crossing the intersection, you'd notice some people tailing you.

Blending into the crowded area, you'd slip around the corner and effectively disappear from their sights.

'Where'd he go?! It can't be that hard to follow someone with a straw hat on in a crowd!'

They'd look around for a moment and saw no one with a straw hat on in the crowd.

Searching around a little more, one of them would go down an alleyway searching for you.

Nothing turning up, they'd turn to leave before you silently hopped down behind them and place one of your swords against the neck of the giant that stood at 7'0.

"I could kill you right now. So, tell me, why are you following me?"

Noticing someone above you, you'd jump back, and someone came slamming down in front of you, kicking up a bit of smoke.

"You know, I don't appreciate you threatening my team members." They spoke through the smoke.

"And I don't appreciate you all following me."

"Touché. But it's not everyday someone lands down in the middle of Vale carrying two swords and wearing a straw hat."

"Vale...?" You said, gathering your thoughts as the smoke cleared.

"Yeah, Vale. Unfamiliar?"

"Ah, yeah, Vale is another one of the kingdoms." You said remembering.

"So, who are you, straw hat?" You looked over and saw some girl no older than 18.

"I'm (Y/N)...?"

"Why'd that sound like a question?"

"Never mind. Let's talk elsewhere. I'm not liking this scene of the dark alleyway."

Before they could even react, you were already behind them at the exit of the alleyway, putting your straw hat back on.

"Run along. And tell your two friends to stop hiding. I already found them."

'This guy definitely isn't normal...'

They'd take out their scrolls and call their teammates.

"He already knows you're there. Just stop hiding Fox and Velvet. We're going to follow him."

"Okay, Coco."

Coco would hang up.

"Yatsuhashi, get moving."

Yatsuhashi nodded.

They'd follow you, and you'd take a seat at a table at a playground.

Team CFVY would approach the table, and you'd look over.

"That guy. He's blind, right?" You asked, pointing at Fox.

"He is. How'd you know?" Coco asked.

"When you were all following me, I could feel your gazes on me every gaze. I knew there were 4 but only felt 3 gazes on me, so I drew the conclusion of him being blind." You said, taking off your straw hat and placing it on the table.

"May I ask an intruding question?" Fox asked.


"Do you have any aura?"

"Nope! Not a single bit."

'And he moved like that?' Coco thought.

"I figured... I couldn't sense your aura at all."

"Yep. I have no aura."

"Then who are you?" Coco asked.

"I already told you. I'm (Y/N)."

"Well, (Y/N) what kingdom are you from? You seemed to be confused about being in Vale."

"I'm from Atlas."

"Atlas...? Far from home, eh?"

"I wouldn't call that place home."

"Oh. Allow me to introduce my team. My name is Coco Adel, the leader of Team Coffee. This gentle giant is Yatsuhashi Daichi. Our faunus friend here is Velvet Scarlatina. And my blind friend here is Fox Alistair."

A/N: Couldn't find a good picture of Yatsuhashi and didn't bother searching for very long.

"Nice to meet you all."

They all took a seat at the table.

"So, why are you in Vale (Y/N)?" Yatsuhashi asked.

"I just ran to the closest place I could find."

Yatsuhashi titled his head questioningly.

"Oh, I've been in the forest for 9 years."

They all looked at you, surprised, even Fox.


"Dude... How old are you?" Yatsuhashi asked.

"Um... Around 25."

"... You've been in the forest since you were 16?" Fox asked.


Coco rubbed her forehead with a sigh.


"So, where are we going again?"

"We're going to Beacon."

"Ah yeah."

She had been taking you to Beacon to meet this Professor Ozpin guy since he was interested in the straw hat swordsman who suddenly appeared in Vale.

They take you through the schools, getting looks from the students all pointed at you.

You all eventually reached this place that was apparently Professor Ozpin's office.

He was standing staring out of the window of his high up office with a mug in hand.

He'd take a sip before turning to you.

"There you all are." He spoke, looking at you and Team CFVY.

"Ah, this the guy?" You asked, looking at Coco.

"Yes. This is Professor Ozpin."

"Would you leave me with our visitor, Team Coffee?"

"Yes, sir."

Team CFVY left.

"Do you want to take a seat?" Ozpin spoke, motioning to the chair in front of his desk.

"Sure." You went over and took the seat and would take off your straw hat and place it on the desk. "So, what's up Ozpin?"

"(Y/N), was it?"


"No last name?"

"Nah. I abandoned my last name. Just a useless bond chaining me to useless people."

"I apologize for you feeling that way against your family.'

"They aren't my family. My only family is dead now."

"Sorry for bringing it up."

"it's fine. Now..." You'd sit up straight. "Why do you want to see me?"

