His librarian

By everlove2069

280K 4.6K 1.3K

Kahli Luca, 25, is the leader of the the most fearless gang in town. He only talks to his his close friends a... More

Getting to know me :)
Chapter 1💕
Chapter 2💕
Chapter 3💕
Chapter 4💕
Chapter 5💕
Chapter 6💕
Chapter 7 (part 2)💕
Chapter 8💕
Chapter 9💕
Chapter 10💕
Chapter 11💕
Chapter 12💕
Chapter 13💕
Chapter 14💕
Chapter 15💕
Chapter 16💕
Chapter 17💕
Chapter 18💕
Chapter 19💕
Chapter 20💕
Chapter 21💕
Chapter 23💕
Chapter 24💕
Chapter 25💕
Chapter 26💕
Chapter 27💕
Chapter 28💕
Chapter 29💕
Chapter 30 (last chapter..)💕

Chapter 22💕

5.7K 97 40
By everlove2069

Kahlis pov

I am currently sitting at the meeting for more shipments, I just dropped off Athena's bag and her food.

I really hope she is eating it.

I know her dad is home so I had to practically pry myself away from her house and go to this fucking meeting.

I have been dealing with that small Russian gang for a few months now. Every time we get a lead on them they vanish under the radar.

If I knew that they weren't all complete assholes I would try to work with them but now, not even a chance.

They stole our shipment and we caught one of their gang members in my restaurant. The guy's name was Mattie and he gave us some information after we tortured him for a week.

He said that they were planning something big and that's all he said before Tyler got a little too trigger-happy. Asshole!

I was telling my team how the new security was going to be set up when I got a phone call. I looked down and was ready to hang up but I saw her name pop up on my screen.

After she hung up I was already grabbing as many guns as I could. She told me someone had broken in and that she was really scared.

I felt my heart race in my chest as I ran down the stairs. Tyler was there when I got the call so he was also grabbing guns and men.

I got downstairs and felt a hand grab my arm. I turned around and saw Sofi. She walked over to me and put her nasty hands on my cheeks.

I pushed her away but she practically jumped on me. "Please, just forget about her..." I pushed her to the ground and punched her in the face making her groan in pain.

I pulled out my gun and shot her in the head.

I ran out of the house and ran to the car and sped all the way to her house. I just hope I am not too late...I can't lose her.

When I saw her house I barely parked my car and jumped out. My heart dropped when I saw her dad not home meaning she was home alone.

The door was opened and I ran in while trying to look around. I tried yelling out for her but she wouldn't answer.

I felt my heart race faster and faster as I ran to her room. I slammed the door open and tried to look around her room.

I stopped when I heard a small whimper coming from her closet. I ripped the door open and instantly dropped to my knees in front of Athena's bloody body.

I slowly picked her up and she whimpered in pain. I closed my eyes trying not to cry but I accidentally let one fall.

She put a warm hand on my cheek and I looked down at her sweet face. "I'm okay." I shook my head at her.

She's anywhere but okay! And it's all my fault whether she believes it or not.

I walked outside and half of my men were all standing by the vans, ready to kill some people. My baby screwed her eyes shut and I nodded my head to them.

They instantly got back into the van and I walked over to Tyler. He looked at me with a serious face and he mouthed the word 'Russian' I nodded and he sighed.

He looked down and his face immediately softened as he looked at Athena. He told her that she was a tough cookie but I didn't really care I just want to get her back to my place.

The whole way home I felt her stiff body on my chest. I felt wetness on my shoulder and I started to get some tears in my eyes.

My baby...

She tried to look at me but I moved her head back down. I know that if she saw me she would get all worried and forget about herself.

I felt wetness on my shirt and I was really hoping it wasn't what I thought it was. Athena cried in pain making Tyler step on the gas.

When we got back to the base I walked to my room and she accidentally saw Sofis's blood on the floor but I quickly made her look away.

After I got her cleaned up I kissed her one last time before asking her what happened.

