The Earth We Once Knew - John...

By charlieburns44

1.9K 41 0


Day 1
Day 1 : Part 2
Day 1 : Part 3
The Burn
Wrongfully Accused
Down Bad For You
Breaking Point
The Virus
Pay Back
Sky Crew
Hello Father
Stir Crazy
Goodbye, Spacewalker
Peace with You
To You
Promised Land
Eight Six Days
Our Happy Ending


40 1 0
By charlieburns44

As we all started to slowly get better, Bellamy sent us back to work. I guess Clarke said something about giving us a second chance, worst decision ever if I might add. I stood in the meat hut with Murphy and Octavia as we were hanging up animal met when Del started to walk in with more wood

Del- let's get this party smoking

he started to add more wood to the fire as Octavia looks at him than back at the meat

Octavia- you don't want the fire too big, so maybe just try to knock it down with some wet leaves

Del- you get that from your boyfriend, grounder pounder?

she looks at him as Murphy walks behind him to hang up more meat

Murphy- she's right. a hot fire is not going to preserve the meat very well

Del- you can't take the heat, get out of the smokehouse. should be kissing our asses for being allowed back in this camp

I move from my spot and shouldering the guy as Murphy pulls me back to him, so my back was against his chest as I played with his blade that was in his pocket

Phoneix- watch yourself.

Del looks at me before looking at Octavia

Del- just keep working

he walks out as I move from Murphy giving him back his blade as I start kicking the dirt as I do already slightly ticked off from that guy

Murphy- your brother couldn't get you a better job? would think anything would be better than working in the meat furnace

Octavia- oh probably. that just means someone else would have to do it.

she walked out of the hut leaving us in her alone as I scuffed making Murphy look at me

Murphy- what is it?

Phoneix- so what are you all buddy buddy with them now?

Murphy- what? no, I'm just trying to get along with them so that there are no more issues is all

Phoneix- why? they tried to kill you Murphy, they banished us for trying to do what was right AND not to mention her brother was about to blow our heads off two days ago

he shook his head running his fingers through his hair as he looked at me 

Murphy- I'm just trying to keep us out of trouble and keep the chaos at bay

i walked to him so I was up in his face as he looked down at me

Phoneix- why? the chaos has just begun. 

I walked out of the smokehouse leaving him confused inside it as I walked to do another job. while i was doing my job when a man spoke

Man- whoa! guys! fire!

another man- go go go! all right, come on!

I turned my head to see the hut was on fire and murphy came out holding onto this green thing as Bellamy helped Octavia out checking on her, I ran over as Murphy looked at me

Phoneix- what the hell happened?!

Octavia- the wood from the fire, caught the whole thing on fire

I was about to say something when Murphy stood up

Murphy- this is all your fault

he stormed towards Del as i watched

Murphy- we told you it was too much wood!

Del- get the hell away from me!

he shoved Murphy which caused Murphy to punch him as they begun to start fighting, I jogged over with Bellamy as we begun to pull them apart

Bellamy- hey hey!

Phoneix- murphy enough!

Bellamy pulled them away from each other as I watched sighing not looking at Murphy

Bellamy- hey, stop! save it for the grounders!

Octavia- bell, now what the hell are we gonna do? that was all our food!

Murphy stood back watching the fire as I did too shaking my head slowly backing up

Phoneix- yeah not my problem

Bellamy- Phoneix- *cuts off*

I turned to walk off as Murphy looked at me. *later that day*  I stood at the table skinning fish as Murphy was trying to talk to me but again was ignoring him when raven walked over

Raven- the hunters are back? is Finn with them?

Phoneix- I don't think so

she walked behind us when i spoke again

Phoneix- hey relax, I'm sure Clarke is keeping him out of trouble or should I say his mistress

Murphy lightly hits my shoulder which I ignore as Raven stops in her tracks, but she just walked off making me chuckle. *a little bit later* I walked to the drop ship as I saw Myles laying on the makeshift bed moaning as I rolled my eyes walking behind him as I grabbed a empty plastic bag from the ground. I went behind him and put the bag over his head holding it as he struggled and tried to yell just like Miles

Phoneix- this is for tying the noose that they used to hang Murphy

he grabbed my arms struggling as I held it there not losing my grip

Phoneix- say hi to Colin for me

he struggles for a while longer before stopping as I sigh removing the bag when I hear a clank, I turn my head to see Jasper coming down the ladder as I scuff. he came down the ladder as I moved more in front of the bed when he looked at the gun, i did the same before we both ran to it but I grabbed it first pointing it at him as he held his hands up

Jasper- Phoneix, just put the gun down

I look at Myles than back at Jasper still keeping the gun pointed at him

Phoneix- he tried to kill Murphy

Jasper went to move back but I pointed the gun right at his face making him stop

Phoneix- hey! don't move

Jasper- ok ok it's cool

Phoneix- no it's not, you know what will happen to me if you tell Bellamy

I heard the walkie-talkie go off as Bellamy's voice comes through it

Bellamy- tell bellamy what?

Phoneix- give me the radio, Jasper

Jasper slowly pulls the radio out but instead of giving it to me, he turns it on

Jasper- Phoneix has a gun and she killed Myles

i quickly hit him in the head with the gun as he falls to the ground 

Bellamy- Phoneix, what the hell are you doing?!

I walk to the entrance and press the button closing the door as it's almost shut I hear my name being called

Bellamy- Phoneix! Phoneix! open the damn door!

Phoneix- you try to be a hero, Jasper dies!

the door closes as i stand there looking at jasper chuckling as I shook my head

Phoneix- if only you kept your mouth shut, you wouldn't be here right now.

I stood there all night not moving, not looking away from the wall that was until I heard Octavia's voice

Octavia- Phoneix! Phoneix, if you even touch Jasper. i swear to god your dead!

I didn't say anything as I stood there till the walkie went off

Bellamy- Phoneix, I know you can hear me. all our ammo and food is in the middle level, you know that. you're leaving us vulnerable to an attack I can't let that happen

I scuffed grabbing the walkie

Phoneix- yeah, well in case you haven't noticed you're not exactly in control right now

Bellamy- come on Phoneix, you don't want to hurt Jasper you want to hurt me

I looked at Jasper as he speaks again

Bellamy- so what do you say? how about you trade him for me? all you have to do is let him go and I'll take his place

Phoenix- how?

Bellamy- simple. you open the door, I walk in, he walks out

I sigh walking over to the button opening the door as I lift up Jasper standing behind the curtain with the gun to his back

Phoneix- just you Bellamy, unarmed! 10 seconds or I'll put one in jasper's leg!

I started to count up from one as I wait

Bellamy- I'm here!

Bellamy walks in as I shove Jasper out, I start to close the dropship when someone jumps in, I point the gun at them as the door closes making the person look at me. it was Murphy

Murphy- you really thought I was going to let you have all fun?

he smirked at me as I sighed point the gun at Bellamy

Phoneix- now the party has officially started.

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