He'd take a sip from his mug of tea.

"You piqued my interest the second my students told me about you. I'm interested in the straw hat samurai."

"Wow... I've only been here for maybe an hour, and I already have fans."

Ozpin chuckled to himself.

"Yes, you do. News usually travels fast in Vale. Even Lisa Lavender has spoken to me about having her eye on you."

"Lisa Lavender...?"

"A news reporter in Vale."


"Now for why I had you brought here."

"I assumed it wasn't to say some news reporter is interested in me."

"What combat school did you go to?"

"I didn't go to combat school."

"Your semblance?"

"Don't have that either."

"Mm. How old are you?"

"25 years young."

"Mhm. Would you mind doing a test?"


"For my personal speculations."



You were standing on some sort of battle stage.

'Hm...... Do I show off? Or do I just give them a show?'

Stepping onto the stage was some sort of redhead.

You'd bow respectfully, and she'd do the same.

Suddenly, a sword came flying at her, surprising her as she'd raise her shield to block it.

'He threw... But how was it thrown in that way?'

"You're thinking too much." You said already next to her.

Bringing your sword down in a downward slash, you noticed your sword going sliding off the side of her shield.

She'd use that chance and counterattack with a quick thrust forward.

With a large leap backwards, you'd create distance.

Your sword sliding off her shield didn't go unnoticed by you.

'... Hm... That was strange.'

Looking up, you noticed she had already closed the distance between you.

She'd shift her grip on her weapon to a reverse grip and deliver an upward slash.

With a swift and smooth pivot, you'd go outside and deliver a slash to her abdomen in a swift motion.

She turned with a slash that'd make you take a step back.

"You're just a bundle of surprises, aren't you?"

"Can't be a predictable fighter."

Her weapon shifted into a rifle, and she began firing shots at you.

Using your sword, you'd either cut or deflect the shots.

You'd both dash at one another, your sword slamming into her shield, making a loud thud that resounded through the room.

In strange fluidity and sync, you both leapt back before dashing forward again, your sword crossing with her weapon that was now a javelin.

She'd bash you with her shield and you'd leap back, landing gracefully beside your other sword.

"This is fun."

You'd lean down and grab your sword and she'd toss her weapon at you, and it sailed through the air, cutting through the air as well.

Positioning your right sword forward and left sword back, you'd wait for the javelin and notice in your view she had also thrown her shield at you as well.

With a swift motion, you'd do a downward directing the javelin down into the ground.

Turning your attention to the shield flying at you, you'd take notice of the shield's counterclockwise spin as you used both of your swords to block the shield.

It'd gain speed while grinding against your two blades before getting embedded in the ground.

"Mhm..." You'd sheath your blades. "I see now... Your semblance its polarity, isn't it? Originally, I thought it was telekinesis of some sort, but you never used it on me directly but my weapons. You had changed the direction of my downward slash, so it'd slide off your shield and leave me open for a counterattack. And just now you increasing the spin of your shield."

The lights would come on and thus reveal Ozpin and someone standing beside him.

"Very good." Ozpin said, clapping.

"You fight well." She said, coming over and collecting her weapons.

"You as well. It was a fun fight."

"Pyrrha Nikos." She said, extending her hand, now known as Pyrrha.

"(Y/N)." You said taking her hand and shaking it.

"Just (Y/N)?"

"Eh, more or less."

"Well, Just (Y/N) it was nice meeting you. Maybe we'll see each other again?"

"If our paths cross again, let's not be strangers."

"Definitely. You owe me another spar. Both of us going all out this time."

"Deal." You both had challenging smirks on your faces.

"Thank you for your compliance, Ms. Nikos."

"Anytime Ms. Goodwitch. I had a fun time." Pyrrha would then begin to leave. "Nice meeting you again (Y/N)."


"So, (Y/N)..." Glynda said, making you turn to look at her.

"Quite an impressive show you put on for us." Ozpin chimed in.


"It really was. Not everyone is able to even lay a hand on the proclaimed "Invincible Girl". None the less someone without aura or a semblance." Glynda spoke, looking down at her scroll before looking up at you, who had just sat down on the edge of the stage.

"So, allow me to ask. Who are you (Y/N)?"

You'd hop on the ground and dust yourself off.

"You just said it. I'm (Y/N). No one special."

She looked into your golden right eye; the left being covered by your hair.

She'd sigh.

"Well, (Y/N) this was a test to see if my hunch was correct. And it was... You're powerful (Y/N). So, I want to offer you a job as a huntsman."

You'd stand there before shrugging.

"Sure. Why not?"


"But I have something to say first."

"What is it?"

"I've never seen a Grimm before." You deadpanned.

~Word Count 3701

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