She took a deep breath and explained everything to me. "These three really big guys came in and I ran to my room and hid, and then they found me and started hitting me, and then one of them bent down and said that his name is 'Marek' and that I was 'too pretty for this life' which is a total lie..but then you got me and I'm here..." I leaned forward and placed my forehead on hers.

I felt pissed but at the same time, I felt terrible that she had to go through that just because of me.

Her body got really stiff and I know she is holding in tears. I got up and walked around the bed.

I got in and pulled her in by her waist making sure not to hurt her. I tilted her head up and cupped her cheek. "Cry. Don't hold it in, I'm here and I won't judge you." I spoke while rubbing her cheek.

She snuggled into my chest and suddenly she let out the loudest, heart-shattering sobs. Her sobs filled my ears and I felt my heart squeeze.

I rubbed her back and she cried harder. I know that all of these tears aren't just from today. "Its okay baby let it all out," I whispered in her ear as her body shook with more sobs.

If my room wasn't soundproof I'm pretty sure the whole house could hear her cries. Her voice started to give out so I know I have to stop her before she gets hurt or lost her voice.

I slowly took her head out of my chest and she tried to go back to her hiding spot. "No! Let me go back...please." I wanted to give in but I didn't want her to have no voice.

I tilted her head up and shook my head. She whimpered and nodded while kissing my palm. She may not notice but I picked up that trait from her.

She let out a sigh and I leaned down and kissed her busted lip. She hissed and I tried to pull away but she pulled me back in.

She won't let go of me and I don't think I truly want her to. She pull away for air and looked up at me.

Her red puffy eyes were almost swollen shut she had a bruise on her jaw and a giant shoe mark on the side of her face, she also had a black eye and busted lips that were slightly swollen.

I got up out of bed and she tried to grab my arm, I turned around and bent down to her level. "Just stay here I will be right back." She nodded and turned her head and I walked out of the door.

Marek...I know that name. He is the leader of the Russian gang. It's fucking stupid because the Russian mafia is fine with me, but the gang hates me.

Well then again everyone does. Nobody asked you brain. Fucking dumb ass.

I got to the kitchen and saw Tyler with his head in his hands, he had a cup of whiskey in front of him. "I failed her dude. Both of my sisters." I shook my head and grabbed an ice pack.

As I was walking out he asked the question I really didn't want to answer. "How is she doing?" Shit, I didn't even know truly and that pissed me off.

I just wanted to help her but she bottle's everything up and I can't get her to just fucking open. "I don't know," I answered and quickly walked away.

I got to the room and saw her playing on my phone. I walked behind her to see her taking photos on my camera.

She tilted the camera up and when she saw me she threw my phone and tried to act like she was asleep.

I chuckled at her childishness and turned her body around, I wrapped the ice pack in a rag and slowly placed it on her eye.

She looked up and tried to move it away and I glared at her. "Don't." I saw mischief in her eyes and I got a tad bit confused.

She suddenly threw it away from her face and looked at the ceiling. She looked over at it and acted surprised. "Oh no! What happened?! Who would do such a thing?" I rolled my eyes while trying to bite back a smile.

I turned my back to pick it up and when I looked back she was gone. "Athena. Get back in bed." I heard a quiet 'no' and sighed.

I looked around my room but I couldn't find her anywhere. I checked the bathroom and heard my bedroom door shut.

When I got downstairs I heard giggling and a deep laugh. I walked into the kitchen to see Tyler giving Athena more spoonfuls of ice cream.

I walked over to her and she looked at me with wide eyes. She whispered into Tyler's ear and he laughed while looking at her.

I tried to scoop her up but Tyler picked her up like a baby and ran like hell out of the kitchen. I sighed and started chasing after them. I felt like a child.

I lost them a few minutes ago and looked everywhere. I even told some guards to look around.

One of my guards came over to me with a small smile. He quickly dropped it when he saw me. "Gym." He said while looking away.

