Lifeafter; The era of the Rev...

By BoundsNovel

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(Art by me. Took me a while to do this. So this is the new book cover :3) Humanity has always been curious cr... More

Chapter 1: Survivor
Chapter 2: Encounter
Chapter 3: Rescued?
Chapter 4: End
Author notes and Comment section
Chapter 5: Rebirth
Chapter 6: New beginning
Chapter 7: Hordes
Chapter 8: Nemesis
Author note and comment section #2
Chapter 9: Memories...
Chapter 10: Redemption
Chapter 11: Reunion
Chapter 12: Camp Bound
Chapter 13: ???
The REAL Chapter 13: Mayor
Chapter 14: Breather.
Chapter 15: Resolve
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17: discovery...?
Authors note and comments #4
Chapter 18: disbelief
Chapter 19: Mistakes...
Chapter 20: Mayor
Chapter 21: Maniac
Chapter 22: Growth
Author note and comment section #5
Chapter 23
chapter 25: New life
chapter 26: A change in era
Chapter 27; Future
Author's Note and Comment Section #6
Chapter 28: Scientia's Revelation
Chapter 29: Light in the Corolla
Chapter 30: Mother's domain.

Chapter 24: Panther...

31 5 0
By BoundsNovel

The night were always my Favourite time to relax. Yet, this time there was no relaxation for me.
My silver hair blew to the side as I slowly stared down at the scenery. Massive ruins of buildings. And yet, only a single structure stood tall; though a little affected. The mansion like castle known as black pearl castle, At least that's what I thought it was stood massively at the center

    Aiding me on this adventure we're Zandof, Seraph, Vira and around 11 more revenants. Where each 11 had either a weapon of some sort. Be it a shotgun, rifle or a blade.
They all stood behind me; awaiting my orders as I gently hummed to the quiet night.

    "Shall we begin...?" I said gently as everyone jumped down and made their way towards the ruins.

It should be obvious now, we were like scavengers. Searching for bodies, materials; basically  anything we could use be it alive or dead. But our main goal was to strengthen ourselves. A war with Mother felt inevitable and I needed to be prepared if truly it comes.

   Few minutes passed and I soon joined them below. I slowly stood up from the tree I was in and jumped down to the ruined scenery in-front of me.
  Walking slowly, I scanned and observed my environment; my mind processing what had happened here. It looked like a fortress, at least the castle looked magnificent and grand yet it fell so easily. Were the infected overwhelming during the early stages? Or was it a fatal mistake that caused such demise..

    Seraph soon appeared behind me as he showed me a few supplies we could add to the cave. Vira followed next with a few dead bodies which I began separating for food and for warriors.
Once that was done, they rejoined my side and followed me as I walked around; slowly making my way towards the castle itself.

   Halfway there however, we encounter a horde of infected. This wasn't surprising though as it was common to see at least an infected in every area and part of this destroy world.
They were either roaming or sleeping; not minding us any attention.

   "No matter how I see it mistress, it bothers me we were once like them." Seraph said, his deep voice soothing to my ears.

   A small smile formed once he spoke as I heaved a sigh gently. Vira twirled with her hair for a few seconds before turning to notice some other bigger infected.

    "A small amount of mutants should be around here. If a good team of survivors come here, they wouldn't have any problems.." Vira pointed out as I held my chin in thought.

  "I have a feeling some might have already and lost a few of their members.." I said softly as I stared at male corpse infront of me. The logo of his camp fading gently on his left breast pocket.

   Ignoring it seconds later, we finally arrived at the foot of the castle. Truest magnificent despite its current state. It surely was more divine during its prime days before the incident. Truly saddening..

   Just before we entered, I got a glimpse of Zandof soaring through the skies. He stopped for a brief moment as I smiled at him before he continued what he was doing leaving us to return our gazes to the entrance. We slowly entered, pushing the wooden door open and emerging in the hallway.

    "....hmm..." I said as Seraph and Vira began exploring the rooms leaving me to roam about.

  Despite the broke furnitures, dried up blood and the few dead bodies of infected, I could imagine how exquisite this place once was. The furnitures alone would have cost a fortune. Who ever lived here must be one greedy bastard... then again, some could be very polite.

