Message In A Bottle


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[INVISIBLE STRING SEQUEL!] September 6, 2022. 6:17am. TrueQuill has posted a new message. BlueInk has posted... Еще

Aug 25
Aug 27 (Part 1)
Aug 27 (Part 2)
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Sep 6
Sep 10
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Sep 20
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Dec 2

279 7 123

Name: LilacBerry

Posted on: December 2. 12:12am.

Message: why do i feel like im the one who went through a breakup when it literally doesn't concern me urgh...


Name: CloudShift

Comment posted on: December 2. 12:45am.

Comment: Aww that sucks, maybe sleep and maybe you'll feel better?


Name: LilacBerry (Original Poster)

Comment posted on: December 2. 12:50am.

Comment: thats probably valid advice but ive just been looping teardrops on my guitar for an hour ;-;

drewww looks at me i fake a smile so he won't seeee


You have a new message from BlueInk.

"hey I saw your message, you alright berry?"

Sent: 10:13am

Received: 10:26am


December 2. 10:26am.

LilacBerry is now online.

LilacBerry: yeah it's fine it's not really me who's sad lol

BlueInk is now online.

BlueInk: ohhhh ic

LilacBerry: it's kinda like my crush went through a breakup (ish) and he's depressed

BlueInk: :((

LilacBerry: it doesn't concern me but it makes me sad seeing him sad

BlueInk: Yeah i kinda get that

BlueInk: can't disclose details for privacy reasons but yeah I feel ya

LilacBerry: sigh

LilacBerry: heartbreak hell

BlueInk: And we're having this discussion during free study period

LilacBerry: ha ha ha

BlueInk: (Laughing through the pain)

LilacBerry: we should be studying—

BlueInk: yeah.

BlueInk: Oh whatever

LilacBerry: don't give up just yet lol

LilacBerry: trying to transform my stupid angst into motivation

BlueInk: Ughhhh

BlueInk: my brain feels like scramb led egg

LilacBerry: oughrhckehc yeah

BlueInk: I'm snowy going Insane


LilacBerry: SNOWY LMAO

BlueInk: it's 10pm and it feels like 3am to me

LilacBerry: i don't understand but somehow i do

BlueInk: Suffering from (lack of) success

BlueInk: I feel like dying

LilacBerry: aaaAaAAA

LilacBerry: in flop era fr

BlueInk: Hahah

BlueInk: I am literally so moody rn

BlueInk: Looping All Too Well currently

BlueInk: does that appease you as a Swiftie

LilacBerry: omg all too well (!!!!)

LilacBerry: that's an emergency oh no





BlueInk: That song is so AAAAA i understand swifties now

LilacBerry: swifties are very powerful they're trying to sue ticketmaster

BlueInk: haha wow

LilacBerry: yeah anyways

LilacBerry: should prob work on my stuff don't wanna die bc exams

BlueInk: Ohh good luck

LilacBerry: you too!

LilacBerry: hope you feel better soon and take care! :heart:

BlueInk: :)


December 2. 11:37am.


Bree is now online.


Conner: aaaaAAAAAa

Conner: to be fair having exams before xmas is better than having itbAFTER

Conner: Because imagine studying over the break

Bree: Will be literally staring at my textbooks tears in my eyes when the clock strikes and the new year comes

Conner: in a couple weeks after exams when winter comes we'll be OVER IT

Bree: YEAH

Bree: We are being great students tho by texting in class

Conner: we're amazing role models :heart:

Bree: Haha just don't get caught like you always do

Conner: :D


The general atmosphere at school was tense because exams were coming soon. Conner and Bree were off for their writing club meetings, Alex was enjoying the non-single life, leaving the semi-awkward duo of Fred and Danielle together.

Fred wasn't having the best sleep for a variety of reasons. And instead of studying, he was spending his days watching World Cup matches (read: procrastinating) and some of them weren't even that interesting. At least he was doing fine at basketball. (Fred had one (1) priority.)