I quickly ran to the gym and opened it quietly. "But how do I tell him I can't just tell him tell him..." I heard her sweet voice and sighed.

It was quiet until I heard Tyler answer her. "I think you should. I mean me and Amirah already do so I see why not." I really hope he is not pure pressuring her into what I think he is.

I walked over to the ring and Tyler looked at me and ran. Before Athena looked back I scooped her up in my arms making her squeal.

I glared at her and she smiled. Stupid cute girl.
"What were you guys talking about?" Her face dropped and she looked around while playing with her fingers.

She shook her head and I sighed. "Nothing really..and what do I tell my dad..he comes home tonight." I didn't want to tell her that we had the place covered with guards because I knew she would freak out.

I placed her back down on my bed and grabbed her phone, I flipped it towards her and her eyebrows pulled together and her nose slightly crinkled. I think I love her.

Wait what...no! It's too soon. Right?

I cupped her cheek while trying to push those thoughts out of my mind. "Tell him that you are spending some time with your boyfriend. Or say we went on a date or something." She shook her head and looked down.

"I can't lie to my dad..." I hate to say it but Marek was right...she is way too perfect for this life.

I sighed and nodded, I know I can't make her do anything...but I may use her sweetness to my advantage just this once.

I walked around and laid on my side facing away from her. I felt her cold hands on my back which almost made me shiver. "Are you okay?" She peeked over and looked down at me and I shook my head.

She seemed to start getting nervous as she started looking around while rubbing my head. "It's just that I wanted to spend more time with you and after everything that happened...I don't wanna let you go." I turned over making her fall on my chest.

I didn't lie I just added more dramatic effect to my words. She looked up at me and brought my hand to her cheek, she placed her soft lips on my hand and I sighed.

She smiled at me and nodded her head. "Okay, but just this once! I don't like lying to my dad." My sweet girl.

She called her dad and he said that she needs to be home by tomorrow morning and that he is trusting me not to pull anything stupid.

I turned on her favorite Disney movie which is Princess and the Frog and she started asking me simple questions.

She had her head on my chest and she was playing with my shirt which felt amazing. "How old are you and when is your birthday?" I chuckled and looked down at her.

I blew out a breath and then answered. "I'm 25 and my birthday is May 21. You?" I knew the answer but I wanted to hear her talk.

She chuckled and tapped my chest while looking up at me. "You are so old! I should find someone my age. And I'm 18, February 5th." I felt a tinge of hurt in my chest and I held her waist tighter.

I looked down at her and her eyes got wide. "Don't say that, joking or not you are mine and nothing is taking you away." I bent down and claimed her lips in mine.

I pushed on her lips making her whine but I didn't care at the moment. She lightly pushed me away and I bit her bottom lip lightly making her whine.

I felt possessive. I wasn't going to allow anyone to take my girl away from me. She was mine and I was hers.

She pushed me away and looked at me with wide eyes. "Kahli, I-I was just joking with you.." I blew out a breath of air and got up from the bed.

I heard her calling out for me to stop but I just walked out of the room. I don't know why I exploded on her.

I need to deal with Marek. I'm not letting her get hurt again.


I was cooped up in my office for what seemed like hours trying to get some lead on this damn Marek guy.

I looked down at the time and sighed as the clock read 2:30 am. I got up and threw my chair at the wall.

I just want her to be safe. She doesn't deserve to be in pain or to be hurt she doesn't fucking deserve it!

I heard my door open and without looking up I threw a glass at the door. It shattered and I heard a scream. Shattering my heart into tiny pieces just like the glass on the floor.

I looked up to see Athena with wide eyes full of...fear.

I made her fear me.

I walked around my desk and tried to grab her but she pushed away from me and backed away. "I-I have to go home. Kahli, take me home." Her eyes were getting filled with tears and I felt my heart stop.

I felt my knees give out under me as I sat on the floor, on my knees in front of her. My goddess...my girl.

Her once fearful eyes changed to ones full of only concern. Proving my point.