   I made my way up the stairs only to abruptly halt in tracks. Blood..? It was still fresh. The scent alone was enticing. There were no blood stains anywhere near the stairs, however, I could perceive the faintest of it somewhere here. Curious as I was, I followed the scent trail of blood. Moving from room to room as they had a giant hole in them.

    Five to Ten minutes after, I finally arrived at the room with the strongest scent. I placed my right hand on the door and gently pushed it open.
    I found myself inside what looked like a kids room. A girls room to be exact. The walls were a dark pink covered with moss. Some of the wall paint where fading off as well. I looked around the room before noticing the corpse of an infected here. It's head was stabbed with a giant kitchen knife... actually, it had multiple stab wounds on the head before the final blow was given.

    Some distance away from it was a little girl, she was gasping for air gently as she laid in a pool of blood. How did she get here? Was she the one who killed the infected?
  I slowly approached her, her weak little pants filling the room as the bite mark on her neck oozed with blood. She also had a deep wound at the side of her waist which also oozed out blood.

   "M-mama...." She weakly called out as she stared up at the ceiling.

  It was...pitiful. So pitiful I didn't notice when tears had formed from the corner of my eyes. It was until it landed on my hand did I realize how affected I was emotionally. Why wouldn't I... it reminded me of how I lost my dad and mum and how I had to survive on my own.

   Observing the room, my eyes widened upon realization. How didnt it dawn on me all this while?
The girl here had been surviving by herself for quite a while. She made a makeshift fort bed. Had some bruises on her fingers and face not because of the infected but because of the tools she had been using.
She looked around the ages of 12 now that I observed her face.

  She must have noticed my presence because at that moment, her eyes slowly trailed to my position.

"M-mama...?" She weakly said while stretching her left bloody hand out to me.

   I reached out to it gently as her small hands wrapped around my first and middle finger while tears ran down her eyes. She tried uttering a word but the blood must have finally reached her lungs and fully covered her throat. She gasped for air even more, her eyes weakly locked onto mine as the color of life slowly faded away from it.


I knelt there for a few seconds, feeling the gentle stream of liquid flow down my cheeks as I stared at her body. Around her neck was a bloody necklace with the name Lily. I assumed that to be her name.
  I wiped off the remaining tears off my face before gently picking her up. For what reason? I had no idea..
whether to bury her or eat her was what went through my mind. But in the end, for whatever reason, I decided to take her back with me.
I looked around in her room for a few more minutes before noticing a panther shaped plushy in the room. More specifically, near the make-shift fort bed.

  Next I noticed a picture frame on the table. Though covered in dust, I managed to make out a well dressed family at which she wasn't the child of. Was she a child of the maids? Clearly she wasn't wearing anything maid like or even rags..Or was she a child from outside who managed to find her way here..?
  Not dawning on it for too long, I made my way out of the room with the girls corpse in hand. Minutes later, I was outside the castle where I waited for Seraph and Vira to return which they did seconds later.

   "Mistress.." Vira said gently as she noticed the little girls corpse. A frown was still stuck on my face as I stared at the girl.

"I'll be bringing her along... " I said as she nodded gently.

   Just then, a loud explosion was heard which caught our attention. From the sound, it came from behind the castle and then a series of gun fires followed after. The 11 revenants that we're roaming the place soon came back as well as Zandof who landed right beside me.

  "Survivors.. a lot of them." Zandof said as I tilted my head in thought.

   I ignored the explosion for now and grabbed a nearby infected and brought it closer to the group. I ordered the 11 revenants to move some distance away. They didn't need to know how I did this. It wasn't necessary.

  Just like always, I pulled out the heart of the little girl as well as sliced off the head; opening it to grab the brain.
Vira made a small blue flower bloom as I grabbed a near by bowl and kept the brain inside, mixing it with the flowers nectar till it formed a bluish crimson liquid.
The infected I grabbed was female, but what I was skeptical about was it this would work. I had never tried it on dead children before.. would it give them an adult body with the mind of children? That was the current problem rushing through my mind.

Heaving a sigh and coming to a conclusion, I lifted the bowl and the heart of the girl before forcing my hand through the female infected with the heart in hand.
Once it opened it's mouth, I poured the liquid inside it's mouth till it was empty before vines began sprouting from the ground.