Danielle was frantically combing her hair at the lunch table. Fred idly noticed that her hair seemed longer; was she growing it out? "My hair's gotten tangled from running in the wind," she explained, referring to her PE class.

Fred took a look at her. Red cheeks, red ears, red hair. He couldn't tell whether the red was from exertion or the cold— maybe it was both (plus something else in the mix). "That kinda sucks," Fred said just to carry on the conversation.

"Nah, I quite enjoyed running, it gets rid of my nervous energy. Even if it makes my hair a mess." Fred watched as Danielle untangled her hair with her dainty fingers. "Doing sports reduces stress. I guess you're familiar with that."

Fred snorted. "Oh yeah, definitely. I would be depressed if it wasn't for basketball. And it kinda sucks that Coach is suspending practice for now because of exams and we're all supposed to study... like I can practise on my own, but basketball is a team sport..."

Danielle made a sympathetic noise. "Yeah, that's sad. You share a community with them. It's a whole friend group."

"Yeah," Fred exclaimed empathetically. He was glad that someone seemed to understand him. "And now it's been cut off. Obviously, everyone has different lives and different priorities, but I still love connecting and meeting up with everyone. Like, it's where I get my energy from."

"Typical extrovert," Danielle chuckled under her breath, albeit affectionately. Then she raised her voice. "I mean, if you want to do some sports solo, you can borrow my ice skating pass."

"Oh?" Now that Fred recalled it, Danielle liked ice skating. "Is that allowed?"

Danielle gave a nonchalant shrug. "Yep! I've practically grown up on the rink. They're cool with it. I'm studying with friends after school so you can use my pass today if you like."

"Huh. That would be great, actually, thanks." Fred hadn't expected it, but it would be nice to do a different sport for a change.

"No problem." Danielle had finally stopped fiddling with her hair. "And yeah, speaking of skating, I'm looking forward to the ski trip in January."

Fred's face instantly lit up. Now that was a welcome distraction. "Yeah, I've heard of it. The school's finally doing something nice for the students for once."

Danielle sighed. "But we'll have to get through the exams first. No pain, no gain, I guess."

Fred gave a dramatic huff. "It is how it is."

But at least Fred now had something to look forward to in the new year. And that raised his spirits a little.


Imagine that your girlfriend broke up with you because of a serious mistake you made (because you were distracted by the fact that your dad was literally in the hospital), and the problem was solved by your now-ex girlfriend's popular best friend who probably has a crush on her. She then ghosts you for a summer and more, you guys have a nice mature discussion for once, then a month and a half later she's dating the most popular guy in the school. And her popular best friend, who definitely has a crush on her, now looks like sad little puppy.

That was the life Rook Robins was living.

He was over Alex most of the time, but sometimes, he caught himself reminiscing and thinking of what they could've been. But their relationship was definitely over and neither of them wanted anything to do with it now. And alongside 70% of people on their year, Rook thought Alex would get together with Fred anyway. And Rook would've been fine with it. Fred seemed like a nice person and he clearly cared a lot about his friends (especially Alex). So Rook waited for the inevitable moment and mentally prepared to congratulate Alex and Fred.

Except she'd gotten together with Arthur instead.

Rook wasn't much of a Hayford fanboy (he did feel more inclined to like Fred over Arthur because he actually knew Fred), but as popular Fred was, Arthur was on a whole another league. He was legendary. He had a whole legacy in front of him. His last name was Pendragon. He played soccer. He was blond. Wow. What a guy.

No need to crush Rook's ego more than it was already crushed.

It had taken months for Rook and Alex to be together, and that wasn't a complaint. Rook had liked their slow buildup and it was at a pace comfortable to him. So he'd been surprised when Alex got together with Arthur after two weeks. In Scotland, which was definitely the most romantic place in a cold, bleak November. It felt a little like a slap to his face, to be honest. Heck, Rook had fallen for Alex almost instantly but even he wouldn't do anything that rash after two weeks.

And to see them laugh and giggle together, those two damn lovebirds... it hurt.