She grabbed my face and angled it up to hers, I put my head on her stomach and held her legs. She rubbed my head and started humming.

She sighed and made me look up at her beautiful face. "Go to bed, with me." I nodded and she got down on her knees in front of me.

She held my face and looked deep into my eyes. "Kahli, I-...You scared me in there early, please don't do that again." I nodded and she leaned in to give me a sweet kiss on my forehead.

She got up and held her hand out for me to take. I took it and slightly bent down.

She looked at me confused but I just picked her up. "You shouldn't have been walking and running around today." She chuckled and shook her head.

Once we got to the room I walked to the bathroom and set her down on the counter. She watched as I bent down and grabbed a toothbrush.

I handed it over to her and she grabbed my toothpaste.

After she was done she looked at the shower and then back at me. I spit out my toothpaste and looked down at her.

She pointed to the shower and I thought for a second. "I don't know...you can't just scrub you have to be-" she cut me off by putting a finger on my lips.

She looked at me and smiled. "That's why I was going to ask for help." My eyes grew wide and I immediately nodded my head.

She chuckled and grabbed the end of her shirt, slowly pulling it up and over her head.

I walked over to the shower and turned the water to warm. I usually take hot showers but I don't want her wounds to burn.

I turned around to see her covering her body I looked only into her eyes as I walked over to her. I slowly grabbed her hands and she slowly let her body relax.

I kissed her nose and moved to her ear. "You have nothing to be ashamed of darling. You are absolutely gorgeous." She was out of breath as I moved away from her.

She got into the shower and turned back to me. "Well, aren't you going to get in?" I took off my shirt and slowly pulled my shoes off.

She watched me as I undid my pants and pulled them down as her eyes trailed down my body. I covered my chest and my hips and looked away like I was shy.

She let out a loud laugh making me smile at the gorgeous woman in front of me. I put on my best girl voice and looked over my shoulder. "Why you naughty little girl! Shame on you!" She laughed hard and I soon joined her.

She turned into the shower and I pulled down my boxers. I opened the shower door and stepped in while looking down at her gorgeous body.

Her back had a few red spots and her back had a few rolls that made her look true to her name. I trailed my eyes to her ass and I almost cried at how gorgeous it was.

She spun around and I looked at her eyes as they traveled down my chest. I leaned down to her ear and I could feel her breathing pick up. "Stop looking at me like that darling." She looked away and I chuckled.

I grabbed my soap and my luffa and slowly started to lightly scrub circles down her silky body. "You are gorgeous...you are sexy...you are so powerful, baby." I kissed over her skin and moved over her wounds.

She let her head fall back onto my chest as I washed her chest. I looked down at her boobs and almost died. They had stretch marks showing their natural beauty.

I shook my head, trying to control myself around her as I rubbed soap over and under her breast. She whimpered and arched her back, pushing more of her boobs into my hands.

I rinsed her off and tapped her ass making her gasp. I stood under the shower and felt warm hands on my chest.

I looked down to see Athena- the goddess of wisdom and warfare. She fits her name so well.

She had her hand on my chest and she slowly moved it downwards but I stopped her hand. "Not tonight baby. I want to, trust me." She smiled and nodded her head in understanding.

I quickly washed my body and turned the shower off. She got out and started shaking so I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around her and then quickly took another towel and wrapped it around my waist.

I gave her a pair of my sweats and one of my shirts, but when she walked out she only had my shirt that looked like a dress on her.

I chuckled and signaled her over, I laughed when I looked down and saw my sweats around her ankles.

I had just boxers on because I didn't like wearing clothes to bed. I bent down and picked up the sweats and pulled the string making her gasp.

I tied the string and rolled them up and they barely stayed up. But it got the job done.

We both climbed into bed and I pulled her in by her waist, pulling her closer to my chest. She started to close her eyes and she was soon out like a light.

I soon fell asleep, feeling at ease with her in my arms.

Hey, guys hope you enjoyed it! -love the author. Word count:3583

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