"Watch over this with the others..." I said to Zandof as he nodded gently.

I asked the 11 revenants to return before selecting two amongst them to join me. Once they moved over to my side, I transported everyone else along with the infected back to the Corolla where it would later enter an evolution state inside the cocoon that would be formed upon arrival.

With the remaining two revenants along with Seraph and Vira, we made our way towards the gunshots and the screams of the infected.
Upon arrival, we landed on a near by destroyed truck as we watched a group of survivors in a heated battle against a groups of infecteds.

  The battle was heating up very intensely. I could feel their heavy panting and shaky faith as the hordes kept coming.

  "They might get overwhelmed..." Vira pointed out as I watched gently; debating on whether I should help them or not.

    Slowly standing up, I stretched gently, a yawn escaping me before turning around to walk away. They would survive, they had enough bullets to. And possibly grenades even. Even if I helped them they'd shoot me on sight since I am The Revent Queen..
So helping wouldn't make sense anyway.

Just as we were about to make our exit, a familiar voice shot trough the sounds of the hordes. A voice I hadn't heard from in such a long time. I turned around to see a female shouting on top a destroyed car. My eyes widened in shock to see her.

"For fuck sake! How many hordes are there!!!!" She shouted as the female below giggle gently.

"Sorry for dragging you into this Grr, we needed a bit of hand on this mission." She said as grr smiled gently.

"No problem. After all, Gordon over here is gonna buy me a full course meal!" She shouted as the supposed male named Gordon laughed out.

"If we make it out of here that is!" He shouted as he sliced up a zombie with his katana before keeping it back in its case and pulled out his shotgun.

why was Grr there? Was the team from her camp? No they had different logos. So maybe an alliance? Just when I thought my support wasn't needed.
I was foolish to think they would survive this, more hordes of zombies were coming from all the gun shots and even a few mutants had caught up to the sound. They wouldn't make it out.

"Let's go..." I said with a low growl as Seraph and Vira smirked.

"That's our mistress... out for those who mean more to her... quite selfish.." Seraph said as I smirked gently.

"Aren't we all?" I said before giving off a loud roar.

The roar echoed through the air as the attention of the infected and the survivors shifted towards my position,

"No way... is.. is that?" Gordon said as both Grr and the other female stared at me.

Seraph, Vira and the other two revenants jumped down and ran towards the horde, slashing their way forward. I however smiled gently as I watched most of the zombies change their attention from the survivors and towards my revenants.

It wasn't long before two mutants came, iron arm; the infected with a giant metalic arm and a missile on his shoulder and baby.. one of the infecteds brides child.

The two with a few other infecteds aimed for Grr and the five other survivors there which caught them off guard.
"Everyone get down!!" One of the females shouted. Her hair was the color of the morning sky and she had a sort of star tattoo on her left cheek. She looked more like the leader of the party and was the one that was talking with grr earlier. Her outfit was again the assault armor only this one was red in color. Standard armor I guess for a place like this.

Baby walked forward before its eyes glowed gently and a toxic beam shot out from its eyes towards the car, everyone jumped or moved off the car as it got coated with the blue toxic.

I smirked gently as I summoned my blade from the vines before crouching down and leaping into the air.
I was launched quite high into the air falling down towards iron arm. It seemed to have noticed me after the truck I was on made a crushed sound as it turned its gaze towards me and launched a few missiles at me. I dodged them in mid air before grabbing the hilt of my sword tighter. It held his iron arm up to defend itself as I came racing down faster.

With a single growl, my blade connected with its arm and sliced it off. The large metal crashing into the ground. Unlike the first time I faced this type of mutant, this time they were relatively easier to deal with.

"Out of my way." I growled as I summoned the vines around to wrap around its legs before three shot out from the ground and pierced its head.
A blue spore flower formed from its chest as I stole its ability before turning my attention to baby.

"What the fuck is going on!? Why is the Revent Queen and the mutants fighting each other?!" The female leader shouted.

"Are you asking me!" Gordon followed up as they took their steps back.

"Just stat away and we will be fine" that was Grr talking.

I turned to her as our eyes connected. She stared at me for a few seconds as though I looked familiar. I smirked gently before turning to baby who began charging at me.