Not because Rook still wanted to be with Alex. He'd long past that point. It was more like, how incredulous it was to date someone after knowing them for two weeks? Rook was jealous of the Disney-movie esque development. Like, that was just unreal. And they looked so happy together.

(Happier than he'd ever made her...)

Rook was Very Much Fine but he also put his heartbreak playlist on blast. He was glad to see that Alex was happy, but their lovey dovey affection felt like it was shoved in his face. Alex and Rook kept their relationship private and Rook ended up liking the intimacy, and here Alex was, broadcasting her destined love with Arthur for every one to see. It was like... it was like Rook never existed.

Well, not literally. Thankfully Rook was still alive (for now).

But then again, if Arthur had chosen Alex, that meant she was on his league as well. And honestly? Good for them.

Rook knew Alex was shy in middle school even when they didn't know each other well then. She became bolder as she grew up and Rook was attracted to her drive and idealism. Last year was a dream for her because she (and him) saved that beloved building of hers. Alex was always destined for great things, and Rook was just a poor farmer's son.

Rook was too soft for all of it— he knew he wasn't great, or smart, nor did he have the potential to be a leader. He didn't offer much. He even failed what he was supposed to do last year and Fred did his job better than he ever could. All he could give was— nothing.

Okay, that was a little too self-deprecating. Rook genuinely believed he and Alex were good for each other at the start of their relationship. They were silly and clumsy and had stumbled into highschool romance wide-eyed and innocent. They were on the same page and they relied on each other. They had been cute highschool sweethearts even if the ending was bitter.

But they both grew much and matured, Alex quicker than Rook did. They wanted different things, needed different things. And Rook, silly old Rook with a family to worry for, wasn't good enough for her anymore.

Alex wanted to move forward, to explore her potential. And while Rook supported her, he knew he couldn't be on the same path as she was anymore. It would do neither of them any good if he trailed after her. He had to let her go, let her fly free in the infinite sky instead of holding her down.

So perhaps she was meant to be with Arthur after all. Two skilled, charismatic leaders, shining like stars in the night sky. Or whatever.

So Alex got who and what she wanted. Good for her.

They were meant to set foot on different paths anyway.

And so Rook would congratulate her, the heroine of her story, while realising in the end, he was just a footnote in the long story of her life, a memory watching over her from the sidelines.

Rook sighed, a bittersweet smile forming on the corners of his lips.

Good for her indeed.


School finally ended, and Fred had a lot of pent up frustration. He took up Danielle's offer and borrowed her skating pass. He really needed to move his body or he would explode.

And apparently exercise seemed to be a common theme in his peer group.

It was nothing special, really. Fred took the long way to the rink for no reason (probably to get his mind off things), and then two familiar figures came into view.

Alex and Arthur. Jogging together.

Well. They were exercising, which Fred found... admirable. Or whatever. He swallowed. His throat felt dry.

Fred was actually genuinely prepared to greet them but they didn't see him. And to prevent awkwardness, Fred pretended he didn't see them either. Such was the case of bumping into people you knew in the wild. Those two continued to jog off into the sunset.

Fred wasn't sure why it irrationally bothered him until he remembered a conversation he had with Alex. Something about her picking up sports and doing jogging (with him) as a routine. They had that conversation in like... mid October? It technically wasn't that long ago, but it also felt like an era had passed by since then.

Fred's heart thumped. Dammit. And now she was jogging with Arthur. Once upon a time he'd thought that could be... their thing. His thing with Alex.

No matter. It wasn't his business now.

Fred arrived at the rink and relied on his muscle memory to skate. He wasn't great at it like Danielle was but he wasn't bad either. The rink was quite empty and Fred picked up his speed, going in circles faster and faster, feeling the wind whip against his cheek.

It was exhilarating to move that quickly. Just what Fred needed to cure his moodiness. But the familiar acts of skating bought back memories... of him in middle school when he and his friends were at the rink. And the twins didn't know how to skate. Alex didn't know how to skate, and so Fred taught her. Something had shifted in the air back then, something miraculous and clumsy and shy. And wow, they were so young back then. So innocent and silly. Alex was more timid so Fred looked out for her.