Caught off guard, I jumped to the side only to meet its charge again, its pattern was new to me as it was the first time facing it. I had to dodge or jump away each time it charged at me before it finally stopped. Next was it's charged beam attack which I used my blade to block.

It was strong. The beam was strong. Strong enough to push me back as I kept blocking. Once it finally stopped I ran forward in an attempt to slice its leg only to be disturbed by its large arm slamming down.
I stopped and took a step back while the ground that connect with it was smashed to bits. At that moment, the vines below grew out and wrapped around its arm as I ran towards it and sliced at its arm.

It's body was thick. Very thick that even my blade wasn't able to fully cut. However I was able to give it a deep wound which it groaned in pain and forced its hand out of the vines grasp while its other hand knocked me off the ground and into the castle building.

A groan escaped my lips as I pushed myself off. Vira, Seraph and the other two revenants joined my side.

"Are you alright mistress?" One of the revenants asked, her soft voice slightly calming.

"I'm fine, that baby packs quite a punch." I admitted as it held its arm and fell on its butt before screaming and whaling loudly.

God that was irritating to hear. So much so I had to cover my ears while it did so. At this point I lost all motivation to attack it. Mainly because the survivors took the opportunity to run away. Now I had to deal with a monster size baby as it cried.

It wasn't long before I felt a familiar rumbling effect. Out of nowhere, a loud crash sound filled the air as a large infected Burst through the building beside me.
It was an infected bride. But thankfully it wasn't mother. Any infected bride within the area would run towards an infected baby. At least that was what I found out.

She went towards it which finally caused it to calm down before turning to my direction. She walked towards me and growled gently, I growled back confidently. After a few seconds it made a sound that resembled scoffing? Or was I hearing things.
Either way, it returned its gaze to the baby which caused me to heave a sigh.

"The survivors haven't gone far. Should we go and check on them?" Vira asked as I nodded. And off we went; leaving the bride and her baby alone with a bunch of infected bodies around.

Few minutes later, we eventually found where the survivors had gathered. It was In the forest, close to a cave entrance. They had set up a camp fire and was treating their wounds as well as discussing on something. I however was up a tree; eavesdropping on their conversation.

"That really surprised me..don't you think Lena?" Gordon said as he looked to the blue haired female. That most likely was Lena.

"Yeah.. to think the Revent Queen and the infecteds aren't allies." She said as she wrapped a bandage over her left arm.

"The Queen is rather strong though... she sliced up and killed the mutant with the metal arm easily." Said another female.

Her blond hair reminded me of the sunflowers when I was younger for some reason, maybe because the colors were pretty close. She wore a blue assault armor and her face was filled with scars and small dried up blood.
The other person beside her was probably a twin as they looked a lot alike and finally another male aside Gordon rested on the log. His dark hair blew to the side gently as he relaxed his muscles after grr wrapped some bandages around his thighs.

"...The Revent Queen..." She said gently before I jumped down.

Landing down behind them, my entrance startled them as they quickly grabbed their weapons and pointed it at me.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" Lena shouted as held her A2 assault rifle tightly.

I stared at them gently before grr stood up and stood infront of them.

"W-wait wait! Don't shoot." Grr pleaded as Gordon gave a confused look.

"Are you kidding me?! That's an infected behind you, get behind us or you'll die!" He shouted as I smiled a bit.

"Now why would I kill her..." I said gently as they all blinked.

"Did... did she just.."

"I was right..." Grr began as she turned around to face me with a small smile. "Soulen... is that really you?"

I nodded gently as she walked towards me and hugged me gently, I stared at the other survivor who stayed dumbfounded on what was going on. I simply hugged Grr while smiling.

"I really am getting tired of this by chance meet ups.." I said as she giggled a bit.

"Yeah... it's me.. it's me Soulen..."


Oh my God this took me way too long to do.... I am so so sorry everyone that I suddenly went MIA. I truly am sorry. I have a test coming up in a week now and my final exams in a month so I didn't have time for this.

That and also a huge writers block. I literally rewrote this chapter a lot because of it.

I'm going to have to stop for now and focus on my up coming Test and exam but will be back once it's all done.

Thank you all for reading my book, it means a lot to me. I'll see you all later in August or September. 😘😁

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