(Or maybe he'd always looked out for her.)

Never mind that now. They weren't stupid middle schoolers anymore. They had both grown up.

But still Fred continued to skate, going around in circles, again and again, relentless in his pursuits despite everything.


Name: Anonymous

Posted on: December 2. 8:15pm.

Message: The damn boiler in the house broke and we have no hot water... we're literally showering with pots and pans lmao. Good thing I don't have long hair. Call this a first world problem or something but it's so annoying that the maintenance can't come tonight when we reported the issue this morning.


Name: Anonymous (Original Poster)

Commented on: December 2. 8:18pm.

Comment: If I was slightly smarter or slightly cringier I would've came up with a dumb pansexual coming out pun but I am also not pan,


Name: BlueInk

Commented on: December 2. 8:20pm.

Comment: Yea the efficiency really sucks sometimes, hang in there bro (gender neutral)


Name: LilacBerry

Commented on: December 2. 8:22pm.

Comment: ah rip, i guess it's gonna be like camping?


Name: Anonymous (Original Poster)

Commented on: December 2. 8:22pm.

Comment: I guess so (has never been camping)


Name: BlueInk

Commented on: December 2. 8:23pm.

Comment: Camping is really fun when the weather's nice :) stargazing is great btw


Name: DollyLlama

Commented on: December 2. 8:25pm.

Comment: I got dragged on a camping trip once and spent every hour missing cheeseburgers my beloved


Name: TrueQuill

Commented on: December 2. 8:25pm.

Comment: sounds like a you problem


You have a new message from Eugene Lee [School].

"Lmao boiler broke down and im suffering and showering with literal pans"

Sent: 8:47pm

Received: 8:47pm


December 2. 8:47pm.

Danielle: awww rip :(

Danielle: WAIT

Danielle: WAITWAIT

Eugene is typing...

Eugene: ?



Eugene: Oh yeah

Danielle: AHA i can find ur acc now and stalk you :)

Eugene: yeah I'll like to see you try :)


You have 2 new messages from Dani >.>.

"i found the message yayy"


Sent: 8:58pm

Received: 9:00pm


December 2. 9:00pm.


Eugene: gotcha ;)

Danielle: >.>


Name: Anonymous

Posted on: December 2. 9:05pm.

Message: i'll find out who you are i swear!!! >o<


Name: BlueInk

Commented on: December 2. 9:09pm.

Comment: LMAO what's going on??


Name: CloudShift

Commented on: December 2. 9:10pm.

Comment: no clue


Name: DollyLlama

Commented on: December 2. 9:10pm.

Comment: +1


Name: Anonymous (Original Poster)

Commented on: December 2. 9:11pm.

Comment: i'm watching carefully...


Name: BlueInk

Commented on: December 2. 9:11pm.

Comment: CREEPY


Name: CloudShift

Commented on: December 2. 9:12pm.

Comment: lmao weirdo /affectionate


December 2. 9:13pm.

Danielle: help they're calling me weirdos

Eugene: yeah I saw lol

Eugene: deserved.

Danielle: hmph

Eugene: stop throwing temper tantrums lol

Danielle: im not lol

Eugene: ur kinda cute when ur worked up

Eugene: lol

Danielle: lol


A/N: Eugene being a simping clown again. He's hopeless. They're all hopeless. Also the boiler thing is based after real events. It's quite frustrating.

Halfway through writing this I realised Rook was probably suffering more and I had neglected his existence. So here's a bit of him. I feel bad for him now. Relevant songs include Midnight Rain and Sweet Nothing. Like: "I was making my own name, chasing that fame // He stayed the same // All of me changed like midnight"...

Don't worry, Fred stops moping soon (and by that I mean he stops doing that next chapter).

Thanks for reading!! Would love to hear your thoughts! I really need to make chapters shorter lmao :D

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